The streaming host configuration for LibreTime is shown in the file */etc/airtime/liquidsoap.cfg* which is automatically generated by the **Streams** page, found on the **System** menu of the LibreTime administration interface. For this reason, you would not normally edit the streaming configuration manually, as any changes are likely to be overwritten by the administration interface.
### Database and RabbitMQ hosts {#database}
Optionally, you may wish to edit the file */etc/airtime/airtime.conf* to set the PostgreSQL database host, and the username and password to connect to the database with:
sudo nano /etc/airtime/airtime.conf
You can also set options for RabbitMQ messaging, the LibreTime server and SoundCloud uploads in this file, although you should not normally need to adjust the defaults unless you are running a large LibreTime system distributed across multiple servers. To run the LibreTime server in demo mode, which changes the greeting on the login page and prevents user accounts from being created or modified, set the value of *demo* to 1.
host = localhost
dbname = airtime
dbuser = airtime
dbpass = airtime
host =
port = 5672
user = airtime
vhost = /airtime
web_server_user = www-data
airtime_dir = /usr/share/airtime
base_url =
base_port = 80
base_dir = /
cache_ahead_hours = 1
monit_user = guest
monit_password = airtime
connection_retries = 3
time_between_retries = 60
demo = 0
Save and close the file with **Ctrl+O** and **Ctrl+X**. In order to update the configuration
used by the various components of LibreTime, run the following commands
sudo systemctl restart libretime-liquidsoap
sudo systemctl restart libretime-playout
sudo systemctl restart libretime-celery
sudo systemctl restart libretime-analyzer
### API client configuration {#api}
The LibreTime API enables many types of information about the broadcast schedule and configuration to be retrieved from the LibreTime server. Other than the live-info and week-info data fetched by website widgets (see the chapter *Exporting the schedule*), all API requests must be authenticated using the secret API key stored in the file */etc/airtime/api\_client.cfg* on the LibreTime server. This key is autogenerated during LibreTime installation and should be unique for each server.
If you intend to use the LibreTime API across a public network, for security reasons it is highly recommended that all API requests are sent over encrypted https: and that the web server is configured to accept requests to the api/ directory from specific host names or IP addresses only.
If you have changed the *base\_url*, *base\_port* or *base\_dir* setting in */etc/airtime/airtime.conf* from the defaults, you will probably also have to update the *Hostname* settings in the file */etc/airtime/api\_client.cfg* accordingly.**
bin_dir = /usr/lib/airtime/api_clients
api_base = api
host =
base_port = 80
base_dir = /
### Apache max file size configuration {#apache}
By default, the maximum upload file size is 500 MB, which may not be large enough for some stations, especially if they are uploading prerecorded shows. The setting for this is located in */etc/apache2/sites-available/airtime.config*. Search for and update the following in megabytes:
; Maximum allowed size for uploaded files.
upload_max_filesize = 40M
; Must be greater than or equal to upload_max_filesize
For quick reference, 1024 MB = 1 GB and 2048 MB = 2 GB, but most will be okay with rounding to the nearest thousand. After updating the config file, restart Apache.
Settings for pypo, the playout engine used by LibreTime, are found in the file */etc/airtime/airtime.conf*. After making changes to this file, you will have to issue the command: