Clean up file creation and remove std_err_override

* Re-order folder creation to make a bit more sense (the log file creation step was unreachable because python scripts always created the checked dir early)
* create dirs from pypo data_files in installer so pypo can run out of the box on a new install
* Fix path to logrotate script (logrotation needs testing though)
* Remove std_err_override module from install. Code-wise only airtime-media-monitor is still based on it and that is slated for removal together with std_err_override.
This commit is contained in:
Lucas Bickel 2017-05-01 17:53:22 +02:00
parent 320856516f
commit 43eb777177
1 changed files with 19 additions and 22 deletions

View File

@ -875,9 +875,18 @@ chmod 755 /run/airtime
chown -R ${web_user}:${web_user} /run/airtime
verbose "...Done"
verbose "\n * Installing log writer..."
loudCmd "python ${AIRTIMEROOT}/python_apps/std_err_override/ install --install-scripts=/usr/bin"
verbose "...Done"
if [ ! -d /var/log/airtime ]; then
loud "\n-----------------------------------------------------"
loud " * Installing Log Files * "
loud "-----------------------------------------------------"
verbose "\n * Creating /var/log/airtime"
loudCmd "mkdir -p /var/log/airtime"
verbose "\n * Copying logrotate files..."
loudCmd "cp ${AIRTIMEROOT}/airtime_mvc/build/airtime-php.logrotate /etc/logrotate.d/airtime-php"
loudCmd "cp ${AIRTIMEROOT}/python_apps/pypo/liquidsoap/airtime-liquidsoap.logrotate /etc/logrotate.d/airtime-liquidsoap"
verbose "\n * Installing API client..."
loudCmd "python ${AIRTIMEROOT}/python_apps/api_clients/ install --install-scripts=/usr/bin"
@ -885,14 +894,14 @@ verbose "...Done"
verbose "\n * Installing pypo and liquidsoap..."
loudCmd "python ${AIRTIMEROOT}/python_apps/pypo/ install --install-scripts=/usr/bin --no-init-script"
loudCmd "mkdir -p /var/log/airtime/{pypo,pypo-liquidsoap} /var/tmp/airtime/pypo/{cache,files,tmp} /var/tmp/airtime/show-recorder/"
loudCmd "chown -R ${web_user}:${web_user} /var/log/airtime/{pypo,pypo-liquidsoap} /var/tmp/airtime/pypo/{cache,files,tmp} /var/tmp/airtime/show-recorder/"
systemInitInstall airtime-liquidsoap $web_user
systemInitInstall airtime-playout $web_user
verbose "...Done"
verbose "\n * Installing airtime-celery..."
loudCmd "python ${AIRTIMEROOT}/python_apps/airtime-celery/ install --no-init-script"
# Make the airtime log directory group-writable
loudCmd "chmod 775 /var/log/airtime"
# Create the Celery user
if $is_centos_dist; then
loudCmd "id celery 2>/dev/null || adduser --no-create-home -c 'LibreTime Celery' -r celery || true"
@ -912,26 +921,14 @@ loudCmd "python ${AIRTIMEROOT}/python_apps/airtime_analyzer/ install --i
systemInitInstall airtime_analyzer $web_user
verbose "...Done"
if [ ! -d /var/log/airtime ]; then
loud "\n-----------------------------------------------------"
loud " * Installing Log Files * "
loud "-----------------------------------------------------"
verbose "\n * Creating /var/tmp/airtime..."
mkdir -p /var/tmp/airtime/show-recorder/
verbose "\n * Copying logrotate files..."
cp ${AIRTIMEROOT}/airtime_mvc/build/airtime-php.logrotate /etc/logrotate.d/airtime-php
cp ${AIRTIMEROOT}/python_apps/pypo/pypo/liquidsoap_scripts/airtime-liquidsoap.logrotate /etc/logrotate.d/airtime-liquidsoap
verbose "\n * Setting permissions on /var/log/airtime..."
chmod -R a+x /var/log/airtime
chown -R ${web_user}:${web_user} /var/log/airtime/
# Make the airtime log directory group-writable
loudCmd "chmod -R 775 /var/log/airtime"
loudCmd "chown -R ${web_user}:${web_user} /var/log/airtime/"
verbose "\n * Setting permissions on /var/tmp/airtime..."
chmod -R a+x /var/tmp/airtime
chown -R ${web_user}:${web_user} /var/tmp/airtime/
loudCmd "chmod -R a+x /var/tmp/airtime"
loudCmd "chown -R ${web_user}:${web_user} /var/tmp/airtime/"
loud "\n-----------------------------------------------------"
loud " * Configuring PHP in Apache * "