Accurate time keeping on your server is vital for LibreTime performance. You can confirm that the date and time of your server are set correctly with the `date` command.
The server should respond with the date, time, time zone and year in a format similar to the following example:
Although it is possible to set the date and time of the server manually, this is not recommended because the server clock can drift over time, compromising the accuracy of your broadcast schedule. If your LibreTime server is permanently connected to the Internet, you can synchronize your server to a time server with the **ntp** program. If **ntp** is not on your server, you can install it with `sudo apt-get install ntp`.
On Ubuntu GNU/Linux, the default time server is ``, but there are many other time servers available on the public Internet, including the group of servers listed at for each country. Using a variety of NTP servers located closely to your LibreTime server should produce the most accurate results. For example, for a server in the United Kingdom you could use the following list:
Enter the server names you require, press **Ctrl+O** to write out the `/etc/ntp.conf` file, then **Ctrl+X** to exit **nano**. Restart the **ntp** service with `sudo systemctl restart ntp`.
The data centre which hosts your LibreTime server could be located anywhere in the world. Some servers are set to _Coordinated Universal Time_ or UTC (similar to _Greenwich Mean Time_ or GMT), regardless of their location. LibreTime uses UTC time in its database for scheduling purposes, independent of the server time zone.