<h2class="section-heading text-white">Freedom through Open Source!</h2>
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LibreTime is Free/Libre and Open Source (FLOSS) radio automation and broadcasting solution helping communities both modernize their broadcasting stack, and get up and on-the-air with ease.
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The platform consists of several open-source components that can be easily and rapidly deployed on both dedicated hardware, virtual machines, and Cloud native infrastructure - allowing your station to truly underwrite it's own destiny.
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The platform is a fork of the older AirTime project which is <b>no longer actively maintained</b>, and the evolution of Open Source broadcasting for both current AirTime and new users looking to continue with the platform on their own infrastructure.
<pclass="text-mute mb-0">From designing intelligent & automated playlists to drag-and-drop visual editing & cuing, managing your library and playlists has never been simpler.</p>
<pclass="text-muted mb-0">Schedule your live and pre-programmed shows easily with a drag-and-drop style calendar, additionally all content broadcasted is logged for efficient reporting to media licensing authorities.</p>
<pclass="text-muted mb-0">Libretime's user management allows for the simple creation of hierarchical staff who can control their broadcast slots associated with them from anywhere on the planet!</p>
<pclass="text-muted mb-0">Syndicate your library with the latest content from the best artists on the web, it's as simple as providing an RSS feed and programming a schedule.</p>
<h2class="section-heading">The new home of Open Source broadcasters.</h2>
<aclass="btn btn-light btn-xl sr-button btn-outline-full-width"target="_blank"target="_blank"href="https://github.com/libretime/libretime">Contribute to Libretime</a>
<aclass="btn btn-light btn-xl sr-button btn-outline-full-width"target="_blank"target="_blank"href="https://discourse.libretime.org/">Get Support on Discourse</a>
<h4style="text-align: left;padding-bottom: 20px;padding-top: 20px;">Join the Libretime community</h4>
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Libretime has a vibrant community working on new features and fixes. Join the community on Discourse and take control of your studio. We'd love to hear from you, even if you're non-technical let us know if your station is running Libretime!
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<small>Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by <ahref="https://github.com/ned-kelly">ned-kelly</a> and <ahref="https://github.com/zklosko">Zachary Klosko</a> | </small>
<small>Code and docs licensed under GPLv2. More details <ahref="http://sourcefabric.booktype.pro/airtime-25-for-broadcasters/about-this-manual/">here</a>. </small>
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