diff --git a/livesupport/modules/archiveServer/doc/INSTALL b/livesupport/modules/archiveServer/doc/INSTALL
deleted file mode 100644
index 1b6340921..000000000
--- a/livesupport/modules/archiveServer/doc/INSTALL
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-Install steps for file uploading (do it with appropriate changes):
-(PUT method for uploading from behind firewall with resume feature)
-1) mkdir cgi-bin-put in apache2 dir
-2) move put.cgi there from var subdir
-3) add to apache2 config (i.g. commonapache2.conf):
- Script PUT /cgi-bin-put/put.cgi
-ScriptAlias /cgi-bin-put/ "/usr/local/apache2/cgi-bin-put/"
- AllowOverride All
- Options ExecCGI
- Order allow,deny
- Allow from all
-4) reload apache2
-Tested with apache 2.0.49 and (without Directory tag) with apache 1.3.28.
-For devel environment follow steps in storageServer/doc/INSTALL.
-For running archiveServer on different HW then storageServer:
- - required packages: apache, php, mod_php, postgreSQL, PEAR_DB
- - check if PEAR DB installed: 'pear list' or install it: 'pear install DB'
- - check if include_path in php.ini points to PEAR too
- (/usr/lib/php or /usr/local/lib/php)
- - setup var/conf.php - at least "basic configuration" part
- - create symlink with name corresponding to "URL configuration" part
- of var/conf.php file - example for default values:
- http://localhost:80/livesupportArchiveServer/ should point to
- /modules/archiveServer/var directory
- - run 'make check' to: setup directories, create db tables and run test scripts
- OR 'make all' without tests