Merge branch 'devel' of into devel
This commit is contained in:
@ -93,6 +93,8 @@ class Application_Form_SmartBlockCriteria extends Zend_Form_SubForm
"items" => "items"
$modRows = array();
// load type
$out = CcBlockQuery::create()->findPk($p_blockId);
if ($out->getDbType() == "static") {
@ -113,10 +115,21 @@ class Application_Form_SmartBlockCriteria extends Zend_Form_SubForm
// load criteria from db
$out = CcBlockcriteriaQuery::create()->findByDbBlockId($p_blockId);
$out = CcBlockcriteriaQuery::create()->orderByDbCriteria()->findByDbBlockId($p_blockId);
$storedCrit = array();
/* Store the previous criteria value
* We will use this to check if the current row has the same
* critieria value. If so, we know that this is a modifier row
$tempCrit = '';
$modrows = array();
$critRowNum = 0;
$modRowNum = 0;
$j = 0;
foreach ($out as $crit) {
//$tempCrit = $crit->getDbCriteria();
$criteria = $crit->getDbCriteria();
$modifier = $crit->getDbModifier();
$value = $crit->getDbValue();
@ -127,7 +140,19 @@ class Application_Form_SmartBlockCriteria extends Zend_Form_SubForm
$storedCrit["crit"][] = array("criteria"=>$criteria, "value"=>$value, "modifier"=>$modifier, "extra"=>$extra);
//check if row is a modifier row
if ($critRowNum > 0 && strcmp($tempCrit, $storedCrit["crit"][$critRowNum-1]["criteria"])==0) {
$modrows[$j][$] = $modRowNum;
} else if ($critRowNum > 0) {
$modRowNum = 0;
$openSmartBlockOption = false;
if (!empty($storedCrit)) {
@ -192,6 +217,7 @@ class Application_Form_SmartBlockCriteria extends Zend_Form_SubForm
$criteriaExtra->setAttrib('disabled', 'disabled');
$limit = new Zend_Form_Element_Select('sp_limit_options');
@ -242,7 +268,8 @@ class Application_Form_SmartBlockCriteria extends Zend_Form_SubForm
array('ViewScript', array('viewScript' => 'form/smart-block-criteria.phtml', "openOption"=> $openSmartBlockOption,
'criteriasLength' => count($criteriaOptions), 'poolCount' => $files['count']))
'criteriasLength' => count($criteriaOptions), 'poolCount' => $files['count'], 'modRows' => $modRows))
@ -941,7 +941,63 @@ EOT;
if(count($error) > 0){
$errors[] = array("element"=>"sp_criteria_field_".$key, "msg"=>$error);
}// foreach
$modrowSize = count($data['modrow']);
for ($i = 0; $i < $modrowSize; $i++) {
foreach ($data['modrow'][$i] as $key=>$d){
$error = array();
// check for not selected select box
if ($d['sp_criteria_field'] == "0" || $d['sp_criteria_modifier'] == "0"){
$error[] = "You must select Criteria and Modifier";
} else {
$column = CcFilesPeer::getTableMap()->getColumnByPhpName(self::$criteria2PeerMap[$d['sp_criteria_field']]);
// validation on type of column
if ($d['sp_criteria_field'] == 'length') {
if (!preg_match("/(\d{2}):(\d{2}):(\d{2})/", $d['sp_criteria_value'])) {
$error[] = "'Length' should be in '00:00:00' format";
} else if ($column->getType() == PropelColumnTypes::TIMESTAMP) {
if (!preg_match("/(\d{4})-(\d{2})-(\d{2})/", $d['sp_criteria_value'])) {
$error[] = "The value should be in timestamp format(eg. 0000-00-00 or 00-00-00 00:00:00";
} else if (!Application_Common_DateHelper::checkDateTimeRangeForSQL($d['sp_criteria_value'])) {
// check for if it is in valid range( 1753-01-01 ~ 12/31/9999 )
$error[] = "$d[sp_criteria_value] is not a valid date/time string";
if (isset($d['sp_criteria_extra'])) {
if (!preg_match("/(\d{4})-(\d{2})-(\d{2})/", $d['sp_criteria_extra'])) {
$error[] = "The value should be in timestamp format(eg. 0000-00-00 or 00-00-00 00:00:00";
} else if (!Application_Common_DateHelper::checkDateTimeRangeForSQL($d['sp_criteria_extra'])) {
// check for if it is in valid range( 1753-01-01 ~ 12/31/9999 )
$error[] = "$d[sp_criteria_extra] is not a valid date/time string";
} else if ($column->getType() == PropelColumnTypes::INTEGER) {
if (!is_numeric($d['sp_criteria_value'])) {
$error[] = "The value has to be numeric";
// length check
if (intval($d['sp_criteria_value']) >= pow(2,31)) {
$error[] = "The value should be less then 2147483648";
} else if ($column->getType() == PropelColumnTypes::VARCHAR) {
if (strlen($d['sp_criteria_value']) > $column->getSize()) {
$error[] = "The value should be less ".$column->getSize()." characters";
if ($d['sp_criteria_value'] == "") {
$error[] = "Value cannot be empty";
if(count($error) > 0){
$errors[] = array("element"=>"sp_criteria_field_".$key."_".$i, "msg"=>$error);
}//end mod foreach
}//for loop
$result = count($errors) > 0 ? 1 :0;
if ($result == 0) {
@ -970,6 +1026,23 @@ EOT;
//insert modifier rows
$modrowSize = count($p_criteriaData['modrow']);
for ($i = 0; $i < $modrowSize; $i++) {
foreach( $p_criteriaData['modrow'][$i] as $d){
$qry = new CcBlockcriteria();
if (isset($d['sp_criteria_extra'])) {
// insert limit info
$qry = new CcBlockcriteria();
@ -1093,13 +1166,39 @@ EOT;
$fieldNames = array('sp_criteria_field', 'sp_criteria_modifier', 'sp_criteria_value', 'sp_criteria_extra');
$output = array();
foreach ($p_criteria as $ele) {
$index = strrpos($ele['name'], '_');
/* Get criteria row index.
* We only need this if there is a modifier row
$tempName = $ele['name'];
preg_match('/^\D*(?=\d)/', $tempName, $r);
$critIndexPos = strlen($r[0]);
$critIndex = $tempName[$critIndexPos];
$fieldName = substr($ele['name'], 0, $index);
if (in_array($fieldName, $fieldNames)) {
$rowNum = intval(substr($ele['name'], $index+1));
$output['criteria'][$rowNum][$fieldName] = trim($ele['value']);
$output['etc'][$ele['name']] = $ele['value'];
/* Determine if this is a modifier row
* We will know if $fieldName's last character is an integer
$modRow = $fieldName[strlen($fieldName)-1];
if (!preg_match("/^[a-zA-Z]$/", $modRow)) {
$modIndex = strrpos($fieldName, '_');
$fieldName = substr($fieldName, 0, $modIndex);
if (in_array($fieldName, $fieldNames)) {
$rowNum = intval($tempName[strlen($tempName)-1]);
$output['modrow'][$critIndex][$rowNum][$fieldName] = trim($ele['value']);
$output['etc'][$ele['name']] = $ele['value'];
} else {
if (in_array($fieldName, $fieldNames)) {
$rowNum = intval(substr($ele['name'], $index+1));
$output['criteria'][$rowNum][$fieldName] = trim($ele['value']);
$output['etc'][$ele['name']] = $ele['value'];
@ -28,8 +28,10 @@
<div <?php if (($i > 0) && ($this->element->getElement("sp_criteria_field_".$i)->getAttrib('disabled') == 'disabled')) {
echo 'style=display:none';
} ?>>
<?php echo $this->element->getElement("sp_criteria_field_".$i) ?>
<a class='ui-button sp-ui-button-icon-only' id='modifier_add_<?php echo $i ?>'>
<span class='ui-icon ui-icon-plusthick'></span>
<?php echo $this->element->getElement("sp_criteria_modifier_".$i) ?>
<?php echo $this->element->getElement("sp_criteria_value_".$i) ?>
<span class='sp_text_font' id="extra_criteria" <?php echo $this->element->getElement("sp_criteria_extra_".$i)->getAttrib("disabled") == "disabled"?'style="display:none;"':""?>> to <?php echo $this->element->getElement('sp_criteria_extra_'.$i) ?></span>
@ -38,7 +40,21 @@
<br />
<?php if (isset($modRows[$i])) { for ($j = 0; $j < $this->modRows[$i]; $j++) {?>
<?php echo $this->element->getElement("sp_criteria_field_".$i."_".$j) ?>
<a class='ui-button sp-ui-button-icon-only' id='modifier_add_<?php echo $i ?>'>
<span class='ui-icon ui-icon-plusthick'></span>
<?php echo $this->element->getElement("sp_criteria_modifier_".$i."_".$j) ?>
<?php echo $this->element->getElement("sp_criteria_value_".$i."_".$j) ?>
<span class='sp_text_font' id="extra_criteria" <?php echo $this->element->getElement("sp_criteria_extra_".$i."_".$j)->getAttrib("disabled") == "disabled"?'style="display:none;"':""?>> to <?php echo $this->element->getElement('sp_criteria_extra_'.$i."_".$j) ?></span>
<a class='ui-button sp-ui-button-icon-only' id='criteria_remove_<?php echo $i ?>'>
<span class='ui-icon ui-icon-closethick'></span>
<br />
<?php } }?>
<?php } ?>
<br />
@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ $(document).ready(function() {
function setSmartPlaylistEvents() {
var form = $('#smart-playlist-form');
/********** ADD CRITERIA ROW **********/
form.find('.criteria_add').live('click', function(){
var div = $('dd[id="sp_criteria-element"]').children('div:visible:last').next();
@ -19,6 +20,54 @@ function setSmartPlaylistEvents() {
/********** ADD MODIFIER ROW **********/
form.find('a[id^="modifier_add"]').live('click', function(){
var id = $(this).attr('id'),
row_index = id.charAt(id.length-1),
criteria_value = $(this).siblings('select[name^="sp_criteria_field"]').val();
//get index for the new modifier row
if ($(this).parent().find('select[name^="sp_criteria_modifier_'+row_index+'_"]').length == 0) {
mod_index = 0;
} else {
var last_mod = $(this).parent().find('select[name^="sp_criteria_modifier_'+row_index+'_"]:last');
var last_mod_id = last_mod.attr('id');
mod_index = parseInt(last_mod_id.substr(last_mod_id.length-1))+1;
//make new modifier row
var newRow = $(this).parent().clone(),
newRowCrit = newRow.find('select[name^="sp_criteria_field"]'),
newRowMod = newRow.find('select[name^="sp_criteria_modifier"]'),
newRowVal = newRow.find('input[name^="sp_criteria_value"]'),
newRowExtra = newRow.find('input[name^="sp_criteria_extra"]'),
newRowRemove = newRow.find('a[id^="criteria_remove"]');
//append modifier index to the new modifier row
newRowCrit.attr('name', 'sp_criteria_field_'+row_index+'_'+mod_index);
newRowCrit.attr('id', 'sp_criteria_field_'+row_index+'_'+mod_index);
newRowMod.attr('name', 'sp_criteria_modifier_'+row_index+'_'+mod_index);
newRowMod.attr('id', 'sp_criteria_modifier_'+row_index+'_'+mod_index);
newRowVal.attr('name', 'sp_criteria_value_'+row_index+'_'+mod_index);
newRowVal.attr('id', 'sp_criteria_value_'+row_index+'_'+mod_index);
newRowExtra.attr('name', 'sp_criteria_extra_'+row_index+'_'+mod_index);
newRowExtra.attr('id', 'sp_criteria_extra_'+row_index+'_'+mod_index);
sizeTextBoxes(newRowVal, 'sp_extra_input_text', 'sp_input_text');
newRowRemove.attr('id', 'criteria_remove_'+row_index+'_'+mod_index);
//remove the 'criteria add' button from new modifier row
/********** REMOVE ROW **********/
form.find('a[id^="criteria_remove"]').live('click', function(){
var curr = $(this).parent();
var curr_pos = curr.index();
@ -105,6 +154,7 @@ function setSmartPlaylistEvents() {
/********** SAVE ACTION **********/
form.find('button[id="save_button"]').live("click", function(event){
var data = $('form').serializeArray(),
save_action = 'Playlist/smart-block-criteria-save',
@ -115,6 +165,7 @@ function setSmartPlaylistEvents() {
/********** GENERATE ACTION **********/
form.find('button[id="generate_button"]').live("click", function(event){
var data = $('form').serializeArray(),
generate_action = 'Playlist/smart-block-generate',
@ -125,6 +176,7 @@ function setSmartPlaylistEvents() {
/********** SHUFFLE ACTION **********/
form.find('button[id="shuffle_button"]').live("click", function(event){
var data = $('form').serializeArray(),
shuffle_action = 'Playlist/smart-block-shuffle',
@ -135,10 +187,12 @@ function setSmartPlaylistEvents() {
/********** CHANGE PLAYLIST TYPE **********/
form.find('dd[id="sp_type-element"]').live("change", function(){
/********** CRITERIA CHANGE **********/
form.find('select[id^="sp_criteria"]:not([id^="sp_criteria_modifier"])').live("change", function(){
var index_name = $(this).attr('id'),
index_num = index_name.charAt(index_name.length-1);
@ -148,6 +202,7 @@ function setSmartPlaylistEvents() {
/********** MODIFIER CHANGE **********/
form.find('select[id^="sp_criteria_modifier"]').live("change", function(){
var criteria_value = $(this).next(),
index_name = criteria_value.attr('id'),
@ -165,26 +220,33 @@ function setSmartPlaylistEvents() {
var static_length = $('.playlist_title').children('h4[id$="_length"]').text();
function setStaticLengthHolder(lenVal) {
static_length = lenVal;
function setupUI() {
var playlist_type = $('input:radio[name=sp_type]:checked').val();
var target_length = $('input[name="sp_limit_value"]').val();
if (target_length == '') {
target_length = '0.0';
var dynamic_length = target_length;
if ($('#obj_type').val() == 'block') {
if (playlist_type == "0") {
//$('#spl_sortable').css("position", "static");
} else {
message: "",
theme: true,
applyPlatformOpacityRules: false
@ -241,27 +303,33 @@ function sizeTextBoxes(ele, classToRemove, classToAdd) {
function populateModifierSelect(e) {
var criteria = $(e).val(),
criteria_type = criteriaTypes[criteria],
div = $(e);
/*var criteria = $(e).val(),
criteria_type = criteriaTypes[criteria],*/
var criteria_type = getCriteriaOptionType(e),
div = $(e).siblings('select[id^="sp_criteria_modifier"]');
if (criteria_type == 's') {
$.each(stringCriteriaOptions, function(key, value){
.attr('value', key)
.attr('value', key)
} else {
$.each(numericCriteriaOptions, function(key, value){
.attr('value', key)
.attr('value', key)
function getCriteriaOptionType(e) {
var criteria = $(e).val();
return criteriaTypes[criteria];
function callback(data, type) {
var form = $('#smart-playlist-form'),
json = $.parseJSON(data);
@ -281,8 +349,11 @@ function callback(data, type) {
form = $('#smart-playlist-form');
if (type == 'shuffle') {
form.find('.success').text('Playlist shuffled');
} else {
} else if (type == 'generate') {
form.find('.success').text('Smart playlist generated and saved');
//redraw library table so the length gets updated
var dt = $('table[id="library_display"]').dataTable();
Reference in New Issue