- You can now download audio files from the search screen and from the "Show Content" screen.
- The "Now Playing" screen now shows whether a show is being recorded.
- In the "Playlist Builder" screen, you can now edit the title of the playlist and the description inline, without having to switch to another page.
- When you click on "Add Show", the cursor is placed on the show title field and a default name is automatically filled in.
- It is now possible to cancel a show that was recording.
- An new command-line program was added to verify an installation and help identify where problems are: "airtime-check-system"
- Airtime now runs on Ubuntu 11.04 (though we do not offer support for this).
* Bug fixes:
- Fixed serious problem with the upgrading and installing process. The Airtime install will now automatically detect if you should upgrade or install and take the appropriate action. Reinstalls cannot happen except by using a specific command.
- "Show Contents" screen will now display properly on smaller screens.
- Install/uninstall now works on Debian without needing the "sudo" command.
- Editing a playlist name or deleting a playlist now reflects immediately in the media search window.
- In the "Add Media" page, the "start upload" button vanished after upload. Now it remains there after upload so it is possible to upload again.
- When canceling a playing show, the currently playing audio file still showed as playing. This has been fixed.
- Audio files greater than 100MB were not being played.
1.8.1 - May 2, 2011
* Fixed issue where an track's progress bar would keep updating, even if the track was no longer playing.
* Fixed problem where editing a show would only update some of the show instances.
* Fixed an issue related to editing a show that had instances scheduled in the past.
* airtime-clean-storage command-line utility should now work properly
* Fixed an issue related the "airtime-import" command-line utility
* Fixed an issue with the Airtime Debian package overwriting configuration files
* Fixed some database install issues on Debian
* Fixed an issue with show names and foreign characters causing the show to not start (temporarily disabled allowing the usage of these characters)
* Ability to change metadata tag display format for web streams
* Config files moved to /etc/airtime. This means all config files are in one convenient location and separated from the code, so you can upgrade your code independently of your config files.