Make sure that your time zone is configured, if not you can set it using the [`timedatectl set-timezone` command]( The following command configure the timezone to `Europe/Paris`, make sure to set your own timezone:
If the NTP service is inactive, you should consider enabling it using the [`timedatectl set-ntp` command]( The following command enables the `NTP service`:
sudo timedatectl set-ntp true
Finally, check that everything was applied by running `timedatectl`:
By default the installer will configure LibreTime to listen at the port `8080`. We recommend that you configure a [reverse proxy in front of LibreTime](./ to secure the connection using HTTPS, and route the traffic from the ports `80`/`443` to the LibreTime server.
When upgrading be sure to run the installer using the same arguments you used during the initial install.
If you need to change some configuration, the install script can be configured using flags or environment variables. Changing the listening port of LibreTime or whether you want to install some dependency by yourself, you could run the following:
# Install LibreTime on your system with the following tweaks:
# - don't install the liquidsoap package (remember to install liquidsoap yourself)
You can persist the install configuration in a `.env` file next to the install script. For example, the above command could be persisted using the `.env` file below, and you should be able to run the install script without arguments:
The install script will use generated passwords to create the PostgreSQL user, RabbitMQ user and to update the default Icecast passwords. Those passwords will be saved to the configuration files.
If you plan to output analog audio directly to a mixing console or transmitter, the user running LibreTime needs to be added to the `audio` user group using the command below:
sudo adduser libretime audio
## Setup LibreTime
Once the installation is completed, edit the [configuration file](../ at `/etc/libretime/config.yml` to fill required information and to match your needs.
The first step to using Let’s Encrypt to obtain an SSL certificate is to install the Certbot software on your server:
sudo apt install certbot python3-certbot-nginx
Let’s Encrypt’s certificates are only valid for ninety days. The certbot package takes care of this for you by adding a systemd timer that will run twice a day and automatically renew any certificate that’s within thirty days of expiration.
Then, check that the nginx config is valid and reload nginx:
sudo nginx -t
sudo systemctl reload nginx
#### Obtain a certificate
Certbot provides a variety of ways to obtain SSL certificates through plugins. The Nginx plugin will take care of reconfiguring Nginx and reloading the config whenever necessary.
To request a Let’s Encrypt certificate using Certbot with the Nginx plugin, be sure to replace `` with the domain name of your installation and run the following:
By default, browsers will [prevent loading mixed content]( on secure pages, so you won't be able to listen the insecure Icecast streams on a secure website. To fix that you need to secure the Icecast streams.
To stream audio content from an external source to the LibreTime server, Liquidsoap creates input harbors (Icecast mount points) for the clients to connect to. These mount points are insecure by default, so it's recommended secure them.
To enable the secure input streams, edit the [configuration file](../ at `/etc/libretime/config.yml` with the following, be sure to replace `` with the domain name of your installation:
Once the setup is completed, log in the interface (with the default user `admin` and password `admin`), and edit the project settings (go to **Settings** > **General**) to match your needs.