adding more metadata checking stuff; this fixes #1802
This commit is contained in:
@ -143,7 +143,9 @@ CORE_LIB_OBJS = ${TMP_DIR}/UniqueId.o \
${TMP_DIR}/FileTools.o \
${TMP_DIR}/AsyncState.o \
${TMP_DIR}/MetadataConstraint.o \
${TMP_DIR}/NumericConstraint.o \
${TMP_DIR}/NumericRangeConstraint.o \
TEST_RUNNER_OBJS = ${TMP_DIR}/TestRunner.o \
${TMP_DIR}/FileToolsTest.o \
@ -12,153 +12,201 @@
<!ELEMENT constraint (value*) >
<!ATTLIST constraint type NMTOKEN #REQUIRED >
<!ELEMENT value (CDATA) >
<!ELEMENT value (#PCDATA) >
<metadataType dcName = "dc:title"
id3Tag = "TIT2"
localizationKey = "title"
tab = "main"
<metadataType dcName = "dc:title"
id3Tag = "TIT2"
localizationKey = "title"
tab = "main"
<metadataType dcName = "dc:creator"
id3Tag = "TPE1"
localizationKey = "creator"
<metadataType dcName = "dc:creator"
id3Tag = "TPE1"
localizationKey = "creator"
tab = "main"
<metadataType dcName = "dc:source"
id3Tag = "TALB"
localizationKey = "album"
<metadataType dcName = "dc:source"
id3Tag = "TALB"
localizationKey = "album"
tab = "music"
<metadataType dcName = "ls:year"
id3Tag = "TYER"
localizationKey = "year" >
<constraint type = "numeric" />
<metadataType dcName = "ls:year"
id3Tag = "TYER"
localizationKey = "year"
tab = "music" >
<constraint type = "numericRange" >
<metadataType dcName = "dc:type"
id3Tag = "TCON"
localizationKey = "genre"
<metadataType dcName = "dc:type"
id3Tag = "TCON"
localizationKey = "genre"
tab = "main"
<metadataType dcName = "dc:description"
id3Tag = "COMM"
localizationKey = "description"
<metadataType dcName = "dc:description"
id3Tag = "COMM"
localizationKey = "description"
tab = "main"
<metadataType dcName = "dc:format"
localizationKey = "format"
<metadataType dcName = "ls:bpm"
id3Tag = "TBPM"
localizationKey = "bpm" >
<constraint type = "numeric" />
<metadataType dcName = "dc:format"
localizationKey = "format" >
<constraint type = "enumeration" >
<metadataType dcName = "ls:rating"
id3Tag = "POPM"
localizationKey = "rating"
<metadataType dcName = "dcterms:extent"
localizationKey = "length"
<metadataType dcName = "ls:encoded_by"
id3Tag = "TENC"
localizationKey = "encoded_by"
<metadataType dcName = "ls:track_num"
id3Tag = "TRCK"
localizationKey = "track_number" >
<constraint type = "numeric" />
<metadataType dcName = "ls:bpm"
id3Tag = "TBPM"
localizationKey = "bpm"
tab = "music" >
<constraint type = "numeric" />
<metadataType dcName = "ls:disc_num"
id3Tag = "TPOS"
localizationKey = "disc_number" >
<constraint type = "numeric" />
<metadataType dcName = "ls:rating"
id3Tag = "POPM"
localizationKey = "rating"
tab = "music"
<metadataType dcName = "dcterms:extent"
localizationKey = "length"
<metadataType dcName = "ls:encoded_by"
id3Tag = "TENC"
localizationKey = "encoded_by"
tab = "music"
<metadataType dcName = "ls:track_num"
id3Tag = "TRCK"
localizationKey = "track_number"
tab = "music" >
<constraint type = "numeric" />
<metadataType dcName = "ls:mood"
id3Tag = "TMOO"
localizationKey = "mood"
<metadataType dcName = "dc:publisher"
id3Tag = "TPUB"
localizationKey = "publishing_label"
<metadataType dcName = "ls:composer"
id3Tag = "TCOM"
localizationKey = "composer"
<metadataType dcName = "ls:bitrate"
localizationKey = "bitrate"
<metadataType dcName = "ls:channels"
localizationKey = "channels" >
<constraint type = "numeric" />
<metadataType dcName = "ls:disc_num"
id3Tag = "TPOS"
localizationKey = "disc_number"
tab = "music" >
<constraint type = "numeric" />
<metadataType dcName = "ls:samplerate"
localizationKey = "sample_rate" >
<constraint type = "numeric" />
<metadataType dcName = "ls:mood"
id3Tag = "TMOO"
localizationKey = "mood"
tab = "music"
<metadataType dcName = "dc:publisher"
id3Tag = "TPUB"
localizationKey = "publishing_label"
tab = "music"
<metadataType dcName = "ls:composer"
id3Tag = "TCOM"
localizationKey = "composer"
tab = "music"
<metadataType dcName = "ls:bitrate"
localizationKey = "bitrate"
tab = "music" >
<constraint type = "numeric" />
<metadataType dcName = "ls:encoder"
id3Tag = "TSSE"
localizationKey = "encoding_software"
<metadataType dcName = "ls:channels"
localizationKey = "channels"
tab = "music"
<metadataType dcName = "ls:crc"
localizationKey = "checksum"
<metadataType dcName = "ls:samplerate"
localizationKey = "sample_rate"
tab = "music" >
<constraint type = "numeric" />
<metadataType dcName = "ls:encoder"
id3Tag = "TSSE"
localizationKey = "encoding_software"
tab = "music"
<metadataType dcName = "ls:lyrics"
localizationKey = "lyrics"
<metadataType dcName = "ls:crc"
localizationKey = "checksum"
<metadataType dcName = "ls:orchestra"
id3Tag = "TPE2"
localizationKey = "orchestra_or_band"
<metadataType dcName = "ls:lyrics"
localizationKey = "lyrics"
tab = "music"
<metadataType dcName = "ls:conductor"
id3Tag = "TPE3"
localizationKey = "conductor"
<metadataType dcName = "ls:orchestra"
id3Tag = "TPE2"
localizationKey = "orchestra_or_band"
tab = "music"
<metadataType dcName = "ls:lyricist"
id3Tag = "TEXT"
localizationKey = "lyricist"
<metadataType dcName = "ls:conductor"
id3Tag = "TPE3"
localizationKey = "conductor"
tab = "music"
<metadataType dcName = "ls:originallyricist"
id3Tag = "TOLY"
localizationKey = "original_lyricist"
<metadataType dcName = "ls:lyricist"
id3Tag = "TEXT"
localizationKey = "lyricist"
tab = "music"
<metadataType dcName = "ls:radiostationname"
id3Tag = "TRSN"
localizationKey = "radio_station_name"
<metadataType dcName = "ls:originallyricist"
id3Tag = "TOLY"
localizationKey = "original_lyricist"
tab = "music"
<metadataType dcName = "ls:audiofileinfourl"
id3Tag = "WOAF"
localizationKey = "audio_file_info_url"
<metadataType dcName = "ls:radiostationname"
id3Tag = "TRSN"
localizationKey = "radio_station_name"
<metadataType dcName = "ls:artisturl"
id3Tag = "WOAR"
localizationKey = "artist_url"
<metadataType dcName = "ls:audiofileinfourl"
id3Tag = "WOAF"
localizationKey = "audio_file_info_url"
<metadataType dcName = "ls:audiosourceurl"
id3Tag = "WOAS"
localizationKey = "audio_source_url"
<metadataType dcName = "ls:artisturl"
id3Tag = "WOAR"
localizationKey = "artist_url"
<metadataType dcName = "ls:radiostationurl"
id3Tag = "WORS"
localizationKey = "radio_station_url"
<metadataType dcName = "ls:audiosourceurl"
id3Tag = "WOAS"
localizationKey = "audio_source_url"
<metadataType dcName = "ls:buycdurl"
id3Tag = "WPAY"
localizationKey = "buy_cd_url"
<metadataType dcName = "ls:radiostationurl"
id3Tag = "WORS"
localizationKey = "radio_station_url"
<metadataType dcName = "ls:isrcnumber"
id3Tag = "TSRC"
localizationKey = "isrc_number"
<metadataType dcName = "ls:buycdurl"
id3Tag = "WPAY"
localizationKey = "buy_cd_url"
<metadataType dcName = "ls:catalognumber"
localizationKey = "catalog_number"
<metadataType dcName = "ls:isrcnumber"
id3Tag = "TSRC"
localizationKey = "isrc_number"
<metadataType dcName = "ls:originalartist"
id3Tag = "TOPE"
localizationKey = "original_artist"
<metadataType dcName = "ls:catalognumber"
localizationKey = "catalog_number"
<metadataType dcName = "dc:rights"
id3Tag = "TCOP"
localizationKey = "copyright"
<metadataType dcName = "ls:originalartist"
id3Tag = "TOPE"
localizationKey = "original_artist"
tab = "music"
<metadataType dcName = "dc:rights"
id3Tag = "TCOP"
localizationKey = "copyright"
tab = "music"
<metadataType dcName = "dcterms:temporal"
localizationKey = "report_date_time"
tab = "voice"
<metadataType dcName = "dcterms:spatial"
localizationKey = "report_location"
tab = "voice"
<metadataType dcName = "dcterms:entity"
localizationKey = "report_organizations"
tab = "voice"
<metadataType dcName = "dc:subject"
localizationKey = "subject"
tab = "voice"
@ -248,15 +248,15 @@ class MetadataTypeContainer : public Configurable,
* If the metadata type has no constraints, it returns true.
* If the constraint throws an exception, it returns false.
* @param dcName the metadata type, by its Dublin Core name.
* @param value the value to be checked against the constraint.
* @param dcName the metadata type, by its Dublin Core name.
* @return true if the value satisfies the constraint.
* @exception std::invalid_argument if no metadata type exists
* with the suplied name.
check(const Glib::ustring & dcName,
Ptr<const Glib::ustring>::Ref value)
check(Ptr<const Glib::ustring>::Ref value,
const Glib::ustring & dcName)
throw (std::invalid_argument);
@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
Copyright (c) 2004 Media Development Loan Fund
This file is part of the LiveSupport project.
To report bugs, send an e-mail to
LiveSupport is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
LiveSupport is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with LiveSupport; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
Author : $Author$
Version : $Revision$
Location : $URL$
/* ============================================================ include files */
#include "EnumerationConstraint.h"
using namespace LiveSupport::Core;
/* =================================================== local data structures */
/* ================================================ local constants & macros */
namespace {
* The value of the type attribute for this class.
const std::string typeAttributeValue = "enumeration";
/* =============================================== local function prototypes */
/* ============================================================= module code */
* Create a constraint element object based on an XML element.
EnumerationConstraint :: configure(const xmlpp::Element & element)
throw (std::invalid_argument)
if (element.get_name() != getConfigElementName()) {
throw std::invalid_argument("bad configuration element "
+ element.get_name());
const xmlpp::Attribute* typeAttribute;
if (!(typeAttribute = element.get_attribute(typeAttributeName))) {
throw std::invalid_argument("missing attribute " + typeAttributeName);
std::string type = typeAttribute->get_value();
if (type != typeAttributeValue) {
throw std::invalid_argument(typeAttributeValue
+ " constraint configured with a"
+ " constraint element of type "
+ type);
xmlpp::Node::NodeList childNodes = element.get_children(valueElementName);
xmlpp::Node::NodeList::iterator it = childNodes.begin();
if (it == childNodes.end()) {
throw std::invalid_argument("empty enumeration constraint");
for (; it != childNodes.end(); ++it) {
* Read an enumeration value from an XML node.
EnumerationConstraint :: readValue(const xmlpp::Node * node)
throw (std::invalid_argument)
const xmlpp::Element * valueElement
= dynamic_cast<const xmlpp::Element*> (node);
if (valueElement) {
->get_content() );
} else {
throw std::invalid_argument("bad sub-element found in constraint");
* Check that the given value satisfies the constraint.
EnumerationConstraint :: check(Ptr<const Glib::ustring>::Ref value) const
throw (std::logic_error)
if (!value) {
throw std::logic_error("EnumerationConstraint::check() called with "
"a 0 pointer value");
ListType::const_iterator it;
for (it = allowedValues.begin(); it != allowedValues.end(); ++it) {
if (*it == *value) {
return true;
return false;
@ -0,0 +1,174 @@
Copyright (c) 2004 Media Development Loan Fund
This file is part of the LiveSupport project.
To report bugs, send an e-mail to
LiveSupport is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
LiveSupport is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with LiveSupport; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
Author : $Author$
Version : $Revision$
Location : $URL$
#ifndef LiveSupport_Core_EnumerationConstraint_h
#define LiveSupport_Core_EnumerationConstraint_h
#ifndef __cplusplus
#error This is a C++ include file
/* ============================================================ include files */
#include "LiveSupport/Core/MetadataConstraint.h"
namespace LiveSupport {
namespace Core {
/* ================================================================ constants */
/* =================================================================== macros */
/* =============================================================== data types */
* A class for representing a metadata constraint allowing only strings from
* a given list of values.
* This is a concrete subclass of MetadataConstraint. Do not explicitly
* instantiate this class; create a MetadataConstraint object instead, and
* configure it with an XML element with the appropriate type attribute.
* This object has to be configured with an XML configuration element
* called constraint. This may look like the following:
* <pre><code>
* <constraint type = "enumeration">
* <value>Monday</value>
* ...
* <value>Sunday</value>
* </constraint>
* </code></pre>
* A metadata type with this kind of constraint can only accept one of the
* strings listed in the value elements (in a case-sensitive way).
* The DTD for the expected XML element looks like the following:
* <pre><code>
* <!ELEMENT constraint (value+) >
* <!ATTLIST constraint type "enumeration" #FIXED >
* <!ELEMENT value (#PCDATA) >
* </code></pre>
* @author $Author$
* @version $Revision$
* @see EnumerationConstraintContainer
class EnumerationConstraint : public MetadataConstraint
* The type for storing the enumeration values.
typedef std::vector<Glib::ustring> ListType;
* The list of allowed enumeration values.
ListType allowedValues;
* Read an enumeration value from an XML node.
* @param node the node containing the value.
* @exception std::invalid_argument if the XML node is not
* of the expected form.
readValue(const xmlpp::Node * node) throw (std::invalid_argument);
* Constructor.
EnumerationConstraint() throw ()
* A virtual destructor, as this class has virtual functions.
~EnumerationConstraint(void) throw ()
* Return the name of the XML element this object expects
* to be sent to a call to configure().
* @return the name of the expected XML configuration element.
static const std::string
getConfigElementName(void) throw ()
return MetadataConstraint::getConfigElementName();
* Configure the metadata object based on an XML configuration element.
* @param elemen the XML configuration element.
* @exception std::invalid_argument of the supplied XML element
* contains bad configuration information
virtual void
configure(const xmlpp::Element &element)
throw (std::invalid_argument);
* Check that the given value satisfies the constraint.
* @param value the value to be checked against the constraint.
* @return true if the value satisfies the constraint.
* @exception std::logic_error if the parameter is a 0 pointer.
virtual bool
check(Ptr<const Glib::ustring>::Ref value) const
throw (std::logic_error);
/* ================================================= external data structures */
/* ====================================================== function prototypes */
} // namespace Core
} // namespace LiveSupport
#endif // LiveSupport_Core_EnumerationConstraint_h
@ -29,8 +29,11 @@
/* ============================================================ include files */
#include "LiveSupport/Core/MetadataConstraint.h"
#include "NumericConstraint.h"
#include "NumericRangeConstraint.h"
#include "EnumerationConstraint.h"
#include "LiveSupport/Core/MetadataConstraint.h"
using namespace LiveSupport::Core;
@ -83,6 +86,14 @@ MetadataConstraint :: configure(const xmlpp::Element & element)
concreteConstraint.reset(new NumericConstraint());
} else if (type == "numericRange") {
concreteConstraint.reset(new NumericRangeConstraint());
} else if (type == "enumeration") {
concreteConstraint.reset(new EnumerationConstraint());
} else {
throw std::invalid_argument("unknown metadata constraint" + type);
@ -161,8 +161,8 @@ MetadataTypeContainer :: getById3Tag(const Glib::ustring id3Tag)
* Check that the given value satisfies the constraint of a metadata type.
MetadataTypeContainer :: check(const Glib::ustring & dcName,
Ptr<const Glib::ustring>::Ref value)
MetadataTypeContainer :: check(Ptr<const Glib::ustring>::Ref value,
const Glib::ustring & dcName)
throw (std::invalid_argument)
Ptr<const MetadataType>::Ref metadataType = getByDcName(dcName);
@ -314,16 +314,30 @@ MetadataTypeContainerTest :: constraintTest(void)
// test the case of no constraint; everything is OK
Ptr<Glib::ustring>::Ref title;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT(!container->check("dc:title", title)); // except a 0 pointer
CPPUNIT_ASSERT(!container->check(title, "dc:title")); // except a 0 pointer
title.reset(new Glib::ustring("Some title"));
CPPUNIT_ASSERT(container->check("dc:title", title));
CPPUNIT_ASSERT(container->check(title, "dc:title"));
// test the numeric constraint; [0-9]+ required
Ptr<Glib::ustring>::Ref bpm(new Glib::ustring ("1000"));
CPPUNIT_ASSERT(container->check(bpm, "ls:bpm"));
bpm->assign("2000 or more");
CPPUNIT_ASSERT(!container->check(bpm, "ls:bpm"));
CPPUNIT_ASSERT(!container->check(bpm, "ls:bpm"));
// test the numeric range constraint; [0-9]+ required, between 0 and 3000
Ptr<Glib::ustring>::Ref year(new Glib::ustring ("1000"));
CPPUNIT_ASSERT(container->check("ls:bpm", year));
year->assign("2000 or more");
CPPUNIT_ASSERT(!container->check("ls:bpm", year));
CPPUNIT_ASSERT(!container->check("ls:bpm", year));
CPPUNIT_ASSERT(container->check(year, "ls:year"));
year->assign("1066 AD");
CPPUNIT_ASSERT(!container->check(year, "ls:year"));
CPPUNIT_ASSERT(!container->check(year, "ls:year"));
// test the enumeration constraint; "mp3", "mpeg" or "ogg" are allowed
Ptr<Glib::ustring>::Ref format(new Glib::ustring ("mp3"));
CPPUNIT_ASSERT(container->check(format, "dc:format"));
CPPUNIT_ASSERT(!container->check(format, "dc:format"));
@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ using namespace LiveSupport::Core;
namespace {
* The value of the type attribute for this class
* The value of the type attribute for this class.
const std::string typeAttributeValue = "numeric";
@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ void
NumericConstraint :: configure(const xmlpp::Element & element)
throw (std::invalid_argument)
if (element.get_name() != MetadataConstraint::getConfigElementName()) {
if (element.get_name() != getConfigElementName()) {
throw std::invalid_argument("bad configuration element "
+ element.get_name());
@ -73,8 +73,10 @@ NumericConstraint :: configure(const xmlpp::Element & element)
std::string type = typeAttribute->get_value();
if (type != typeAttributeValue) {
throw std::invalid_argument("numeric constraint configured with a "
"constraint element of type " + type);
throw std::invalid_argument(typeAttributeValue
+ " constraint configured with a"
+ " constraint element of type "
+ type);
@ -54,8 +54,8 @@ namespace Core {
* A class for representing a numeric metadata constraint.
* This is a concrete subclass of NumericConstraint. Do not explicitly
* instantiate this class; create a NumericConstraint object instead, and
* This is a concrete subclass of MetadataConstraint. Do not explicitly
* instantiate this class; create a MetadataConstraint object instead, and
* configure it with an XML element with the appropriate type attribute.
* This object has to be configured with an XML configuration element
@ -81,13 +81,6 @@ namespace Core {
class NumericConstraint : public MetadataConstraint
* The name of the configuration XML element used by NumericConstraint.
static const std::string configElementNameStr;
* Constructor.
@ -113,7 +106,7 @@ class NumericConstraint : public MetadataConstraint
static const std::string
getConfigElementName(void) throw ()
return configElementNameStr;
return MetadataConstraint::getConfigElementName();
@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
Copyright (c) 2004 Media Development Loan Fund
This file is part of the LiveSupport project.
To report bugs, send an e-mail to
LiveSupport is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
LiveSupport is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with LiveSupport; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
Author : $Author$
Version : $Revision$
Location : $URL$
/* ============================================================ include files */
#include <sstream>
#include "NumericConstraint.h"
#include "NumericRangeConstraint.h"
using namespace LiveSupport::Core;
/* =================================================== local data structures */
/* ================================================ local constants & macros */
namespace {
* The value of the type attribute for this class.
const std::string typeAttributeValue = "numericRange";
/* =============================================== local function prototypes */
/* ============================================================= module code */
* Create a constraint element object based on an XML element.
NumericRangeConstraint :: configure(const xmlpp::Element & element)
throw (std::invalid_argument)
if (element.get_name() != getConfigElementName()) {
throw std::invalid_argument("bad configuration element "
+ element.get_name());
const xmlpp::Attribute* typeAttribute;
if (!(typeAttribute = element.get_attribute(typeAttributeName))) {
throw std::invalid_argument("missing attribute " + typeAttributeName);
std::string type = typeAttribute->get_value();
if (type != typeAttributeValue) {
throw std::invalid_argument(typeAttributeValue
+ " constraint configured with a"
+ " constraint element of type "
+ type);
xmlpp::Node::NodeList childNodes = element.get_children(valueElementName);
xmlpp::Node::NodeList::iterator it = childNodes.begin();
if (it != childNodes.end()) {
minValue = readNumberFromNode(*it);
} else {
throw std::invalid_argument("sub-element not found in constraint");
if (it != childNodes.end()) {
maxValue = readNumberFromNode(*it);
} else {
throw std::invalid_argument("sub-element not found in constraint");
* Read a number from an xml element.
NumericRangeConstraint :: ValueType
NumericRangeConstraint :: readNumberFromNode(
const xmlpp::Node * node) const
throw (std::invalid_argument)
const xmlpp::Element * valueElement
= dynamic_cast<const xmlpp::Element*> (node);
if (valueElement) {
Ptr<Glib::ustring>::Ref value(new Glib::ustring(
->get_content() ));
return readNumber(value);
} else {
throw std::invalid_argument("bad sub-element found in constraint");
* Read a number from a string.
NumericRangeConstraint :: ValueType
NumericRangeConstraint :: readNumber(
Ptr<const Glib::ustring>::Ref value) const
throw (std::invalid_argument)
NumericConstraint numericConstraint;
if (!numericConstraint.check(value)) {
throw std::invalid_argument("bad number found in constraint");
std::istringstream valueStream(*value);
ValueType valueNumber;
valueStream >> valueNumber;
return valueNumber;
* Check that the given value satisfies the constraint.
NumericRangeConstraint :: check(Ptr<const Glib::ustring>::Ref value) const
throw (std::logic_error)
ValueType valueNumber = readNumber(value);
if (valueNumber >= minValue && valueNumber <= maxValue) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
@ -0,0 +1,194 @@
Copyright (c) 2004 Media Development Loan Fund
This file is part of the LiveSupport project.
To report bugs, send an e-mail to
LiveSupport is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
LiveSupport is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with LiveSupport; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
Author : $Author$
Version : $Revision$
Location : $URL$
#ifndef LiveSupport_Core_NumericRangeConstraint_h
#define LiveSupport_Core_NumericRangeConstraint_h
#ifndef __cplusplus
#error This is a C++ include file
/* ============================================================ include files */
#include "LiveSupport/Core/MetadataConstraint.h"
namespace LiveSupport {
namespace Core {
/* ================================================================ constants */
/* =================================================================== macros */
/* =============================================================== data types */
* A class for representing a metadata constraint which allows numbers between
* two given values (inclusive).
* This is a concrete subclass of MetadataConstraint. Do not explicitly
* instantiate this class; create a MetadataConstraint object instead, and
* configure it with an XML element with the appropriate type attribute.
* This object has to be configured with an XML configuration element
* called constraint. This may look like the following:
* <pre><code>
* <constraint type = "numericRange">
* <value>1</value>
* <value>12</value>
* </constraint>
* </code></pre>
* A metadata type with this kind of constraint can only accept (decimal,
* non-negative) integer values, i.e., [0-9]+, which are greater than or
* equal to the first value given, and less than or equal to the second
* value given.
* The DTD for the expected XML element looks like the following:
* <pre><code>
* <!ELEMENT constraint (value, value) >
* <!ATTLIST constraint type "numericRange" #FIXED >
* <!ELEMENT value (#PCDATA) >
* </code></pre>
* @author $Author$
* @version $Revision$
* @see NumericRangeConstraintContainer
class NumericRangeConstraint : public MetadataConstraint
* The integer type used by the constraint.
typedef unsigned long long ValueType;
* The smallest value allowed by the constraint.
ValueType minValue;
* The largest value allowed by the constraint.
ValueType maxValue;
* Read a number from an XML node.
* @param node the node containing the number.
* @return the number read from the node.
* @exception std::invalid_argument if the XML node is not
* of the expected form.
readNumberFromNode(const xmlpp::Node * node) const
throw (std::invalid_argument);
* Read a number from a string.
* @param value the string containing the number.
* @return the number read from the string.
* @exception std::invalid_argument if the string does not contain
* a number.
readNumber(Ptr<const Glib::ustring>::Ref value) const
throw (std::invalid_argument);
* Constructor.
NumericRangeConstraint() throw ()
* A virtual destructor, as this class has virtual functions.
~NumericRangeConstraint(void) throw ()
* Return the name of the XML element this object expects
* to be sent to a call to configure().
* @return the name of the expected XML configuration element.
static const std::string
getConfigElementName(void) throw ()
return MetadataConstraint::getConfigElementName();
* Configure the metadata object based on an XML configuration element.
* @param elemen the XML configuration element.
* @exception std::invalid_argument of the supplied XML element
* contains bad configuration information
virtual void
configure(const xmlpp::Element &element)
throw (std::invalid_argument);
* Check that the given value satisfies the constraint.
* @param value the value to be checked against the constraint.
* @return true if the value satisfies the constraint.
* @exception std::logic_error if the parameter is a 0 pointer.
virtual bool
check(Ptr<const Glib::ustring>::Ref value) const
throw (std::logic_error);
/* ================================================= external data structures */
/* ====================================================== function prototypes */
} // namespace Core
} // namespace LiveSupport
#endif // LiveSupport_Core_NumericRangeConstraint_h
@ -89,20 +89,25 @@
<!ELEMENT gstreamerPlayer EMPTY >
<!ATTLIST gstreamerPlayer audioDevice CDATA #IMPLIED >
<!ELEMENT metadataTypeContainer (metadataType+) >
<!ELEMENT stationLogo EMPTY >
<!ATTLIST stationLogo path CDATA #REQUIRED >
<!ELEMENT testAudioUrl EMPTY >
<!ATTLIST testAudioUrl path CDATA #REQUIRED >
<!ELEMENT metadataType EMPTY >
<!ELEMENT metadataTypeContainer (metadataType+) >
<!ELEMENT metadataType (constraint?) >
<!ATTLIST metadataType dcName NMTOKEN #REQUIRED >
<!ATTLIST metadataType id3Tag CDATA #IMPLIED >
<!ATTLIST metadataType localizationKey NMTOKEN #REQUIRED >
<!ATTLIST metadataType localizationKey CDATA #REQUIRED >
<!ATTLIST metadataType tab NMTOKEN #IMPLIED >
<!ELEMENT constraint (value*) >
<!ATTLIST constraint type NMTOKEN #REQUIRED >
<!ELEMENT value (#PCDATA) >
<!ELEMENT keyboardShortcutList (keyboardShortcutContainer*) >
<!ELEMENT keyboardShortcutContainer (keyboardShortcut+) >
<!ATTLIST keyboardShortcutContainer windowName CDATA #REQUIRED >
@ -178,182 +183,196 @@
<testAudioUrl path = "file://var/testAudio.ogg" />
<metadataType dcName = "dc:title"
id3Tag = "TIT2"
localizationKey = "title"
tab = "main"
<metadataType dcName = "dc:title"
id3Tag = "TIT2"
localizationKey = "title"
tab = "main"
<metadataType dcName = "dc:creator"
id3Tag = "TPE1"
localizationKey = "creator"
tab = "main"
<metadataType dcName = "dc:creator"
id3Tag = "TPE1"
localizationKey = "creator"
tab = "main"
<metadataType dcName = "dc:source"
id3Tag = "TALB"
localizationKey = "album"
tab = "music"
<metadataType dcName = "dc:source"
id3Tag = "TALB"
localizationKey = "album"
tab = "music"
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id3Tag = "TYER"
localizationKey = "year"
tab = "music"
<metadataType dcName = "ls:year"
id3Tag = "TYER"
localizationKey = "year"
tab = "music" >
<constraint type = "numericRange" >
<metadataType dcName = "dc:type"
id3Tag = "TCON"
localizationKey = "genre"
tab = "main"
<metadataType dcName = "dc:type"
id3Tag = "TCON"
localizationKey = "genre"
tab = "main"
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id3Tag = "COMM"
localizationKey = "description"
tab = "main"
<metadataType dcName = "dc:description"
id3Tag = "COMM"
localizationKey = "description"
tab = "main"
<metadataType dcName = "dc:format"
localizationKey = "format" >
<constraint type = "enumeration" >
<metadataType dcName = "ls:bpm"
id3Tag = "TBPM"
localizationKey = "bpm"
tab = "music" >
<constraint type = "numeric" />
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id3Tag = "POPM"
localizationKey = "rating"
tab = "music"
<metadataType dcName = "dc:format"
localizationKey = "format"
<metadataType dcName = "dcterms:extent"
localizationKey = "length"
<metadataType dcName = "ls:bpm"
id3Tag = "TBPM"
localizationKey = "bpm"
tab = "music"
<metadataType dcName = "ls:encoded_by"
id3Tag = "TENC"
localizationKey = "encoded_by"
tab = "music"
<metadataType dcName = "ls:rating"
id3Tag = "POPM"
localizationKey = "rating"
tab = "music"
<metadataType dcName = "ls:track_num"
id3Tag = "TRCK"
localizationKey = "track_number"
tab = "music" >
<constraint type = "numeric" />
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id3Tag = "TPOS"
localizationKey = "disc_number"
tab = "music" >
<constraint type = "numeric" />
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id3Tag = "TMOO"
localizationKey = "mood"
tab = "music"
<metadataType dcName = "dcterms:extent"
localizationKey = "length"
<metadataType dcName = "dc:publisher"
id3Tag = "TPUB"
localizationKey = "publishing_label"
tab = "music"
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id3Tag = "TENC"
localizationKey = "encoded_by"
tab = "music"
<metadataType dcName = "ls:composer"
id3Tag = "TCOM"
localizationKey = "composer"
tab = "music"
<metadataType dcName = "ls:track_num"
id3Tag = "TRCK"
localizationKey = "track_number"
tab = "music"
<metadataType dcName = "ls:bitrate"
localizationKey = "bitrate"
tab = "music" >
<constraint type = "numeric" />
<metadataType dcName = "ls:channels"
localizationKey = "channels"
tab = "music"
<metadataType dcName = "ls:disc_num"
id3Tag = "TPOS"
localizationKey = "disc_number"
tab = "music"
<metadataType dcName = "ls:samplerate"
localizationKey = "sample_rate"
tab = "music" >
<constraint type = "numeric" />
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id3Tag = "TSSE"
localizationKey = "encoding_software"
tab = "music"
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id3Tag = "TMOO"
localizationKey = "mood"
tab = "music"
<metadataType dcName = "ls:crc"
localizationKey = "checksum"
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id3Tag = "TPUB"
localizationKey = "publishing_label"
tab = "music"
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localizationKey = "lyrics"
tab = "music"
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id3Tag = "TCOM"
localizationKey = "composer"
tab = "music"
<metadataType dcName = "ls:orchestra"
id3Tag = "TPE2"
localizationKey = "orchestra_or_band"
tab = "music"
<metadataType dcName = "ls:bitrate"
localizationKey = "bitrate"
tab = "music"
<metadataType dcName = "ls:conductor"
id3Tag = "TPE3"
localizationKey = "conductor"
tab = "music"
<metadataType dcName = "ls:channels"
localizationKey = "channels"
tab = "music"
<metadataType dcName = "ls:lyricist"
id3Tag = "TEXT"
localizationKey = "lyricist"
tab = "music"
<metadataType dcName = "ls:samplerate"
localizationKey = "sample_rate"
tab = "music"
<metadataType dcName = "ls:originallyricist"
id3Tag = "TOLY"
localizationKey = "original_lyricist"
tab = "music"
<metadataType dcName = "ls:encoder"
id3Tag = "TSSE"
localizationKey = "encoding_software"
tab = "music"
<metadataType dcName = "ls:radiostationname"
id3Tag = "TRSN"
localizationKey = "radio_station_name"
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localizationKey = "checksum"
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id3Tag = "WOAF"
localizationKey = "audio_file_info_url"
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localizationKey = "lyrics"
tab = "music"
<metadataType dcName = "ls:artisturl"
id3Tag = "WOAR"
localizationKey = "artist_url"
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id3Tag = "TPE2"
localizationKey = "orchestra_or_band"
tab = "music"
<metadataType dcName = "ls:audiosourceurl"
id3Tag = "WOAS"
localizationKey = "audio_source_url"
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id3Tag = "TPE3"
localizationKey = "conductor"
tab = "music"
<metadataType dcName = "ls:radiostationurl"
id3Tag = "WORS"
localizationKey = "radio_station_url"
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id3Tag = "TEXT"
localizationKey = "lyricist"
tab = "music"
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id3Tag = "WPAY"
localizationKey = "buy_cd_url"
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id3Tag = "TOLY"
localizationKey = "original_lyricist"
tab = "music"
<metadataType dcName = "ls:isrcnumber"
id3Tag = "TSRC"
localizationKey = "isrc_number"
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id3Tag = "TRSN"
localizationKey = "radio_station_name"
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localizationKey = "catalog_number"
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id3Tag = "WOAF"
localizationKey = "audio_file_info_url"
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id3Tag = "TOPE"
localizationKey = "original_artist"
tab = "music"
<metadataType dcName = "ls:artisturl"
id3Tag = "WOAR"
localizationKey = "artist_url"
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id3Tag = "TCOP"
localizationKey = "copyright"
tab = "music"
<metadataType dcName = "ls:audiosourceurl"
id3Tag = "WOAS"
localizationKey = "audio_source_url"
<metadataType dcName = "dcterms:temporal"
localizationKey = "report_date_time"
tab = "voice"
<metadataType dcName = "ls:radiostationurl"
id3Tag = "WORS"
localizationKey = "radio_station_url"
<metadataType dcName = "dcterms:spatial"
localizationKey = "report_location"
tab = "voice"
<metadataType dcName = "ls:buycdurl"
id3Tag = "WPAY"
localizationKey = "buy_cd_url"
<metadataType dcName = "dcterms:entity"
localizationKey = "report_organizations"
tab = "voice"
<metadataType dcName = "ls:isrcnumber"
id3Tag = "TSRC"
localizationKey = "isrc_number"
<metadataType dcName = "ls:catalognumber"
localizationKey = "catalog_number"
<metadataType dcName = "ls:originalartist"
id3Tag = "TOPE"
localizationKey = "original_artist"
tab = "music"
<metadataType dcName = "dc:rights"
id3Tag = "TCOP"
localizationKey = "copyright"
tab = "music"
<metadataType dcName = "dcterms:temporal"
localizationKey = "report_date_time"
tab = "voice"
<metadataType dcName = "dcterms:spatial"
localizationKey = "report_location"
tab = "voice"
<metadataType dcName = "dcterms:entity"
localizationKey = "report_organizations"
tab = "voice"
<metadataType dcName = "dc:subject"
localizationKey = "subject"
tab = "voice"
<metadataType dcName = "dc:subject"
localizationKey = "subject"
tab = "voice"
@ -89,20 +89,25 @@
<!ELEMENT gstreamerPlayer EMPTY >
<!ATTLIST gstreamerPlayer audioDevice CDATA #IMPLIED >
<!ELEMENT metadataTypeContainer (metadataType+) >
<!ELEMENT stationLogo EMPTY >
<!ATTLIST stationLogo path CDATA #REQUIRED >
<!ELEMENT testAudioUrl EMPTY >
<!ATTLIST testAudioUrl path CDATA #REQUIRED >
<!ELEMENT metadataType EMPTY >
<!ELEMENT metadataTypeContainer (metadataType+) >
<!ELEMENT metadataType (constraint?) >
<!ATTLIST metadataType dcName NMTOKEN #REQUIRED >
<!ATTLIST metadataType id3Tag CDATA #IMPLIED >
<!ATTLIST metadataType localizationKey NMTOKEN #REQUIRED >
<!ATTLIST metadataType localizationKey CDATA #REQUIRED >
<!ATTLIST metadataType tab NMTOKEN #IMPLIED >
<!ELEMENT constraint (value*) >
<!ATTLIST constraint type NMTOKEN #REQUIRED >
<!ELEMENT value (#PCDATA) >
<!ELEMENT keyboardShortcutList (keyboardShortcutContainer*) >
<!ELEMENT keyboardShortcutContainer (keyboardShortcut+) >
<!ATTLIST keyboardShortcutContainer windowName CDATA #REQUIRED >
@ -177,182 +182,196 @@
<testAudioUrl path = "file://ls_var_dir/LiveSupport/testAudio.ogg" />
<metadataType dcName = "dc:title"
id3Tag = "TIT2"
localizationKey = "title"
tab = "main"
<metadataType dcName = "dc:title"
id3Tag = "TIT2"
localizationKey = "title"
tab = "main"
<metadataType dcName = "dc:creator"
id3Tag = "TPE1"
localizationKey = "creator"
tab = "main"
<metadataType dcName = "dc:creator"
id3Tag = "TPE1"
localizationKey = "creator"
tab = "main"
<metadataType dcName = "dc:source"
id3Tag = "TALB"
localizationKey = "album"
tab = "music"
<metadataType dcName = "dc:source"
id3Tag = "TALB"
localizationKey = "album"
tab = "music"
<metadataType dcName = "ls:year"
id3Tag = "TYER"
localizationKey = "year"
tab = "music"
<metadataType dcName = "ls:year"
id3Tag = "TYER"
localizationKey = "year"
tab = "music" >
<constraint type = "numericRange" >
<metadataType dcName = "dc:type"
id3Tag = "TCON"
localizationKey = "genre"
tab = "main"
<metadataType dcName = "dc:type"
id3Tag = "TCON"
localizationKey = "genre"
tab = "main"
<metadataType dcName = "dc:description"
id3Tag = "COMM"
localizationKey = "description"
tab = "main"
<metadataType dcName = "dc:description"
id3Tag = "COMM"
localizationKey = "description"
tab = "main"
<metadataType dcName = "dc:format"
localizationKey = "format" >
<constraint type = "enumeration" >
<metadataType dcName = "ls:bpm"
id3Tag = "TBPM"
localizationKey = "bpm"
tab = "music" >
<constraint type = "numeric" />
<metadataType dcName = "ls:rating"
id3Tag = "POPM"
localizationKey = "rating"
tab = "music"
<metadataType dcName = "dc:format"
localizationKey = "format"
<metadataType dcName = "dcterms:extent"
localizationKey = "length"
<metadataType dcName = "ls:bpm"
id3Tag = "TBPM"
localizationKey = "bpm"
tab = "music"
<metadataType dcName = "ls:encoded_by"
id3Tag = "TENC"
localizationKey = "encoded_by"
tab = "music"
<metadataType dcName = "ls:rating"
id3Tag = "POPM"
localizationKey = "rating"
tab = "music"
<metadataType dcName = "ls:track_num"
id3Tag = "TRCK"
localizationKey = "track_number"
tab = "music" >
<constraint type = "numeric" />
<metadataType dcName = "ls:disc_num"
id3Tag = "TPOS"
localizationKey = "disc_number"
tab = "music" >
<constraint type = "numeric" />
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id3Tag = "TMOO"
localizationKey = "mood"
tab = "music"
<metadataType dcName = "dcterms:extent"
localizationKey = "length"
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id3Tag = "TPUB"
localizationKey = "publishing_label"
tab = "music"
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id3Tag = "TENC"
localizationKey = "encoded_by"
tab = "music"
<metadataType dcName = "ls:composer"
id3Tag = "TCOM"
localizationKey = "composer"
tab = "music"
<metadataType dcName = "ls:track_num"
id3Tag = "TRCK"
localizationKey = "track_number"
tab = "music"
<metadataType dcName = "ls:bitrate"
localizationKey = "bitrate"
tab = "music" >
<constraint type = "numeric" />
<metadataType dcName = "ls:channels"
localizationKey = "channels"
tab = "music"
<metadataType dcName = "ls:disc_num"
id3Tag = "TPOS"
localizationKey = "disc_number"
tab = "music"
<metadataType dcName = "ls:samplerate"
localizationKey = "sample_rate"
tab = "music" >
<constraint type = "numeric" />
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id3Tag = "TSSE"
localizationKey = "encoding_software"
tab = "music"
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id3Tag = "TMOO"
localizationKey = "mood"
tab = "music"
<metadataType dcName = "ls:crc"
localizationKey = "checksum"
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id3Tag = "TPUB"
localizationKey = "publishing_label"
tab = "music"
<metadataType dcName = "ls:lyrics"
localizationKey = "lyrics"
tab = "music"
<metadataType dcName = "ls:composer"
id3Tag = "TCOM"
localizationKey = "composer"
tab = "music"
<metadataType dcName = "ls:orchestra"
id3Tag = "TPE2"
localizationKey = "orchestra_or_band"
tab = "music"
<metadataType dcName = "ls:bitrate"
localizationKey = "bitrate"
tab = "music"
<metadataType dcName = "ls:conductor"
id3Tag = "TPE3"
localizationKey = "conductor"
tab = "music"
<metadataType dcName = "ls:channels"
localizationKey = "channels"
tab = "music"
<metadataType dcName = "ls:lyricist"
id3Tag = "TEXT"
localizationKey = "lyricist"
tab = "music"
<metadataType dcName = "ls:samplerate"
localizationKey = "sample_rate"
tab = "music"
<metadataType dcName = "ls:originallyricist"
id3Tag = "TOLY"
localizationKey = "original_lyricist"
tab = "music"
<metadataType dcName = "ls:encoder"
id3Tag = "TSSE"
localizationKey = "encoding_software"
tab = "music"
<metadataType dcName = "ls:radiostationname"
id3Tag = "TRSN"
localizationKey = "radio_station_name"
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localizationKey = "checksum"
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id3Tag = "WOAF"
localizationKey = "audio_file_info_url"
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localizationKey = "lyrics"
tab = "music"
<metadataType dcName = "ls:artisturl"
id3Tag = "WOAR"
localizationKey = "artist_url"
<metadataType dcName = "ls:orchestra"
id3Tag = "TPE2"
localizationKey = "orchestra_or_band"
tab = "music"
<metadataType dcName = "ls:audiosourceurl"
id3Tag = "WOAS"
localizationKey = "audio_source_url"
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id3Tag = "TPE3"
localizationKey = "conductor"
tab = "music"
<metadataType dcName = "ls:radiostationurl"
id3Tag = "WORS"
localizationKey = "radio_station_url"
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id3Tag = "TEXT"
localizationKey = "lyricist"
tab = "music"
<metadataType dcName = "ls:buycdurl"
id3Tag = "WPAY"
localizationKey = "buy_cd_url"
<metadataType dcName = "ls:originallyricist"
id3Tag = "TOLY"
localizationKey = "original_lyricist"
tab = "music"
<metadataType dcName = "ls:isrcnumber"
id3Tag = "TSRC"
localizationKey = "isrc_number"
<metadataType dcName = "ls:radiostationname"
id3Tag = "TRSN"
localizationKey = "radio_station_name"
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localizationKey = "catalog_number"
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id3Tag = "WOAF"
localizationKey = "audio_file_info_url"
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id3Tag = "TOPE"
localizationKey = "original_artist"
tab = "music"
<metadataType dcName = "ls:artisturl"
id3Tag = "WOAR"
localizationKey = "artist_url"
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id3Tag = "TCOP"
localizationKey = "copyright"
tab = "music"
<metadataType dcName = "ls:audiosourceurl"
id3Tag = "WOAS"
localizationKey = "audio_source_url"
<metadataType dcName = "dcterms:temporal"
localizationKey = "report_date_time"
tab = "voice"
<metadataType dcName = "ls:radiostationurl"
id3Tag = "WORS"
localizationKey = "radio_station_url"
<metadataType dcName = "dcterms:spatial"
localizationKey = "report_location"
tab = "voice"
<metadataType dcName = "ls:buycdurl"
id3Tag = "WPAY"
localizationKey = "buy_cd_url"
<metadataType dcName = "dcterms:entity"
localizationKey = "report_organizations"
tab = "voice"
<metadataType dcName = "ls:isrcnumber"
id3Tag = "TSRC"
localizationKey = "isrc_number"
<metadataType dcName = "ls:catalognumber"
localizationKey = "catalog_number"
<metadataType dcName = "ls:originalartist"
id3Tag = "TOPE"
localizationKey = "original_artist"
tab = "music"
<metadataType dcName = "dc:rights"
id3Tag = "TCOP"
localizationKey = "copyright"
tab = "music"
<metadataType dcName = "dcterms:temporal"
localizationKey = "report_date_time"
tab = "voice"
<metadataType dcName = "dcterms:spatial"
localizationKey = "report_location"
tab = "voice"
<metadataType dcName = "dcterms:entity"
localizationKey = "report_organizations"
tab = "voice"
<metadataType dcName = "dc:subject"
localizationKey = "subject"
tab = "voice"
<metadataType dcName = "dc:subject"
localizationKey = "subject"
tab = "voice"
@ -89,20 +89,25 @@
<!ELEMENT gstreamerPlayer EMPTY >
<!ATTLIST gstreamerPlayer audioDevice CDATA #IMPLIED >
<!ELEMENT metadataTypeContainer (metadataType+) >
<!ELEMENT stationLogo EMPTY >
<!ATTLIST stationLogo path CDATA #REQUIRED >
<!ELEMENT testAudioUrl EMPTY >
<!ATTLIST testAudioUrl path CDATA #REQUIRED >
<!ELEMENT metadataType EMPTY >
<!ELEMENT metadataTypeContainer (metadataType+) >
<!ELEMENT metadataType (constraint?) >
<!ATTLIST metadataType dcName NMTOKEN #REQUIRED >
<!ATTLIST metadataType id3Tag CDATA #IMPLIED >
<!ATTLIST metadataType localizationKey NMTOKEN #REQUIRED >
<!ATTLIST metadataType localizationKey CDATA #REQUIRED >
<!ATTLIST metadataType tab NMTOKEN #IMPLIED >
<!ELEMENT constraint (value*) >
<!ATTLIST constraint type NMTOKEN #REQUIRED >
<!ELEMENT value (#PCDATA) >
<!ELEMENT keyboardShortcutList (keyboardShortcutContainer*) >
<!ELEMENT keyboardShortcutContainer (keyboardShortcut+) >
<!ATTLIST keyboardShortcutContainer windowName CDATA #REQUIRED >
@ -177,182 +182,196 @@
<testAudioUrl path = "file:var/testAudio.ogg" />
<metadataType dcName = "dc:title"
id3Tag = "TIT2"
localizationKey = "title"
tab = "main"
<metadataType dcName = "dc:title"
id3Tag = "TIT2"
localizationKey = "title"
tab = "main"
<metadataType dcName = "dc:creator"
id3Tag = "TPE1"
localizationKey = "creator"
tab = "main"
<metadataType dcName = "dc:creator"
id3Tag = "TPE1"
localizationKey = "creator"
tab = "main"
<metadataType dcName = "dc:source"
id3Tag = "TALB"
localizationKey = "album"
tab = "music"
<metadataType dcName = "dc:source"
id3Tag = "TALB"
localizationKey = "album"
tab = "music"
<metadataType dcName = "ls:year"
id3Tag = "TYER"
localizationKey = "year"
tab = "music"
<metadataType dcName = "ls:year"
id3Tag = "TYER"
localizationKey = "year"
tab = "music" >
<constraint type = "numericRange" >
<metadataType dcName = "dc:type"
id3Tag = "TCON"
localizationKey = "genre"
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id3Tag = "TSRC"
localizationKey = "isrc_number"
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localizationKey = "catalog_number"
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tab = "voice"
@ -438,6 +438,9 @@ UploadFileWindow :: onUploadButtonClicked(void) throw ()
UploadFileWindow :: uploadAudioClip(void) throw ()
metadataTypes = gLiveSupport->getMetadataTypeContainer();
for (unsigned int i=0; i < metadataKeys.size(); ++i) {
Ptr<const Glib::ustring>::Ref metadataKey = metadataKeys[i];
Gtk::Entry * metadataEntry = metadataEntries[i];
@ -445,7 +448,17 @@ UploadFileWindow :: uploadAudioClip(void) throw ()
Ptr<const Glib::ustring>::Ref metadataValue(new Glib::ustring(
metadataEntry->get_text() ));
if (*metadataValue != "") {
audioClip->setMetadata(metadataValue, *metadataKey);
if (metadataTypes->check(metadataValue, *metadataKey)) {
audioClip->setMetadata(metadataValue, *metadataKey);
} else {
Ptr<const MetadataType>::Ref
metadata = metadataTypes->getByDcName(*metadataKey);
Ptr<const Glib::ustring>::Ref
localizedName = metadata->getLocalizedName();
@ -459,6 +472,7 @@ UploadFileWindow :: uploadAudioClip(void) throw ()
} catch (XmlRpcException &e) {
std::cerr << e.what();
@ -128,6 +128,7 @@ root:table
{ "Unsupported file type." }
missingTitleMsg:string { "Please enter a title." }
badMetadataMsg:string { "Invalid data for {0}." }
Reference in New Issue