This commit is contained in:
fgerlits 2006-11-23 11:57:31 +00:00
parent 8281d6997b
commit 8cdf6e6d09
7 changed files with 22 additions and 22 deletions

View File

@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
notLoggedInMsg:string { "No ha ingresado al sistema" }
loggedInMsg:string { "Ingresó al sistema como {0}" }
loggedInMsg:string { "Ingresó: {0}" }
loginButtonLabel:string { "Accesar" }
logoutButtonLabel:string { "Salir" }
liveModeButtonLabel:string { "Modo en vivo" }
liveModeButtonLabel:string { "En vivo" }
uploadFileButtonLabel:string { "Cargar archivo" }
scratchpadButtonLabel:string { "Scratchpad" }
simplePlaylistMgmtButtonLabel:string { "Editar lista de repr." }
simplePlaylistMgmtButtonLabel:string { "Lista de repr." }
schedulerButtonLabel:string { "Programador" }
searchButtonLabel:string { "Búsqueda" }
optionsButtonLabel:string { "Options" }

View File

@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
notLoggedInMsg:string { "Nincs bejelentkezve" }
loggedInMsg:string { "Bejelentkezve {0} felhasználóként" }
loginButtonLabel:string { "Bejelentkezés" }
logoutButtonLabel:string { "Kijelentkezés" }
loggedInMsg:string { "Bejelentkezve: {0}" }
loginButtonLabel:string { "Log in" }
logoutButtonLabel:string { "Log out" }
liveModeButtonLabel:string { "Élő adás" }
uploadFileButtonLabel:string { "Filefeltöltés" }
scratchpadButtonLabel:string { "Praktikus csupor" }
scratchpadButtonLabel:string { "Scratchpad" }
simplePlaylistMgmtButtonLabel:string { "Műsorkezelés" }
schedulerButtonLabel:string { "Időzítő" }
searchButtonLabel:string { "Keresés" }

View File

@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
notLoggedInMsg:string { "Niet aangemeld" }
loggedInMsg:string { "Aangemeld als {0}" }
loggedInMsg:string { "Aangemeld: {0}" }
loginButtonLabel:string { "Aanmelden" }
logoutButtonLabel:string { "Afmelden" }
liveModeButtonLabel:string { "Live mode" }
uploadFileButtonLabel:string { "Bestand toevoegen" }
scratchpadButtonLabel:string { "Scratchpad" }
simplePlaylistMgmtButtonLabel:string { "Edit playlist" }
simplePlaylistMgmtButtonLabel:string { "Playlist" }
schedulerButtonLabel:string { "Scheduler" }
searchButtonLabel:string { "Zoeken" }
optionsButtonLabel:string { "Options" }

View File

@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
notLoggedInMsg:string { "Nie zalogowany" }
loggedInMsg:string { "Zalogowany jako {0}" }
loggedInMsg:string { "Zalogowany: {0}" }
loginButtonLabel:string { "Zaloguj" }
logoutButtonLabel:string { "wyloguj" }
logoutButtonLabel:string { "Wyloguj" }
liveModeButtonLabel:string { "Na żywo" }
uploadFileButtonLabel:string { "Załaduj plik" }
scratchpadButtonLabel:string { "Przybornik" }
simplePlaylistMgmtButtonLabel:string { "Edituj listę utworów" }
simplePlaylistMgmtButtonLabel:string { "Listę utworów" }
schedulerButtonLabel:string { "Programacja" }
searchButtonLabel:string { "Szukaj" }
optionsButtonLabel:string { "Options" }

View File

@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
notLoggedInMsg:string { "Not logged in" }
loggedInMsg:string { "Logged in as {0}" }
loggedInMsg:string { "User: {0}" }
loginButtonLabel:string { "Log in" }
logoutButtonLabel:string { "Log out" }
liveModeButtonLabel:string { "Live Mode" }
uploadFileButtonLabel:string { "Upload File" }
scratchpadButtonLabel:string { "Scratchpad" }
simplePlaylistMgmtButtonLabel:string { "Edit Playlist" }
simplePlaylistMgmtButtonLabel:string { "Playlist" }
schedulerButtonLabel:string { "Scheduler" }
searchButtonLabel:string { "Search" }
optionsButtonLabel:string { "Options" }

View File

@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
notLoggedInMsg:string { "Niste prijavljeni" }
loggedInMsg:string { "Prijavljeni ste kao {0}" }
loggedInMsg:string { "Prijavljeni: {0}" }
loginButtonLabel:string { "Prijava" }
logoutButtonLabel:string { "Odjava" }
liveModeButtonLabel:string { "Program Uživo" }
uploadFileButtonLabel:string { "Aploud fajla" }
liveModeButtonLabel:string { "Uživo" }
uploadFileButtonLabel:string { "Aploud" }
scratchpadButtonLabel:string { "Priprema" }
simplePlaylistMgmtButtonLabel:string { "Obrada plej liste" }
simplePlaylistMgmtButtonLabel:string { "Plej lista" }
schedulerButtonLabel:string { "Raspored" }
searchButtonLabel:string { "Pretraga" }
optionsButtonLabel:string { "Options" }

View File

@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
notLoggedInMsg:string { "Нисте пријављени" }
loggedInMsg:string { "Пријављени сте као {0}" }
loggedInMsg:string { "Пријављени: {0}" }
loginButtonLabel:string { "Пријава" }
logoutButtonLabel:string { "Одјава" }
liveModeButtonLabel:string { "Програм Уживо" }
uploadFileButtonLabel:string { "Аплоуд фајла" }
liveModeButtonLabel:string { "Уживо" }
uploadFileButtonLabel:string { "Аплоуд" }
scratchpadButtonLabel:string { "Припрема" }
simplePlaylistMgmtButtonLabel:string { "Обрада п.л." }
simplePlaylistMgmtButtonLabel:string { "Плеј листа" }
schedulerButtonLabel:string { "Распоред" }
searchButtonLabel:string { "Претрага" }
optionsButtonLabel:string { "Options" }