diff --git a/livesupport/modules/storageServer/var/BasicStor.php b/livesupport/modules/storageServer/var/BasicStor.php
index 83dfe2057..afc99d0c1 100644
--- a/livesupport/modules/storageServer/var/BasicStor.php
+++ b/livesupport/modules/storageServer/var/BasicStor.php
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
Author : $Author: tomas $
- Version : $Revision: 1.23 $
+ Version : $Revision: 1.24 $
Location : $Source: /home/paul/cvs2svn-livesupport/newcvsrepo/livesupport/modules/storageServer/var/BasicStor.php,v $
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ require_once "Transport.php";
* Core of LiveSupport file storage module
* @author $Author: tomas $
- * @version $Revision: 1.23 $
+ * @version $Revision: 1.24 $
* @see Alib
class BasicStor extends Alib{
@@ -606,34 +606,11 @@ class BasicStor extends Alib{
function bsGetMetadataValue($id, $category)
- $gunid = $this->_gunidFromId($id);
- if(PEAR::isError($gunid)) return $gunid;
- if(is_null($gunid)){
- return PEAR::raiseError(
- "BasicStor::bsGetMdataValue: file not found ($id)",
- );
- }
- $catOrig = strtolower($category);
- // handle predicate namespace shortcut
- if(preg_match("|^([^:]+):([^:]+)$|", $catOrig, $catOrigArr)){
- $catNs = $catOrigArr[1]; $cat = $catOrigArr[2];
- }else{ $catNs=NULL; $cat=$catOrig; }
- $cond = "
- gunid=x'$gunid'::bigint AND objns='_L' AND
- predicate='$cat'
- ";
- if(!is_null($catNs)) $cond .= " AND predns='$catNs'";
- $sql = "
- SELECT object
- FROM {$this->mdataTable}
- WHERE $cond
- ";
- $res = $this->dbc->getCol($sql);
- if(PEAR::isError($res)) return $res;
- return $res;
+ require_once "DataEngine.php";
+ $de =& new DataEngine(&$this);
+ return $de->getMetadataValue($id, $category);
* Search in local metadata database.
@@ -659,77 +636,37 @@ class BasicStor extends Alib{
* @param limit int, limit for result arrays (0 means unlimited)
* @param offset int, starting point (0 means without offset)
- * @return hash, field 'results' is an array with gunid strings
+ * @return hash, fields:
+ * results : array with gunid strings
+ * cnt : integer - number of matching gunids
* of files have been found
+ * @see DataEngine
- function bsLocalSearch($criteria, $limit, $offset)
+ function bsLocalSearch($criteria, $limit=0, $offset=0)
- $operators = array('and'=>'AND', 'or'=>'OR');
- $ops = array('full'=>"='%s'", 'partial'=>"like '%%%s%%'", 'prefix'=>"like '%s%%'",
- '<'=>"< '%s'", '='=>"= '%s'", '>'=>"> '%s'", '<='=>"<= '%s'", '>='=>">= '%s'"
- );
- $filetype = strtolower($criteria['filetype']);
- $operator = strtolower($criteria['operator']);
- $conds = $criteria['conditions'];
- $whereArr = array();
- foreach($conds as $cond){
- $catOrig = strtolower($cond['cat']);
- // handle predicate namespace shortcut
- if(preg_match("|^([^:]+):([^:]+)$|", $catOrig, $catOrigArr)){
- $catNs = $catOrigArr[1]; $cat = $catOrigArr[2];
- }else{ $catNs=NULL; $cat=$catOrig; }
- $opVal = sprintf($ops[$cond['op']],
- addslashes(strtolower($cond['val'])));
- // escape % for sprintf in whereArr construction:
- $cat = str_replace("%", "%%", $cat);
- $opVal = str_replace("%", "%%", $opVal);
- $sqlCond = "
- %s.predicate = '{$cat}' AND
- %s.objns='_L' AND lower(%s.object) {$opVal}\n
- ";
- if(!is_null($catNs)){
- $catNs = str_replace("%", "%%", $catNs);
- $sqlCond = "%s.predns = '{$catNs}' AND $sqlCond";
- }
- $whereArr[] = "$sqlCond";
- }
- $selPart = "SELECT DISTINCT to_hex(f.gunid)as gunid, f.ftype as filetype";
- $limitPart = ($limit != 0 ? " LIMIT $limit" : '' ).
- ($offset != 0 ? " OFFSET $offset" : '' );
- $ftypeCond = " AND f.ftype='$filetype'";
- if($operator == 'and'){
- // operator: and
- $from = array("{$this->filesTable} f");
- $joinArr = array("f.gunid = md0.gunid".$ftypeCond);
- foreach($whereArr as $i=>$v){
- $from[] = "{$this->mdataTable} md$i";
- $whereArr[$i] = sprintf($v, "md$i", "md$i", "md$i", "md$i");
- $joinArr[] = "md$i.gunid = md".($i+1).".gunid";
- }
- // there are n-1 join condtions for join n tables - remove last:
- array_pop($joinArr);
- // query construcion:
- $sql = "$selPart\nFROM ".join(", ", $from).
- "\nWHERE ".join(' AND ', $whereArr);
- // add join conditions if there are any:
- if(count($joinArr)>0){ $sql .= " AND ".join(" AND ", $joinArr); }
- }else{
- // operator: or
- foreach($whereArr as $i=>$v){
- $whereArr[$i] = sprintf($v, "md", "md", "md", "md");
- }
- // query construcion:
- $sql = "\n$selPart\nFROM {$this->mdataTable} md\n".
- "INNER JOIN {$this->filesTable} f ON md.gunid=f.gunid $ftypeCond\n".
- "WHERE ".join(' OR ', $whereArr);
- }
- $rh = $this->dbc->query($sql); $cnt = $rh->numRows(); $rh->free();
- $res = $this->dbc->getCol($sql.$limitPart);
- if(PEAR::isError($res)) return $res;
- if(!is_array($res)) $res = array();
- $res = array_map(array("StoredFile", "_normalizeGunid"), $res);
-# return array('sql'=>$sql, 'results'=>$res);
- return array('results'=>$res, 'cnt'=>$cnt);
+ require_once "DataEngine.php";
+ $de =& new DataEngine(&$this);
+ return $de->localSearch($criteria, $limit, $offset);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Return values of specified metadata category
+ *
+ * @param category string, metadata category name
+ * with or without namespace prefix (dc:title, author)
+ * @param limit int, limit for result arrays (0 means unlimited)
+ * @param offset int, starting point (0 means without offset)
+ * @param criteria hash, see bsLocalSearch method
+ * @return hash, fields:
+ * results : array with gunid strings
+ * cnt : integer - number of matching values
+ * @see DataEngine
+ */
+ function bsBrowseCategory($category, $limit=0, $offset=0, $criteria=NULL)
+ {
+ require_once "DataEngine.php";
+ $de =& new DataEngine(&$this);
+ return $de->browseCategory($category, $limit, $offset, $criteria);
/* --------------------------------------------------------- info methods */
diff --git a/livesupport/modules/storageServer/var/DataEngine.php b/livesupport/modules/storageServer/var/DataEngine.php
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ae5e57672
--- /dev/null
+++ b/livesupport/modules/storageServer/var/DataEngine.php
@@ -0,0 +1,397 @@
+ *
+ * - filetype - string, type of searched files,
+ * meaningful values: 'audioclip', 'playlist'
+ * - operator - string, type of conditions join
+ * (any condition matches / all conditions match),
+ * meaningful values: 'and', 'or', ''
+ * (may be empty or ommited only with less then 2 items in
+ * "conditions" field)
+ *
+ * - conditions - array of hashes with structure:
+ *
+ * - cat - string, metadata category name
+ * - op - string, operator - meaningful values:
+ * 'full', 'partial', 'prefix', '=', '<',
+ * '<=', '>', '>='
+ * - val - string, search value
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Format of search/browse results: hash, with following structure:
+ *
+ * - results : array of gunids have found
+ * - cnt : integer - number of matching items
+ *
+ *
+ * @see MetaData
+ * @see StoredFile
+ */
+class DataEngine{
+ /**
+ * Constructor
+ *
+ * @param gb reference to BasicStor object
+ * @return this
+ */
+ function DataEngine(&$gb)
+ {
+ $this->gb =& $gb;
+ $this->dbc =& $gb->dbc;
+ $this->mdataTable = $gb->mdataTable;
+ $this->filesTable = $gb->filesTable;
+ $this->filetypes =
+ array('audioclip'=>'audioclip', 'playlist'=>'playlist');
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get metadata element value
+ *
+ * @param id int, virt.file's local id
+ * @param category string, metadata element name
+ * @return array of matching records
+ */
+ function getMetadataValue($id, $category)
+ {
+ $gunid = $this->gb->_gunidFromId($id);
+ if(PEAR::isError($gunid)) return $gunid;
+ if(is_null($gunid)){
+ return PEAR::raiseError(
+ "BasicStor::bsGetMdataValue: file not found ($id)",
+ );
+ }
+ $catOrig = strtolower($category);
+ // handle predicate namespace shortcut
+ if(preg_match("|^([^:]+):([^:]+)$|", $catOrig, $catOrigArr)){
+ $catNs = $catOrigArr[1]; $cat = $catOrigArr[2];
+ }else{ $catNs=NULL; $cat=$catOrig; }
+ $cond = "
+ gunid=x'$gunid'::bigint AND objns='_L' AND
+ predicate='$cat'
+ ";
+ if(!is_null($catNs)) $cond .= " AND predns='$catNs'";
+ $sql = "
+ SELECT object
+ FROM {$this->mdataTable}
+ WHERE $cond
+ ";
+ $res = $this->dbc->getCol($sql);
+ if(PEAR::isError($res)) return $res;
+ return $res;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Method returning array with where-parts of sql queries
+ *
+ * @param conditions array - see conditions field in search criteria format
+ * definition in DataEngine class documentation
+ * @return array of strings - where-parts of SQL qyeries
+ */
+ function _makeWhereArr($conditions)
+ {
+ $ops = array('full'=>"='%s'", 'partial'=>"like '%%%s%%'", 'prefix'=>"like '%s%%'",
+ '<'=>"< '%s'", '='=>"= '%s'", '>'=>"> '%s'", '<='=>"<= '%s'", '>='=>">= '%s'"
+ );
+ $whereArr = array();
+ if(is_array($conditions)){
+ foreach($conditions as $cond){
+ $catQn = strtolower($cond['cat']);
+ $op = strtolower($cond['op']);
+ $value = strtolower($cond['val']);
+ $splittedQn = XML_Util::splitQualifiedName($catQn);
+ $catNs = $splittedQn['namespace'];
+ $cat = $splittedQn['localPart'];
+ $opVal = sprintf($ops[$op], addslashes($value));
+ // escape % for sprintf in whereArr construction:
+ $cat = str_replace("%", "%%", $cat);
+ $opVal = str_replace("%", "%%", $opVal);
+ $sqlCond =
+ " %s.predicate = '{$cat}' AND".
+ " %s.objns='_L' AND lower(%s.object) {$opVal}\n";
+ if(!is_null($catNs)){
+ $catNs = str_replace("%", "%%", $catNs);
+ $sqlCond = " %s.predns = '{$catNs}' AND $sqlCond";
+ }
+ $whereArr[] = $sqlCond;
+ }
+ }
+ return $whereArr;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Method returning SQL query for search/browse with AND operator
+ * (without using INTERSECT command)
+ *
+ * @param fldsPart string - fields part of sql query
+ * @param whereArr array - array of where-parts
+ * @param ftypeCond string - condition for ftype
+ * @param browse boolean - true if browse vals required instead of gunids
+ * @param brFldNs string - namespace prefix of category for browse
+ * @param brFld string - category for browse
+ * @return query string
+ */
+ function _makeAndSqlWoIntersect($fldsPart, $whereArr, $ftypeCond, $browse,
+ $brFldNs=NULL, $brFld=NULL)
+ {
+ $innerBlocks = array();
+ foreach($whereArr as $i=>$v){
+ $whereArr[$i] = sprintf($v, "md$i", "md$i", "md$i", "md$i");
+ $lastTbl = ($i==0 ? "f" : "md".($i-1));
+ $innerBlocks[] =
+ "INNER JOIN {$this->mdataTable} md$i ON md$i.gunid = $lastTbl.gunid\n";
+ }
+ // query construcion:
+ $sql = "SELECT $fldsPart\nFROM {$this->filesTable} f\n".join("", $innerBlocks);
+ if($browse){
+ $sql .= "INNER JOIN {$this->mdataTable} br".
+ "\n ON br.gunid = f.gunid AND br.objns='_L' AND br.predicate='{$brFld}'";
+ if(!is_null($brFldNs)) $sql .= " AND br.predns='{$brFldNs}'";
+ $sql .= "\n";
+ }
+ if(!is_null($ftypeCond)) $whereArr[] = " $ftypeCond";
+ if(count($whereArr)>0) $sql .= "WHERE\n".join(" AND\n", $whereArr);
+ return $sql;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Method returning SQL query for search/browse with AND operator
+ * (using INTERSECT command)
+ *
+ * @param fldsPart string - fields part of sql query
+ * @param whereArr array - array of where-parts
+ * @param ftypeCond string - condition for ftype
+ * @param browse boolean - true if browse vals required instead of gunids
+ * @param brFldNs string - namespace prefix of category for browse
+ * @param brFld string - category for browse
+ * @return query string
+ */
+ function _makeAndSql($fldsPart, $whereArr, $ftypeCond, $browse,
+ $brFldNs=NULL, $brFld=NULL)
+ {
+ if(!USE_INTERSECT) return $this->_makeAndSqlWoIntersect(
+ $fldsPart, $whereArr, $ftypeCond, $browse, $brFldNs, $brFld);
+ $isectBlocks = array();
+ foreach($whereArr as $i=>$v){
+ $whereArr[$i] = sprintf($v, "md$i", "md$i", "md$i", "md$i");
+ $isectBlocks[] =
+ " SELECT gunid FROM {$this->mdataTable} md$i\n".
+ " WHERE\n {$whereArr[$i]}";
+ }
+ // query construcion:
+ if(count($isectBlocks)>0){
+ $isectBlock =
+ "FROM\n(\n".join("INTERSECT\n", $isectBlocks).") sq\n".
+ "INNER JOIN {$this->filesTable} f ON f.gunid = sq.gunid";
+ }else{
+ $isectBlock = "FROM {$this->filesTable} f";
+ }
+ $sql =
+ "SELECT $fldsPart\n".$isectBlock;
+ if($browse){
+ $sql .= "\nINNER JOIN {$this->mdataTable} br ON br.gunid = f.gunid\n".
+ "WHERE br.objns='_L' AND br.predicate='{$brFld}'";
+ if(!is_null($brFldNs)) $sql .= " AND br.predns='{$brFldNs}'";
+ $glue = " AND";
+ }else{ $glue = "WHERE";}
+ if(!is_null($ftypeCond)) $sql .= "\n$glue $ftypeCond";
+ return $sql;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Method returning SQL query for search/browse with OR operator
+ *
+ * @param fldsPart string - fields part of sql query
+ * @param whereArr array - array of where-parts
+ * @param ftypeCond string - condition for ftype
+ * @param browse boolean - true if browse vals required instead of gunids
+ * @param brFldNs string - namespace prefix of category for browse
+ * @param brFld string - category for browse
+ * @return query string
+ */
+ function _makeOrSql($fldsPart, $whereArr, $ftypeCond, $browse,
+ $brFldNs=NULL, $brFld=NULL)
+ {
+ foreach($whereArr as $i=>$v){
+ $whereArr[$i] = sprintf($v, "md", "md", "md", "md");
+ }
+ // query construcion:
+ $sql = "SELECT $fldsPart\nFROM {$this->filesTable} f\n";
+ if($browse){
+ $sql .= "INNER JOIN {$this->mdataTable} br".
+ "\n ON br.gunid = f.gunid AND br.objns='_L' AND br.predicate='{$brFld}'";
+ if(!is_null($brFldNs)) $sql .= " AND br.predns='{$brFldNs}'";
+ $sql .= "\n";
+ }
+ if(count($whereArr)>0){
+ $sql .= "INNER JOIN {$this->mdataTable} md ON md.gunid=f.gunid\n";
+ $sql .= "WHERE\n(\n".join(" OR\n", $whereArr).")";
+ $glue = " AND";
+ }else{ $glue = "WHERE"; }
+ if(!is_null($ftypeCond)) $sql .= "$glue $ftypeCond";
+ return $sql;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Search in local metadata database.
+ *
+ * @param cri hash, search criteria see DataEngine class documentation
+ * @param limit int, limit for result arrays (0 means unlimited)
+ * @param offset int, starting point (0 means without offset)
+ * @return hash, fields:
+ * results : array with gunid strings
+ * cnt : integer - number of matching gunids
+ * of files have been found
+ */
+ function localSearch($cri, $limit=0, $offset=0)
+ {
+ $res = $this->_localGenSearch($cri, $limit, $offset);
+ // if(PEAR::isError($res)) return $res;
+ return $res;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Search in local metadata database, more general version.
+ *
+ * @param criteria hash, search criteria see DataEngine class documentation
+ * @param limit int, limit for result arrays (0 means unlimited)
+ * @param offset int, starting point (0 means without offset)
+ * @param brFldNs string - namespace prefix of category for browse
+ * @param brFld string, metadata category identifier for browse
+ * @return hash, fields:
+ * results : array with gunid strings
+ * cnt : integer - number of matching gunids
+ * of files have been found
+ */
+ function _localGenSearch($criteria, $limit=0, $offset=0,
+ $brFldNs=NULL, $brFld=NULL)
+ {
+ $filetype = $this->filetypes[strtolower($criteria['filetype'])];
+# if(is_null($filetype)) $filetype =
+ $operator = strtolower($criteria['operator']);
+ $whereArr = $this->_makeWhereArr($criteria['conditions']);
+ $browse = !is_null($brFld);
+ if(!$browse){
+ $fldsPart = "DISTINCT to_hex(f.gunid)as gunid";
+ }else{
+ $fldsPart = "DISTINCT br.object";
+ }
+ $limitPart = ($limit != 0 ? " LIMIT $limit" : '' ).
+ ($offset != 0 ? " OFFSET $offset" : '' );
+ $ftypeCond = "f.ftype='$filetype'";
+ if(is_null($filetype)) $ftypeCond = NULL;
+ if($operator == 'and'){ // operator: and
+ $sql = $this->_makeAndSql(
+ $fldsPart, $whereArr, $ftypeCond, $browse, $brFldNs, $brFld);
+ }else{ // operator: or
+ $sql = $this->_makeOrSql(
+ $fldsPart, $whereArr, $ftypeCond, $browse, $brFldNs, $brFld);
+ }
+ // echo "\n---\n$sql\n---\n";
+ $cnt = $this->_getNumRows($sql);
+ if(PEAR::isError($cnt)) return $cnt;
+ $res = $this->dbc->getCol($sql.$limitPart);
+ if(PEAR::isError($res)) return $res;
+ if(!is_array($res)) $res = array();
+ if(!$browse){
+ $res = array_map(array("StoredFile", "_normalizeGunid"), $res);
+ }
+ return array('results'=>$res, 'cnt'=>$cnt);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Return values of specified metadata category
+ *
+ * @param category string, metadata category name
+ * with or without namespace prefix (dc:title, author)
+ * @param limit int, limit for result arrays (0 means unlimited)
+ * @param offset int, starting point (0 means without offset)
+ * @param criteria hash
+ * @return hash, fields:
+ * results : array with gunid strings
+ * cnt : integer - number of matching values
+ */
+ function browseCategory($category, $limit=0, $offset=0, $criteria=NULL)
+ {
+ $category = strtolower($category);
+ $r = XML_Util::splitQualifiedName($category);
+ $catNs = $r['namespace'];
+ $cat = $r['localPart'];
+ if(is_array($criteria) && count($criteria)>0){
+ return $this->_localGenSearch($criteria, $limit, $offset, $catNs, $cat);
+ }
+ $sqlCond = "m.predicate='$cat' AND m.objns='_L'";
+ if(!is_null($catNs)){
+ $sqlCond = "m.predns = '{$catNs}' AND $sqlCond";
+ }
+ $limitPart = ($limit != 0 ? " LIMIT $limit" : '' ).
+ ($offset != 0 ? " OFFSET $offset" : '' );
+ $sql =
+ "SELECT DISTINCT m.object FROM {$this->mdataTable} m\n".
+ "WHERE $sqlCond";
+ // echo "\n---\n$sql\n---\n";
+ $cnt = $this->_getNumRows($sql);
+ if(PEAR::isError($cnt)) return $cnt;
+ $res = $this->dbc->getCol($sql.$limitPart);
+ if(PEAR::isError($res)) return $res;
+ if(!is_array($res)) $res = array();
+ return array('results'=>$res, 'cnt'=>$cnt);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get number of rows in query result
+ *
+ * @param query string, sql query
+ * @return int, number of rows in query result
+ */
+ function _getNumRows($query)
+ {
+ $rh = $this->dbc->query($query);
+ if(PEAR::isError($rh)) return $rh;
+ $cnt = $rh->numRows();
+ if(PEAR::isError($cnt)) return $cnt;
+ $rh->free();
+ return $cnt;
+ }
\ No newline at end of file