
339 lines
13 KiB
Raw Normal View History

class Application_Service_CalendarService
private $currentUser;
private $ccShowInstance;
private $ccShow;
public function __construct($instanceId = null)
if (!is_null($instanceId)) {
$this->ccShowInstance = CcShowInstancesQuery::create()->findPk($instanceId);
if (is_null($this->ccShowInstance)) {
throw new Exception("Instance does not exist");
$this->ccShow = $this->ccShowInstance->getCcShow();
$service_user = new Application_Service_UserService();
$this->currentUser = $service_user->getCurrentUser();
* Enter description here ...
public function makeContextMenu()
$menu = array();
$now = time();
$baseUrl = Application_Common_OsPath::getBaseDir();
$isAdminOrPM = $this->currentUser->isAdminOrPM();
$isHostOfShow = $this->currentUser->isHostOfShow($this->ccShow->getDbId());
//DateTime objects in UTC
$startDT = $this->ccShowInstance->getDbStarts(null);
$endDT = $this->ccShowInstance->getDbEnds(null);
$start = $startDT->getTimestamp();
$end = $endDT->getTimestamp();
//show has ended
if ($now > $end) {
if ($this->ccShowInstance->isRecorded()) {
$ccFile = $this->ccShowInstance->getCcFiles();
if (!isset($ccFile)) {
$menu["error when recording"] = array (
"name" => _("Record file doesn't exist"),
"icon" => "error");
}else {
$menu["view_recorded"] = array(
"name" => _("View Recorded File Metadata"),
"icon" => "overview",
"url" => $baseUrl."library/edit-file-md/id/".$ccFile->getDbId());
//recorded show can be uploaded to soundcloud
if (Application_Model_Preference::GetUploadToSoundcloudOption()) {
$scid = $ccFile->getDbSoundcloudId();
if ($scid > 0) {
$menu["soundcloud_view"] = array(
"name" => _("View on Soundcloud"),
"icon" => "soundcloud",
"url" => $ccFile->getDbSoundcloudLinkToFile());
$text = is_null($scid) ? _('Upload to SoundCloud') : _('Re-upload to SoundCloud');
$menu["soundcloud_upload"] = array(
"name"=> $text,
"icon" => "soundcloud");
} else {
$menu["content"] = array(
"name"=> _("Show Content"),
"icon" => "overview",
"url" => $baseUrl."schedule/show-content-dialog");
} else {
//Show content can be modified from the calendar if:
// the show has not started,
// the user is admin or hosting the show,
// the show is not recorded
if ($now < $start && ($isAdminOrPM || $isHostOfShow) &&
!$this->ccShowInstance->isRecorded() ) {
$menu["schedule"] = array(
"name"=> _("Add / Remove Content"),
"icon" => "add-remove-content",
"url" => $baseUrl."showbuilder/builder-dialog/");
$menu["clear"] = array(
"name"=> _("Remove All Content"),
"icon" => "remove-all-content",
"url" => $baseUrl."schedule/clear-show");
//"Show Content" should be a menu item at all times except when
//the show is recorded
if (!$this->ccShowInstance->isRecorded()) {
$menu["content"] = array(
"name"=> _("Show Content"),
"icon" => "overview",
"url" => $baseUrl."schedule/show-content-dialog");
//show is currently playing and user is admin
if ($start <= $now && $now < $end && $isAdminOrPM) {
if ($this->ccShowInstance->isRecorded()) {
$menu["cancel_recorded"] = array(
"name"=> _("Cancel Current Show"),
"icon" => "delete");
} else {
$menu["cancel"] = array(
"name"=> _("Cancel Current Show"),
"icon" => "delete");
$isRepeating = $this->ccShow->getFirstCcShowDay()->isRepeating();
if (!$this->ccShowInstance->isRebroadcast() && $isAdminOrPM) {
if ($isRepeating) {
$menu["edit"] = array(
"name" => _("Edit"),
"icon" => "edit",
"items" => array());
$menu["edit"]["items"]["all"] = array(
"name" => _("Edit Show"),
"icon" => "edit",
"url" => $baseUrl."Schedule/populate-show-form");
$menu["edit"]["items"]["instance"] = array(
"name" => _("Edit This Instance"),
"icon" => "edit",
"url" => $baseUrl."Schedule/populate-repeating-show-instance-form");
} else {
$menu["edit"] = array(
"name"=> _("Edit Show"),
"icon" => "edit",
"url" => $baseUrl."Schedule/populate-show-form");
//show hasn't started yet and user is admin
if ($now < $start && $isAdminOrPM) {
//show is repeating so give user the option to delete all
//repeating instances or just the one
if ($isRepeating) {
$menu["del"] = array(
"name"=> _("Delete"),
"icon" => "delete",
"items" => array());
$menu["del"]["items"]["single"] = array(
"name"=> _("Delete This Instance"),
"icon" => "delete",
"url" => $baseUrl."schedule/delete-show-instance");
$menu["del"]["items"]["following"] = array(
"name"=> _("Delete This Instance and All Following"),
"icon" => "delete",
"url" => $baseUrl."schedule/delete-show");
} else {
$menu["del"] = array(
"name"=> _("Delete"),
"icon" => "delete",
"url" => $baseUrl."schedule/delete-show");
return $menu;
* Enter description here ...
* @param DateTime $dateTime object to add deltas to
* @param int $deltaDay delta days show moved
* @param int $deltaMin delta minutes show moved
public static function addDeltas($dateTime, $deltaDay, $deltaMin)
$newDateTime = clone $dateTime;
$days = abs($deltaDay);
$mins = abs($deltaMin);
$dayInterval = new DateInterval("P{$days}D");
$minInterval = new DateInterval("PT{$mins}M");
if ($deltaDay > 0) {
} elseif ($deltaDay < 0) {
if ($deltaMin > 0) {
} elseif ($deltaMin < 0) {
return $newDateTime;
private function validateShowMove($deltaDay, $deltaMin)
if (!$this->currentUser->isAdminOrPM()) {
throw new Exception(_("Permission denied"));
if ($this->ccShow->getFirstCcShowDay()->isRepeating()) {
throw new Exception(_("Can't drag and drop repeating shows"));
$today_timestamp = time();
$startsDateTime = new DateTime($this->ccShowInstance->getDbStarts(), new DateTimeZone("UTC"));
$endsDateTime = new DateTime($this->ccShowInstance->getDbEnds(), new DateTimeZone("UTC"));
if ($today_timestamp > $startsDateTime->getTimestamp()) {
throw new Exception(_("Can't move a past show"));
//the user is moving the show on the calendar from the perspective of local time.
//incase a show is moved across a time change border offsets should be added to the localtime
//stamp and then converted back to UTC to avoid show time changes!
$showTimezone = $this->ccShow->getFirstCcShowDay()->getDbTimezone();
$startsDateTime->setTimezone(new DateTimeZone($showTimezone));
$endsDateTime->setTimezone(new DateTimeZone($showTimezone));
$newStartsDateTime = self::addDeltas($startsDateTime, $deltaDay, $deltaMin);
$newEndsDateTime = self::addDeltas($endsDateTime, $deltaDay, $deltaMin);
//convert our new starts/ends to UTC.
$newStartsDateTime->setTimezone(new DateTimeZone("UTC"));
$newEndsDateTime->setTimezone(new DateTimeZone("UTC"));
if ($today_timestamp > $newStartsDateTime->getTimestamp()) {
throw new Exception(_("Can't move show into past"));
//check if show is overlapping
$overlapping = Application_Model_Schedule::checkOverlappingShows(
$newStartsDateTime, $newEndsDateTime, true, $this->ccShowInstance->getDbId());
if ($overlapping) {
throw new Exception(_("Cannot schedule overlapping shows"));
if ($this->ccShow->isRecorded()) {
//rebroadcasts should start at max 1 hour after a recorded show has ended.
$minRebroadcastStart = self::addDeltas($newEndsDateTime, 0, 60);
//check if we are moving a recorded show less than 1 hour before any of its own rebroadcasts.
$rebroadcasts = CcShowInstancesQuery::create()
->filterByDbStarts($minRebroadcastStart->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'), Criteria::LESS_THAN)
if (count($rebroadcasts) > 0) {
throw new Exception(_("Can't move a recorded show less than 1 hour before its rebroadcasts."));
if ($this->ccShow->isRebroadcast()) {
2013-10-09 23:38:06 +02:00
$recordedShow = CcShowInstancesQuery::create()
if (is_null($recordedShow)) {
throw new Exception(_("Show was deleted because recorded show does not exist!"));
$recordEndDateTime = new DateTime($recordedShow->getDbEnds(), new DateTimeZone("UTC"));
$newRecordEndDateTime = self::addDeltas($recordEndDateTime, 0, 60);
if ($newStartsDateTime->getTimestamp() < $newRecordEndDateTime->getTimestamp()) {
throw new Exception(_("Must wait 1 hour to rebroadcast."));
return array($newStartsDateTime, $newEndsDateTime);
public function moveShow($deltaDay, $deltaMin)
try {
$con = Propel::getConnection();
list($newStartsDateTime, $newEndsDateTime) = $this->validateShowMove(
$deltaDay, $deltaMin);
if (!$this->ccShowInstance->getCcShow()->isRebroadcast()) {
//we can get the first show day because we know the show is
//not repeating, and therefore will only have one show day entry
$ccShowDay = $this->ccShow->getFirstCcShowDay();
$showTimezone = new DateTimeZone($ccShowDay->getDbTimezone());
array($this->ccShowInstance->getDbId()), null, $newStartsDateTime);
} catch (Exception $e) {
return $e->getMessage();
public function resizeShow($deltaDay, $deltaMin)
try {
$con = Propel::getConnection();
} catch (Exception $e) {
return $e->getMessage();