
505 lines
15 KiB

* @package Campcaster
* @subpackage htmlUI
class uiBrowse
* @var uiBase
public $Base;
* @var string
private $prefix;
* A pointer to the SESSION variable: ['UI_BROWSE_SESSNAME']['col']
* It has the following structure:
* The first index denotes which column you are referring to.
* There are three possible columns.
* For each column, the following keys are possible:
* ['category'] --> selected category
* ['value'] --> an array of one value, the selected value
* ['values']['cnt'] --> number of values
* ['values']['results'] --> array of values, indexed numerically
* ['criteria'] --> criteria for one column, see top of BasicStor.php
* for description of these values. The criteria of all three
* columns are merged together to make $this->criteria.
* ['form_value'] --> the value as used in the HTML form
* @var array
private $col;
* A pointer to the SESSION variable: ['UI_BROWSE_SESSNAME']['criteria']
* This array ultimately is passed to DataEngine::localSearch(). Look
* at the top of the BasicStor.php class for the structure of this
* variable.
* @var array
private $criteria;
* @var string
private $reloadUrl;
public function __construct(&$uiBase)
$this->Base =& $uiBase;
$this->prefix = 'BROWSE';
$this->col =& $_SESSION[constant('UI_'.$this->prefix.'_SESSNAME')]['col'];
$this->criteria =& $_SESSION[constant('UI_'.$this->prefix.'_SESSNAME')]['criteria'];
//$this->results =& $_SESSION[constant('UI_'.$this->prefix.'_SESSNAME')]['results'];
$this->reloadUrl = UI_BROWSER.'?popup[]=_reload_parent&popup[]=_close';
if (empty($this->criteria['limit'])) {
$this->criteria['limit'] = UI_BROWSE_DEFAULT_LIMIT;
if (empty($this->criteria['filetype'])) {
$this->criteria['filetype'] = UI_FILETYPE_ANY;
if (!is_array($this->col)) {
// init Categorys
} // constructor
public function setReload()
$this->Base->redirUrl = $this->reloadUrl;
} // fn setReload
* Initialize $this->col. Each column contains
* @param boolean $reload
* @return void
public function setDefaults($reload=FALSE)
$this->col[1]['category'] = UI_BROWSE_DEFAULT_KEY_1;
$this->col[1]['value'][0] = '%%all%%';
$this->col[2]['category'] = UI_BROWSE_DEFAULT_KEY_2;
$this->col[2]['value'][0] = '%%all%%';
$this->col[3]['category'] = UI_BROWSE_DEFAULT_KEY_3;
$this->col[3]['value'][0] = '%%all%%';
for ($col = 1; $col <= 3; $col++) {
$this->setCategory(array('col' => $col,
'category' => $this->col[$col]['category']));
array('col' => $col,
'category' => $this->col[$col]['category'],
'value' => $this->col[$col]['value']));
if ($reload === TRUE) {
} // fn setDefaults
* @return array
public function getCriteria()
return $this->criteria;
} // fn getCriteria
* @return array
public function getResult()
return $this->results;
} // fn getResult
public function browseForm($id, $mask2)
foreach ($mask['pages'] as $key => $val) {
foreach ($mask['pages'][$key] as $v){
if (isset($v['type']) && $v['type']) {
$tmp = uiBase::formElementEncode($v['element']);
$mask2['browse_columns']['category']['options'][$tmp] = tra($v['label']);
for ($n = 1; $n <= 3; $n++) {
$form = new HTML_QuickForm('col'.$n, UI_STANDARD_FORM_METHOD, UI_HANDLER);
$form->setConstants(array('id' => $id,
'col' => $n,
'category' => uiBase::formElementEncode($this->col[$n]['category'])));
$mask2['browse_columns']['value']['options'] = $this->options($this->col[$n]['values']['results']);
$mask2['browse_columns']['category']['attributes']['id'] = "category_" . $n;
$mask2['browse_columns']['value']['attributes']['id'] = "category_value_" . $n;
$mask2['browse_columns']['value']['default'] = $this->col[$n]['form_value'];
uiBase::parseArrayToForm($form, $mask2['browse_columns']);
$renderer = new HTML_QuickForm_Renderer_Array(true, true);
$output['col'.$n]['dynform'] = $renderer->toArray();
// form to change limit and file-type
$form = new HTML_QuickForm('switch', UI_STANDARD_FORM_METHOD, UI_HANDLER);
uiBase::parseArrayToForm($form, $mask2['browse_global']);
$form->setDefaults(array('limit' => $this->criteria['limit'],
'filetype' => $this->criteria['filetype']));
$renderer = new HTML_QuickForm_Renderer_Array(true, true);
$output['global']['dynform'] = $renderer->toArray();
return $output;
} // fn browseForm
* Set the category for audio file browser. There are three columns
* you can set the category for. All columns greater than the current
* one will be cleared of their values.
* @param array $p_param
* Has keys:
* int ['col'] - the column you are setting the category for
* string ['category'] - the category for the given column
* @return void
public function setCategory($p_param, $redirect="true")
// input values
$columnNumber = $p_param['col'];
$category = uiBase::formElementDecode($p_param['category']);
// Set the new category for this column.
$this->col[$columnNumber]['category'] = $category;
$previousValue = $this->col[$columnNumber]['form_value'];
// For this column and all columns above this one, reset the values
for ($i = $columnNumber; $i <= 3; $i++) {
$this->col[$i]['criteria'] = NULL;
$this->col[$i]['form_value'] = '%%all%%';
// Reload the criteria
$tmpCriteria = $this->criteria;
// We put a limit here to because some categories will select
// way too many values.
$tmpCriteria["limit"] = 1000;
$tmpCriteria["offset"] = 0;
// For this column and all columns above this one,
// reload the values.
for ($i = $columnNumber; $i <= 3; $i++) {
$browseValues = $this->Base->gb->browseCategory(
$this->col[$i]["category"], $tmpCriteria, $this->Base->sessid);
if (!PEAR::isError($browseValues)) {
$this->col[$i]['values'] = $browseValues;
$browseValues = null;
if($redirect) {
$this->Base->redirUrl = UI_BROWSER.'?act='.$this->prefix;
} // fn setCategory
* Set the value for a category. This will cause the
* search results to change.
* @param array $parm
* contains the following indexes:
* int ['col']: column number
* string ['value'][0]: the search value for the given category
* string ['category']: the category to search
public function setValue($p_param, $redirect="true")
$columnNumber = $p_param['col'];
$value = $p_param['value'][0];
$category = $p_param['category'];
$this->criteria['offset'] = 0;
$this->col[$columnNumber]['form_value'] = $value;
if ($value == '%%all%%') {
} else {
$conditions = array('cat' => uiBase::formElementDecode($category),
'op' => '=',
'val' => $value);
$this->col[$columnNumber]['criteria']['conditions'] = $conditions;
// Clear all columns above this one of selected values.
for ($tmpColNum = $columnNumber + 1; $tmpColNum <= 3; $tmpColNum++) {
$this->col[$tmpColNum]['criteria'] = NULL;
$this->col[$tmpColNum]['form_value'] = '%%all%%';
// Update the criteria
$tmpCriteria = $this->criteria;
// We put a limit here to because some categories will select
// way too many values.
$tmpCriteria["limit"] = 1000;
$tmpCriteria["offset"] = 0;
// For all columns greater than this one, reload the values.
for ($tmpColNum = $columnNumber + 1; $tmpColNum <= 3; $tmpColNum++) {
$tmpCategory = $this->col[$tmpColNum]['category'];
$browseValues = $this->Base->gb->browseCategory(
$tmpCategory, $tmpCriteria, $this->Base->sessid);
if (!PEAR::isError($browseValues)) {
$this->col[$tmpColNum]['values'] = $browseValues;
if($redirect) {
$this->Base->redirUrl = UI_BROWSER.'?act='.$this->prefix;
} // fn setValue
public function refresh($p_param){
$category_1 = array(
'col' => 1,
'category' => $p_param['cat1']
$value_1 = array(
'col' => 1,
'category' => $p_param['cat1'],
'value' => array(
0 => $p_param['val1']
$category_2 = array(
'col' => 2,
'category' => $p_param['cat2']
$value_2 = array(
'col' => 2,
'category' => $p_param['cat2'],
'value' => array(
0 => $p_param['val2']
$category_3 = array(
'col' => 3,
'category' => $p_param['cat3']
$value_3 = array(
'col' => 3,
'category' => $p_param['cat3'],
'value' => array(
0 => $p_param['val3']
$this->setCategory($category_1, false);
$this->setCategory($category_2, false);
$this->setCategory($category_3, false);
$this->setValue($value_1, false);
$this->setValue($value_2, false);
$this->setValue($value_3, true);
* Given an array of category values, prepare the array for display:
* add "--all--" option to the beginning and index all elements by
* their own name. Return the new array created.
* @param array $p_categoryValues
* @return array
public function options($p_categoryValues)
$ret['%%all%%'] = '---all---';
if (is_array($p_categoryValues)) {
foreach ($p_categoryValues as $val) {
$ret[$val] = $val;
return $ret;
} // fn options
* Reload the conditions as set in the three columns.
* @return void
public function setCriteria() {
$conditions = array();
for ($col = 3; $col >= 1; $col--) {
if (is_array($this->col[$col]['criteria']['conditions'])) {
$conditions[] = $this->col[$col]['criteria']['conditions'];
$this->criteria['conditions'] = $conditions;
} // fn setCriteria
public function searchDB()
$this->results = array('page' => $this->criteria['offset']/$this->criteria['limit']);
$results = $this->Base->gb->localSearch($this->criteria, $this->Base->sessid);
if (!is_array($results) || !count($results)) {
return false;
$this->results['cnt'] = $results['cnt'];
$this->results['items'] = $results['results'];
return TRUE;
} // fn searchDB
public function pagination(&$results)
if (sizeof($this->results['items']) == 0) {
return FALSE;
$delta = 4;
// current page
$currp = ($this->criteria['offset'] / $this->criteria['limit']) + 1;
// maximum page
$maxp = ceil($results['cnt'] / $this->criteria['limit']);
$start = $currp;
if ( ($start+$delta-$maxp) > 0) {
// correct lower border if page is near end
$deltaLower += $start+$delta-$maxp;
for ($n = $start-$deltaLower; $n <= $start+$deltaUpper; $n++) {
if ($n <= 0) {
// correct upper border if page is near zero
} elseif ($n <= $maxp) {
$this->results['pagination'][$n] = $n;
if (!isset($this->results['pagination'][1])) {
$this->results['pagination'][1] = '|<<';
if (!isset($this->results['pagination'][$maxp])) {
$this->results['pagination'][$maxp] = '>>|';
$this->results['next'] = ($results['cnt'] > ($this->criteria['offset'] + $this->criteria['limit'])) ? TRUE : FALSE;
$this->results['prev'] = ($this->criteria['offset'] > 0) ? TRUE : FALSE;
} // fn pagination
public function reorder($p_orderBy)
$this->criteria['offset'] = NULL;
if ( ($this->criteria['orderby'] == $p_orderBy) && !$this->criteria['desc']) {
$this->criteria['desc'] = TRUE;
} else {
$this->criteria['desc'] = FALSE;
$this->criteria['orderby'] = $p_orderBy;
} // fn reorder
* Set the current page of results to display.
* @param int $page
* @return void
public function setOffset($page)
$o =& $this->criteria['offset'];
$l =& $this->criteria['limit'];
if ($page == 'next') {
$o += $l;
} elseif ($page == 'prev') {
$o -= $l;
} elseif (is_numeric($page)) {
$o = $l * ($page-1);
} // fn setOffset
* Set the number of results to return.
* @param int $limit
* @return void
public function setLimit($limit)
$this->criteria['limit'] = $limit;
} // fn setLimit
public function setFiletype($p_filetype)
$this->criteria['filetype'] = $p_filetype;
$this->criteria['offset'] = 0;
for ($n = 1; $n <= 3; $n++) {
$this->col[$n]['form_value'] = '%%all%%';
$this->col[$n]['criteria'] = null;
$tmpCriteria = $this->criteria;
$tmpCriteria["limit"] = 1000;
for ($n = 1; $n <= 3; $n++) {
$browseValues = $this->Base->gb->browseCategory(
if (!PEAR::isError($browseValues)) {
$this->col[$n]['values'] = $browseValues;
} // fn setFiletype
} // class uiBrowse