Starting in Ubuntu 18.04 LTS, network settings are managed by the Netplan daemon (more info [here]( The Netplan config file is written in yaml and located at */etc/netplan/...*; if no yaml file is present, create one with a name like `##-netcfg.yaml` where ## is a number of your choice.
In this example, `enp3s0` is the name of your network card; check to see what your network card's name is by running `ip -a` or `ifconfig`. Spacing in Netplan config files is two (2) spaces per indent. Using tabs will prevent the Netplan config from starting correctly.
- List your desired static IP address under `addresses` in the XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX/YY format (for more information on this, see [this subreddit thread](
- If your subnet mask is ** then your IP address will end in `/24`, just like the example above.
- Set your DNS server under `gateway4` (this will likely be your router's IP address)
- Set your gateway under `nameservers -> addresses`
Once your Netplan config is set up correctly, run `sudo netplan apply` to update the configuration. Check that your IP address is set to the specified address with `ifconfig` and check to see if you are connected to the internet properly by pinging a known IP (ex. `ping`, Cloudflare's server) or by running `sudo apt update`. If no errors appear, than your server's IP is configured correctly.
| 80 | Default unsecure web port. Needs to be open for the webserver to serve the LibreTime webinterface or if you enable TLS a redirect to the secure web port.|
| 443 | Default secure web port. This is where your LibreTime webinterface lives if you choose to configure TLS.|
| 8000 | Main Icecast instance. This is where your listeners connect if you plan on using your LibreTime server to directly serve such connections. You can also configure external Icecast or ShoutCast instances for this later.|
Once all of the services needed to run LibreTime are installed and configured,
it is important that the server starts them during the boot process, to cut down on downtime, especially in live enviornments.
Ubuntu 18.04 uses the `systemctl` command to manage services, so run the following commands to enable all
LibreTime-needed services to run at boot:
sudo systemctl enable airtime-liquidsoap
sudo systemctl enable airtime-playout
sudo systemctl enable airtime-celery
sudo systemctl enable airtime_analyzer
sudo systemctl enable apache2
sudo systemctl enable rabbitmq-server
If an error is returned, try adding `.service` to the end of each command. For example:
sudo systemctl enable apache2.service
User groups
If you plan to have LibreTime output audio directly to a mixing console or transmitter, the `www-data` user needs to be added to the `audio` user group using `sudo adduser www-data audio`. Otherwise, if an Icecast or Shoutcast server is going to be used without an analog audio output, this step can be omitted.