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2015-01-15 23:33:47 +01:00
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# A I R T I M E C O N F I G U R A T I O N
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# This is an example configuration for Airtime. If you just want to
# get started with a basic Airtime setup, or don't know if you should
# be reconfiguring any of the following values, just move this file
# to '/etc/airtime/' and rename it 'airtime.conf'.
2015-01-15 23:33:47 +01:00
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
2014-11-28 00:48:03 +01:00
2015-01-15 23:33:47 +01:00
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# G E N E R A L S E T T I N G S
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# These settings are used for Airtime's webserver configuration, and
# for general-purpose properties.
# api_key: The API key for your Airtime installation.
# The value is generated the first time you use Airtime.
# web_server_user: The default webserver user.
# The default is www-data.
# base_url: The host name for your webserver.
# The default is localhost.
# base_port: The port for your webserver.
# The default is 80.
# base_dir: The root directory for your Airtime installation
# on your webserver, relative to the base_url.
# The default is /.
# cache_ahead_hours: How many hours ahead of time the Airtime playout
# engine (pypo) should cache scheduled media files.
# The default is 1.
# airtime_dir: Only used in saas, needed for compatibility.
# station_id: The Airtime station name.
# Only used in saas, needed for compatibility.
# auth: Auth adaptor to user
# Set to local to use the default db auth or specifiy
# a class like LibreTime_Auth_Adaptor_FreeIpa to replace
# the built-in adaptor
2014-12-16 18:24:41 +01:00
api_key =
web_server_user = www-data
base_url = localhost
base_port = 80
base_dir = /
force_ssl =
2014-12-16 18:24:41 +01:00
cache_ahead_hours = 1
airtime_dir =
station_id =
auth = local
2015-01-15 23:33:47 +01:00
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
2014-12-16 18:24:41 +01:00
2015-01-15 23:33:47 +01:00
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# D A T A B A S E
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# These settings are used to configure your database connection.
# host: The hostname of the database server.
# On a default Airtime installation, set this to localhost.
# dbname: The name of the Airtime database.
# The default is airtime.
# dbuser: The username for the Airtime database user.
# The default is airtime.
# dbpass: The password for the Airtime database user.
# The default is airtime.
2014-11-28 00:48:03 +01:00
host = localhost
dbname = airtime
dbuser = airtime
dbpass = airtime
2015-01-15 23:33:47 +01:00
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
2014-11-28 00:48:03 +01:00
2015-01-15 23:33:47 +01:00
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# R A B B I T M Q
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# These settings are used to configure the RabbitMQ messaging
# configuration for your Airtime installation.
# host: The IP address for the RabbitMQ service.
# The default is
# port: The port for the RabbitMQ service.
# The default is 5672.
# user: The username for the RabbitMQ user.
# The default is airtime.
# password: The password for the RabbitMQ user.
# The default is airtime.
# vhost: The virtual host for the RabbitMQ service database.
# The default is /airtime.
2014-11-28 00:48:03 +01:00
host =
port = 5672
user = airtime
password = airtime
vhost = /airtime
2015-01-15 23:33:47 +01:00
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
2014-11-28 00:48:03 +01:00
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# S T O R A G E
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# M O N I T
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# These settings are only for backwards compatibility.
# user: The username for the monit user.
# password: The password for the monit user.
user =
password =
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
2014-11-28 00:48:03 +01:00
2015-01-15 23:33:47 +01:00
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# P Y P O
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# api_client: Set the type of client you are using.
# Currently supported types:
# 1) 'obp' = Open Broadcast Platform
# 2) 'airtime'
# The default is 'airtime'
# cache_dir: The directory for pypo cache files
# The default is '/var/tmp/airtime/pypo/cache/'
# file_dir: The directory for pypo media files
# The default is '/var/tmp/airtime/pypo/files/'
# tmp_dir: The directory for pypo temp files
# The default is '/var/tmp/airtime/pypo/tmp/'
# cache_base_dir: The pypo base cache directory
# The default is '/var/tmp/airtime/pypo/'
# log_base_dir: The base directory for Airtime log files
# The default is '/var/log/airtime'
# pypo_log_dir: The directory for pypo log files
# The default is '/var/log/airtime/pypo'
# liquidsoap_log_dir: The directory for liquidsoap log files
# The default is '/var/log/airtime/pypo-liquidsoap'
# ls_host: Liquidsoap connection host
# The default is ''
# ls_port: Liquidsoap connection port
# The default is '1234'
# poll_interval: Poll interval in seconds
# This will rarely need to be changed because any schedule
# changes are automatically sent to pypo immediately
# This is how often the poll script downloads new schedules
# and files from the server in the event that no changes
# are made to the schedule
# The default is 3600
# push_interval: Push interval in seconds
# This is how often the push script checks whether it has
# something new to push to liquidsoap
# The default is 1
# cue_style: Can be set to 'pre' or 'otf'
# 'pre' cues while playlist preparation
# 'otf' (on the fly) cues while loading into ls
# (needs the post_processor patch)
# The default is 'pre'
# record_bitrate: The bitrate for recordings
# The default is 256
# record_samplerate: The samplerate for recordings
# The default is 44100
# record_channels: The number of channels for recordings
# The default is 2
# record_sample_size: The sample size for recordings
# The default is 16
# record_file_type: Can be either ogg|mp3, mp3 recording requires
# installation of the package "lame"
# The default is ogg
# base_recorded_files: Base path to store recordered shows at
# The default is '/var/tmp/airtime/show-recorder/'
2014-12-16 21:02:53 +01:00
api_client = 'airtime'
2015-01-15 23:33:47 +01:00
# ---------- Cache directories - !! Include trailing slash !! ----------
2014-12-16 21:02:53 +01:00
cache_dir = '/var/tmp/airtime/pypo/cache/'
file_dir = '/var/tmp/airtime/pypo/files/'
tmp_dir = '/var/tmp/airtime/pypo/tmp/'
2015-01-15 23:33:47 +01:00
# ------- Setup directories - !! Don't include trailing slash !! -------
2014-12-16 21:02:53 +01:00
cache_base_dir = '/var/tmp/airtime/pypo'
log_base_dir = '/var/log/airtime'
pypo_log_dir = '/var/log/airtime/pypo'
liquidsoap_log_dir = '/var/log/airtime/pypo-liquidsoap'
2015-01-15 23:33:47 +01:00
# ------------------------ Liquidsoap Settings -------------------------
2014-12-16 21:02:53 +01:00
ls_host = ''
ls_port = '1234'
2015-01-15 23:33:47 +01:00
# -------------------------- Pypo Preferences --------------------------
2014-12-16 21:02:53 +01:00
poll_interval = 3600
push_interval = 1
cue_style = 'pre'
2015-01-15 23:33:47 +01:00
# ---------------------- Recorded Audio Settings -----------------------
2014-12-16 21:02:53 +01:00
record_bitrate = 256
record_samplerate = 44100
record_channels = 2
record_sample_size = 16
record_file_type = 'ogg'
base_recorded_files = '/var/tmp/airtime/show-recorder/'
2015-01-15 23:33:47 +01:00
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
2014-12-16 21:02:53 +01:00
2015-01-15 23:33:47 +01:00
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# F A C E B O O K
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
facebook_app_id = 0
facebook_app_url =
facebook_app_api_key = 0
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# L D A P
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# hostname: Hostname of LDAP server
# binddn: Complete DN of user used to bind to LDAP
# password: Password for binddn user
# account_domain: Domain part of username
# basedn: base search DN
# filter_field: Name of the uid field for searching
# Usually uid, may be cn
# groupmap_*: Map LibreTime user types to LDAP groups
# Lets LibreTime assign user types based on the
# group a given user is in.
hostname =
binddn = 'uid=libretime,cn=sysaccounts,cn=etc,dc=int,dc=example,dc=org'
password = hackme
account_domain = INT.EXAMPLE.ORG
basedn = 'cn=users,cn=accounts,dc=int,dc=example,dc=org'
filter_field = uid
groupmap_guest = 'cn=guest,cn=groups,cn=accounts,dc=int,dc=example,dc=org'
groupmap_host = 'cn=host,cn=groups,cn=accounts,dc=int,dc=example,dc=org'
groupmap_program_manager = 'cn=program_manager,cn=groups,cn=accounts,dc=int,dc=example,dc=org'
groupmap_admin = 'cn=admins,cn=groups,cn=accounts,dc=int,dc=example,dc=org'
groupmap_superadmin = 'cn=superadmin,cn=groups,cn=accounts,dc=int,dc=example,dc=org'