2011-07-08 23:14:01 +02:00
import sys
import os
import logging
from configobj import ConfigObj
import argparse
from argparse import RawTextHelpFormatter
from api_clients import api_client
import json
import shutil
# create logger
logger = logging . getLogger ( )
# create console handler and set level to debug
ch = logging . StreamHandler ( )
# create formatter
formatter = logging . Formatter ( ' %(asctime)s %(levelname)s - [ %(filename)s : %(funcName)s () : line %(lineno)d ] - %(message)s ' )
# add formatter to ch
ch . setFormatter ( formatter )
# add ch to logger
logger . addHandler ( ch )
# loading config file
try :
config = ConfigObj ( ' /etc/airtime/media-monitor.cfg ' )
except Exception , e :
print ( ' Error loading config file: %s ' , e )
sys . exit ( )
api_client = api_client . api_client_factory ( config )
def import_copy ( args ) :
2011-07-08 23:46:07 +02:00
dest = helper_get_stor_dir ( ) + " /organize/ "
2011-07-08 23:14:01 +02:00
copy_or_move_files_to ( args . path , dest , ' copy ' )
def import_move ( args ) :
2011-07-08 23:46:07 +02:00
dest = helper_get_stor_dir ( ) + " /organize/ "
2011-07-08 23:14:01 +02:00
copy_or_move_files_to ( args . path , dest , ' move ' )
def watch_add ( args ) :
if ( os . path . isdir ( args . path ) ) :
res = api_client . add_watched_dir ( args . path )
# sucess
2011-07-11 20:00:31 +02:00
if ( res [ ' msg ' ] [ ' code ' ] == 0 ) :
2011-07-08 23:14:01 +02:00
print " %s added to watched folder list successfully " % args . path
else :
2011-07-11 20:00:31 +02:00
print " Adding a watched folder failed. : %s " % res [ ' msg ' ] [ ' error ' ]
2011-07-08 23:14:01 +02:00
else :
print " Given path is not a directory: %s " % args . path
def watch_list ( args ) :
res = api_client . list_all_watched_dirs ( )
dirs = res [ " dirs " ] . items ( )
# there will be always 1 which is storage folder
if ( len ( dirs ) == 1 ) :
print " No watch folders found "
else :
for key , value in dirs :
if ( key != ' 1 ' ) :
print value
def watch_remove ( args ) :
if ( os . path . isdir ( args . path ) ) :
res = api_client . remove_watched_dir ( args . path )
# sucess
2011-07-11 20:00:31 +02:00
if ( res [ ' msg ' ] [ ' code ' ] == 0 ) :
2011-07-08 23:14:01 +02:00
print " %s removed from watched folder list successfully " % args . path
else :
2011-07-11 20:00:31 +02:00
print " Removing a watched folder failed. : %s " % res [ ' msg ' ] [ ' error ' ]
2011-07-08 23:14:01 +02:00
else :
print " Given path is not a directory: %s " % args . path
def set_stor_dir ( args ) :
if ( os . path . isdir ( args . path ) ) :
res = api_client . set_storage_dir ( args . path )
# sucess
2011-07-11 20:00:31 +02:00
if ( res [ ' msg ' ] [ ' code ' ] == 0 ) :
2011-07-08 23:14:01 +02:00
print " Successfully set storage folder to %s " % args . path
else :
2011-07-11 20:00:31 +02:00
print " Setting storage folder to failed.: %s " % res [ ' msg ' ] [ ' error ' ]
2011-07-08 23:14:01 +02:00
else :
print " Given path is not a directory: %s " % args . path
2011-07-08 23:46:07 +02:00
def get_stor_dir ( args ) :
print helper_get_stor_dir ( )
2011-07-08 23:14:01 +02:00
#helper functions
# copy or move files
# falg should be 'copy' or 'move'
def copy_or_move_files_to ( paths , dest , flag ) :
for path in paths :
if ( os . path . exists ( path ) ) :
if ( os . path . isdir ( path ) ) :
#construc full path
sub_path = [ ]
print path
for temp in os . listdir ( path ) :
sub_path . append ( path + temp )
copy_or_move_files_to ( sub_path , dest , flag )
elif ( os . path . isfile ( path ) ) :
#copy file to dest
ext = os . path . splitext ( path ) [ 1 ]
if ( ' mp3 ' in ext or ' ogg ' in ext ) :
destfile = dest + os . path . basename ( path )
if ( flag == ' copy ' ) :
print " Copying %(src)s to %(dest)s ..... " % { ' src ' : path , ' dest ' : destfile }
shutil . copy2 ( path , destfile )
elif ( flag == ' move ' ) :
print " Moving %(src)s to %(dest)s ..... " % { ' src ' : path , ' dest ' : destfile }
shutil . move ( path , destfile )
else :
print " Cannot find file or path: %s " % path
2011-07-08 23:46:07 +02:00
def helper_get_stor_dir ( ) :
2011-07-08 23:14:01 +02:00
res = api_client . list_all_watched_dirs ( )
return res [ ' dirs ' ] [ ' 1 ' ]
CC-2514:New airtime-import script
- on -c, -copy, -l, -link, following msg will be displayed
james@james-P35-DS3L:~/src/airtime/python_apps$ python airtime-import.py -l sdfdf
usage: airtime-import.py [-h] [-c] [-l] {move,storage-dir,copy,watch} ...
This script let you do following operations
- import files
- add/remove/list watch folders
- set default storage folder
positional arguments:
sub-command help
copy copy file
move move file
watch operations on watch directory
storage-dir operations on storage directory
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-c, --copy copy file(deprecated. Use "copy" sub-command)
-l, --link link file(deprecated. Use "watch" sub-command)
2011-07-11 21:45:07 +02:00
parser = argparse . ArgumentParser ( description = " This script let you do following operations \n - import files \n - add/remove/list watch folders \n - set default storage folder " , formatter_class = RawTextHelpFormatter )
# for subcommand move
parser . add_argument ( ' -c ' , ' --copy ' , action = ' store_true ' , help = ' copy file(deprecated. Use " copy " sub-command) ' )
parser . add_argument ( ' -l ' , ' --link ' , action = ' store_true ' , help = ' link file(deprecated. Use " watch " sub-command) ' )
subparsers = parser . add_subparsers ( help = ' sub-command help ' )
2011-07-08 23:14:01 +02:00
# for subcommand copy
parser_copy = subparsers . add_parser ( ' copy ' , help = ' copy file ' )
parser_copy . add_argument ( ' path ' , nargs = ' + ' , help = ' path to the file or directory ' )
parser_copy . set_defaults ( func = import_copy )
# for subcommand move
parser_move = subparsers . add_parser ( ' move ' , help = ' move file ' )
parser_move . add_argument ( ' path ' , nargs = ' + ' , help = ' path to the file or directory ' )
parser_move . set_defaults ( func = import_move )
CC-2514:New airtime-import script
- on -c, -copy, -l, -link, following msg will be displayed
james@james-P35-DS3L:~/src/airtime/python_apps$ python airtime-import.py -l sdfdf
usage: airtime-import.py [-h] [-c] [-l] {move,storage-dir,copy,watch} ...
This script let you do following operations
- import files
- add/remove/list watch folders
- set default storage folder
positional arguments:
sub-command help
copy copy file
move move file
watch operations on watch directory
storage-dir operations on storage directory
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-c, --copy copy file(deprecated. Use "copy" sub-command)
-l, --link link file(deprecated. Use "watch" sub-command)
2011-07-11 21:45:07 +02:00
#parser_deprecated1 = subparsers.add_parser('-c', help='copy file')
2011-07-08 23:14:01 +02:00
# for subcommand watch
parser_watch = subparsers . add_parser ( ' watch ' , help = ' operations on watch directory ' )
watch_subparsers = parser_watch . add_subparsers ( )
parser_add = watch_subparsers . add_parser ( ' add ' , help = ' add a folder to the watch list ' )
parser_list = watch_subparsers . add_parser ( ' list ' , help = ' list watch folders ' )
parser_remove = watch_subparsers . add_parser ( ' remove ' , help = ' remove a folder from the watch list ' )
parser_add . add_argument ( ' path ' , help = ' path to the directory ' )
parser_remove . add_argument ( ' path ' , help = ' path to the directory ' )
parser_remove . set_defaults ( func = watch_remove )
parser_add . set_defaults ( func = watch_add )
parser_list . set_defaults ( func = watch_list )
# for subcommand set-storage-dir
2011-07-08 23:46:07 +02:00
parser_stor_dir = subparsers . add_parser ( ' storage-dir ' , help = ' operations on storage directory ' )
storage_subparsers = parser_stor_dir . add_subparsers ( )
parser_set = storage_subparsers . add_parser ( ' set ' , help = ' set a storage directory ' )
parser_get = storage_subparsers . add_parser ( ' get ' , help = ' get the current storage directory ' )
parser_set . add_argument ( ' -f ' , ' --force ' , action = ' store_true ' , help = ' bypass confirmation ' )
parser_set . add_argument ( ' path ' , help = ' path to the directory ' )
parser_set . set_defaults ( func = set_stor_dir )
parser_get . set_defaults ( func = get_stor_dir )
2011-07-08 23:14:01 +02:00
CC-2514:New airtime-import script
- on -c, -copy, -l, -link, following msg will be displayed
james@james-P35-DS3L:~/src/airtime/python_apps$ python airtime-import.py -l sdfdf
usage: airtime-import.py [-h] [-c] [-l] {move,storage-dir,copy,watch} ...
This script let you do following operations
- import files
- add/remove/list watch folders
- set default storage folder
positional arguments:
sub-command help
copy copy file
move move file
watch operations on watch directory
storage-dir operations on storage directory
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-c, --copy copy file(deprecated. Use "copy" sub-command)
-l, --link link file(deprecated. Use "watch" sub-command)
2011-07-11 21:45:07 +02:00
if ( " -c " in sys . argv or " -copy " in sys . argv or " -l " in sys . argv or " -link " in sys . argv ) :
args = parser . parse_args ( [ ' -h ' ] )
else :
args = parser . parse_args ( )
2011-07-08 23:14:01 +02:00
#format args.path
if ( hasattr ( args , ' path ' ) ) :
if ( args . path [ - 1 ] != ' / ' ) :
args . path = args . path + ' / '
args . func ( args )