
127 lines
5.2 KiB

* Since the XML_Serializer package is not yet stable,
* we must use our own package. The package has a bug fix applied
* that is required for the Localizer XML files to work.
require_once 'XML/Serializer.php';
require_once 'XML/Unserializer.php';
global $g_localizerConfig;
// Maintenance Mode allow to add languages and edit default language
$g_localizerConfig['MAINTENANCE'] = TRUE;
// Debug Mode to display additinal info
$g_localizerConfig['DEBUG'] = FALSE;
// The default language, which forms the keys for
// all other languages.
$g_localizerConfig['DEFAULT_LANGUAGE'] = 'default_DEFAULT';
// Filename prefix for translation files.
$g_localizerConfig['FILENAME_PREFIX'] = 'locals';
// Order keys alphabetically?
$g_localizerConfig['ORDER_KEYS'] = FALSE;
// Delete unsed key from non-default language files on sync?
$g_localizerConfig['DELETE_UNUSED_ON_SYNC'] = TRUE;
// Filename prefix for the global translation file -
// a file that is always loaded with the particular
// locals file.
#$g_localizerConfig['FILENAME_PREFIX_GLOBAL'] = 'globals';
// Set to a specific type if your code is using that type.
// Currently supported types are 'gs' and 'xml'.
// You can also set this to the empty string and the code
// will do its best to figure out the current type.
$g_localizerConfig['DEFAULT_FILE_TYPE'] = 'xml';
// The top-level directory to the set of directories
// that need translation files.
#$g_localizerConfig['BASE_DIR'] = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/admin-files';
$g_localizerConfig['BASE_DIR'] = dirname(__FILE__).'/';
// The top-level directory to the set of directories
// that need translation files.
#$g_localizerConfig['TRANSLATION_DIR'] = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/admin-files/lang';
$g_localizerConfig['TRANSLATION_DIR'] = dirname(__FILE__).'/lang/';
// Name of the XML file that contains the list of supported languages.
$g_localizerConfig['LANGUAGE_METADATA_FILENAME'] = 'languages.xml';
// File encoding for XML files.
$g_localizerConfig['FILE_ENCODING'] = 'UTF-8';
// For the interface - the relative path (from DOCUMENT_ROOT)
// of the icons directory
#global $Campsite;
#$g_localizerConfig['ICONS_DIR'] = $Campsite['ADMIN_IMAGE_BASE_URL'];
$g_localizerConfig['ICONS_DIR'] = 'icon/';
// The size of the input fields for the admin interface.
$g_localizerConfig['INPUT_SIZE'] = 70;
// List supported file types, in order of preference.
$g_localizerConfig['FILE_TYPES'] = array('xml', 'gs');
$g_localizerConfig['LOADED_FILES'] = array();
// Map of prefixes to directory names.
$mapPrefixToDir = array();
$mapPrefixToDir[""] = null;
#$mapPrefixToDir["globals"] = null;
// mapPrefixToDir = array( //
// localisation_filename = array( //
// path = start search here (relativre from localizer install folder //
// depth = how deep is recursive search from path //
// filePatterns = array of matching file names //
// execlPattern = pattern string of files which have not to be scanned (e.g. hidden files, .cvs) //
// funcPatterns = array of patterns descriping string which have to identified and position of match //
// display = screen name displayed in select menu //
$g_localizerConfig['mapPrefixToDir'] = array(
'application' => array(
'path' => '../',
'depth' => 1,
'filePatterns' => array('/(.*).php/'),
'execlPattern' => '/(\/\.|^\.)/',
'funcPatterns' => array('/_retMsg( )*\(( )*\'([^\']*)\'/iU' => 3, '/(put|get)gs( )*\(( )*"([^"]*)"/iU' => 3),
'display' => 'Application'
'templates' => array(
'path' => '../templates',
'depth' => 2,
'filePatterns' => array('/(.*).tpl/'),
'execlPattern' => '/(\/\.|^\.)/',
'funcPatterns' => array('/##([^{}]*)##/U' => 1, '/{tra[ ]*str=\'([^\']*)\'.*}/iU' => 1),
'display' => 'Templates'
'masks' => array(
'path' => '../formmask',
'depth' => 1,
'filePatterns' => array('/(.*).php/'),
'execlPattern' => '/(\/\.|^\.)/',
'funcPatterns' => array('/[\'"]label[\'"] *=> *[\'"]([^\'"]+)[\'"]/iU' => 1),
'display' => 'Forms'
'localizer' => array(
'path' => '/',
'depth' => 1,
'filePatterns' => array('/(.*).php/'),
'execlPattern' => '/(\/\.|^\.)/',
'funcPatterns' => array('/(put|get)gs( )*\(( )*\'([^\']*)\'/iU' => 3, '/(put|get)gs( )*\(( )*"([^"]*)"/iU' => 3),
'display' => 'Localizer itself'
$g_localizerConfig["MAP_PREFIX_TO_DIR"] = $mapPrefixToDir;