22 lines
547 B
22 lines
547 B
#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -u
error() {
echo >&2 "error: $*"
exit 1
# Make sure only root can run our script
(($( id -u) == 0)) || error "this script must be run as root!"
command -v openssl > /dev/null || error "openssl command not found!"
command -v rabbitmqctl > /dev/null || error "rabbitmqctl command not found!"
typeset -r RMQ_USER="airtime"
typeset -r RMQ_PASSWORD=$(openssl rand -hex 16)
# RabbitMQ
echo "Changing password for rabbitmq user '$RMQ_USER' to '$RMQ_PASSWORD'"
rabbitmqctl change_password "$RMQ_USER" "$RMQ_PASSWORD"