Added option to copy (--copy) the imported files to disk for the case when you use removable media. Made the output better. Added error check.
This commit is contained in:
@ -26,8 +26,9 @@ function printUsage()
echo "Parameters:\n";
echo "\n";
echo " -t, --test Test only - do not import, show analyze\n";
echo " -h, --help Print this message and exit.\n";
echo " -c, --copy Make a copy of the files that are imported.\n";
echo " This is useful if you are importing from removable media.\n";
echo " -h, --help Print this message and exit.\n";
echo "\n";
@ -57,57 +58,64 @@ function import_err($p_pearErrorObj, $txt='')
* @param string $p_filepath
* You can pass in a directory or file name.
* @param GreenBox $p_greenbox
* @param int $p_parentId
* @param boolean $p_doCopyFiles
* @param boolean $p_testOnly
* @return int
function camp_import_audio_file($p_filepath, $p_greenbox, $p_parentId,
$p_testOnly = false)
function camp_import_audio_file($p_filepath, $p_doCopyFiles = false, $p_testOnly = false)
$greenbox = new GreenBox();
$parentId = M2tree::GetObjId(M2tree::GetRootNode());
$fileCount = 0;
$duplicates = 0;
$p_filepath = realpath(rtrim($p_filepath));
if (!file_exists($p_filepath)) {
echo " * WARNING: File does not exist: $p_filepath\n";
return 0;
return array($fileCount, $duplicates);
if (is_dir($p_filepath)) {
list(,$fileList) = File_Find::maptree($p_filepath);
foreach ($fileList as $tmpFile) {
$fileCount += camp_import_audio_file($tmpFile, $p_greenbox, $p_parentId, $p_testOnly);
list($tmpCount, $tmpDups) = camp_import_audio_file($tmpFile, $p_doCopyFiles, $p_testOnly);
$fileCount += $tmpCount;
$duplicates += $tmpDups;
return $fileCount;
return array($fileCount, $duplicates);
// Check for non-supported file type
if (!preg_match('/\.(ogg|mp3)$/i', $p_filepath, $var)) {
//echo " * WARNING: File extension not supported - skipping file: $p_filepath\n";
return 0;
return array($fileCount, $duplicates);
echo "Importing: $p_filepath\n";
$md5sum = md5_file($p_filepath);
// Look up md5sum in database
$duplicate = StoredFile::RecallByMd5($md5sum);
if ($duplicate) {
echo " * File already exists in the database.\n";
return 0;
//echo " * File already exists in the database.\n";
echo "DUPLICATE: $p_filepath\n";
return array($fileCount, $duplicates+1);
echo "Importing: $p_filepath\n";
$metadata = camp_get_audio_metadata($p_filepath, $p_testOnly);
if (PEAR::isError($metadata)) {
return 0;
return array($fileCount, $duplicates);
if (!$p_testOnly) {
$r = $p_greenbox->bsPutFile($p_parentId, $metadata['ls:filename'], "$p_filepath", "$STORAGE_SERVER_PATH/var/emptyMdata.xml", NULL, 'audioclip', 'file', FALSE);
$r = $greenbox->bsPutFile($parentId, $metadata['ls:filename'],
$p_filepath, "$STORAGE_SERVER_PATH/var/emptyMdata.xml", NULL,
'audioclip', 'file', $p_doCopyFiles);
if (PEAR::isError($r)) {
import_err($r, "Error in bsPutFile()");
echo var_export($metadata)."\n";
@ -115,7 +123,7 @@ function camp_import_audio_file($p_filepath, $p_greenbox, $p_parentId,
$id = $r;
$r = $p_greenbox->bsSetMetadataBatch($id, $metadata);
$r = $greenbox->bsSetMetadataBatch($id, $metadata);
if (PEAR::isError($r)) {
import_err($r, "Error in bsSetMetadataBatch()");
echo var_export($metadata)."\n";
@ -128,9 +136,9 @@ function camp_import_audio_file($p_filepath, $p_greenbox, $p_parentId,
echo "======================= ";
echo " * OK\n";
//echo " * OK\n";
return $fileCount;
return array($fileCount, $duplicates);
echo "========================\n";
@ -148,7 +156,11 @@ if (PEAR::isError($CC_DBC)) {
$parsedCommandLine = Console_Getopt::getopt($argv, "th", array("test", "help"));
$parsedCommandLine = Console_Getopt::getopt($argv, "thc", array("test", "help", "copy"));
if (PEAR::isError($parsedCommandLine)) {
$cmdLineOptions = $parsedCommandLine[0];
if (count($parsedCommandLine[1]) == 0) {
@ -159,6 +171,7 @@ if (count($parsedCommandLine[1]) == 0) {
$files = $parsedCommandLine[1];
$testonly = FALSE;
$doCopyFiles = FALSE;
foreach ($cmdLineOptions as $tmpValue) {
$optionName = $tmpValue[0];
$optionValue = $tmpValue[1];
@ -167,6 +180,11 @@ foreach ($cmdLineOptions as $tmpValue) {
case '--help':
case "c":
case "--copy":
echo " * Working in COPY mode\n";
$doCopyFiles = TRUE;
case "t":
case "--test":
$testonly = TRUE;
@ -174,28 +192,30 @@ foreach ($cmdLineOptions as $tmpValue) {
$greenbox = new GreenBox();
$parentId = M2tree::GetObjId(M2tree::GetRootNode());
$filecount = 0;
//echo "\n";
$duplicates = 0;
if (is_array($files)) {
foreach ($files as $filepath) {
$filecount += camp_import_audio_file($filepath, $greenbox, $parentId, $testonly);
list($tmpCount, $tmpDups) = camp_import_audio_file($filepath, $doCopyFiles, $testonly);
$filecount += $tmpCount;
$duplicates += $tmpDups;
$end = intval(date('U'));
$time = $end - $start;
if ($time > 0) {
$speed = round(($filecount+$g_errors)/$time, 1);
$speed = round(($filecount+$duplicates)/$time, 1);
} else {
$speed = "N/A";
echo "==========================================================================\n";
echo " * Files ".($testonly ? "analyzed" : "imported").": $filecount in $time s = $speed files/second, errors: $g_errors\n";
echo " *** Files imported: $filecount\n";
echo " *** Duplicate files (not imported): $duplicates\n";
echo " *** Errors: $g_errors\n";
echo " *** Total: ".($filecount+$duplicates)." files in $time seconds = $speed files/second.\n";
echo " * Import completed.\n";
//echo " * Import completed.\n";
Reference in New Issue