cc-4347: deleteRebroadcasts and GetEndTimeOfNextShowWithLiveDJ pdo'd

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Rudi Grinberg 2012-09-10 11:39:22 -04:00
parent e2c2f67fbb
commit 3df4c8d65a
1 changed files with 22 additions and 19 deletions

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@ -36,17 +36,17 @@ class Application_Model_ShowInstance
public function deleteRebroadcasts()
$con = Propel::getConnection();
$timestamp = gmdate("Y-m-d H:i:s");
$instance_id = $this->getShowInstanceId();
$sql = "DELETE FROM cc_show_instances"
." WHERE starts > TIMESTAMP '$timestamp'"
." AND instance_id = $instance_id"
." AND rebroadcast = 1";
$sql = <<<SQL
DELETE FROM cc_show_instances
WHERE starts > :timestamp::TIMESTAMP
AND instance_id = :instanceId
AND rebroadcast = 1;
Application_Common_Database::prepareAndExecute( $sql, array(
':instanceId' => $instance_id,
':timestamp' => $timestamp), 'execute');
/* This function is weird. It should return a boolean, but instead returns
@ -821,16 +821,19 @@ SQL;
// this returns end timestamp of all shows that are in the range and has live DJ set up
public static function GetEndTimeOfNextShowWithLiveDJ($p_startTime, $p_endTime)
global $CC_CONFIG;
$con = Propel::getConnection();
$sql = "SELECT ends
FROM cc_show_instances as si
JOIN cc_show as sh ON si.show_id =
WHERE si.ends > '$p_startTime' and si.ends < '$p_endTime' and (sh.live_stream_using_airtime_auth or live_stream_using_custom_auth)
$sql = <<<SQL
FROM cc_show_instances AS si
JOIN cc_show AS sh ON si.show_id =
WHERE si.ends > :startTime::TIMESTAMP
AND si.ends < :endTime::TIMESTAMP
AND (sh.live_stream_using_airtime_auth
OR live_stream_using_custom_auth)
ORDER BY si.ends";
return $con->query($sql)->fetchAll();
return Application_Common_Database::prepareAndExecute( $sql, array(
':startTime' => $p_startTime,
':endTime' => $p_endTime), 'all');
public function isRepeating()