The **airtime-test-stream** command enables you to send a test tone to a local or remote streaming media server. Press **Ctrl+C** on your keyboard to stop the tone being streamed.
2013-10-31 08:21:11,255 ERROR - \[ : main() : line 99\] - Error connecting to RabbitMQ Server. Trying again in few seconds - See more at:\#sthash.W8OJrNFm.dpuf
but the RabbitMQ server is running normally, this error might be due to a change in the server's hostname since Libretime installation. Directory names under */var/lib/rabbitmq/mnesia/* indicate that RabbitMQ's database files are organised according to the hostname of the server (ex. `rabbit@airtime`) where the hostname is **. If the hostname has changed, it may be necessary to reconfigure RabbitMQ manually, as follows:
3. Enter the following commands to set up authentication and grant permissions. The *rabbitmqctl add\_user* command requires the RabbitMQ password from the /etc/airtime/airtime.conf file as an argument. The *rabbitmqctl set\_permissions* command should be entered on one line, with the list of Airtime services repeated three times: