diff --git a/airtime_mvc/application/controllers/EmbeddableplayerController.php b/airtime_mvc/application/controllers/EmbeddableplayerController.php
index f30683b79..4536d7e18 100644
--- a/airtime_mvc/application/controllers/EmbeddableplayerController.php
+++ b/airtime_mvc/application/controllers/EmbeddableplayerController.php
@@ -9,12 +9,13 @@ class EmbeddablePlayerController extends Zend_Controller_Action
public function indexAction()
- $CC_CONFIG = Config::getConfig();
- $baseUrl = Application_Common_OsPath::getBaseDir();
- $this->view->headLink()->appendStylesheet($baseUrl.'css/embed-player.css?'.$CC_CONFIG['airtime_version']);
$form = new Application_Form_EmbeddablePlayer();
$this->view->form = $form;
+ public function embedCodeAction()
+ {
+ $this->view->layout()->disableLayout();
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/airtime_mvc/application/forms/EmbeddablePlayer.php b/airtime_mvc/application/forms/EmbeddablePlayer.php
index 00f49384a..4b9353aad 100644
--- a/airtime_mvc/application/forms/EmbeddablePlayer.php
+++ b/airtime_mvc/application/forms/EmbeddablePlayer.php
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ class Application_Form_EmbeddablePlayer extends Zend_Form_SubForm
$embedSrc = new Zend_Form_Element_Text('player_embed_src');
$embedSrc->setAttrib("readonly", "readonly");
$embedSrc->setAttrib("class", "player_embed_src");
- $embedSrc->setValue('');
+ $embedSrc->setValue('');
diff --git a/airtime_mvc/application/views/scripts/embeddableplayer/embed-code.phtml b/airtime_mvc/application/views/scripts/embeddableplayer/embed-code.phtml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..74da31357
--- /dev/null
+++ b/airtime_mvc/application/views/scripts/embeddableplayer/embed-code.phtml
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/airtime_mvc/application/views/scripts/form/embeddableplayer.phtml b/airtime_mvc/application/views/scripts/form/embeddableplayer.phtml
index f1ca8d478..568540d7f 100644
--- a/airtime_mvc/application/views/scripts/form/embeddableplayer.phtml
+++ b/airtime_mvc/application/views/scripts/form/embeddableplayer.phtml
@@ -8,6 +8,6 @@
element->getElement('player_stream_url'); ?>
- player preview holder
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/airtime_mvc/public/js/airtime/embeddableplayer/ffmp3-mcclean.xml b/airtime_mvc/public/js/airtime/embeddableplayer/ffmp3-mcclean.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..57d7c3eab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/airtime_mvc/public/js/airtime/embeddableplayer/ffmp3-mcclean.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/airtime_mvc/public/js/airtime/embeddableplayer/ffmp3-mcclean/bg.png b/airtime_mvc/public/js/airtime/embeddableplayer/ffmp3-mcclean/bg.png
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a399e16be
Binary files /dev/null and b/airtime_mvc/public/js/airtime/embeddableplayer/ffmp3-mcclean/bg.png differ
diff --git a/airtime_mvc/public/js/airtime/embeddableplayer/ffmp3-mcclean/holder.png b/airtime_mvc/public/js/airtime/embeddableplayer/ffmp3-mcclean/holder.png
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8b61d2345
Binary files /dev/null and b/airtime_mvc/public/js/airtime/embeddableplayer/ffmp3-mcclean/holder.png differ
diff --git a/airtime_mvc/public/js/airtime/embeddableplayer/ffmp3-mcclean/play.gif b/airtime_mvc/public/js/airtime/embeddableplayer/ffmp3-mcclean/play.gif
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..150591ffc
Binary files /dev/null and b/airtime_mvc/public/js/airtime/embeddableplayer/ffmp3-mcclean/play.gif differ
diff --git a/airtime_mvc/public/js/airtime/embeddableplayer/ffmp3-mcclean/playclick.jpg b/airtime_mvc/public/js/airtime/embeddableplayer/ffmp3-mcclean/playclick.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..48bbd4954
Binary files /dev/null and b/airtime_mvc/public/js/airtime/embeddableplayer/ffmp3-mcclean/playclick.jpg differ
diff --git a/airtime_mvc/public/js/airtime/embeddableplayer/ffmp3-mcclean/statusplay.png b/airtime_mvc/public/js/airtime/embeddableplayer/ffmp3-mcclean/statusplay.png
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d751aac25
Binary files /dev/null and b/airtime_mvc/public/js/airtime/embeddableplayer/ffmp3-mcclean/statusplay.png differ
diff --git a/airtime_mvc/public/js/airtime/embeddableplayer/ffmp3-mcclean/statusstop.png b/airtime_mvc/public/js/airtime/embeddableplayer/ffmp3-mcclean/statusstop.png
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e0cce0d1a
Binary files /dev/null and b/airtime_mvc/public/js/airtime/embeddableplayer/ffmp3-mcclean/statusstop.png differ
diff --git a/airtime_mvc/public/js/airtime/embeddableplayer/ffmp3-mcclean/stop.jpg b/airtime_mvc/public/js/airtime/embeddableplayer/ffmp3-mcclean/stop.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c7fda38d8
Binary files /dev/null and b/airtime_mvc/public/js/airtime/embeddableplayer/ffmp3-mcclean/stop.jpg differ
diff --git a/airtime_mvc/public/js/airtime/embeddableplayer/ffmp3-mcclean/stopclick.jpg b/airtime_mvc/public/js/airtime/embeddableplayer/ffmp3-mcclean/stopclick.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a25e025be
Binary files /dev/null and b/airtime_mvc/public/js/airtime/embeddableplayer/ffmp3-mcclean/stopclick.jpg differ
diff --git a/airtime_mvc/public/js/airtime/embeddableplayer/mrp.js b/airtime_mvc/public/js/airtime/embeddableplayer/mrp.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..74bc30836
--- /dev/null
+++ b/airtime_mvc/public/js/airtime/embeddableplayer/mrp.js
@@ -0,0 +1,3012 @@
+(function(n) {
+ function w(a, c) {
+ function r() {}
+ r.prototype = a;
+ var b = new r,
+ f;
+ for (f in c) b[f] = c[f];
+ c.toString !== Object.prototype.toString && (b.toString = c.toString);
+ return b
+ }
+ function B(a) {
+ return a instanceof Array ? function() {
+ return m.iter(a)
+ } : "function" == typeof a.iterator ? p(a, a.iterator) : a.iterator
+ }
+ function p(a, c) {
+ if (null == c) return null;
+ null == c.__id__ && (c.__id__ = G++);
+ var b;
+ null == a.hx__closures__ ? a.hx__closures__ = {} : b = a.hx__closures__[c.__id__];
+ null == b && (b = function() {
+ return b.method.apply(b.scope, arguments)
+ },
+ b.scope = a, b.method = c, a.hx__closures__[c.__id__] = b);
+ return b
+ }
+ n.muses = n.muses || {};
+ var s = function(a, c) {
+ c = c.split("u").join("");
+ this.r = new RegExp(a, c)
+ };
+ s.__name__ = !0;
+ s.prototype = {
+ r: null,
+ match: function(a) {
+ this.r.global && (this.r.lastIndex = 0);
+ this.r.m = this.r.exec(a);
+ this.r.s = a;
+ return null != this.r.m
+ },
+ matched: function(a) {
+ if (null != this.r.m && 0 <= a && a < this.r.m.length) return this.r.m[a];
+ throw "EReg::matched";
+ },
+ __class__: s
+ };
+ var m = function() {};
+ m.__name__ = !0;
+ m.cca = function(a, c) {
+ var b = a.charCodeAt(c);
+ return b != b ? void 0 :
+ b
+ };
+ m.substr = function(a, c, b) {
+ if (null != c && 0 != c && null != b && 0 > b) return "";
+ null == b && (b = a.length);
+ 0 > c ? (c = a.length + c, 0 > c && (c = 0)) : 0 > b && (b = a.length + b - c);
+ return a.substr(c, b)
+ };
+ m.indexOf = function(a, c, b) {
+ var e = a.length;
+ 0 > b && (b += e, 0 > b && (b = 0));
+ for (; b < e;) {
+ if (a[b] === c) return b;
+ b++
+ }
+ return -1
+ };
+ m.remove = function(a, c) {
+ var b = m.indexOf(a, c, 0);
+ if (-1 == b) return !1;
+ a.splice(b, 1);
+ return !0
+ };
+ m.iter = function(a) {
+ return {
+ cur: 0,
+ arr: a,
+ hasNext: function() {
+ return this.cur < this.arr.length
+ },
+ next: function() {
+ return this.arr[this.cur++]
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ var x =
+ function() {};
+ x.__name__ = !0;
+ x.exists = function(a, c) {
+ for (var b = B(a)(); b.hasNext();) {
+ var e = b.next();
+ if (c(e)) return !0
+ }
+ return !1
+ };
+ var A = function() {
+ this.length = 0
+ };
+ A.__name__ = !0;
+ A.prototype = {
+ h: null,
+ length: null,
+ iterator: function() {
+ return {
+ h: this.h,
+ hasNext: function() {
+ return null != this.h
+ },
+ next: function() {
+ if (null == this.h) return null;
+ var a = this.h[0];
+ this.h = this.h[1];
+ return a
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ __class__: A
+ };
+ var g = n.MRP = function() {};
+ g.__name__ = !0;
+ g.setObject = function() {
+ eval("MRP.instance = document." + g.objectId + ";");
+ null == g.instance &&
+ (g.instance = document.getElementById(g.objectId))
+ };
+ g.setElementId = function(a) {
+ g.elementId = a
+ };
+ g.setObjectId = function(a) {
+ g.objectId = a;
+ g.setObject()
+ };
+ g.play = function() {
+ g.instance.playSound()
+ };
+ g.stop = function() {
+ g.instance.stopSound()
+ };
+ g.setVolume = function(a) {
+ g.instance.setVolume(a / 100)
+ };
+ g.showInfo = function(a) {
+ g.instance.showInfo(a)
+ };
+ g.setTitle = function(a) {
+ g.instance.setTitle(a)
+ };
+ g.setUrl = function(a) {
+ g.instance.setUrl(a)
+ };
+ g.setFallbackUrl = function(a) {
+ g.instance.setFallbackUrl(a)
+ };
+ g.setCallbackFunction =
+ function(a) {
+ musesCallback = a
+ };
+ g.callbackExists = function() {
+ var a = "error",
+ a = typeof musesCallback;
+ return "undefined" != a && "error" != a
+ };
+ g.getScriptBaseHREF = function() {
+ return ("https:" == window.document.location.protocol ? "https://" : "http://") + "hosted.muses.org"
+ };
+ g.getSkin = function(a, c) {
+ return -1 != a.indexOf("/") || c && ("original" == a || "tiny" == a) ? a : g.getScriptBaseHREF() + "/muses-" + a + ".xml"
+ };
+ g.insert = function(a) {
+ null == a.elementId && null != g.elementId && (a.elementId = g.elementId);
+ FlashDetect.versionAtLeast(10, 1) ? g.flashInsert(a) :
+ g.jsInsert(a)
+ };
+ g.jsInsert = function(a) {
+ a.autoplay = !1;
+ g.playerCounter++;
+ var c = "MusesRadioPlayer-HTML5-player-" + g.playerCounter,
+ b = '';
+ null == a.elementId ? window.document.write(b) : window.document.getElementById(a.elementId).innerHTML = b;
+ a.elementId = c;
+ a.skin = g.getSkin(a.skin, !1);
+ new d.Muses(a)
+ };
+ g.flashInsert = function(a) {
+ null == a.wmode && (a.wmode = "window");
+ null == a.id && (a.id = g.objectId);
+ var c = "url=" + a.url,
+ c = c + ("&lang=" + (null != a.lang ? a.lang :
+ "auto")),
+ c = c + ("&codec=" + a.codec),
+ c = c + "&tracking=true" + ("&volume=" + (null != a.volume ? a.volume : 100));
+ null != a.introurl && (c += "&introurl=" + a.introurl);
+ null != a.autoplay && (c += "&autoplay=" + (a.autoplay ? "true" : "false"));
+ null != a.jsevents && (c += "&jsevents=" + (a.jsevents ? "true" : "false"));
+ null != a.buffering && (c += "&buffering=" + a.buffering);
+ null != a.metadataProxy && (c += "&metadataproxy=" + a.metadataProxy);
+ null != a.reconnectTime && (c += "&reconnecttime=" + a.reconnectTime);
+ null != a.fallbackUrl && (c += "&fallback=" + a.fallbackUrl);
+ var c =
+ c + ("&skin=" + g.getSkin(a.skin, !0)),
+ c = c + ("&title=" + a.title),
+ c = c + ("&welcome=" + a.welcome),
+ b = g.getScriptBaseHREF() + "/muses-hosted.swf",
+ e = 'width="' + a.width + '" height="' + a.height + '" ';
+ null != a.bgcolor && (e += 'bgcolor="' + a.bgcolor + '" ');
+ var f = '";
+ null != a.callbackFunction ? g.setCallbackFunction(a.callbackFunction) : 1 != a.jsevents || g.callbackExists() || g.setCallbackFunction(function(a, c) {});
+ null == a.elementId ? window.document.write(f) : window.document.getElementById(a.elementId).innerHTML =
+ f;
+ g.setObject()
+ };
+ g.main = function() {
+ g.getScriptBaseHREF()
+ };
+ var z = function() {};
+ z.__name__ = !0;
+ z.prototype = {
+ exists: null,
+ remove: null,
+ iterator: null,
+ __class__: z
+ };
+ Math.__name__ = !0;
+ var v = function() {};
+ v.__name__ = !0;
+ v.field = function(a, c) {
+ try {
+ return a[c]
+ } catch (b) {
+ return null
+ }
+ };
+ v.setField = function(a, c, b) {
+ a[c] = b
+ };
+ v.isFunction = function(a) {
+ return "function" == typeof a && !(a.__name__ || a.__ename__)
+ };
+ var y = function() {};
+ y.__name__ = !0;
+ y.string = function(a) {
+ return u.Boot.__string_rec(a, "")
+ };
+ y.parseInt = function(a) {
+ var c = parseInt(a,
+ 10);
+ 0 != c || 120 != m.cca(a, 1) && 88 != m.cca(a, 1) || (c = parseInt(a));
+ return isNaN(c) ? null : c
+ };
+ var C = function() {
+ this.b = ""
+ };
+ C.__name__ = !0;
+ C.prototype = {
+ b: null,
+ add: function(a) {
+ this.b += y.string(a)
+ },
+ addSub: function(a, c, b) {
+ this.b = null == b ? this.b + m.substr(a, c, null) : this.b + m.substr(a, c, b)
+ },
+ __class__: C
+ };
+ var t = function() {};
+ t.__name__ = !0;
+ t.urlEncode = function(a) {
+ return encodeURIComponent(a)
+ };
+ t.isSpace = function(a, c) {
+ var b = m.cca(a, c);
+ return 8 < b && 14 > b || 32 == b
+ };
+ t.ltrim = function(a) {
+ for (var c = a.length, b = 0; b < c && t.isSpace(a, b);) b++;
+ return 0 < b ? m.substr(a, b, c - b) : a
+ };
+ t.rtrim = function(a) {
+ for (var c = a.length, b = 0; b < c && t.isSpace(a, c - b - 1);) b++;
+ return 0 < b ? m.substr(a, 0, c - b) : a
+ };
+ t.trim = function(a) {
+ return t.ltrim(t.rtrim(a))
+ };
+ t.replace = function(a, c, b) {
+ return a.split(c).join(b)
+ };
+ t.fastCodeAt = function(a, c) {
+ return a.charCodeAt(c)
+ };
+ var D = function() {};
+ D.__name__ = !0;
+ D.getInstanceFields = function(a) {
+ var c = [],
+ b;
+ for (b in a.prototype) c.push(b);
+ m.remove(c, "__class__");
+ m.remove(c, "__properties__");
+ return c
+ };
+ var h = function() {};
+ h.__name__ = !0;
+ h.parse = function(a) {
+ return q.xml.Parser.parse(a)
+ };
+ h.createElement = function(a) {
+ var c = new h;
+ c.nodeType = h.Element;
+ c._children = [];
+ c._attributes = new q.ds.StringMap;
+ c.set_nodeName(a);
+ return c
+ };
+ h.createPCData = function(a) {
+ var c = new h;
+ c.nodeType = h.PCData;
+ c.set_nodeValue(a);
+ return c
+ };
+ h.createCData = function(a) {
+ var c = new h;
+ c.nodeType = h.CData;
+ c.set_nodeValue(a);
+ return c
+ };
+ h.createComment = function(a) {
+ var c = new h;
+ c.nodeType = h.Comment;
+ c.set_nodeValue(a);
+ return c
+ };
+ h.createDocType = function(a) {
+ var c = new h;
+ c.nodeType = h.DocType;
+ c.set_nodeValue(a);
+ return c
+ };
+ h.createProcessingInstruction =
+ function(a) {
+ var c = new h;
+ c.nodeType = h.ProcessingInstruction;
+ c.set_nodeValue(a);
+ return c
+ };
+ h.createDocument = function() {
+ var a = new h;
+ a.nodeType = h.Document;
+ a._children = [];
+ return a
+ };
+ h.prototype = {
+ nodeType: null,
+ _nodeName: null,
+ _nodeValue: null,
+ _attributes: null,
+ _children: null,
+ _parent: null,
+ get_nodeName: function() {
+ if (this.nodeType != h.Element) throw "bad nodeType";
+ return this._nodeName
+ },
+ set_nodeName: function(a) {
+ if (this.nodeType != h.Element) throw "bad nodeType";
+ return this._nodeName = a
+ },
+ set_nodeValue: function(a) {
+ if (this.nodeType ==
+ h.Element || this.nodeType == h.Document) throw "bad nodeType";
+ return this._nodeValue = a
+ },
+ get: function(a) {
+ if (this.nodeType != h.Element) throw "bad nodeType";
+ return this._attributes.get(a)
+ },
+ set: function(a, c) {
+ if (this.nodeType != h.Element) throw "bad nodeType";
+ this._attributes.set(a, c)
+ },
+ exists: function(a) {
+ if (this.nodeType != h.Element) throw "bad nodeType";
+ return this._attributes.exists(a)
+ },
+ attributes: function() {
+ if (this.nodeType != h.Element) throw "bad nodeType";
+ return this._attributes.keys()
+ },
+ elements: function() {
+ if (null ==
+ this._children) throw "bad nodetype";
+ return {
+ cur: 0,
+ x: this._children,
+ hasNext: function() {
+ for (var a = this.cur, c = this.x.length; a < c && this.x[a].nodeType != h.Element;) a += 1;
+ this.cur = a;
+ return a < c
+ },
+ next: function() {
+ for (var a = this.cur, c = this.x.length; a < c;) {
+ var b = this.x[a],
+ a = a + 1;
+ if (b.nodeType == h.Element) return this.cur = a, b
+ }
+ return null
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ addChild: function(a) {
+ if (null == this._children) throw "bad nodetype";
+ null != a._parent && m.remove(a._parent._children, a);
+ a._parent = this;
+ this._children.push(a)
+ },
+ __class__: h
+ };
+ var b = {
+ Campaign: function(a) {
+ this.responseCount =
+ 0;
+ "direct" != a && "organic" != a && "referral" != a && b.Tracker._raiseError("Campaign type has to be one of the Campaign::TYPE_* constant values.", "Campaign.new");
+ this.type = a;
+ switch (a) {
+ case "direct":
+ this.source = this.name = "(direct)";
+ this.medium = "(none)";
+ break;
+ case "referral":
+ this.name = "(referral)";
+ this.medium = "referral";
+ break;
+ case "organic":
+ this.name = "(organic)", this.medium = "organic"
+ }
+ this.creationTime = new b.DateTime
+ }
+ };
+ b.Campaign.__name__ = !0;
+ b.Campaign.createFromReferrer = function(a) {
+ var c = new b.Campaign("referral");
+ a = new b.URLParser(a);
+ c.source = a.host;
+ c.content = a.path;
+ return c
+ };
+ b.Campaign.prototype = {
+ type: null,
+ creationTime: null,
+ responseCount: null,
+ id: null,
+ source: null,
+ gClickId: null,
+ dClickId: null,
+ name: null,
+ medium: null,
+ term: null,
+ content: null,
+ validate: function() {
+ null == this.source && b.Tracker._raiseError('Campaigns need to have at least the "source" attribute defined.', "Campaign.validate")
+ },
+ setType: function(a) {
+ this.type = a
+ },
+ getType: function() {
+ return this.type
+ },
+ setCreationTime: function(a) {
+ this.creationTime = a
+ },
+ getCreationTime: function() {
+ return this.creationTime
+ },
+ setResponseCount: function(a) {
+ this.responseCount = a
+ },
+ getResponseCount: function() {
+ return this.responseCount
+ },
+ increaseResponseCount: function(a) {
+ null == a && (a = 1);
+ this.responseCount += a
+ },
+ setId: function(a) {
+ this.id = a
+ },
+ getId: function() {
+ return this.id
+ },
+ setSource: function(a) {
+ this.source = a
+ },
+ getSource: function() {
+ return this.source
+ },
+ setGClickId: function(a) {
+ this.gClickId = a
+ },
+ getGClickId: function() {
+ return this.gClickId
+ },
+ setDClickId: function(a) {
+ this.dClickId = a
+ },
+ getDClickId: function() {
+ return this.dClickId
+ },
+ setName: function(a) {
+ this.name =
+ a
+ },
+ getName: function() {
+ return this.name
+ },
+ setMedium: function(a) {
+ this.medium = a
+ },
+ getMedium: function() {
+ return this.medium
+ },
+ setTerm: function(a) {
+ this.term = a
+ },
+ getTerm: function() {
+ return this.term
+ },
+ setContent: function(a) {
+ this.content = a
+ },
+ getContent: function() {
+ return this.content
+ },
+ __class__: b.Campaign
+ };
+ b.Config = function(a) {
+ null == a && (a = !1);
+ this.sitespeedSampleRate = 1;
+ this.endPointPath = "/__utm.gif";
+ this.endPointHost = "www.google-analytics.com";
+ this.urlScheme = "http";
+ this.requestTimeout = 1;
+ this.sendOnShutdown = this.fireAndForget = !1;
+ this.errorSeverity = 2;
+ this.setUrlScheme("http" + (a ? "s" : ""))
+ };
+ b.Config.__name__ = !0;
+ b.Config.prototype = {
+ errorSeverity: null,
+ sendOnShutdown: null,
+ fireAndForget: null,
+ loggingCallback: null,
+ requestTimeout: null,
+ urlScheme: null,
+ endPointHost: null,
+ endPointPath: null,
+ sitespeedSampleRate: null,
+ getErrorSeverity: function() {
+ return this.errorSeverity
+ },
+ setErrorSeverity: function(a) {
+ this.errorSeverity = a
+ },
+ getSendOnShutdown: function() {
+ return this.sendOnShutdown
+ },
+ setSendOnShutdown: function(a) {
+ this.sendOnShutdown = a
+ },
+ getFireAndForget: function() {
+ return this.fireAndForget
+ },
+ setFireAndForget: function(a) {
+ this.fireAndForget = a
+ },
+ getLoggingCallback: function() {
+ return this.loggingCallback
+ },
+ setLoggingCallback: function(a) {
+ this.loggingCallback = a
+ },
+ getRequestTimeout: function() {
+ return this.requestTimeout
+ },
+ setRequestTimeout: function(a) {
+ this.requestTimeout = a
+ },
+ getUrlScheme: function() {
+ return this.urlScheme
+ },
+ setUrlScheme: function(a) {
+ return this.urlScheme = a
+ },
+ getEndPointHost: function() {
+ return this.endPointHost
+ },
+ setEndPointHost: function(a) {
+ this.endPointHost = a
+ },
+ getEndPointPath: function() {
+ return this.endPointPath
+ },
+ setEndPointPath: function(a) {
+ this.endPointPath = a
+ },
+ getSitespeedSampleRate: function() {
+ return this.sitespeedSampleRate
+ },
+ setSitespeedSampleRate: function(a) {
+ 0 > a || 100 < a ? b.Tracker._raiseError("For consistency with ga.js, sample rates must be specified as a number between 0 and 100.", "config.setSitespeedSampleRate") : this.sitespeedSampleRate = a
+ },
+ __class__: b.Config
+ };
+ b.CustomVariable = function(a, c, b, e) {
+ null == e && (e = 0);
+ null == a && (a = 0);
+ this.scope = 3;
+ 0 != a && this.setIndex(a);
+ null != c && this.setName(c);
+ null != b && this.setValue(b);
+ 0 != e && this.setScope(e)
+ };
+ b.CustomVariable.__name__ = !0;
+ b.CustomVariable.prototype = {
+ index: null,
+ name: null,
+ value: null,
+ scope: null,
+ validate: function() {
+ 128 < (this.name + y.string(this.value)).length && b.Tracker._raiseError("Custom Variable combined name and value length must not be larger than 128 bytes.", "CustomVariable.validate")
+ },
+ getIndex: function() {
+ return this.index
+ },
+ setIndex: function(a) {
+ (1 > a || 5 < a) && b.Tracker._raiseError("Custom Variable index has to be between 1 and 5.", "CustomVariable.setIndex");
+ this.index =
+ a
+ },
+ getName: function() {
+ return this.name
+ },
+ setName: function(a) {
+ this.name = a
+ },
+ getValue: function() {
+ return this.value
+ },
+ setValue: function(a) {
+ this.value = a
+ },
+ getScope: function() {
+ return this.scope
+ },
+ setScope: function(a) {
+ 3 != a && 2 != a && 1 != a && b.Tracker._raiseError("Custom Variable scope has to be one of the CustomVariable::SCOPE_* constant values.", "CustomVariable.setScope");
+ this.scope = a
+ },
+ __class__: b.CustomVariable
+ };
+ b.DateTime = function(a) {
+ this.date = null == a ? Math.round((new Date).getTime()) + "" : a
+ };
+ b.DateTime.__name__ = !0;
+ b.DateTime.prototype = {
+ date: null,
+ toString: function() {
+ return this.date
+ },
+ __class__: b.DateTime
+ };
+ b.Event = function(a, c, b, e, f) {
+ null == f && (f = !1);
+ null == e && (e = 0);
+ this.noninteraction = !1;
+ null != a && this.setCategory(a);
+ null != c && this.setAction(c);
+ null != b && this.setLabel(b);
+ this.setValue(e);
+ this.setNoninteraction(f)
+ };
+ b.Event.__name__ = !0;
+ b.Event.prototype = {
+ category: null,
+ action: null,
+ label: null,
+ value: null,
+ noninteraction: null,
+ validate: function() {
+ null != this.category && null != this.action || b.Tracker._raiseError("Events need at least to have a category and action defined.",
+ "Event.validate")
+ },
+ getCategory: function() {
+ return this.category
+ },
+ setCategory: function(a) {
+ this.category = a
+ },
+ getAction: function() {
+ return this.action
+ },
+ setAction: function(a) {
+ this.action = a
+ },
+ getLabel: function() {
+ return this.label
+ },
+ setLabel: function(a) {
+ this.label = a
+ },
+ getValue: function() {
+ return this.value
+ },
+ setValue: function(a) {
+ this.value = a
+ },
+ getNoninteraction: function() {
+ return this.noninteraction
+ },
+ setNoninteraction: function(a) {
+ this.noninteraction = a
+ },
+ __class__: b.Event
+ };
+ b.Item = function() {
+ this.quantity = 1
+ };
+ b.Item.__name__ = !0;
+ b.Item.prototype = {
+ orderId: null,
+ sku: null,
+ name: null,
+ variation: null,
+ price: null,
+ quantity: null,
+ validate: function() {
+ null == this.sku && b.Tracker._raiseError("Items need to have a sku/product code defined.", "Item.validate")
+ },
+ getOrderId: function() {
+ return this.orderId
+ },
+ setOrderId: function(a) {
+ this.orderId = a
+ },
+ getSku: function() {
+ return this.sku
+ },
+ setSku: function(a) {
+ this.sku = a
+ },
+ getName: function() {
+ return this.name
+ },
+ setName: function(a) {
+ this.name = a
+ },
+ getVariation: function() {
+ return this.variation
+ },
+ setVariation: function(a) {
+ this.variation =
+ a
+ },
+ getPrice: function() {
+ return this.price
+ },
+ setPrice: function(a) {
+ this.price = a
+ },
+ getQuantity: function() {
+ return this.quantity
+ },
+ setQuantity: function(a) {
+ this.quantity = a
+ },
+ __class__: b.Item
+ };
+ b.Page = function(a) {
+ this.setPath(a)
+ };
+ b.Page.__name__ = !0;
+ b.Page.prototype = {
+ path: null,
+ title: null,
+ charset: null,
+ referrer: null,
+ loadTime: null,
+ setPath: function(a) {
+ null != a && "/" != a.charAt(0) && b.Tracker._raiseError('The page path should always start with a slash ("/").', "Page.setPath");
+ this.path = a
+ },
+ getPath: function() {
+ return this.path
+ },
+ setTitle: function(a) {
+ this.title = a
+ },
+ getTitle: function() {
+ return this.title
+ },
+ setCharset: function(a) {
+ this.charset = a
+ },
+ getCharset: function() {
+ return this.charset
+ },
+ setReferrer: function(a) {
+ this.referrer = a
+ },
+ getReferrer: function() {
+ return this.referrer
+ },
+ setLoadTime: function(a) {
+ this.loadTime = a
+ },
+ getLoadTime: function() {
+ return this.loadTime
+ },
+ __class__: b.Page
+ };
+ b.Session = function() {
+ this.setSessionId(this.generateSessionId());
+ this.setTrackCount(0);
+ this.setStartTime(new b.DateTime)
+ };
+ b.Session.__name__ = !0;
+ b.Session.prototype = {
+ sessionId: null,
+ trackCount: null,
+ startTime: null,
+ fromUtmb: function(a) {
+ a = a.split(".");
+ if (4 != a.length) return b.Tracker._raiseError('The given "__utmb" cookie value is invalid.', "Session.fromUtmb"), this;
+ this.setTrackCount(b.internals.Util.parseInt(a[1], 0));
+ this.setStartTime(new b.DateTime(a[3]));
+ return this
+ },
+ generateSessionId: function() {
+ return b.internals.Util.generate32bitRandom()
+ },
+ getSessionId: function() {
+ return this.sessionId
+ },
+ setSessionId: function(a) {
+ this.sessionId = a
+ },
+ getTrackCount: function() {
+ return this.trackCount
+ },
+ setTrackCount: function(a) {
+ this.trackCount = a
+ },
+ increaseTrackCount: function(a) {
+ null == a && (a = 1);
+ this.trackCount += a
+ },
+ getStartTime: function() {
+ return this.startTime
+ },
+ setStartTime: function(a) {
+ this.startTime = a
+ },
+ __class__: b.Session
+ };
+ b.SocialInteraction = function(a, c, b) {
+ null != a && this.setNetwork(a);
+ null != c && this.setAction(c);
+ null != b && this.setTarget(b)
+ };
+ b.SocialInteraction.__name__ = !0;
+ b.SocialInteraction.prototype = {
+ network: null,
+ action: null,
+ target: null,
+ validate: function() {
+ null != this.network && null != this.action || b.Tracker._raiseError('Social interactions need to have at least the "network" and "action" attributes defined.',
+ "SocialInteraction.validate")
+ },
+ setNetwork: function(a) {
+ this.network = a
+ },
+ getNetwork: function() {
+ return this.network
+ },
+ setAction: function(a) {
+ this.action = a
+ },
+ getAction: function() {
+ return this.action
+ },
+ setTarget: function(a) {
+ this.target = a
+ },
+ getTarget: function() {
+ return this.target
+ },
+ __class__: b.SocialInteraction
+ };
+ b.Stats = function() {};
+ b.Stats.__name__ = !0;
+ b.Stats.init = function(a, c) {
+ null == b.Stats.accountId && (b.Stats.accountId = a, b.Stats.domainName = c, b.Stats.tracker = new b.Tracker(a, c), b.Stats.cache = new q.ds.StringMap,
+ b.Stats.session = new b.Session, b.Stats.loadVisitor())
+ };
+ b.Stats.trackPageview = function(a, c) {
+ var r = "page:" + a;
+ if (!b.Stats.cache.exists(r)) {
+ var e = new b.Page(a);
+ null != c && e.setTitle(c);
+ e = new b._Stats.GATrackObject(e, null);
+ b.Stats.cache.set(r, e)
+ }
+ b.Stats.track(r)
+ };
+ b.Stats.trackEvent = function(a, c, r, e) {
+ null == e && (e = 0);
+ var f = "event:" + a + "/" + c + "/" + r + ":" + e;
+ b.Stats.cache.exists(f) || (a = new b._Stats.GATrackObject(null, new b.Event(a, c, r, e)), b.Stats.cache.set(f, a));
+ b.Stats.track(f)
+ };
+ b.Stats.track = function(a) {
+ b.Stats.cache.get(a).track(b.Stats.tracker,
+ b.Stats.visitor, b.Stats.session);
+ b.Stats.persistVisitor()
+ };
+ b.Stats.loadVisitor = function() {
+ b.Stats.visitor = new b.Visitor;
+ b.Stats.visitor.setUserAgent("-not-set- [haxe]");
+ b.Stats.visitor.setScreenResolution("1024x768");
+ b.Stats.visitor.setLocale("en_US");
+ b.Stats.visitor.getUniqueId();
+ b.Stats.visitor.addSession(b.Stats.session);
+ b.Stats.persistVisitor()
+ };
+ b.Stats.persistVisitor = function() {};
+ b._Stats = {};
+ b._Stats.GATrackObject = function(a, c) {
+ this.page = a;
+ this.event = c
+ };
+ b._Stats.GATrackObject.__name__ = !0;
+ b._Stats.GATrackObject.prototype = {
+ event: null,
+ page: null,
+ track: function(a, c, b) {
+ null != this.page && a.trackPageview(this.page, b, c);
+ null != this.event && a.trackEvent(this.event, b, c)
+ },
+ __class__: b._Stats.GATrackObject
+ };
+ b.Tracker = function(a, c, r) {
+ this.allowHash = !0;
+ this.customVariables = [];
+ b.Tracker.setConfig(null != r ? r : new b.Config);
+ this.setAccountId(a);
+ this.setDomainName(c)
+ };
+ b.Tracker.__name__ = !0;
+ b.Tracker.getConfig = function() {
+ return b.Tracker.config
+ };
+ b.Tracker.setConfig = function(a) {
+ b.Tracker.config = a
+ };
+ b.Tracker._raiseError = function(a, c) {
+ a = c + "(): " +
+ a;
+ switch (null != b.Tracker.config ? b.Tracker.config.getErrorSeverity() : 0) {
+ case 1:
+ console.log(a);
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ throw a;
+ }
+ };
+ b.Tracker.prototype = {
+ accountId: null,
+ domainName: null,
+ allowHash: null,
+ customVariables: null,
+ campaign: null,
+ setAccountId: function(a) {
+ (new s("^(UA|MO)-[0-9]*-[0-9]*$", "")).match(a) || b.Tracker._raiseError('"' + a + '" is not a valid Google Analytics account ID.', "Tracker.setAccountId");
+ this.accountId = a
+ },
+ getAccountId: function() {
+ return this.accountId
+ },
+ setDomainName: function(a) {
+ this.domainName = a
+ },
+ getDomainName: function() {
+ return this.domainName
+ },
+ setAllowHash: function(a) {
+ this.allowHash = a
+ },
+ getAllowHash: function() {
+ return this.allowHash
+ },
+ addCustomVariable: function(a) {
+ a.validate();
+ this.customVariables[a.getIndex()] = a
+ },
+ getCustomVariables: function() {
+ return this.customVariables
+ },
+ removeCustomVariable: function(a) {
+ m.remove(this.customVariables, this.customVariables[a])
+ },
+ setCampaign: function(a) {
+ null != a && a.validate();
+ this.campaign = a
+ },
+ getCampaign: function() {
+ return this.campaign
+ },
+ trackPageview: function(a,
+ c, r) {
+ var e = new b.internals.request.PageviewRequest(b.Tracker.config);
+ e.setPage(a);
+ e.setSession(c);
+ e.setVisitor(r);
+ e.setTracker(this);
+ e.send()
+ },
+ trackEvent: function(a, c, r) {
+ a.validate();
+ var e = new b.internals.request.EventRequest(b.Tracker.config);
+ e.setEvent(a);
+ e.setSession(c);
+ e.setVisitor(r);
+ e.setTracker(this);
+ e.send()
+ },
+ trackTransaction: function(a, c, r) {
+ a.validate();
+ var e = new b.internals.request.TransactionRequest(b.Tracker.config);
+ e.setTransaction(a);
+ e.setSession(c);
+ e.setVisitor(r);
+ e.setTracker(this);
+ e.send();
+ for (a = a.getItems().iterator(); a.hasNext();) {
+ e = a.next();
+ e.validate();
+ var f = new b.internals.request.ItemRequest(b.Tracker.config);
+ f.setItem(e);
+ f.setSession(c);
+ f.setVisitor(r);
+ f.setTracker(this);
+ f.send()
+ }
+ },
+ trackSocial: function(a, c, r, e) {
+ var f = new b.internals.request.SocialInteractionRequest(b.Tracker.config);
+ f.setSocialInteraction(a);
+ f.setPage(c);
+ f.setSession(r);
+ f.setVisitor(e);
+ f.setTracker(this);
+ f.send()
+ },
+ __class__: b.Tracker
+ };
+ b.Transaction = function() {
+ this.items = new q.ds.StringMap
+ };
+ b.Transaction.__name__ = !0;
+ b.Transaction.prototype = {
+ orderId: null,
+ affiliation: null,
+ total: null,
+ tax: null,
+ shipping: null,
+ city: null,
+ region: null,
+ country: null,
+ items: null,
+ validate: function() {
+ null == this.items && b.Tracker._raiseError("Transactions need to consist of at least one item.", "Transaction.validate")
+ },
+ addItem: function(a) {
+ a.setOrderId(this.orderId);
+ var c = a.getSku();
+ this.items.set(c, a)
+ },
+ getItems: function() {
+ return this.items
+ },
+ getOrderId: function() {
+ return this.orderId
+ },
+ setOrderId: function(a) {
+ this.orderId = a;
+ for (var c = this.items.iterator(); c.hasNext();) c.next().setOrderId(a)
+ },
+ getAffiliation: function() {
+ return this.affiliation
+ },
+ setAffiliation: function(a) {
+ this.affiliation = a
+ },
+ getTotal: function() {
+ return this.total
+ },
+ setTotal: function(a) {
+ this.total = a
+ },
+ getTax: function() {
+ return this.tax
+ },
+ setTax: function(a) {
+ this.tax = a
+ },
+ getShipping: function() {
+ return this.shipping
+ },
+ setShipping: function(a) {
+ this.shipping = a
+ },
+ getCity: function() {
+ return this.city
+ },
+ setCity: function(a) {
+ this.city = a
+ },
+ getRegion: function() {
+ return this.region
+ },
+ setRegion: function(a) {
+ this.region = a
+ },
+ getCountry: function() {
+ return this.country
+ },
+ setCountry: function(a) {
+ this.country = a
+ },
+ __class__: b.Transaction
+ };
+ b.URLParser = function(a) {
+ this.url = a;
+ var c = new s("^(?:(?![^:@]+:[^:@/]*@)([^:/?#.]+):)?(?://)?((?:(([^:@]*)(?::([^:@]*))?)?@)?([^:/?#]*)(?::(\\d*))?)(((/(?:[^?#](?![^?#/]*\\.[^?#/.]+(?:[?#]|$)))*/?)?([^?#/]*))(?:\\?([^#]*))?(?:#(.*))?)", "");
+ c.match(a);
+ a = 0;
+ for (var r = b.URLParser.parts.length; a < r;) {
+ var e = a++;
+ v.setField(this, b.URLParser.parts[e], c.matched(e))
+ }
+ };
+ b.URLParser.__name__ = !0;
+ b.URLParser.parse = function(a) {
+ return new b.URLParser(a)
+ };
+ b.URLParser.prototype = {
+ url: null,
+ source: null,
+ protocol: null,
+ authority: null,
+ userInfo: null,
+ user: null,
+ password: null,
+ host: null,
+ port: null,
+ relative: null,
+ path: null,
+ directory: null,
+ file: null,
+ query: null,
+ anchor: null,
+ toString: function() {
+ for (var a = "For Url -> " + this.url + "\n", c = 0, r = b.URLParser.parts.length; c < r;) var e = c++,
+ a = a + (b.URLParser.parts[e] + ": " + y.string(v.field(this, b.URLParser.parts[e])) + (e == b.URLParser.parts.length - 1 ? "" : "\n"));
+ return a
+ },
+ __class__: b.URLParser
+ };
+ b.Visitor = function() {
+ var a = new b.DateTime;
+ this.uniqueId =
+ 0;
+ this.setFirstVisitTime(a);
+ this.setPreviousVisitTime(a);
+ this.setCurrentVisitTime(a);
+ this.setVisitCount(1)
+ };
+ b.Visitor.__name__ = !0;
+ b.Visitor.prototype = {
+ uniqueId: null,
+ firstVisitTime: null,
+ previousVisitTime: null,
+ currentVisitTime: null,
+ visitCount: null,
+ ipAddress: null,
+ userAgent: null,
+ locale: null,
+ flashVersion: null,
+ javaEnabled: null,
+ screenColorDepth: null,
+ screenResolution: null,
+ fromUtma: function(a) {
+ a = a.split(".");
+ if (6 != a.length) return b.Tracker._raiseError('The given "__utma" cookie value is invalid.', "Visitor.fromUtma"),
+ this;
+ this.setUniqueId(b.internals.Util.parseInt(a[1], 0));
+ this.setFirstVisitTime(new b.DateTime(a[2]));
+ this.setPreviousVisitTime(new b.DateTime(a[3]));
+ this.setCurrentVisitTime(new b.DateTime(a[4]));
+ this.setVisitCount(b.internals.Util.parseInt(a[5], 0));
+ return this
+ },
+ generateHash: function() {
+ return b.internals.Util.generateHash(this.userAgent + this.screenResolution + this.screenColorDepth)
+ },
+ generateUniqueId: function() {
+ return (b.internals.Util.generate32bitRandom() ^ this.generateHash()) & 2147483647
+ },
+ setUniqueId: function(a) {
+ (0 >
+ a || 2147483647 < a) && b.Tracker._raiseError("Visitor unique ID has to be a 32-bit integer between 0 and 2147483647.", "Visitor.setUniqueId");
+ this.uniqueId = a
+ },
+ getUniqueId: function() {
+ 0 == this.uniqueId && (this.uniqueId = this.generateUniqueId());
+ return this.uniqueId
+ },
+ addSession: function(a) {
+ a = a.getStartTime();
+ a != this.currentVisitTime && (this.previousVisitTime = this.currentVisitTime, this.currentVisitTime = a, ++this.visitCount)
+ },
+ setFirstVisitTime: function(a) {
+ this.firstVisitTime = a
+ },
+ getFirstVisitTime: function() {
+ return this.firstVisitTime
+ },
+ setPreviousVisitTime: function(a) {
+ this.previousVisitTime = a
+ },
+ getPreviousVisitTime: function() {
+ return this.previousVisitTime
+ },
+ setCurrentVisitTime: function(a) {
+ this.currentVisitTime = a
+ },
+ getCurrentVisitTime: function() {
+ return this.currentVisitTime
+ },
+ setVisitCount: function(a) {
+ this.visitCount = a
+ },
+ getVisitCount: function() {
+ return this.visitCount
+ },
+ setIpAddress: function(a) {
+ this.ipAddress = a
+ },
+ getIpAddress: function() {
+ return this.ipAddress
+ },
+ setUserAgent: function(a) {
+ this.userAgent = a
+ },
+ getUserAgent: function() {
+ return this.userAgent
+ },
+ setLocale: function(a) {
+ this.locale = a
+ },
+ getLocale: function() {
+ return this.locale
+ },
+ setFlashVersion: function(a) {
+ this.flashVersion = a
+ },
+ getFlashVersion: function() {
+ return this.flashVersion
+ },
+ setJavaEnabled: function(a) {
+ this.javaEnabled = a
+ },
+ getJavaEnabled: function() {
+ return this.javaEnabled
+ },
+ setScreenColorDepth: function(a) {
+ this.screenColorDepth = a
+ },
+ getScreenColorDepth: function() {
+ return this.screenColorDepth
+ },
+ setScreenResolution: function(a) {
+ this.screenResolution = a
+ },
+ getScreenResolution: function() {
+ return this.screenResolution
+ },
+ __class__: b.Visitor
+ };
+ b.internals = {};
+ b.internals.ParameterHolder = function() {
+ this.utmwv = "5.2.5";
+ this.utmr = this.utmcs = this.utmfl = this.utmje = "0"
+ };
+ b.internals.ParameterHolder.__name__ = !0;
+ b.internals.ParameterHolder.prototype = {
+ utmwv: null,
+ utmac: null,
+ utmhn: null,
+ utmvid: null,
+ utmt: null,
+ utms: null,
+ utmn: null,
+ utmcc: null,
+ utme: null,
+ utmni: null,
+ utmu: null,
+ utmp: null,
+ utmdt: null,
+ utmcs: null,
+ utmr: null,
+ utmip: null,
+ utmul: null,
+ utmfl: null,
+ utmje: null,
+ utmsc: null,
+ utmsr: null,
+ __utma: null,
+ utmhid: null,
+ __utmb: null,
+ __utmc: null,
+ utmipc: null,
+ utmipn: null,
+ utmipr: null,
+ utmiqt: null,
+ utmiva: null,
+ utmtid: null,
+ utmtst: null,
+ utmtto: null,
+ utmttx: null,
+ utmtsp: null,
+ utmtci: null,
+ utmtrg: null,
+ utmtco: null,
+ utmcn: null,
+ utmcr: null,
+ utmcid: null,
+ utmcsr: null,
+ utmgclid: null,
+ utmdclid: null,
+ utmccn: null,
+ utmcmd: null,
+ utmctr: null,
+ utmcct: null,
+ utmcvr: null,
+ __utmz: null,
+ utmsn: null,
+ utmsa: null,
+ utmsid: null,
+ __utmx: null,
+ __utmv: null,
+ toHashTable: function() {
+ for (var a = new q.ds.StringMap, c = 0, r = D.getInstanceFields(b.internals.ParameterHolder); c < r.length;) {
+ var e = r[c];
+ ++c;
+ if ("_" != e.charAt(0) &&
+ !v.isFunction(v.field(this, e))) {
+ var f = v.field(this, e);
+ a.set(e, f)
+ }
+ }
+ return a
+ },
+ toQueryString: function() {
+ for (var a = "", c = 0, r = D.getInstanceFields(b.internals.ParameterHolder); c < r.length;) {
+ var e = r[c];
+ ++c;
+ "_" == e.charAt(0) || v.isFunction(v.field(this, e)) || null == v.field(this, e) || "null" == v.field(this, e) || (a += e + "=" + t.replace(y.string(v.field(this, e)) + "", "&", "%26") + "&")
+ }
+ return a
+ },
+ __class__: b.internals.ParameterHolder
+ };
+ b.internals.Util = function() {};
+ b.internals.Util.__name__ = !0;
+ b.internals.Util.encodeUriComponent =
+ function(a) {
+ return b.internals.Util.convertToUriComponentEncoding(t.urlEncode(a))
+ };
+ b.internals.Util.stringReplaceArray = function(a, c, b) {
+ for (var e = 0, f = c.length; e < f;) {
+ var d = e++;
+ null != c[d] && (a = t.replace(a + " ", c[d], b[d]))
+ }
+ return t.trim(a)
+ };
+ b.internals.Util.parseInt = function(a, c) {
+ return null == a ? c : y.parseInt(a)
+ };
+ b.internals.Util.convertToUriComponentEncoding = function(a) {
+ return b.internals.Util.stringReplaceArray(a, "!*'() +".split(""), "%21 %2A %27 %28 %29 %20 %20".split(" "))
+ };
+ b.internals.Util.generate32bitRandom =
+ function() {
+ return Math.round(2147483647 * Math.random())
+ };
+ b.internals.Util.generateHash = function(a) {
+ var c = 1,
+ b;
+ if (null != a && "" != a)
+ for (var c = 0, e = a.length - 1; 0 <= e;) b = m.cca(a, e), c = (c << 6 & 268435455) + b + (b << 14), b = c & 266338304, 0 != b && (c ^= b >> 21), e--;
+ return c
+ };
+ b.internals.X10 = function() {
+ this.projectData = new q.ds.StringMap;
+ this.KEY = "k";
+ this.VALUE = "v";
+ this.SET = ["k", "v"];
+ this.DELIM_BEGIN = "(";
+ this.DELIM_END = ")";
+ this.DELIM_SET = "*";
+ this.DELIM_NUM_VALUE = "!";
+ this.MINIMUM = 1;
+ this.ESCAPE_CHAR_MAP = new q.ds.StringMap;
+ this.ESCAPE_CHAR_MAP.set("'",
+ "'0");
+ this.ESCAPE_CHAR_MAP.set(")", "'1");
+ this.ESCAPE_CHAR_MAP.set("*", "'2");
+ this.ESCAPE_CHAR_MAP.set("!", "'3")
+ };
+ b.internals.X10.__name__ = !0;
+ b.internals.X10.prototype = {
+ projectData: null,
+ KEY: null,
+ VALUE: null,
+ SET: null,
+ DELIM_BEGIN: null,
+ DELIM_END: null,
+ DELIM_SET: null,
+ MINIMUM: null,
+ hasProject: function(a) {
+ return this.projectData.exists(a)
+ },
+ setKey: function(a, c, b) {
+ this.setInternal(a, this.KEY, c, b)
+ },
+ getKey: function(a, c) {
+ return this.getInternal(a, this.KEY, c)
+ },
+ clearKey: function(a) {
+ this.clearInternal(a,
+ this.KEY)
+ },
+ setValue: function(a, c, b) {
+ this.setInternal(a, this.VALUE, c, b)
+ },
+ getValue: function(a, c) {
+ return this.getInternal(a, this.VALUE, c)
+ },
+ clearValue: function(a) {
+ this.clearInternal(a, this.VALUE)
+ },
+ setInternal: function(a, c, b, e) {
+ if (!this.projectData.exists(a)) {
+ var f = new q.ds.StringMap;
+ this.projectData.set(a, f)
+ }
+ a = this.projectData.get(a);
+ a.exists(c) || a.set(c, []);
+ a.get(c)[b] = e
+ },
+ getInternal: function(a, c, b) {
+ if (!this.projectData.exists(a)) return null;
+ a = this.projectData.get(a);
+ if (!a.exists(c)) return null;
+ c = a.get(c);
+ return null == c[b] ? null : c[b]
+ },
+ clearInternal: function(a, c) {
+ var b;
+ if (b = this.projectData.exists(a)) b = this.projectData.get(a).exists(c);
+ b && this.projectData.get(a).remove(c)
+ },
+ escapeExtensibleValue: function(a) {
+ for (var c = "", b = 0, e = a.length; b < e;) var f = b++,
+ f = a.charAt(f),
+ c = this.ESCAPE_CHAR_MAP.exists(f) ? c + this.ESCAPE_CHAR_MAP.get(f) : c + f;
+ return c
+ },
+ SORT_NUMERIC: function(a, c) {
+ return a == c ? 0 : a > c ? 1 : -1
+ },
+ renderDataType: function(a) {
+ for (var c = [], b = 0, e = 0, f = a.length; e < f;) {
+ var d = e++,
+ g = a[d];
+ if (null != g) {
+ var k = "";
+ d != this.MINIMUM &&
+ d - 1 != b && (k += d, k += this.DELIM_NUM_VALUE);
+ k += this.escapeExtensibleValue(g);
+ c.push(k)
+ }
+ b = d
+ }
+ return this.DELIM_BEGIN + c.join(this.DELIM_SET) + this.DELIM_END
+ },
+ renderProject: function(a) {
+ for (var c = "", b = !1, e = 0, f = this.SET.length; e < f;) {
+ var d = e++;
+ a.exists(this.SET[d]) ? (b && (c += this.SET[d]), c += this.renderDataType(a.get(this.SET[d])), b = !1) : b = !0
+ }
+ return c
+ },
+ renderUrlString: function() {
+ for (var a = "", c = this.projectData.keys(); c.hasNext();) var b = c.next(),
+ a = a + (b + this.renderProject(this.projectData.get(b)));
+ return a
+ },
+ __class__: b.internals.X10
+ };
+ b.internals.request = {};
+ b.internals.request.Request = function(a) {
+ this.setConfig(null != a ? a : new b.Config)
+ };
+ b.internals.request.Request.__name__ = !0;
+ b.internals.request.Request.onError = function(a) {};
+ b.internals.request.Request.prototype = {
+ type: null,
+ config: null,
+ userAgent: null,
+ tracker: null,
+ visitor: null,
+ session: null,
+ getConfig: function() {
+ return this.config
+ },
+ setConfig: function(a) {
+ this.config = a
+ },
+ setUserAgent: function(a) {
+ this.userAgent = a
+ },
+ getTracker: function() {
+ return this.tracker
+ },
+ setTracker: function(a) {
+ this.tracker =
+ a
+ },
+ getVisitor: function() {
+ return this.visitor
+ },
+ setVisitor: function(a) {
+ this.visitor = a
+ },
+ getSession: function() {
+ return this.session
+ },
+ setSession: function(a) {
+ this.session = a
+ },
+ increaseTrackCount: function() {
+ this.session.increaseTrackCount();
+ 500 < this.session.getTrackCount() && b.Tracker._raiseError("Google Analytics does not guarantee to process more than 500 requests per session.", "Request.buildHttpRequest");
+ null != this.tracker.getCampaign() && this.tracker.getCampaign().increaseResponseCount()
+ },
+ send: function() {
+ if (null !=
+ this.config.getEndPointHost()) {
+ var a = this.buildParameters();
+ null != this.visitor && (this.setUserAgent(this.visitor.getUserAgent()), a.utmvid = this.visitor.getUniqueId());
+ a = b.internals.Util.convertToUriComponentEncoding(a.toQueryString());
+ a = this.config.getUrlScheme() + "://" + this.config.getEndPointHost() + this.config.getEndPointPath() + "?" + a;
+ this.increaseTrackCount();
+ (new Image).src = a
+ }
+ },
+ getType: function() {
+ return null
+ },
+ buildParameters: function() {
+ var a = new b.internals.ParameterHolder;
+ a.utmac = this.tracker.getAccountId();
+ a.utmhn = this.tracker.getDomainName();
+ a.utmt = "" + this.getType();
+ a.utmn = b.internals.Util.generate32bitRandom();
+ a.utmip = this.visitor.getIpAddress();
+ a.utmhid = this.session.getSessionId();
+ a.utms = this.session.getTrackCount();
+ a = this.buildVisitorParameters(a);
+ a = this.buildCustomVariablesParameter(a);
+ a = this.buildCampaignParameters(a);
+ return a = this.buildCookieParameters(a)
+ },
+ buildVisitorParameters: function(a) {
+ null != this.visitor.getLocale() && (a.utmul = t.replace(this.visitor.getLocale(), "_", "-").toLowerCase());
+ null !=
+ this.visitor.getFlashVersion() && (a.utmfl = this.visitor.getFlashVersion());
+ this.visitor.getJavaEnabled() ? a.utmje = "1" : a.utmje = "0";
+ null != this.visitor.getScreenColorDepth() && (a.utmsc = this.visitor.getScreenColorDepth() + "-bit");
+ a.utmsr = this.visitor.getScreenResolution();
+ return a
+ },
+ buildCustomVariablesParameter: function(a) {
+ var c = this.tracker.getCustomVariables();
+ if (null == c) return a;
+ 5 < c.length && b.Tracker._raiseError("The sum of all custom variables cannot exceed 5 in any given request.", "Request.buildCustomVariablesParameter");
+ var r = new b.internals.X10,
+ e, f;
+ r.clearKey("8");
+ r.clearKey("9");
+ r.clearKey("11");
+ for (var d = 0; d < c.length;) {
+ var g = c[d];
+ ++d;
+ e = b.internals.Util.encodeUriComponent(g.getName());
+ f = b.internals.Util.encodeUriComponent(g.getValue());
+ r.setKey("8", g.getIndex(), e);
+ r.setKey("9", g.getIndex(), f);
+ 3 != g.getScope() && r.setKey("11", g.getIndex(), g.getScope())
+ }
+ c = r.renderUrlString();
+ null != c && (a.utme = null == a.utme ? c : a.utme + c);
+ return a
+ },
+ buildCookieParameters: function(a) {
+ var c = this.generateDomainHash();
+ a.__utma = c + ".";
+ a.__utma +=
+ this.visitor.getUniqueId() + ".";
+ a.__utma += this.visitor.getFirstVisitTime().toString() + ".";
+ a.__utma += this.visitor.getPreviousVisitTime().toString() + ".";
+ a.__utma += this.visitor.getCurrentVisitTime().toString() + ".";
+ a.__utma += this.visitor.getVisitCount();
+ a.__utmb = c + ".";
+ a.__utmb += this.session.getTrackCount() + ".";
+ a.__utmb += "10.";
+ a.__utmb += this.session.getStartTime().toString();
+ a.__utmc = c;
+ c = "__utma=" + a.__utma + ";";
+ null != a.__utmz && (c += "+__utmz=" + a.__utmz + ";");
+ null != a.__utmv && (c += "+__utmv=" + a.__utmv + ";");
+ a.utmcc =
+ c;
+ return a
+ },
+ buildCampaignParameters: function(a) {
+ var c = this.tracker.getCampaign();
+ if (null == c) return a;
+ a.__utmz = this.generateDomainHash() + ".";
+ a.__utmz += c.getCreationTime().toString() + ".";
+ a.__utmz += this.visitor.getVisitCount() + ".";
+ a.__utmz += c.getResponseCount() + ".";
+ c = "utmcid=" + c.getId() + "|utmcsr=" + c.getSource() + "|utmgclid=" + c.getGClickId() + "|utmdclid=" + c.getDClickId() + "|utmccn=" + c.getName() + "|utmcmd=" + c.getMedium() + "|utmctr=" + c.getTerm() + "|utmcct=" + c.getContent();
+ a.__utmz += t.replace(t.replace(c, "+",
+ "%20"), " ", "%20");
+ return a
+ },
+ generateDomainHash: function() {
+ var a = 1;
+ this.tracker.getAllowHash() && (a = b.internals.Util.generateHash(this.tracker.getDomainName()));
+ return a
+ },
+ __class__: b.internals.request.Request
+ };
+ b.internals.request.EventRequest = function(a) {
+ b.internals.request.Request.call(this, a)
+ };
+ b.internals.request.EventRequest.__name__ = !0;
+ b.internals.request.EventRequest.__super__ = b.internals.request.Request;
+ b.internals.request.EventRequest.prototype = w(b.internals.request.Request.prototype, {
+ event: null,
+ getType: function() {
+ return "event"
+ },
+ buildParameters: function() {
+ var a = b.internals.request.Request.prototype.buildParameters.call(this),
+ c = new b.internals.X10;
+ c.clearKey("5");
+ c.clearValue("5");
+ c.setKey("5", 1, this.event.getCategory());
+ c.setKey("5", 2, this.event.getAction());
+ null != this.event.getLabel() && c.setKey("5", 3, this.event.getLabel());
+ 0 != this.event.getValue() && c.setValue("5", 1, this.event.getValue());
+ c = c.renderUrlString();
+ null != c && (a.utme = null == a.utme ? c : a.utme + c);
+ this.event.getNoninteraction() && (a.utmni =
+ 1);
+ return a
+ },
+ getEvent: function() {
+ return this.event
+ },
+ setEvent: function(a) {
+ this.event = a
+ },
+ __class__: b.internals.request.EventRequest
+ });
+ b.internals.request.ItemRequest = function(a) {
+ b.internals.request.Request.call(this, a)
+ };
+ b.internals.request.ItemRequest.__name__ = !0;
+ b.internals.request.ItemRequest.__super__ = b.internals.request.Request;
+ b.internals.request.ItemRequest.prototype = w(b.internals.request.Request.prototype, {
+ item: null,
+ getType: function() {
+ return "item"
+ },
+ buildParameters: function() {
+ var a = b.internals.request.Request.prototype.buildParameters.call(this);
+ a.utmtid = this.item.getOrderId();
+ a.utmipc = this.item.getSku();
+ a.utmipn = this.item.getName();
+ a.utmiva = this.item.getVariation();
+ a.utmipr = this.item.getPrice();
+ a.utmiqt = this.item.getQuantity();
+ return a
+ },
+ buildVisitorParameters: function(a) {
+ return a
+ },
+ buildCustomVariablesParameter: function(a) {
+ return a
+ },
+ getItem: function() {
+ return this.item
+ },
+ setItem: function(a) {
+ this.item = a
+ },
+ __class__: b.internals.request.ItemRequest
+ });
+ b.internals.request.PageviewRequest = function(a) {
+ b.internals.request.Request.call(this, a)
+ };
+ b.internals.request.PageviewRequest.__name__ = !0;
+ b.internals.request.PageviewRequest.__super__ = b.internals.request.Request;
+ b.internals.request.PageviewRequest.prototype = w(b.internals.request.Request.prototype, {
+ page: null,
+ getType: function() {
+ return null
+ },
+ buildParameters: function() {
+ var a = b.internals.request.Request.prototype.buildParameters.call(this);
+ a.utmp = this.page.getPath();
+ a.utmdt = this.page.getTitle();
+ null != this.page.getCharset() && (a.utmcs = this.page.getCharset());
+ null != this.page.getReferrer() && (a.utmr = this.page.getReferrer());
+ 0 != this.page.getLoadTime() &&
+ a.utmn % 100 < this.config.getSitespeedSampleRate() && (a.utme = null == a.utme ? "0" : a.utme + 0);
+ return a
+ },
+ getPage: function() {
+ return this.page
+ },
+ setPage: function(a) {
+ this.page = a
+ },
+ __class__: b.internals.request.PageviewRequest
+ });
+ b.internals.request.SocialInteractionRequest = function(a) {
+ b.internals.request.PageviewRequest.call(this, a)
+ };
+ b.internals.request.SocialInteractionRequest.__name__ = !0;
+ b.internals.request.SocialInteractionRequest.__super__ = b.internals.request.PageviewRequest;
+ b.internals.request.SocialInteractionRequest.prototype =
+ w(b.internals.request.PageviewRequest.prototype, {
+ socialInteraction: null,
+ getType: function() {
+ return "social"
+ },
+ buildParameters: function() {
+ var a = b.internals.request.PageviewRequest.prototype.buildParameters.call(this);
+ a.utmsn = this.socialInteraction.getNetwork();
+ a.utmsa = this.socialInteraction.getAction();
+ a.utmsid = this.socialInteraction.getTarget();
+ null == a.utmsid && (a.utmsid = this.page.getPath());
+ return a
+ },
+ getSocialInteraction: function() {
+ return this.socialInteraction
+ },
+ setSocialInteraction: function(a) {
+ this.socialInteraction =
+ a
+ },
+ __class__: b.internals.request.SocialInteractionRequest
+ });
+ b.internals.request.TransactionRequest = function(a) {
+ b.internals.request.Request.call(this, a)
+ };
+ b.internals.request.TransactionRequest.__name__ = !0;
+ b.internals.request.TransactionRequest.__super__ = b.internals.request.Request;
+ b.internals.request.TransactionRequest.prototype = w(b.internals.request.Request.prototype, {
+ transaction: null,
+ getType: function() {
+ return "tran"
+ },
+ buildParameters: function() {
+ var a = b.internals.request.Request.prototype.buildParameters.call(this);
+ a.utmtid = this.transaction.getOrderId();
+ a.utmtst = this.transaction.getAffiliation();
+ a.utmtto = this.transaction.getTotal();
+ a.utmttx = this.transaction.getTax();
+ a.utmtsp = this.transaction.getShipping();
+ a.utmtci = this.transaction.getCity();
+ a.utmtrg = this.transaction.getRegion();
+ a.utmtco = this.transaction.getCountry();
+ return a
+ },
+ buildVisitorParameters: function(a) {
+ return a
+ },
+ buildCustomVariablesParameter: function(a) {
+ return a
+ },
+ getTransaction: function() {
+ return this.transaction
+ },
+ setTransaction: function(a) {
+ this.transaction =
+ a
+ },
+ __class__: b.internals.request.TransactionRequest
+ });
+ var q = {
+ Http: function(a) {
+ this.url = a;
+ this.headers = new A;
+ this.params = new A;
+ this.async = !0
+ }
+ };
+ q.Http.__name__ = !0;
+ q.Http.requestUrl = function(a) {
+ a = new q.Http(a);
+ a.async = !1;
+ var c = null;
+ a.onData = function(a) {
+ c = a
+ };
+ a.onError = function(a) {
+ throw a;
+ };
+ a.request(!1);
+ return c
+ };
+ q.Http.prototype = {
+ url: null,
+ responseData: null,
+ async: null,
+ postData: null,
+ headers: null,
+ params: null,
+ req: null,
+ request: function(a) {
+ var c = this;
+ c.responseData = null;
+ var b = this.req = u.Browser.createXMLHttpRequest(),
+ e = function(a) {
+ if (4 == b.readyState) {
+ var e;
+ try {
+ e = b.status
+ } catch (f) {
+ e = null
+ }
+ void 0 == e && (e = null);
+ if (null != e) c.onStatus(e);
+ if (null != e && 200 <= e && 400 > e) c.req = null, c.onData(c.responseData = b.responseText);
+ else if (null == e) c.req = null, c.onError("Failed to connect or resolve host");
+ else switch (e) {
+ case 12029:
+ c.req = null;
+ c.onError("Failed to connect to host");
+ break;
+ case 12007:
+ c.req = null;
+ c.onError("Unknown host");
+ break;
+ default:
+ c.req = null, c.responseData = b.responseText, c.onError("Http Error #" + b.status)
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ this.async &&
+ (b.onreadystatechange = e);
+ var f = this.postData;
+ if (null != f) a = !0;
+ else
+ for (var d = this.params.iterator(); d.hasNext();) var g = d.next(),
+ f = null == f ? "" : f + "&",
+ f = f + (encodeURIComponent(g.param) + "=" + encodeURIComponent(g.value));
+ try {
+ if (a) b.open("POST", this.url, this.async);
+ else if (null != f) {
+ var k = 1 >= this.url.split("?").length;
+ b.open("GET", this.url + (k ? "?" : "&") + f, this.async);
+ f = null
+ } else b.open("GET", this.url, this.async)
+ } catch (h) {
+ c.req = null;
+ this.onError(h.toString());
+ return
+ }!x.exists(this.headers, function(a) {
+ return "Content-Type" ==
+ a.header
+ }) && a && null == this.postData && b.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
+ for (a = this.headers.iterator(); a.hasNext();) d = a.next(), b.setRequestHeader(d.header, d.value);
+ b.send(f);
+ this.async || e(null)
+ },
+ onData: function(a) {},
+ onError: function(a) {},
+ onStatus: function(a) {},
+ __class__: q.Http
+ };
+ q.Timer = function(a) {
+ var c = this;
+ this.id = setInterval(function() {
+ c.run()
+ }, a)
+ };
+ q.Timer.__name__ = !0;
+ q.Timer.delay = function(a, c) {
+ var b = new q.Timer(c);
+ b.run = function() {
+ b.stop();
+ a()
+ };
+ return b
+ };
+ q.Timer.prototype = {
+ id: null,
+ stop: function() {
+ null != this.id && (clearInterval(this.id), this.id = null)
+ },
+ run: function() {},
+ __class__: q.Timer
+ };
+ q.ds = {};
+ q.ds.StringMap = function() {
+ this.h = {}
+ };
+ q.ds.StringMap.__name__ = !0;
+ q.ds.StringMap.__interfaces__ = [z];
+ q.ds.StringMap.prototype = {
+ h: null,
+ set: function(a, c) {
+ this.h["$" + a] = c
+ },
+ get: function(a) {
+ return this.h["$" + a]
+ },
+ exists: function(a) {
+ return this.h.hasOwnProperty("$" + a)
+ },
+ remove: function(a) {
+ a = "$" + a;
+ if (!this.h.hasOwnProperty(a)) return !1;
+ delete this.h[a];
+ return !0
+ },
+ keys: function() {
+ var a = [],
+ c;
+ for (c in this.h) this.h.hasOwnProperty(c) && a.push(c.substr(1));
+ return m.iter(a)
+ },
+ iterator: function() {
+ return {
+ ref: this.h,
+ it: this.keys(),
+ hasNext: function() {
+ return this.it.hasNext()
+ },
+ next: function() {
+ var a = this.it.next();
+ return this.ref["$" + a]
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ __class__: q.ds.StringMap
+ };
+ q.io = {};
+ q.io.Eof = function() {};
+ q.io.Eof.__name__ = !0;
+ q.io.Eof.prototype = {
+ toString: function() {
+ return "Eof"
+ },
+ __class__: q.io.Eof
+ };
+ q.xml = {};
+ q.xml.Parser = function() {};
+ q.xml.Parser.__name__ = !0;
+ q.xml.Parser.parse = function(a) {
+ var c = h.createDocument();
+ q.xml.Parser.doParse(a, 0, c);
+ return c
+ };
+ q.xml.Parser.doParse = function(a, c, b) {
+ null == c && (c = 0);
+ for (var e = null, f = 1, d = 1, g = null, k = 0, p = 0, n = 0, l = a.charCodeAt(c), s = new C; l == l;) {
+ switch (f) {
+ case 0:
+ switch (l) {
+ case 10:
+ case 13:
+ case 9:
+ case 32:
+ break;
+ default:
+ f = d;
+ continue
+ }
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ switch (l) {
+ case 60:
+ f = 0;
+ d = 2;
+ break;
+ default:
+ k = c;
+ f = 13;
+ continue
+ }
+ break;
+ case 13:
+ 60 == l ? (d = h.createPCData(s.b + m.substr(a, k, c - k)), s = new C, b.addChild(d), p++, f = 0, d = 2) : 38 == l && (s.addSub(a, k, c - k), f = 18, d = 13, k = c + 1);
+ break;
+ case 17:
+ 93 == l && 93 == a.charCodeAt(c + 1) &&
+ 62 == a.charCodeAt(c + 2) && (f = h.createCData(m.substr(a, k, c - k)), b.addChild(f), p++, c += 2, f = 1);
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ switch (l) {
+ case 33:
+ if (91 == a.charCodeAt(c + 1)) {
+ c += 2;
+ if ("CDATA[" != m.substr(a, c, 6).toUpperCase()) throw "Expected = l || 65 <= l && 90 >= l || 48 <= l && 57 >= l || 58 == l || 46 == l || 95 == l || 45 == l)) {
+ if (c == k) throw "Expected node name";
+ e = h.createElement(m.substr(a, k, c - k));
+ b.addChild(e);
+ f = 0;
+ d = 4;
+ continue
+ }
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ switch (l) {
+ case 47:
+ f = 11;
+ p++;
+ break;
+ case 62:
+ f = 9;
+ p++;
+ break;
+ default:
+ f = 5;
+ k = c;
+ continue
+ }
+ break;
+ case 5:
+ if (!(97 <= l && 122 >= l || 65 <= l && 90 >= l || 48 <= l && 57 >= l || 58 == l || 46 == l || 95 == l || 45 == l)) {
+ if (k == c) throw "Expected attribute name";
+ g = m.substr(a,
+ k, c - k);
+ if (e.exists(g)) throw "Duplicate attribute";
+ f = 0;
+ d = 6;
+ continue
+ }
+ break;
+ case 6:
+ switch (l) {
+ case 61:
+ f = 0;
+ d = 7;
+ break;
+ default:
+ throw "Expected =";
+ }
+ break;
+ case 7:
+ switch (l) {
+ case 34:
+ case 39:
+ f = 8;
+ k = c;
+ break;
+ default:
+ throw 'Expected "';
+ }
+ break;
+ case 8:
+ l == a.charCodeAt(k) && (d = m.substr(a, k + 1, c - k - 1), e.set(g, d), f = 0, d = 4);
+ break;
+ case 9:
+ k = c = q.xml.Parser.doParse(a, c, e);
+ f = 1;
+ break;
+ case 11:
+ switch (l) {
+ case 62:
+ f = 1;
+ break;
+ default:
+ throw "Expected >";
+ }
+ break;
+ case 12:
+ switch (l) {
+ case 62:
+ return 0 == p && b.addChild(h.createPCData("")), c;
+ default:
+ throw "Expected >";
+ }
+ case 10:
+ if (!(97 <= l && 122 >= l || 65 <= l && 90 >= l || 48 <= l && 57 >= l || 58 == l || 46 == l || 95 == l || 45 == l)) {
+ if (k == c) throw "Expected node name";
+ if (m.substr(a, k, c - k) != b.get_nodeName()) throw "Expected " + b.get_nodeName() + ">";
+ f = 0;
+ d = 12;
+ continue
+ }
+ break;
+ case 15:
+ 45 == l && 45 == a.charCodeAt(c + 1) && 62 == a.charCodeAt(c + 2) && (b.addChild(h.createComment(m.substr(a, k, c - k))), c += 2, f = 1);
+ break;
+ case 16:
+ 91 == l ? n++ : 93 == l ? n-- : 62 == l && 0 == n && (b.addChild(h.createDocType(m.substr(a, k, c - k))), f = 1);
+ break;
+ case 14:
+ 63 == l && 62 == a.charCodeAt(c + 1) && (c++, f = m.substr(a,
+ k + 1, c - k - 2), b.addChild(h.createProcessingInstruction(f)), f = 1);
+ break;
+ case 18:
+ 59 == l && (k = m.substr(a, k, c - k), 35 == k.charCodeAt(0) ? (k = 120 == k.charCodeAt(1) ? y.parseInt("0" + m.substr(k, 1, k.length - 1)) : y.parseInt(m.substr(k, 1, k.length - 1)), s.add(String.fromCharCode(k))) : q.xml.Parser.escapes.exists(k) ? s.add(q.xml.Parser.escapes.get(k)) : s.b += y.string("&" + k + ";"), k = c + 1, f = d)
+ }
+ l = t.fastCodeAt(a, ++c)
+ }
+ 1 == f && (k = c, f = 13);
+ if (13 == f) return c == k && 0 != p || b.addChild(h.createPCData(s.b + m.substr(a, k, c - k))), c;
+ throw "Unexpected end";
+ };
+ var u = {
+ Boot: function() {}
+ };
+ u.Boot.__name__ = !0;
+ u.Boot.getClass = function(a) {
+ return a instanceof Array && null == a.__enum__ ? Array : a.__class__
+ };
+ u.Boot.__string_rec = function(a, c) {
+ if (null == a) return "null";
+ if (5 <= c.length) return "<...>";
+ var b = typeof a;
+ "function" == b && (a.__name__ || a.__ename__) && (b = "object");
+ switch (b) {
+ case "object":
+ if (a instanceof Array) {
+ if (a.__enum__) {
+ if (2 == a.length) return a[0];
+ b = a[0] + "(";
+ c += "\t";
+ for (var e = 2, d = a.length; e < d;) var g = e++,
+ b = 2 != g ? b + ("," + u.Boot.__string_rec(a[g], c)) : b + u.Boot.__string_rec(a[g],
+ c);
+ return b + ")"
+ }
+ b = a.length;
+ e = "[";
+ c += "\t";
+ for (d = 0; d < b;) g = d++, e += (0 < g ? "," : "") + u.Boot.__string_rec(a[g], c);
+ return e + "]"
+ }
+ try {
+ e = a.toString
+ } catch (h) {
+ return "???"
+ }
+ if (null != e && e != Object.toString && (b = a.toString(), "[object Object]" != b)) return b;
+ b = null;
+ e = "{\n";
+ c += "\t";
+ d = null != a.hasOwnProperty;
+ for (b in a) d && !a.hasOwnProperty(b) || "prototype" == b || "__class__" == b || "__super__" == b || "__interfaces__" == b || "__properties__" == b || (2 != e.length && (e += ", \n"), e += c + b + " : " + u.Boot.__string_rec(a[b], c));
+ c = c.substring(1);
+ return e +
+ ("\n" + c + "}");
+ case "function":
+ return "";
+ case "string":
+ return a;
+ default:
+ return String(a)
+ }
+ };
+ u.Boot.__interfLoop = function(a, c) {
+ if (null == a) return !1;
+ if (a == c) return !0;
+ var b = a.__interfaces__;
+ if (null != b)
+ for (var e = 0, d = b.length; e < d;) {
+ var g = e++,
+ g = b[g];
+ if (g == c || u.Boot.__interfLoop(g, c)) return !0
+ }
+ return u.Boot.__interfLoop(a.__super__, c)
+ };
+ u.Boot.__instanceof = function(a, c) {
+ if (null == c) return !1;
+ switch (c) {
+ case H:
+ return (a | 0) === a;
+ case E:
+ return "number" == typeof a;
+ case F:
+ return "boolean" == typeof a;
+ case String:
+ return "string" ==
+ typeof a;
+ case Array:
+ return a instanceof Array && null == a.__enum__;
+ case I:
+ return !0;
+ default:
+ if (null != a) {
+ if ("function" == typeof c && (a instanceof c || u.Boot.__interfLoop(u.Boot.getClass(a), c))) return !0
+ } else return !1;
+ return c == J && null != a.__name__ || c == K && null != a.__ename__ ? !0 : a.__enum__ == c
+ }
+ };
+ u.Browser = function() {};
+ u.Browser.__name__ = !0;
+ u.Browser.createXMLHttpRequest = function() {
+ if ("undefined" != typeof XMLHttpRequest) return new XMLHttpRequest;
+ if ("undefined" != typeof ActiveXObject) return new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
+ throw "Unable to create XMLHttpRequest object.";
+ };
+ var d = {};
+ d.Muses = n.muses.Muses = function(a) {
+ this.src = this.name = this.lastMessage = null;
+ this.progress = 0;
+ this.lastAudioName = null;
+ this.playURL = "";
+ this.playTimeout = this.bufferingTimeout = 0;
+ this.desiredStatus = "stop";
+ this.audio = this.lastAudioStatus = this.lastAudioSrc = null;
+ this.src = a.url;
+ this.name = a.title;
+ this.audio = new Audio;
+ this.ui = new d.UI(this, a);
+ a.autoplay && (a = window.navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(), -1 == a.indexOf("iphone") && -1 == a.indexOf("ipad") && -1 == a.indexOf("ipod") &&
+ this.playAudio())
+ };
+ d.Muses.__name__ = !0;
+ d.Muses.initTimer = function(a) {
+ -1 == m.indexOf(d.Muses.instances, a, 0) && d.Muses.instances.push(a);
+ null == d.Muses.statusTimer && (d.Muses.statusTimer = new q.Timer(500), d.Muses.statusTimer.run = function() {
+ for (var a = 0, b = d.Muses.instances; a < b.length;) {
+ var e = b[a];
+ ++a;
+ try {
+ e.checkAudioStatus()
+ } catch (f) {
+ if (u.Boot.__instanceof(f, String)) console.log("Error: " + f);
+ else throw f;
+ }
+ }
+ })
+ };
+ d.Muses.prototype = {
+ audio: null,
+ lastAudioStatus: null,
+ lastAudioSrc: null,
+ desiredStatus: null,
+ playTimeout: null,
+ bufferingTimeout: null,
+ playURL: null,
+ lastAudioName: null,
+ progress: null,
+ src: null,
+ name: null,
+ lastMessage: null,
+ ui: null,
+ playAudio: function() {
+ d.Muses.initTimer(this);
+ this.stopAudio(!1);
+ this.playURL = this.src;
+ this.desiredStatus = "play";
+ this.playTimeout = 3600;
+ this.bufferingTimeout = 40;
+ this.lastAudioSrc = this.audio.src = this.src;
+ this.lastAudioName = this.name;
+ this.lastAudioStatus = null;
+ this.audio.autoplay = !0;
+ this.audio.play();
+ this.ui.setPlaying();
+ d.Tracker.track(this.src, this.name, this.ui, !0)
+ },
+ stopAudio: function(a) {
+ this.desiredStatus =
+ "stop";
+ null != this.audio && (this.audio.pause(), this.audio.src = "");
+ a && (this.lastAudioStatus = 4)
+ },
+ retryAudio: function() {
+ var a = this;
+ this.lastAudioStatus = -1;
+ q.Timer.delay(function() {
+ -1 == a.lastAudioStatus && a.playAudio()
+ }, 2E3)
+ },
+ setVolume: function(a) {
+ this.audio.volume = a;
+ null != this.ui && this.ui.setVolume(a)
+ },
+ checkAudioStatus: function() {
+ var a = "",
+ a = null;
+ if (null != this.audio) {
+ a = this.audio.networkState;
+ y.string(this.audio.error);
+ if (2 == a || 1 == a) a = 0 == this.audio.played.length ? 1 : 2;
+ if (null != this.audio.error || 4 == this.lastAudioStatus) a =
+ 3
+ }
+ 0 == a ? (a = "Error al conectar", this.lastMessage != a && this.ui.setError()) : -1 == a ? a = "retry..." : null == a ? a = "init" : 1 == a ? (this.bufferingTimeout--, 0 == this.bufferingTimeout && this.retryAudio(), a = "Buffering... " + Math.round(this.bufferingTimeout / 2), this.lastMessage != a && this.ui.setBuffering()) : 2 == a ? (this.playTimeout--, 0 == this.playTimeout && this.retryAudio(), a = "Playing... ", this.lastMessage != a && this.ui.setPlaying()) : 4 == a || 3 == a ? "play" == this.desiredStatus ? (a = "Error de red", this.retryAudio(), this.lastMessage != a && this.ui.setError()) :
+ (a = "Stopped.", this.lastMessage != a && this.ui.setStopped()) : (a = "ERROR: " + a, console.log(a));
+ this.lastMessage = a
+ },
+ __class__: d.Muses
+ };
+ d.Tracker = function() {};
+ d.Tracker.__name__ = !0;
+ d.Tracker.track = function(a, c, g, e) {
+ d.Tracker.enabled && (null == d.Tracker.tracked && (d.Tracker.tracked = new q.ds.StringMap, b.Stats.init("UA-12297597-1", "hosted.musesradioplayer.com")), e && d.Tracker.tracked.get(a) || (b.Stats.trackPageview("/tracker/track.php?version=0.2 beta&url=" + a + "&player=HTML5&skin=" + g.skin, "Muses - HTML5 Tracking [Radio: " +
+ c + "]"), d.Tracker.tracked.set(a, !0)))
+ };
+ d.UI = n.muses.UI = function(a, c) {
+ this.skinFolder = this.baseURL = this.skinDomain = "";
+ this.togglePlayStopEnabled = this.lastToggleValue = !1;
+ this.mainDiv = this.playButton = this.stopButton = this.volumeControl = this.bg = this.statusText = this.artistText = this.songTitleText = this.statusLed = null;
+ this.skin = "";
+ var b = this;
+ this.title = c.title;
+ this.skin = c.skin;
+ this.muses = a;
+ this.mainDiv = window.document.getElementById(c.elementId);
+ this.mainDiv.style.position = "relative";
+ this.statusText = new d.skin.TitleText(this);
+ this.artistText = new d.skin.TitleText(this);
+ this.songTitleText = new d.skin.TitleText(this);
+ this.statusLed = new d.skin.StatusLed(this);
+ this.volumeControl = new d.skin.VolumeControl(this, this.muses);
+ this.volumeControl.setVolume(c.volume / 100);
+ this.playButton = new d.skin.Button(this, "play");
+ this.stopButton = new d.skin.Button(this, "stop");
+ this.loadSkin(this.skin);
+ this.statusLed.configured && this.mainDiv.appendChild(this.statusLed.container);
+ this.statusText.configured && this.mainDiv.appendChild(this.statusText.container);
+ this.artistText.configured && this.mainDiv.appendChild(this.artistText.container);
+ this.songTitleText.configured && this.mainDiv.appendChild(this.songTitleText.container);
+ this.volumeControl.configured && this.mainDiv.appendChild(this.volumeControl.container);
+ this.mainDiv.appendChild(this.playButton.container);
+ this.mainDiv.appendChild(this.stopButton.container);
+ this.stopButton.container.onclick = function(a) {
+ b.muses.stopAudio(!1)
+ };
+ this.playButton.container.onclick = function(a) {
+ b.muses.playAudio()
+ };
+ this.showInfo(c.welcome)
+ };
+ d.UI.__name__ = !0;
+ d.UI.parseInt = function(a, c) {
+ return null == a ? c : y.parseInt(a)
+ };
+ d.UI.prototype = {
+ skin: null,
+ mainDiv: null,
+ playButton: null,
+ stopButton: null,
+ volumeControl: null,
+ bg: null,
+ statusText: null,
+ artistText: null,
+ songTitleText: null,
+ statusLed: null,
+ togglePlayStopEnabled: null,
+ lastToggleValue: null,
+ skinFolder: null,
+ baseURL: null,
+ skinDomain: null,
+ title: null,
+ titleTimer: null,
+ muses: null,
+ XmlToLower: function(a) {
+ for (var c = a.attributes(); c.hasNext();) {
+ var b = c.next();
+ a.set(b.toLowerCase(), a.get(b))
+ }
+ },
+ enablePlayStopToggle: function() {
+ this.togglePlayStopEnabled = !0;
+ this.togglePlayStop(this.lastToggleValue)
+ },
+ togglePlayStop: function(a) {
+ this.lastToggleValue = a;
+ this.togglePlayStopEnabled && (this.playButton.setVisible(!a), this.stopButton.setVisible(a))
+ },
+ makeAbsolute: function(a) {
+ return -1 != a.indexOf("://") ? a : "/" == a.charAt(0) ? this.skinDomain + a : this.baseURL + a
+ },
+ getDomainName: function(a) {
+ a += "/";
+ var c = a.indexOf("://");
+ if (-1 == c) return "";
+ c = a.indexOf("/", c + 3);
+ return m.substr(a, 0, c)
+ },
+ getDirName: function(a) {
+ var c = a.lastIndexOf("/");
+ return -1 == c ? "" : m.substr(a, 0, c + 1)
+ },
+ loadSkin: function(a) {
+ var c =
+ q.Http.requestUrl(a);
+ this.baseURL = this.getDirName(a);
+ this.skinDomain = this.getDomainName(a);
+ a = !1;
+ for (c = h.parse(c).elements(); c.hasNext();) {
+ var b = c.next();
+ if ("ffmp3-skin" != b.get_nodeName().toLowerCase() && "muses-skin" != b.get_nodeName().toLowerCase()) break;
+ this.XmlToLower(b);
+ null == b.get("folder") ? this.skinFolder = "" : this.skinFolder = b.get("folder");
+ (a = null == b.get("toggleplaystop") ? !1 : "true" == b.get("toggleplaystop")) && this.enablePlayStopToggle();
+ 0 < this.skinFolder.length && "/" != this.skinFolder.charAt(this.skinFolder.length -
+ 1) && (this.skinFolder += "/");
+ this.skinFolder = this.makeAbsolute(this.skinFolder);
+ for (a = b.elements(); a.hasNext();) switch (b = a.next(), this.XmlToLower(b), b.get_nodeName().toLowerCase()) {
+ case "bg":
+ this.configureBG(b);
+ break;
+ case "play":
+ this.playButton.configure(b);
+ break;
+ case "stop":
+ this.stopButton.configure(b);
+ break;
+ case "text":
+ this.statusText.configureText(b, "left");
+ break;
+ case "status":
+ this.statusLed.configure(b);
+ break;
+ case "volume":
+ this.volumeControl.configure(b);
+ break;
+ case "artist":
+ this.artistText.configureText(b,
+ "left");
+ break;
+ case "songtitle":
+ this.songTitleText.configureText(b, "left")
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ loadImage: function(a, c) {
+ a.src = this.skinFolder + c
+ },
+ configureBG: function(a) {
+ this.bg = new Image;
+ this.loadImage(this.bg, a.get("image"));
+ this.bg.style.position = "absolute";
+ this.bg.style.left = d.UI.parseInt(a.get("x"), 0) + "px";
+ this.bg.style.top = d.UI.parseInt(a.get("y"), 0) + "px";
+ this.mainDiv.appendChild(this.bg)
+ },
+ configureButton: function(a, c) {
+ a.src = this.skinFolder + c.get("image");
+ a.style.position = "absolute";
+ a.style.left = d.UI.parseInt(c.get("x"),
+ 0) + "px";
+ a.style.top = d.UI.parseInt(c.get("y"), 0) + "px"
+ },
+ setPlaying: function() {
+ this.showInfo("Play");
+ this.statusLed.on();
+ this.togglePlayStop(!0)
+ },
+ setStopped: function() {
+ this.showInfo("Stop");
+ this.statusLed.off();
+ this.togglePlayStop(!1)
+ },
+ setBuffering: function() {
+ this.showInfo("Buffering");
+ this.statusLed.on();
+ this.togglePlayStop(!0)
+ },
+ setError: function() {
+ this.showInfo("Error");
+ this.statusLed.off()
+ },
+ setVolume: function(a) {
+ this.volumeControl.setVolume(a);
+ this.showInfo("Volume: " + Math.round(100 * a) + "%")
+ },
+ showInfo: function(a,
+ c) {
+ null == c && (c = !0);
+ null == a ? this.restoreTitle() : (null != this.titleTimer && this.titleTimer.stop(), this.statusText.setText(a), c && (this.titleTimer = new q.Timer(2E3), this.titleTimer.run = p(this, this.restoreTitle)))
+ },
+ restoreTitle: function() {
+ null != this.titleTimer && this.titleTimer.stop();
+ this.statusText.setText(this.title)
+ },
+ __class__: d.UI
+ };
+ d.skin = {};
+ d.skin.UIComponent = function(a) {
+ this.ui = a;
+ this.configured = !1;
+ this.container = window.document.createElement("div");
+ this.container.style.position = "absolute"
+ };
+ d.skin.UIComponent.__name__ = !0;
+ d.skin.UIComponent.prototype = {
+ container: null,
+ configured: null,
+ ui: null,
+ setVisible: function(a) {
+ this.container.style.display = a ? "block" : "none"
+ },
+ configure: function(a) {
+ this.configured = !0;
+ this.container.style.left = d.UI.parseInt(a.get("x"), 0) + "px";
+ this.container.style.top = d.UI.parseInt(a.get("y"), 0) + "px";
+ null != a.get("width") && (this.container.style.width = d.UI.parseInt(a.get("width"), 0) + "px");
+ null != a.get("height") && (this.container.style.height = d.UI.parseInt(a.get("height"), 0) + "px")
+ },
+ appendChild: function(a,
+ c) {
+ null == c && (c = !0);
+ a.style.position = "absolute";
+ a.style.left = a.style.top = "0px";
+ a.style.display = c ? "block" : "none";
+ this.container.appendChild(a)
+ },
+ __class__: d.skin.UIComponent
+ };
+ d.skin.Button = function(a, c) {
+ var b = this;
+ d.skin.UIComponent.call(this, a);
+ this.mouseOverState = new Image;
+ this.mouseDownState = new Image;
+ this.noMouseState = new Image;
+ this.container.title = c;
+ this.mouseDownState.style.opacity = "0";
+ this.mouseOverState.style.opacity = "0";
+ this.container.onmouseup = function(a) {
+ b.mouseDownState.style.opacity = "0";
+ b.mouseOverState.style.opacity = "1"
+ };
+ this.container.onmousedown = function(a) {
+ b.mouseDownState.style.opacity = "1";
+ b.mouseOverState.style.opacity = "0"
+ };
+ this.container.onmouseover = function(a) {
+ b.mouseOverState.style.opacity = "1"
+ };
+ this.container.onmouseout = function(a) {
+ b.mouseDownState.style.opacity = "0";
+ b.mouseOverState.style.opacity = "0"
+ }
+ };
+ d.skin.Button.__name__ = !0;
+ d.skin.Button.__super__ = d.skin.UIComponent;
+ d.skin.Button.prototype = w(d.skin.UIComponent.prototype, {
+ mouseOverState: null,
+ mouseDownState: null,
+ noMouseState: null,
+ configure: function(a) {
+ d.skin.UIComponent.prototype.configure.call(this, a);
+ null != a.get("bgimage") && (this.ui.loadImage(this.noMouseState, a.get("bgimage")), this.appendChild(this.noMouseState));
+ null != a.get("clickimage") && (this.ui.loadImage(this.mouseDownState, a.get("clickimage")), this.appendChild(this.mouseDownState));
+ this.ui.loadImage(this.mouseOverState, a.get("image"));
+ this.appendChild(this.mouseOverState)
+ },
+ __class__: d.skin.Button
+ });
+ d.skin.StatusLed = function(a) {
+ d.skin.UIComponent.call(this, a);
+ this.playMC =
+ new Image;
+ this.stopMC = new Image
+ };
+ d.skin.StatusLed.__name__ = !0;
+ d.skin.StatusLed.__super__ = d.skin.UIComponent;
+ d.skin.StatusLed.prototype = w(d.skin.UIComponent.prototype, {
+ playMC: null,
+ stopMC: null,
+ configure: function(a) {
+ d.skin.UIComponent.prototype.configure.call(this, a);
+ null != a.get("imageplay") && -1 == a.get("imageplay").indexOf(".swf") && (this.ui.loadImage(this.playMC, a.get("imageplay")), this.appendChild(this.playMC, !1));
+ null != a.get("imagestop") && -1 == a.get("imagestop").indexOf(".swf") && (this.ui.loadImage(this.stopMC,
+ a.get("imagestop")), this.appendChild(this.stopMC, !0))
+ },
+ on: function() {
+ this.playMC.style.display = "block";
+ this.stopMC.style.display = "none"
+ },
+ off: function() {
+ this.playMC.style.display = "none";
+ this.stopMC.style.display = "block"
+ },
+ __class__: d.skin.StatusLed
+ });
+ d.skin.TitleText = function(a) {
+ d.skin.UIComponent.call(this, a);
+ this.container.style.fontFamily = "Silkscreen";
+ this.container.style.fontSize = "12px"
+ };
+ d.skin.TitleText.__name__ = !0;
+ d.skin.TitleText.__super__ = d.skin.UIComponent;
+ d.skin.TitleText.prototype = w(d.skin.UIComponent.prototype, {
+ configureText: function(a, b) {
+ this.configure(a);
+ switch (a.get("align")) {
+ case "center":
+ this.container.style.textAlign = "center";
+ break;
+ case "right":
+ this.container.style.textAlign = "right";
+ break;
+ default:
+ this.container.style.textAlign = b
+ }
+ this.container.style.padding = "2px";
+ this.container.style.whiteSpace = "nowrap";
+ this.container.style.fontFamily = a.get("font");
+ this.container.style.fontSize = d.UI.parseInt(a.get("size"), 12) + "px";
+ this.container.style.color = a.get("color");
+ this.container.style.overflow = "hidden"
+ },
+ setText: function(a) {
+ this.container.innerHTML =
+ a
+ },
+ __class__: d.skin.TitleText
+ });
+ d.skin.VolumeControl = function(a, b) {
+ d.skin.UIComponent.call(this, a);
+ this.muses = b;
+ this.firstDraw = !0;
+ this.bars = null;
+ this.mousePressed = !1;
+ this.volume = 1;
+ this.setMode("bars");
+ this.draw(this.container);
+ this.vertMargin = this.horizMargin = this.height = this.width = 0;
+ this.barStep = 2;
+ this.barWidth = 1;
+ this.barColors = this.bgColors = null
+ };
+ d.skin.VolumeControl.__name__ = !0;
+ d.skin.VolumeControl.__super__ = d.skin.UIComponent;
+ d.skin.VolumeControl.prototype = w(d.skin.UIComponent.prototype, {
+ volume: null,
+ width: null,
+ height: null,
+ horizMargin: null,
+ horizDesp: null,
+ vertMargin: null,
+ vertDesp: null,
+ barStep: null,
+ barWidth: null,
+ bgColors: null,
+ barColors: null,
+ bars: null,
+ cover: null,
+ spriteBar: null,
+ firstDraw: null,
+ mode: null,
+ holder: null,
+ mousePressed: null,
+ muses: null,
+ draw: function(a) {},
+ setMode: function(a) {
+ switch (a.toLowerCase()) {
+ case "bars":
+ this.draw = p(this, this.drawBars);
+ break;
+ case "holder":
+ this.draw = p(this, this.drawHolder);
+ break;
+ case "vholder":
+ this.draw = p(this, this.drawVHolder)
+ }
+ this.mode = a
+ },
+ drawHolder: function(a) {
+ this.holder.style.left =
+ this.volume * (this.width - this.holder.width) + "px"
+ },
+ drawVHolder: function(a) {
+ this.holder.style.top = (1 - this.volume) * (this.height - this.holder.height) + "px"
+ },
+ drawBars: function(a) {
+ if (null != this.barColors && 0 != this.barStep && (a = Math.round((this.width - 2 * this.horizMargin) / this.barStep), 0 != a)) {
+ var b = (this.height - 2 * this.vertMargin + 1) / a,
+ d = this.height - this.vertMargin,
+ e = this.horizMargin;
+ if (null == this.bars) {
+ this.bars = [];
+ for (var f = 0; f < a;) {
+ var g = f++,
+ h;
+ h = window.document.createElement("div");
+ this.bars.push(h);
+ this.appendChild(h);
+ h.style.left = e + g * this.barStep + "px";
+ h.style.top = d - g * b + "px";
+ h.style.width = Math.round(this.barWidth) + "px";
+ h.style.height = Math.ceil(g * b) + "px"
+ }
+ }
+ b = 0;
+ for (d = Math.round(this.volume * a); b < d;) e = b++, this.bars[e].style.backgroundColor = this.barColors[0];
+ for (b = Math.round(this.volume * a); b < a;) d = b++, this.bars[d].style.backgroundColor = this.barColors[1]
+ }
+ },
+ setVolume: function(a) {
+ this.volume != a && (this.volume = a, 1 < this.volume && (this.volume = 1), 0 > this.volume && (this.volume = 0), this.muses.setVolume(this.volume), this.draw(this.container))
+ },
+ getVolume: function() {
+ return this.volume
+ },
+ mouseDown: function(a) {
+ var b;
+ this.mousePressed = !0;
+ "vholder" != this.mode ? (a = a.layerX, b = this.width) : (a = this.height - a.layerY, b = this.height);
+ a -= .06 * b;
+ 0 > a && (a = 0);
+ a = Math.round(1.06 * a);
+ a > b && (a = b);
+ this.setVolume(a / (b - 2))
+ },
+ mouseUp: function(a) {
+ this.mousePressed = !1
+ },
+ mouseMove: function(a) {
+ this.mousePressed && this.mouseDown(a)
+ },
+ mouseWheel: function(a) {
+ 0 < a.wheelDelta ? this.setVolume(this.volume + .025) : this.setVolume(this.volume - .025)
+ },
+ configure: function(a) {
+ d.skin.UIComponent.prototype.configure.call(this,
+ a);
+ this.width = d.UI.parseInt(a.get("width"), 0);
+ this.height = d.UI.parseInt(a.get("height"), 0);
+ this.barColors = [a.get("color1"), a.get("color2")];
+ this.barStep = d.UI.parseInt(a.get("barstep"), 2);
+ this.barWidth = d.UI.parseInt(a.get("barwidth"), 1);
+ var b;
+ b = null != a.get("mode") ? a.get("mode").toLowerCase() : null;
+ this.setMode(b);
+ if ("holder" == b || "vholder" == b) this.holder = new Image, this.holder.onload = p(this, this.holderLoad), this.ui.loadImage(this.holder, a.get("holderimage")), this.appendChild(this.holder);
+ this.draw(this.container);
+ this.cover = window.document.createElement("div");
+ this.cover.onmousedown = p(this, this.mouseDown);
+ this.cover.onmousemove = p(this, this.mouseMove);
+ this.cover.onmousewheel = p(this, this.mouseWheel);
+ this.cover.onmouseup = p(this, this.mouseUp);
+ this.cover.onmouseout = p(this, this.mouseUp);
+ this.cover.style.width = this.container.style.width;
+ this.cover.style.height = this.container.style.height;
+ this.appendChild(this.cover)
+ },
+ holderLoad: function(a) {
+ this.holder.style.left = .5 * (this.width - this.holder.width) + "px";
+ this.holder.style.top =
+ .5 * (this.height - this.holder.height) + "px";
+ this.draw(this.container)
+ },
+ __class__: d.skin.VolumeControl
+ });
+ var G = 0;
+ Array.prototype.indexOf && (m.indexOf = function(a, b, d) {
+ return Array.prototype.indexOf.call(a, b, d)
+ });
+ Math.NaN = Number.NaN;
+ Math.isFinite = function(a) {
+ return isFinite(a)
+ };
+ Math.isNaN = function(a) {
+ return isNaN(a)
+ };
+ String.prototype.__class__ = String;
+ String.__name__ = !0;
+ Array.__name__ = !0;
+ Date.prototype.__class__ =
+ Date;
+ Date.__name__ = ["Date"];
+ var H = {
+ __name__: ["Int"]
+ },
+ I = {
+ __name__: ["Dynamic"]
+ },
+ E = Number;
+ E.__name__ = ["Float"];
+ var F = Boolean;
+ F.__ename__ = ["Bool"];
+ var J = {
+ __name__: ["Class"]
+ },
+ K = {};
+ h.Element = "element";
+ h.PCData = "pcdata";
+ h.CData = "cdata";
+ h.Comment = "comment";
+ h.DocType = "doctype";
+ h.ProcessingInstruction = "processingInstruction";
+ h.Document = "document";
+ g.objectId = "MRPObject";
+ g.playerCounter = 0;
+ g.__hostPrefix = "hosted";
+ g.__hostMidfix = "muses";
+ b.Campaign.TYPE_DIRECT = "direct";
+ b.Campaign.TYPE_ORGANIC = "organic";
+ b.Campaign.TYPE_REFERRAL =
+ "referral";
+ b.CustomVariable.SCOPE_VISITOR = 1;
+ b.CustomVariable.SCOPE_SESSION = 2;
+ b.CustomVariable.SCOPE_PAGE = 3;
+ b.Tracker.VERSION = "5.2.5";
+ b.URLParser.parts = "source protocol authority userInfo user password host port relative path directory file query anchor".split(" ");
+ b.internals.X10.OBJECT_KEY_NUM = 1;
+ b.internals.X10.TYPE_KEY_NUM = 2;
+ b.internals.X10.LABEL_KEY_NUM = 3;
+ b.internals.X10.VALUE_VALUE_NUM =
+ 1;
+ b.internals.request.Request.TYPE_EVENT = "event";
+ b.internals.request.Request.TYPE_TRANSACTION = "tran";
+ b.internals.request.Request.TYPE_ITEM = "item";
+ b.internals.request.Request.TYPE_SOCIAL = "social";
+ b.internals.request.Request.TYPE_CUSTOMVARIABLE = "var";
+ b.internals.request.Request.X10_CUSTOMVAR_NAME_PROJECT_ID = "8";
+ b.internals.request.Request.X10_CUSTOMVAR_VALUE_PROJECT_ID = "9";
+ b.internals.request.Request.X10_CUSTOMVAR_SCOPE_PROJECT_ID = "11";
+ b.internals.request.Request.CAMPAIGN_DELIMITER = "|";
+ b.internals.request.EventRequest.X10_EVENT_PROJECT_ID =
+ "5";
+ q.xml.Parser.escapes = function(a) {
+ a = new q.ds.StringMap;
+ a.set("lt", "<");
+ a.set("gt", ">");
+ a.set("amp", "&");
+ a.set("quot", '"');
+ a.set("apos", "'");
+ a.set("nbsp", String.fromCharCode(160));
+ return a
+ }(this);
+ d.Muses.VERSION = "0.2 beta";
+ d.Muses.instances = [];
+ d.Tracker.enabled = !0;
+ g.main()
+})("undefined" != typeof window ? window : exports);
+var FlashDetect = new function() {
+ var n = this;
+ n.installed = !1;
+ n.raw = "";
+ n.major = -1;
+ n.minor = -1;
+ n.revision = -1;
+ n.revisionStr = "";
+ var w = [{
+ name: "ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash.7",
+ version: function(p) {
+ return B(p)
+ }
+ }, {
+ name: "ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash.6",
+ version: function(p) {
+ var n = "6,0,21";
+ try {
+ p.AllowScriptAccess = "always", n = B(p)
+ } catch (m) {}
+ return n
+ }
+ }, {
+ name: "ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash",
+ version: function(p) {
+ return B(p)
+ }
+ }],
+ B = function(p) {
+ var n = -1;
+ try {
+ n = p.GetVariable("$version")
+ } catch (m) {}
+ return n
+ };
+ n.majorAtLeast = function(p) {
+ return n.major >=
+ p
+ };
+ n.minorAtLeast = function(p) {
+ return n.minor >= p
+ };
+ n.revisionAtLeast = function(p) {
+ return n.revision >= p
+ };
+ n.versionAtLeast = function(p) {
+ var s = [n.major, n.minor, n.revision],
+ m = Math.min(s.length, arguments.length);
+ for (i = 0; i < m; i++)
+ if (s[i] >= arguments[i]) {
+ if (!(i + 1 < m && s[i] == arguments[i])) return !0
+ } else return !1
+ };
+ n.FlashDetect = function() {
+ var p, s, m, x, A;
+ if (navigator.plugins && 0 < navigator.plugins.length) {
+ var g = navigator.mimeTypes;
+ if (g && g["application/x-shockwave-flash"] && g["application/x-shockwave-flash"].enabledPlugin &&
+ g["application/x-shockwave-flash"].enabledPlugin.description) {
+ p = g = g["application/x-shockwave-flash"].enabledPlugin.description;
+ var g = p.split(/ +/),
+ z = g[2].split(/\./),
+ g = g[3];
+ s = parseInt(z[0], 10);
+ m = parseInt(z[1], 10);
+ x = g;
+ A = parseInt(g.replace(/[a-zA-Z]/g, ""), 10) || n.revision;
+ n.raw = p;
+ n.major = s;
+ n.minor = m;
+ n.revisionStr = x;
+ n.revision = A;
+ n.installed = !0
+ }
+ } else if (-1 == navigator.appVersion.indexOf("Mac") && window.execScript)
+ for (g = -1, z = 0; z < w.length && -1 == g; z++) {
+ p = -1;
+ try {
+ p = new ActiveXObject(w[z].name)
+ } catch (v) {
+ p = {
+ activeXError: !0
+ }
+ }
+ p.activeXError ||
+ (n.installed = !0, g = w[z].version(p), -1 != g && (p = g, x = p.split(","), s = parseInt(x[0].split(" ")[1], 10), m = parseInt(x[1], 10), A = parseInt(x[2], 10), x = x[2], n.raw = p, n.major = s, n.minor = m, n.revision = A, n.revisionStr = x))
+ }
+ }()
+FlashDetect.JS_RELEASE = "1.0.4";
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/airtime_mvc/public/js/airtime/embeddableplayer/muses.swf b/airtime_mvc/public/js/airtime/embeddableplayer/muses.swf
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0a23f07cf
Binary files /dev/null and b/airtime_mvc/public/js/airtime/embeddableplayer/muses.swf differ