
214 lines
5.8 KiB
Executable File

require_once (dirname(__FILE__).'/Crontab.php');
require_once (dirname(__FILE__).'/../../conf.php');
* This class can call a PHP function from crontab.
* Example:
* <pre>
* $cron = new Cron();
* $access = $cron->openCrontab('write');
* if ($access != 'write') {
* do {
* $access = $cron->forceWriteable();
* } while ($access != 'write');
* }
* $cron->addCronJob('*','*','*','*','*',
* 'ClassName',
* array('first','secound','third')
* );
* $cron->closeCrontab();
* </pre>
* @package Campcaster
* @subpackage StorageServer.Cron
class Cron {
* @var Crontab
public $ct;
* @var array This array created with getCommand() function
private $params;
* @var string available values: read | write
private $ctAccess = 'read';
private $lockfile;
private $cronfile;
private $paramdir;
private $cronUserName;
* Constructor
function Cron() {
global $CC_CONFIG;
$this->lockfile = $CC_CONFIG['lockfile'];
$this->cronfile = $CC_CONFIG['cronfile'];
$this->paramdir = $CC_CONFIG['paramdir'];
$this->cronUserName = $CC_CONFIG['cronUserName'];
/* ==================================================== Cronjob functions */
* Add a cronjob to the crontab
* @access public
* @param string $m minute
* @param string $h hour
* @param string $dom day of month
* @param string $mo month
* @param string $dow day of week
* @param string $className name of class, which's execute() is called by croncall.php
* @param string $params the parameter(s)
* @return bool true if success else PEAR error.
function addCronJob($m, $h, $dom, $mo, $dow, $className, $params)
if ($this->ctAccess == 'write') {
$this->ct->addCron($m, $h, $dom, $mo, $dow,
$this->getCommand($className, $params));
return true;
} else {
return PEAR::raiseError('CronJob::addCronJob : '.
'The crontab is not writable');
* This function return with the active cronjobs
* @access public
* @return array array of cronjob struct
function listCronJob()
return $this->ct->getByType(CRON_CMD);
* Remove a cronjob.
* @access public
* @param int $index index of the cronjobs' array.
* @return bool true if success else PEAR error.
function removeCronJob($index)
if ($this->ctAccess == 'write') {
return true;
} else {
return PEAR::raiseError('CronJob::removeCronJob : '.
'The crontab is not writable');
/* ==================================================== Crontab functions */
* Open the crontab
* @access public
* @param string $access only for listing 'read', for add and delete 'write'
* @return string sucessed access - available values read | write
function openCrontab($access = 'read')
$access = strtolower($access);
$this->ct = new Crontab($this->cronUserName);
if ($access == 'write' &&
$this->isCrontabWritable() &&
$this->lockCrontab()) {
$this->ctAccess = $access;
} else {
$this->ctAccess = 'read';
return $this->ctAccess;
* Close the crontab
* @access public
* @return bool true if everything is ok, false is the lock file can't delete
function closeCrontab()
if ($this->ctAccess == 'write') {
return $this->ctAccess == 'write' ? $this->unlockCrontab() : true;
* Check the crontab is writable
* @access private
* @return bool
function isCrontabWritable()
return !is_file($this->lockfile);
* Try to lock the crontab
* @access private
* @return bool true if the locking is success
function lockCrontab()
return @touch($this->lockfile);
* Try to unlock the crontab
* @access private
* @return bool true if the unlocking is success
function unlockCrontab()
return unlink($this->lockfile);
* If the crontab opened with read access. This function force set
* the access to write.
* @access public
* @return bool true if the setting is success
function forceWriteable()
if ($this->isCrontabWritable() && $this->lockCrontab()) {
$this->ctAccess = 'write';
return true;
return false;
/* ======================================================= Misc functions */
* Get the shell command for the cronjob
* @param string $className name of the class what is called by croncall.php
* @param mixed $params with this parameter could be called the execute() of class
* @return string shell command
function getCommand($className, $params)
$this->params = array (
'class' => $className,
'params' => $params
return $this->cronfile.' "'.str_replace('"','\"',serialize($this->params)).'"';