'You are running the latest version'=>_('You are running the latest version'),
'New version available: '=>_('New version available: '),
'You have a pre-release version of LibreTime intalled.'=>_('You have a pre-release version of LibreTime intalled.'),
'A patch update for your LibreTime installation is available.'=>_('A patch update for your LibreTime installation is available.'),
'A feature update for your LibreTime installation is available.'=>_('A feature update for your LibreTime installation is available.'),
'A major update for your LibreTime installation is available.'=>_('A major update for your LibreTime installation is available.'),
'Multiple major updates for LibreTime installation are available. Please upgrade as soon as possible.'=>_('Multiple major updates for LibreTime installation are available. Please upgrade as soon as possible.'),
'You are currently uploading files. %sGoing to another screen will cancel the upload process. %sAre you sure you want to leave the page?'=>_('You are currently uploading files. %sGoing to another screen will cancel the upload process. %sAre you sure you want to leave the page?'),
"Please enter a valid time in seconds. Eg. 0.5'"=>_('Please enter a valid time in seconds. Eg. 0.5'),
'Your browser does not support playing this file type: '=>_('Your browser does not support playing this file type: '),
'Dynamic block is not previewable'=>_('Dynamic block is not previewable'),
'Limit to: '=>_('Limit to: '),
'Playlist saved'=>_('Playlist saved'),
'Playlist shuffled'=>_('Playlist shuffled'),
"Airtime is unsure about the status of this file. This can happen when the file is on a remote drive that is unaccessible or the file is in a directory that isn't 'watched' anymore."=>_("Airtime is unsure about the status of this file. This can happen when the file is on a remote drive that is unaccessible or the file is in a directory that isn't 'watched' anymore."),
'A static smart block will save the criteria and generate the block content immediately. This allows you to edit and view it in the Library before adding it to a show.'=>_('A static smart block will save the criteria and generate the block content immediately. This allows you to edit and view it in the Library before adding it to a show.'),
'A dynamic smart block will only save the criteria. The block content will get generated upon adding it to a show. You will not be able to view and edit the content in the Library.'=>_('A dynamic smart block will only save the criteria. The block content will get generated upon adding it to a show. You will not be able to view and edit the content in the Library.'),
'The desired block length will not be reached if %s cannot find enough unique tracks to match your criteria. Enable this option if you wish to allow tracks to be added multiple times to the smart block.'=>_('The desired block length will not be reached if %s cannot find enough unique tracks to match your criteria. Enable this option if you wish to allow tracks to be added multiple times to the smart block.'),
'Choose Folder to Watch'=>_('Choose Folder to Watch'),
"Are you sure you want to change the storage folder?\nThis will remove the files from your Airtime library!"=>_("Are you sure you want to change the storage folder?\nThis will remove the files from your Airtime library!"),
'Manage Media Folders'=>_('Manage Media Folders'),
'Are you sure you want to remove the watched folder?'=>_('Are you sure you want to remove the watched folder?'),
'This path is currently not accessible.'=>_('This path is currently not accessible.'),
'Some stream types require extra configuration. Details about enabling %sAAC+ Support%s or %sOpus Support%s are provided.'=>_('Some stream types require extra configuration. Details about enabling %sAAC+ Support%s or %sOpus Support%s are provided.'),
'Connected to the streaming server'=>_('Connected to the streaming server'),
'The stream is disabled'=>_('The stream is disabled'),
'Getting information from the server...'=>_('Getting information from the server...'),
'Can not connect to the streaming server'=>_('Can not connect to the streaming server'),
"If %s is behind a router or firewall, you may need to configure port forwarding and this field information will be incorrect. In this case you will need to manually update this field so it shows the correct host/port/mount that your DJ's need to connect to. The allowed range is between 1024 and 49151."=>_("If %s is behind a router or firewall, you may need to configure port forwarding and this field information will be incorrect. In this case you will need to manually update this field so it shows the correct host/port/mount that your DJ's need to connect to. The allowed range is between 1024 and 49151."),
'For more details, please read the %s%s Manual%s'=>_('For more details, please read the %s%s Manual%s'),
'Check this option to enable metadata for OGG streams (stream metadata is the track title, artist, and show name that is displayed in an audio player). VLC and mplayer have a serious bug when playing an OGG/VORBIS stream that has metadata information enabled: they will disconnect from the stream after every song. If you are using an OGG stream and your listeners do not require support for these audio players, then feel free to enable this option.'=>_('Check this option to enable metadata for OGG streams (stream metadata is the track title, artist, and show name that is displayed in an audio player). VLC and mplayer have a serious bug when playing an OGG/VORBIS stream that has metadata information enabled: they will disconnect from the stream after every song. If you are using an OGG stream and your listeners do not require support for these audio players, then feel free to enable this option.'),
'Check this box to automatically switch off Master/Show source upon source disconnection.'=>_('Check this box to automatically switch off Master/Show source upon source disconnection.'),
'Check this box to automatically switch on Master/Show source upon source connection.'=>_('Check this box to automatically switch on Master/Show source upon source connection.'),
"If your Icecast server expects a username of 'source', this field can be left blank."=>_("If your Icecast server expects a username of 'source', this field can be left blank."),
"If your live streaming client does not ask for a username, this field should be 'source'."=>_("If your live streaming client does not ask for a username, this field should be 'source'."),
'WARNING: This will restart your stream and may cause a short dropout for your listeners!'=>_('WARNING: This will restart your stream and may cause a short dropout for your listeners!'),
'This is the admin username and password for Icecast/SHOUTcast to get listener statistics.'=>_('This is the admin username and password for Icecast/SHOUTcast to get listener statistics.'),
'Warning: You cannot change this field while the show is currently playing'=>_('Warning: You cannot change this field while the show is currently playing'),
'No result found'=>_('No result found'),
'This follows the same security pattern for the shows: only users assigned to the show can connect.'=>_('This follows the same security pattern for the shows: only users assigned to the show can connect.'),
'Specify custom authentication which will work only for this show.'=>_('Specify custom authentication which will work only for this show.'),
"If your live streaming client does not ask for a username, this field should be 'source'."=>_("If your live streaming client does not ask for a username, this field should be 'source'."),
"The show instance doesn't exist anymore!"=>_("The show instance doesn't exist anymore!"),
'Warning: Shows cannot be re-linked'=>_('Warning: Shows cannot be re-linked'),
'By linking your repeating shows any media items scheduled in any repeat show will also get scheduled in the other repeat shows'=>_('By linking your repeating shows any media items scheduled in any repeat show will also get scheduled in the other repeat shows'),
'Timezone is set to the station timezone by default. Shows in the calendar will be displayed in your local time defined by the Interface Timezone in your user settings.'=>_('Timezone is set to the station timezone by default. Shows in the calendar will be displayed in your local time defined by the Interface Timezone in your user settings.'),
'Shows longer than their scheduled time will be cut off by a following show.'=>_('Shows longer than their scheduled time will be cut off by a following show.'),
'Cancel Current Show?'=>_('Cancel Current Show?'),
'Stop recording current show?'=>_('Stop recording current show?'),
// "Airtime is unsure about the status of this file. This can happen when the file is on a remote drive that is unaccessible or the file is in a directory that isn"t "watched" anymore."
// => _("Airtime is unsure about the status of this file. This can happen when the file is on a remote drive that is unaccessible or the file is in a directory that isn"t "watched" anymore."),
'Cannot schedule outside a show.'=>_('Cannot schedule outside a show.'),
'Moving 1 Item'=>_('Moving 1 Item'),
'Moving %s Items'=>_('Moving %s Items'),
'Fade Editor'=>_('Fade Editor'),
'Cue Editor'=>_('Cue Editor'),
'Waveform features are available in a browser supporting the Web Audio API'=>_('Waveform features are available in a browser supporting the Web Audio API'),
"%sPrint view%sPlease use your browser's print function to print this table. Press escape when finished."=>_("%sPrint view%sPlease use your browser's print function to print this table. Press escape when finished."),
"Autoloading playlists' contents are added to shows one hour before the show airs. <a target='_blank' href='https://libretime.org/docs/user-manual/playlists/'>More information</a>"=>_("Autoloading playlists' contents are added to shows one hour before the show airs. <a target='_blank' href='https://libretime.org/docs/user-manual/playlists/'>More information</a>"),
"You haven't published any episodes!"=>_("You haven't published any episodes!"),
"You can publish your uploaded content from the 'Tracks' view."=>_("You can publish your uploaded content from the 'Tracks' view."),
'Try it now'=>_('Try it now'),
'<p>If this option is unchecked, the smartblock will schedule as many tracks as can be played out <strong>in their entirety</strong> within the specified duration. This will usually result in audio playback that is slightly less than the specified duration.</p><p>If this option is checked, the smartblock will also schedule one final track which will overflow the specified duration. This final track may be cut off mid-way if the show into which the smartblock is added finishes.</p>'=>_('<p>If this option is unchecked, the smartblock will schedule as many tracks as can be played out <strong>in their entirety</strong> within the specified duration. This will usually result in audio playback that is slightly less than the specified duration.</p><p>If this option is checked, the smartblock will also schedule one final track which will overflow the specified duration. This final track may be cut off mid-way if the show into which the smartblock is added finishes.</p>'),
'Playlist preview'=>_('Playlist preview'),
'Smart Block'=>_('Smart Block'),
'Webstream preview'=>_('Webstream preview'),
"You don't have permission to view the library."=>_("You don't have permission to view the library."),
"Click 'New' to create one now."=>_("Click 'New' to create one now."),
"Click 'Upload' to add some now."=>_("Click 'Upload' to add some now."),
'Feed URL'=>_('Feed URL'),
'Import Date'=>_('Import Date'),
'Add New Podcast'=>_('Add New Podcast'),
"Cannot schedule outside a show.\nTry creating a show first."=>_("Cannot schedule outside a show.\nTry creating a show first."),
'No files have been uploaded yet.'=>_('No files have been uploaded yet.'),