chore: update outdated readmes (#2131)
This commit is contained in:
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# libretime-analyzer
# LibreTime Analyzer
libretime-analyzer is a daemon that processes LibreTime file uploads as background jobs.
LibreTime Analyzer is a service that analyze file as background jobs and move them into the storage.
It performs metadata extraction using Mutagen and moves uploads into LibreTime's
## Development
music library directory (stor/imported).
libretime-analyzer uses process isolation to make it resilient to crashes and runs in
a multi-tenant environment with no modifications.
## Installation
python install
# Install dependencies
make install
# Activate the development environment
source .venv/bin/activate
# Run linters
make lint
# Run tests
make test
# See the Makefile for more commands
cat Makefile
You will need to allow the "airtime" RabbitMQ user to access all exchanges and queues within the /airtime vhost:
rabbitmqctl set_permissions -p /airtime airtime .\* .\* .\*
## Usage
This program must run as a user with permissions to write to your Airtime music library
directory. For standard Airtime installations, run it as the libretime user:
sudo -u libretime libretime-analyzer --daemon
Or during development, add the --debug flag for more verbose output:
sudo -u libretime libretime-analyzer --debug
To print usage instructions, run:
libretime-analyzer --help
This application can be run as a daemon by running:
libretime-analyzer -d
# Developers
For development, you want to install libretime-analyzer system-wide but with everything symlinked back to the source
directory for convenience. This is super easy to do, just run:
pip install -r requirements-dev.txt
pip install --editable .
To send an test message to libretime-analyzer, you can use the message_sender.php script in the tools directory.
For example, run:
php tools/message_sender.php '{ "tmp_file_path" : "foo.mp3", "final_directory" : ".", "callback_url" : "http://localhost/rest/media/1", "api_key" : "YOUR_API_KEY" }'
php tools/message_sender.php '{"tmp_file_path":"foo.mp3", "import_directory":"/srv/airtime/stor/imported/1","original_filename":"foo.mp3","callback_url": "http://localhost/rest/media/1", "api_key":"YOUR_API_KEY"}'
## Logging
By default, logs are saved to:
This application takes care of rotating logs for you.
## Unit Tests
To run the unit tests, execute:
If you care about seeing console output (stdout), like when you're debugging or developing
a test, run:
nosetests -s
To run the unit tests and generate a code coverage report, run:
nosetests --with-coverage --cover-package=airtime_analyzer
## Running in a Multi-Tenant Environment
## History and Design Motivation
@ -1,5 +1,25 @@
# LibreTime Playout
# LibreTime Playout
LibreTime Playout is a service that will ingest a schedule and stream it.
## Development
# Install dependencies
make install
# Activate the development environment
source .venv/bin/activate
# Run linters
make lint
# Run tests
make test
# See the Makefile for more commands
cat Makefile
## History
## History
This tool was born out of a collaboration between Open Broadcast and Sourcefabric.
This tool was born out of a collaboration between Open Broadcast and Sourcefabric.
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# airtime-celery
# LibreTime Worker
airtime-celery is a [Celery]( daemon for handling backend tasks asynchronously. Communication and the Celery results backend are both handled with amqp (RabbitMQ).
LibreTime Worker is a service that will run background tasks.
# Installation
## Development
sudo python3 install
# Install dependencies
make install
# Activate the development environment
source .venv/bin/activate
# Run linters
make lint
# Run tests
make test
# See the Makefile for more commands
cat Makefile
Each instance of airtime-celery has its own worker, and multiple instances can be run in parallel. [Celery is thread-safe](, so this parallelization won't cause conflicts.
# Developers
To debug, you can run celery directly from the command line:
RMQ_CONFIG_FILE=${LIBRETIME_CONF_DIR}/config.yml celery -A libretime_worker.tasks worker --loglevel=info
This worker can be run alongside the service without issue.
You may want to use the setuptools develop target to install:
sudo python develop
You will need to allow the "airtime" RabbitMQ user to access all exchanges and queues within the /airtime vhost:
sudo rabbitmqctl set_permissions -p /airtime airtime .\* .\* .\*
# Logging
By default, logs are saved to:
# Troubleshooting
If you run into issues getting Celery to accept tasks from Airtime:
1. Make sure Celery is running ($ sudo service airtime-celery status).
2. Check the log file (/var/log/airtime/airtime-celery[-DEV_ENV].log) to make sure Celery started correctly.
3. Check your $LIBRETIME_CONF_DIR/config.yml rabbitmq settings. Make sure the settings here align with $LIBRETIME_CONF_DIR/$ENVIRONMENT/rabbitmq.ini.
4. Check RabbitMQ to make sure the celeryresults and task queues were created in the correct vhost.
5. Make sure the RabbitMQ user (the default is airtime) has permissions on all vhosts being used.
Reference in New Issue