Rule Name | -Argument | -Rule Description |
required | -- | Some input is required in the field. |
maxlength | -$length | -The input can be at most $length characters. |
minlength | -$length | -The input must be at least $length - characters. |
rangelength | -$min,$max | -The input must be between $min and $max characters - (inclusive). |
regex | -$rx | -The input must match the regular expression - $rx. |
- | The input must be a likely syntactically valid e-mail - address.* | |
emailorblank | -- | The input must be blank or satisfy the email rule. - |
lettersonly | -- | The input must contain only alphabetic - characters. |
alphanumeric | -- | The input must contain only letters and numbers. - |
numeric | -- | The input must contain a valid positive or negative - integer or decimal number. |
nopunctuation | -- | The input must not contain any of these characters: ( ) . - / * ^ ? # ! @ $ % + = , " ' > < ~ [ ] { }. |
nonzero | -- | The input must not begin with zero. |
uploadedfile | -- | The element must contain a successfully uploaded - file. |
maxfilesize | -$size | -The uploaded file must be no more than $size - bytes. |
mimetype | -$mime | -The uploaded file must have a MIME type of $mime. If - $mime is an array of MIME types, the uploaded file must have a MIME type - equal to one of the elements in $mime. |
filename | -$file_rx | -The uploaded file must have a filename that matches the - regular expression -$file_rx. |