Merge branch '1.8.2' into devel
This commit is contained in:
@ -20,6 +20,9 @@ Highlights:
- Fixed various editing show problems
- Fixed airtime-pypo-stop/start causing playback problems
- Fixed incorrect information being occasionally shown in the top panel
- Fixed problem with Record Check box occasionally being greyed-out when creating new show
- Fixed a problem with default genre not being applied to recorded shows
- Fixed a problem where shows repeating bi-weekly or monthly did not update properly when edited.
1.8.1 - May 2, 2011
@ -293,52 +293,61 @@ class ApiController extends Zend_Controller_Action
print 'You are not allowed to access this resource.';
$showCanceled = false;
$show_instance = $this->_getParam('show_instance');
$upload_dir = ini_get("upload_tmp_dir");
$file = StoredFile::uploadFile($upload_dir);
$show_instance = $this->_getParam('show_instance');
$show_name = "";
try {
$show_inst = new ShowInstance($show_instance);
$show_name = $show_inst->getName();
$show_genre = $show_inst->getGenre();
$show_start_time = $show_inst->getShowStart();
for($i=0; $i<$CC_CONFIG['soundcloud-connection-retries']; $i++) {
$show = new Show($show_inst->getShowId());
$description = $show->getDescription();
$hosts = $show->getHosts();
$tags = array_merge($hosts, array($show_name));
try {
$soundcloud = new ATSoundcloud();
$soundcloud_id = $soundcloud->uploadTrack($file->getRealFilePath(), $file->getName(), $description, $tags, $show_start_time, $show_genre);
catch (Services_Soundcloud_Invalid_Http_Response_Code_Exception $e) {
$code = $e->getHttpCode();
if(!in_array($code, array(0, 100))) {
} catch (Exception $e){
} catch (Exception $e){
//we've reached here probably because the show was
//cancelled, and therefore the show instance does not
//exist anymore (ShowInstance constructor threw this error).
//We've done all we can do (upload the file and put it in
//the library), now lets just return.
$showCanceled = true;
$tmpTitle = !(empty($show_name))?$show_name."-":"";
$tmpTitle .= $file->getName();
$file->setMetadataValue(UI_MDATA_KEY_TITLE, $tmpTitle);
if (!$showCanceled && Application_Model_Preference::GetDoSoundCloudUpload())
for ($i=0; $i<$CC_CONFIG['soundcloud-connection-retries']; $i++) {
$show = new Show($show_inst->getShowId());
$description = $show->getDescription();
$hosts = $show->getHosts();
$tags = array_merge($hosts, array($show_name));
try {
$soundcloud = new ATSoundcloud();
$soundcloud_id = $soundcloud->uploadTrack($file->getRealFilePath(), $tmpTitle, $description, $tags, $show_start_time, $show_genre);
catch (Services_Soundcloud_Invalid_Http_Response_Code_Exception $e) {
$code = $e->getHttpCode();
if(!in_array($code, array(0, 100))) {
$this->view->id = $file->getId();
@ -203,6 +203,7 @@ class ScheduleController extends Zend_Controller_Action
if (strtotime($show->getShowEnd()) <= strtotime($today_timestamp)
&& is_null($show->getSoundCloudFileId())
&& $show->isRecorded()
&& Application_Model_Preference::GetDoSoundCloudUpload()) {
$menu[] = array('action' => array('type' => 'fn',
'callback' => "window['uploadToSoundCloud']($id)"),
@ -313,6 +313,26 @@ class Show {
* Deletes all future rebroadcast instances of the current
* show object from the show_instances table.
public function deleteAllRebroadcasts(){
global $CC_DBC;
$date = new DateHelper;
$timestamp = $date->getTimestamp();
$showId = $this->getId();
$sql = "DELETE FROM cc_show_instances"
." WHERE starts > TIMESTAMP '$timestamp'"
." AND show_id = $showId"
." AND rebroadcast = 1";
* Deletes all show instances of current show after a
* certain date.
@ -556,52 +576,57 @@ class Show {
return CcShowInstancesQuery::create()->findPk($row);
public static function deletePossiblyInvalidInstances($p_data, $p_show, $p_endDate, $isRecorded, $repeatType)
public function deletePossiblyInvalidInstances($p_data, $p_endDate, $isRecorded, $repeatType)
if (($p_data['add_show_repeats'] != $p_show->isRepeating()) || ($isRecorded && !$p_data['add_show_repeats'])){
//repeat option was toggled.
if($isRecorded && $p_data['add_show_repeats']) {
if ($p_data['add_show_repeats'] != $this->isRepeating()){
//repeat option was toggled
if ($p_data['add_show_duration'] != $p_show->getDuration()){
if ($p_data['add_show_duration'] != $this->getDuration()){
//duration has changed
if ($isRecorded){
//delete all rebroadcasts. They will simply be recreated later
//in the execution of this PHP script. This simplifies having to
//reason about whether we should keep individual rebroadcasts or
//delete them or move them around etc.
if ($p_data['add_show_repeats']){
if (($repeatType == 1 || $repeatType == 2) &&
$p_data['add_show_start_date'] != $p_show->getStartDate()){
if (($repeatType == 1 || $repeatType == 2) &&
$p_data['add_show_start_date'] != $this->getStartDate()){
//start date has changed when repeat type is bi-weekly or monthly.
//This screws up the repeating positions of show instances, so lets
//just delete them for now.
//just delete them for now. (CC-2351)
if ($p_data['add_show_start_date'] != $p_show->getStartDate()
|| $p_data['add_show_start_time'] != $p_show->getStartTime()){
if ($p_data['add_show_start_date'] != $this->getStartDate()
|| $p_data['add_show_start_time'] != $this->getStartTime()){
//start date/time has changed
$newDate = strtotime($p_data['add_show_start_date']);
$oldDate = strtotime($p_show->getStartDate());
$oldDate = strtotime($this->getStartDate());
if ($newDate > $oldDate){
$p_show->updateStartDateTime($p_data, $p_endDate);
$this->updateStartDateTime($p_data, $p_endDate);
if ($repeatType != $p_show->getRepeatType()){
if ($repeatType != $this->getRepeatType()){
//repeat type changed.
} else {
//repeat type is the same, check if the days of the week are the same
$repeatingDaysChanged = false;
$showDaysArray = $p_show->getShowDays();
$showDaysArray = $this->getShowDays();
if (count($p_data['add_show_day_check']) == count($showDaysArray)){
//same number of days checked, lets see if they are the same numbers
$intersect = array_intersect($p_data['add_show_day_check'], $showDaysArray);
@ -617,28 +642,28 @@ class Show {
$daysRemoved = array_diff($showDaysArray, $p_data['add_show_day_check']);
if (count($daysRemoved) > 0){
//Check if end date for the repeat option has changed. If so, need to take care
//of deleting possible invalid Show Instances.
if ((strlen($p_show->getRepeatingEndDate()) == 0) == $p_data['add_show_no_end']){
if ((strlen($this->getRepeatingEndDate()) == 0) == $p_data['add_show_no_end']){
//show "Never Ends" option was toggled.
if ($p_data['add_show_no_end']){
else {
if ($p_show->getRepeatingEndDate() != $p_data['add_show_end_date']){
if ($this->getRepeatingEndDate() != $p_data['add_show_end_date']){
//end date was changed.
$newDate = strtotime($p_data['add_show_end_date']);
$oldDate = strtotime($p_show->getRepeatingEndDate());
$oldDate = strtotime($this->getRepeatingEndDate());
if ($newDate < $oldDate){
@ -704,7 +729,7 @@ class Show {
$isRecorded = ($data['add_show_record']) ? 1 : 0;
if ($data['add_show_id'] != -1){
Show::deletePossiblyInvalidInstances($data, $show, $endDate, $isRecorded, $repeatType);
$show->deletePossiblyInvalidInstances($data, $endDate, $isRecorded, $repeatType);
//check if we are adding or updating a show, and if updating
@ -908,7 +933,7 @@ class Show {
$ccShowInstance = new CcShowInstances();
$newInstance = true;
if ($newInstance || $ccShowInstance->getDbStarts() > $currentTimestamp){
@ -986,10 +1011,10 @@ class Show {
$ccShowInstance = new CcShowInstances();
$newInstance = true;
/* When editing the start/end time of a repeating show, we don't want to
* change shows that started in the past. So check the start time.
* change shows that started in the past. So check the start time.
if ($newInstance || $ccShowInstance->getDbStarts() > $currentTimestamp){
@ -1130,7 +1155,6 @@ class Show {
public static function getFullCalendarEvents($start, $end, $editable=false)
$events = array();
$options = array();
$start_range = new DateTime($start);
$end_range = new DateTime($end);
@ -1141,13 +1165,15 @@ class Show {
$today_timestamp = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
foreach ($shows as $show) {
$options = array();
//only bother calculating percent for week or day view.
if(intval($days) <= 7) {
$show_instance = new ShowInstance($show["instance_id"]);
$options["percent"] = $show_instance->getPercentScheduled();
if ($editable && strtotime($today_timestamp) < strtotime($show["starts"])) {
if ($editable && (strtotime($today_timestamp) < strtotime($show["starts"]))) {
$options["editable"] = true;
$events[] = Show::makeFullCalendarEvent($show, $options);
@ -1357,16 +1383,20 @@ class ShowInstance {
$mins = abs($deltaMin%60);
$today_timestamp = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
$starts = $this->getShowStart();
$ends = $this->getShowEnd();
if(strtotime($today_timestamp) > strtotime($starts)) {
return "can't move a past show";
$sql = "SELECT timestamp '{$starts}' + interval '{$deltaDay} days' + interval '{$hours}:{$mins}'";
$new_starts = $CC_DBC->GetOne($sql);
$sql = "SELECT timestamp '{$ends}' + interval '{$deltaDay} days' + interval '{$hours}:{$mins}'";
$new_ends = $CC_DBC->GetOne($sql);
$today_timestamp = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
if(strtotime($today_timestamp) > strtotime($new_starts)) {
return "can't move show into past";
@ -1405,9 +1435,14 @@ class ShowInstance {
$mins = abs($deltaMin%60);
$today_timestamp = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
$starts = $this->getShowStart();
$ends = $this->getShowEnd();
if(strtotime($today_timestamp) > strtotime($starts)) {
return "can't resize a past show";
$sql = "SELECT timestamp '{$ends}' + interval '{$deltaDay} days' + interval '{$hours}:{$mins}'";
$new_ends = $CC_DBC->GetOne($sql);
@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ class ATSoundcloud {
return $token;
public function uploadTrack($filepath, $filename, $description, $tags=array(), $release=null, $genre=null)
public function uploadTrack($filepath, $filename, $description, $tags=array(), $release=null, $genre=null)
@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ class ATSoundcloud {
'track[tag_list]' => $tags,
'track[description]' => $description,
'track[downloadable]' => true,
if(isset($release)) {
@ -61,13 +61,13 @@ class ATSoundcloud {
$track_data['track[release_month]'] = $release[1];
$track_data['track[release_day]'] = $release[2];
if (isset($genre) && $genre != "") {
$track_data['track[genre]'] = $genre;
else {
$default_genre = Application_Model_Preference::GetSoundCloudTrackType();
if ($genre != "") {
$default_genre = Application_Model_Preference::GetSoundCloudGenre();
if ($default_genre != "") {
$track_data['track[genre]'] = $default_genre;
@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ class ATSoundcloud {
return $response["id"];
@ -1693,8 +1693,8 @@ class StoredFile {
return array("sEcho" => intval($data["sEcho"]), "iTotalDisplayRecords" => $totalDisplayRows, "iTotalRecords" => $totalRows, "aaData" => $results);
public static function uploadFile($targetDir) {
public static function uploadFile($p_targetDir)
// HTTP headers for no cache etc
header('Content-type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8');
header("Expires: Mon, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT");
@ -1704,7 +1704,7 @@ class StoredFile {
header("Pragma: no-cache");
// Settings
//$targetDir = ini_get("upload_tmp_dir"); //. DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "plupload";
//$p_targetDir = ini_get("upload_tmp_dir"); //. DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "plupload";
$cleanupTargetDir = false; // Remove old files
$maxFileAge = 60 * 60; // Temp file age in seconds
@ -1721,13 +1721,13 @@ class StoredFile {
//$fileName = preg_replace('/[^\w\._]+/', '', $fileName);
// Create target dir
if (!file_exists($targetDir))
if (!file_exists($p_targetDir))
// Remove old temp files
if (is_dir($targetDir) && ($dir = opendir($targetDir))) {
if (is_dir($p_targetDir) && ($dir = opendir($p_targetDir))) {
while (($file = readdir($dir)) !== false) {
$filePath = $targetDir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $file;
$filePath = $p_targetDir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $file;
// Remove temp files if they are older than the max age
if (preg_match('/\.tmp$/', $file) && (filemtime($filePath) < time() - $maxFileAge))
@ -1748,7 +1748,7 @@ class StoredFile {
if (strpos($contentType, "multipart") !== false) {
if (isset($_FILES['file']['tmp_name']) && is_uploaded_file($_FILES['file']['tmp_name'])) {
// Open temp file
$out = fopen($targetDir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $fileName, $chunk == 0 ? "wb" : "ab");
$out = fopen($p_targetDir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $fileName, $chunk == 0 ? "wb" : "ab");
if ($out) {
// Read binary input stream and append it to temp file
$in = fopen($_FILES['file']['tmp_name'], "rb");
@ -1767,7 +1767,7 @@ class StoredFile {
die('{"jsonrpc" : "2.0", "error" : {"code": 103, "message": "Failed to move uploaded file."}, "id" : "id"}');
} else {
// Open temp file
$out = fopen($targetDir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $fileName, $chunk == 0 ? "wb" : "ab");
$out = fopen($p_targetDir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $fileName, $chunk == 0 ? "wb" : "ab");
if ($out) {
// Read binary input stream and append it to temp file
$in = fopen("php://input", "rb");
@ -1783,7 +1783,7 @@ class StoredFile {
die('{"jsonrpc" : "2.0", "error" : {"code": 102, "message": "Failed to open output stream."}, "id" : "id"}');
$audio_file = $targetDir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $fileName;
$audio_file = $p_targetDir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $fileName;
$md5 = md5_file($audio_file);
$duplicate = StoredFile::RecallByMd5($md5);
@ -1812,18 +1812,14 @@ class StoredFile {
die('{"jsonrpc" : "2.0", "error" : {"code": 101, "message": ' + $metadata->getMessage() + '}}');
// #2196 no id tag -> use the original filename
if (basename($audio_file) == $metadata[UI_MDATA_KEY_TITLE]) {
// no id3 title tag -> use the original filename for title
if (empty($metadata[UI_MDATA_KEY_TITLE])) {
$metadata[UI_MDATA_KEY_TITLE] = basename($audio_file);
$metadata[UI_MDATA_KEY_FILENAME] = basename($audio_file);
// setMetadataBatch doesnt like these values
$values = array(
"filename" => basename($audio_file),
"filename" => basename($audio_file),
"filepath" => $audio_file,
"filetype" => "audioclip",
"mime" => $metadata[UI_MDATA_KEY_FORMAT],
@ -48,11 +48,10 @@ def getDateTimeObj(time):
class ShowRecorder(Thread):
def __init__ (self, show_instance, filelength, show_name, start_time, filetype):
def __init__ (self, show_instance, filelength, start_time, filetype):
self.api_client = api_client.api_client_factory(config)
self.filelength = filelength
self.show_name = show_name
self.start_time = start_time
self.filetype = filetype
self.show_instance = show_instance
@ -61,7 +60,7 @@ class ShowRecorder(Thread):
def record_show(self):
length = str(self.filelength)+".0"
filename = self.show_name+" "+self.start_time
filename = self.start_time
filename = filename.replace(" ", "-")
filepath = "%s%s.%s" % (config["base_recorded_files"], filename, self.filetype)
@ -155,9 +154,8 @@ class Record():
show_length = self.shows_to_record[start_time][0]
show_instance = self.shows_to_record[start_time][1]
show_name = self.shows_to_record[start_time][2]
|||| = ShowRecorder(show_instance, show_length.seconds, show_name, start_time, filetype="mp3")
|||| = ShowRecorder(show_instance, show_length.seconds, start_time, filetype="mp3")
#remove show from shows to record.
Reference in New Issue