Major changes - some code tranfers between layers:

StoredFile, BasicStor, GreenBox and LocStor
This commit is contained in:
tomas 2005-01-17 00:15:51 +00:00
parent 958c1b4952
commit 8e783bea66
4 changed files with 291 additions and 352 deletions

View File

@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
Author : $Author: tomas $
Version : $Revision: 1.18 $
Version : $Revision: 1.19 $
Location : $Source: /home/paul/cvs2svn-livesupport/newcvsrepo/livesupport/modules/storageServer/var/BasicStor.php,v $
@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ require_once "StoredFile.php";
* Core of LiveSupport file storage module
* @author $Author: tomas $
* @version $Revision: 1.18 $
* @version $Revision: 1.19 $
* @see Alib
class BasicStor extends Alib{
@ -127,23 +127,10 @@ class BasicStor extends Alib{
$res = $this->removeObj($id);
return $ac;
if($ftype == 'playlist') $ac->setMime('application/smil');
return $id;
* Analyze media file for internal metadata information
* @param id int, virt.file's local id
* @return array
function bsAnalyzeFile($id)
$ac =& StoredFile::recall(&$this, $id);
if(PEAR::isError($ac)) return $ac;
$ia = $ac->analyzeMediaFile();
return $ia;
* Rename file
@ -157,15 +144,16 @@ class BasicStor extends Alib{
$ac =& StoredFile::recall(&$this, $id);
#// catch nonerror exception:
#if($ac->getCode() != GBERR_FOBJNEX)
// catch nonerror exception:
//if($ac->getCode() != GBERR_FOBJNEX)
return $ac;
$res = $ac->rename($newName);
if(PEAR::isError($res)) return $res;
return $this->renameObj($id, $newName);
@ -253,8 +241,7 @@ class BasicStor extends Alib{
function bsDeleteFile($id)
$res = $this->removeObj($id);
if(PEAR::isError($res)) return $res;
return TRUE;
return $res;
/* ----------------------------------------------------- put, access etc. */
@ -281,27 +268,16 @@ class BasicStor extends Alib{
* @param realFname string, local filepath to accessed file
* @param ext string, useful filename extension for accessed file
* @param gunid int, global unique id
* @param sessid string, session id
* @param type string 'access'|'download'
* @return array with: seekable filehandle, access token
function bsAccess($realFname, $ext, $gunid, $sessid='', $type='access')
function bsAccess($realFname, $ext, $gunid, $type='access')
$token = StoredFile::_createGunid();
$res = $this->dbc->query("
INSERT INTO {$this->accessTable}
(gunid, sessid, token,
ext, type, ts)
(x'{$gunid}'::bigint, '$sessid', x'$token'::bigint,
'$ext', '$type', now())
if(PEAR::isError($res)){ return $res; }
$linkFname = "{$this->accessDir}/$token.$ext";
return PEAR::raiseError(
"BasicStor::bsAccess: symlink create failed ($accLinkName)",
"BasicStor::bsAccess: real file not found ($realFname)",
if(! @symlink($realFname, $linkFname)){
@ -309,6 +285,23 @@ class BasicStor extends Alib{
"BasicStor::bsAccess: symlink create failed ($linkFname)",
$res = $this->dbc->query("
INSERT INTO {$this->accessTable}
(gunid, token, ext, type, ts)
(x'{$gunid}'::bigint, x'$token'::bigint,
'$ext', '$type', now())
if(PEAR::isError($res)){ $this->dbc->query("ROLLBACK"); return $res; }
$res = $this->dbc->query("
UPDATE {$this->filesTable}
SET currentlyAccessing=currentlyAccessing+1
WHERE gunid=x'{$gunid}'::bigint
if(PEAR::isError($res)){ $this->dbc->query("ROLLBACK"); return $res; }
$res = $this->dbc->query("COMMIT");
if(PEAR::isError($res)){ return $res; }
return array('fname'=>$linkFname, 'token'=>$token);
@ -330,19 +323,28 @@ class BasicStor extends Alib{
SELECT to_hex(gunid)as gunid, ext FROM {$this->accessTable}
WHERE token=x'{$token}'::bigint AND type='$type'
if(PEAR::isError($acc)){ return $acc; }
$ext = $acc['ext'];
$gunid = StoredFile::_normalizeGunid($acc['gunid']);
if(PEAR::isError($acc)){ return $acc; }
$linkFname = "{$this->accessDir}/$token.$ext";
$res = $this->dbc->query("
DELETE FROM {$this->accessTable} WHERE token=x'$token'::bigint
if(PEAR::isError($res)){ return $res; }
if(! @unlink($linkFname)){
return PEAR::raiseError(
"BasicStor::bsRelease: unlink failed ($linkFname)",
$res = $this->dbc->query("
UPDATE {$this->filesTable}
SET currentlyAccessing=currentlyAccessing-1
WHERE gunid=x'{$gunid}'::bigint AND currentlyAccessing>0
if(PEAR::isError($res)){ $this->dbc->query("ROLLBACK"); return $res; }
$res = $this->dbc->query("
DELETE FROM {$this->accessTable} WHERE token=x'$token'::bigint
if(PEAR::isError($res)){ $this->dbc->query("ROLLBACK"); return $res; }
$res = $this->dbc->query("COMMIT");
if(PEAR::isError($res)){ return $res; }
return $gunid;
@ -368,8 +370,7 @@ class BasicStor extends Alib{
$ext = "xml";
$sessid = '';
$acc = $this->bsAccess($fname, $ext, $gunid, $sessid, 'download');
$acc = $this->bsAccess($fname, $ext, $gunid, 'download');
$url = $this->getUrlPart()."access/".basename($acc['fname']);
return array('url'=>$url, 'token'=>$acc['token']);
@ -400,14 +401,13 @@ class BasicStor extends Alib{
function bsOpenPut($chsum, $gunid)
$sessid = '';
$ext = '';
$token = StoredFile::_createGunid();
$res = $this->dbc->query("
INSERT INTO {$this->accessTable}
(gunid, sessid, token, ext, chsum, type, ts)
(gunid, token, ext, chsum, type, ts)
(x'{$gunid}'::bigint, '$sessid', x'$token'::bigint,
(x'{$gunid}'::bigint, x'$token'::bigint,
'$ext', '$chsum', 'put', now())
if(PEAR::isError($res)){ return $res; }
@ -488,7 +488,7 @@ class BasicStor extends Alib{
{ $replicaName.='_R'; }
$rid = $this->addObj($replicaName , 'Replica', $did, 0, $id);
if(PEAR::isError($rid)) return $rid;
# $this->addMdata($this->_pathFromId($rid), 'isReplOf', $id, $sessid);
# $this->addMdata($this->_pathFromId($rid), 'isReplOf', $id);
return $rid;
@ -637,8 +637,32 @@ class BasicStor extends Alib{
return PEAR::raiseError(
'BasicStor::bsListFolder: not a folder', GBERR_NOTF
$a = $this->getDir($id, 'id, name, type, param as target', 'name');
return $a;
$listArr = $this->getDir($id, 'id, name, type, param as target', 'name');
foreach($listArr as $i=>$v){
if($v['type'] == 'File'){
$gunid = $this->_gunidFromId($v['id']);
$listArr[$i]['type'] =
$listArr[$i]['gunid'] = $gunid;
if(StoredFIle::_getState($gunid) == 'incomplete')
return $listArr;
* Analyze media file for internal metadata information
* @param id int, virt.file's local id
* @return array
function bsAnalyzeFile($id)
$ac =& StoredFile::recall(&$this, $id);
if(PEAR::isError($ac)) return $ac;
$ia = $ac->analyzeMediaFile();
return $ia;
@ -651,11 +675,11 @@ class BasicStor extends Alib{
function getObjIdFromRelPath($id, $relPath='.')
$relPath = trim($relPath);
#if($this->getObjType($id) !== 'Folder')
//if($this->getObjType($id) !== 'Folder')
$nid = $this->getParent($id);
if(PEAR::isError($nid)) return $nid;
if(is_null($nid)){ return PEAR::raiseError("null parent for $nid"); }
#else $nid = $id;
//else $nid = $id;
if(substr($relPath, 0, 1)=='/'){ $nid=$this->storId; }
$a = split('/', $relPath);
foreach($a as $i=>$pathItem){
@ -686,6 +710,174 @@ class BasicStor extends Alib{
return $nid;
/* ---------------------------------------------------- redefined methods */
* Get object type by id.
* (RootNode, Folder, File, )
* @param oid int, local object id
* @return string/err
function getObjType($oid)
$type = $this->getObjName($oid, 'type');
if($type == 'File'){
$ftype =
if(!is_null($ftype)) $type=$ftype;
return $type;
/* ==================================================== "private" methods */
* Check authorization - auxiliary method
* @param acts array of actions
* @param pars array of parameters - e.g. ids
* @param sessid string, session id
* @return true or PEAR::error
function _authorize($acts, $pars, $sessid='')
$userid = $this->getSessUserId($sessid);
if(!is_array($pars)) $pars = array($pars);
if(!is_array($acts)) $acts = array($acts);
$perm = true;
foreach($acts as $i=>$action){
$res = $this->checkPerm($userid, $action, $pars[$i]);
if(PEAR::isError($res)) return $res;
$perm = $perm && $res;
if($perm) return TRUE;
$adesc = "[".join(',',$acts)."]";
return PEAR::raiseError("GreenBox::$adesc: access denied", GBERR_DENY);
* Return users's home folder local ID
* @param sessid string, session ID
* @return local folder id
function _getHomeDirId($sessid)
$parid = $this->getObjId(
$this->getSessLogin($sessid), $this->storId
return $parid;
* Get local id from global id
* @param gunid string global id
* @return int local id
function _idFromGunid($gunid)
return $this->dbc->getOne(
"SELECT id FROM {$this->filesTable} WHERE gunid=x'$gunid'::bigint"
* Get global id from local id
* @param id int local id
* @return string global id
function _gunidFromId($id)
if(!is_numeric($id)) return NULL;
$gunid = $this->dbc->getOne("
SELECT to_hex(gunid)as gunid FROM {$this->filesTable}
WHERE id='$id'
if(PEAR::isError($gunid)) return $gunid;
if(is_null($gunid)) return NULL;
return StoredFile::_normalizeGunid($gunid);
/* ------------------------------------------ redefined "private" methods */
* Copy virtual file.<br>
* Redefined from parent class.
* @return id
function copyObj($id, $newParid, $after=NULL)
$parid = $this->getParent($id);
$nid = parent::copyObj($id, $newParid, $after);
if(PEAR::isError($nid)) return $nid;
$ac =& StoredFile::recall(&$this, $id);
if(PEAR::isError($ac)){ return $ac; }
$ac2 =& StoredFile::copyOf(&$ac, $nid);
return $nid;
* Optionaly remove virtual file with the same name and add new one.<br>
* Redefined from parent class.
* @return id
function addObj($name, $type, $parid=1, $aftid=NULL, $param='')
if(!is_null($exid = $this->getObjId($name, $parid)))
{ $this->removeObj($exid); }
return parent::addObj($name, $type, $parid, $aftid, $param);
* Remove virtual file.<br>
* Redefined from parent class.
* @param id int, local id of removed object
* @return true or PEAR::error
function removeObj($id)
switch($ot = $this->getObjType($id)){
$ac =& StoredFile::recall(&$this, $id);
if(PEAR::isError($ac)) return $ac;
return PEAR::raiseError(
'BasicStor.php: removeObj: is edited'
return PEAR::raiseError(
'BasicStor.php: removeObj: is accessed'
return PEAR::raiseError(
"GreenBox::bsDeleteFile: unknown obj type ($ot)"
$res = parent::removeObj($id);
if(PEAR::isError($res)) return $res;
return TRUE;
/* =============================================== test and debug methods */
* dump
@ -729,7 +921,7 @@ class BasicStor extends Alib{
// $this->dbc->query("DELETE FROM {$this->filesTable}");
$ids = $this->dbc->getAll("SELECT id FROM {$this->filesTable}");
if(is_array($ids)) foreach($ids as $i=>$item){
@ -871,7 +1063,6 @@ class BasicStor extends Alib{
#echo "{$this->accessTable}\n";
$r = $this->dbc->query("CREATE TABLE {$this->accessTable} (
gunid bigint,
sessid char(32) not null default'',
token bigint,
chsum char(32) not null default'',
ext varchar(128) not null default'',

View File

@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
Author : $Author: tomas $
Version : $Revision: 1.22 $
Version : $Revision: 1.23 $
Location : $Source: /home/paul/cvs2svn-livesupport/newcvsrepo/livesupport/modules/storageServer/var/GreenBox.php,v $
@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ require_once "BasicStor.php";
* LiveSupport file storage module
* @author $Author: tomas $
* @version $Revision: 1.22 $
* @version $Revision: 1.23 $
* @see BasicStor
class GreenBox extends BasicStor{
@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ class GreenBox extends BasicStor{
if(($res = $this->_authorize('write', $parid, $sessid)) !== TRUE)
return $res;
return $this->bsCreateFolder($parid, $folderName , 'Folder', $parid);
return $this->bsCreateFolder($parid, $folderName);
@ -159,37 +159,6 @@ class GreenBox extends BasicStor{
return $this->bsDeleteFile($id);
/* ----------------------------------------------------- put, access etc. */
* Create and return access link to media file
* @param id int, virt.file's local id
* @param sessid string, session id
* @return array with: seekable filehandle, access token
function access($id, $sessid='')
$ac =& StoredFile::recall(&$this, $id);
if(PEAR::isError($ac)) return $ac;
if(($res = $this->_authorize('read', $id, $sessid)) !== TRUE)
return $res;
return $ac->accessRawMediaData($sessid);
* Release access link to media file
* @param sessid string, session id
* @param token string, access token
* @return boolean or PEAR::error
function release($token, $sessid='')
$ac =& StoredFile::recallByToken(&$this, $token);
if(PEAR::isError($ac)) return $ac;
return $ac->releaseRawMediaData($sessid, $token);
/* ---------------------------------------------- replicas, versions etc. */
* Create replica.<br>
@ -304,39 +273,11 @@ class GreenBox extends BasicStor{
if(($res = $this->_authorize('read', $id, $sessid)) !== TRUE)
return $res;
$listArr = $this->bsListFolder($id);
foreach($listArr as $i=>$v){
if($v['type'] == 'File'){
$gunid = $this->_gunidFromId($v['id']);
$listArr[$i]['type'] =
$listArr[$i]['gunid'] = $gunid;
return $listArr;
/* ---------------------------------------------------- redefined methods */
* Logout and destroy session
* @param sessid string
* @return true/err
function logout($sessid)
/* release all accessed files on logout - probably not useful
$acfa = $this->dbc->getAll("SELECT * FROM {$this->accessTable}
WHERE sessid='$sessid'");
if(PEAR::isError($acfa)) return $acfa;
foreach($acfa as $i=>$acf){
$ac =& StoredFile::recallByToken(&$this, $acf['token']);
$ac->releaseRawMediaData($sessid, $acf['token']);
return parent::logout($sessid);
* Add new user with home folder
@ -348,7 +289,7 @@ class GreenBox extends BasicStor{
$uid = parent::addSubj($login, $pass);
if(PEAR::isError($uid)) return $uid;
$fid = $this->addObj($login , 'Folder', $this->storId);
$fid = $this->bsCreateFolder($this->storId, $login);
if(PEAR::isError($fid)) return $fid;
$res = $this->addPerm($uid, '_all', $fid, 'A');
if(PEAR::isError($res)) return $res;
@ -367,7 +308,7 @@ class GreenBox extends BasicStor{
if(PEAR::isError($res)) return $res;
$id = $this->getObjId($login, $this->storId);
if(PEAR::isError($id)) return $id;
$res = $this->removeObj($id);
$res = $this->bsDeleteFile($id);
if(PEAR::isError($res)) return $res;
return TRUE;
@ -380,191 +321,11 @@ class GreenBox extends BasicStor{
function getPath($id)
$pa = parent::getPath($id, 'id, name, type'); array_shift($pa);
$pa = parent::getPath($id, 'id, name, type');
return $pa;
* Get object type by id.
* (RootNode, Folder, File, )
* @param oid int, local object id
* @return string/err
function getObjType($oid)
$type = $this->getObjName($oid, 'type');
if($type == 'File'){
$ftype =
if(!is_null($ftype)) $type=$ftype;
return $type;
/* ========================================== redefined "private" methods */
* Copy virtual file.<br>
* Redefined from parent class.
* @return id
function copyObj($id, $newParid, $after=NULL)
$parid = $this->getParent($id);
$nid = parent::copyObj($id, $newParid, $after);
if(PEAR::isError($nid)) return $nid;
$ac =& StoredFile::recall(&$this, $id);
if(PEAR::isError($ac)){ return $ac; }
$ac2 =& StoredFile::copyOf(&$ac, $nid);
return $nid;
* Optionaly remove virtual file with the same name and add new one.<br>
* Redefined from parent class.
* @return id
function addObj($name, $type, $parid=1, $aftid=NULL, $param='')
if(!is_null($exid = $this->getObjId($name, $parid)))
{ $this->removeObj($exid); }
return parent::addObj($name, $type, $parid, $aftid, $param);
* Remove virtual file.<br>
* Redefined from parent class.
* @param id int, local id of removed object
* @return true or PEAR::error
function removeObj($id)
switch($ot = $this->getObjType($id)){
$ac =& StoredFile::recall(&$this, $id);
$r = parent::removeObj($id);
if(PEAR::isError($r)) return $r;
$r = parent::removeObj($id);
if(PEAR::isError($r)) return $r;
$r = parent::removeObj($id);
if(PEAR::isError($r)) return $r;
return PEAR::raiseError(
"GreenBox::removeObj: unknown obj type ($ot)"
return TRUE;
/* ==================================================== "private" methods */
* Return users's home folder local ID
* @param sessid string, session ID
* @return local folder id
function _getHomeDirId($sessid)
$parid = $this->getObjId(
$this->getSessLogin($sessid), $this->storId
return $parid;
* Check authorization - auxiliary method
* @param acts array of actions
* @param pars array of parameters - e.g. ids
* @param sessid string, session id
* @return true or PEAR::error
function _authorize($acts, $pars, $sessid='')
$userid = $this->getSessUserId($sessid);
if(!is_array($pars)) $pars = array($pars);
if(!is_array($acts)) $acts = array($acts);
$perm = true;
foreach($acts as $i=>$action){
$res = $this->checkPerm($userid, $action, $pars[$i]);
if(PEAR::isError($res)) return $res;
$perm = $perm && $res;
if($perm) return TRUE;
$adesc = "[".join(',',$acts)."]";
return PEAR::raiseError("GreenBox::$adesc: access denied", GBERR_DENY);
* Create fake session for downloaded files
* @param userid user id
* @return string sessid
function _fakeSession($userid)
$sessid = $this->_createSessid();
if(PEAR::isError($sessid)) return $sessid;
$login = $this->getSubjName($userid);
$r = $this->dbc->query("INSERT INTO {$this->sessTable}
(sessid, userid, login, ts)
('$sessid', '$userid', '$login', now())");
if(PEAR::isError($r)) return $r;
return $sessid;
* Get local id from global id
* @param gunid string global id
* @return int local id
function _idFromGunid($gunid)
return $this->dbc->getOne(
"SELECT id FROM {$this->filesTable} WHERE gunid=x'$gunid'::bigint"
* Get global id from local id
* @param id int local id
* @return string global id
function _gunidFromId($id)
if(!is_numeric($id)) return NULL;
$gunid = $this->dbc->getOne("
SELECT to_hex(gunid)as gunid FROM {$this->filesTable}
WHERE id='$id'
if(PEAR::isError($gunid)) return $gunid;
if(is_null($gunid)) return NULL;
return StoredFile::_normalizeGunid($gunid);

View File

@ -23,19 +23,19 @@
Author : $Author: tomas $
Version : $Revision: 1.18 $
Version : $Revision: 1.19 $
Location : $Source: /home/paul/cvs2svn-livesupport/newcvsrepo/livesupport/modules/storageServer/var/LocStor.php,v $
require_once "GreenBox.php";
require_once "BasicStor.php";
* LocStor class
* Livesupport local storage interface
class LocStor extends GreenBox{
class LocStor extends BasicStor{
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------- store */
* Store or replace existing audio clip
@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ class LocStor extends GreenBox{
if($fname == ''){
$fname = "newFile";
$res = $this->renameFile($oid, $fname, $sessid);
$res = $this->bsRenameFile($oid, $fname);
if(PEAR::isError($res)) return $res;
return $this->bsOpenPut($chsum, $ac->gunid);
@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ class LocStor extends GreenBox{
if(PEAR::isError($ac)) return $ac;
if(($res = $this->_authorize('read', $ac->getId(), $sessid)) !== TRUE)
return $res;
return $ac->accessRawMediaData($sessid);
return $ac->accessRawMediaData();
@ -232,7 +232,7 @@ class LocStor extends GreenBox{
if(PEAR::isError($ac)) return $ac;
if(($res = $this->_authorize('read', $ac->getId(), $sessid)) !== TRUE)
return $res;
$md = $this->getMdata($ac->getId(), $sessid);
$md = $this->bsGetMetadata($ac->getId());
if(PEAR::isError($md)) return $md;
return $md;
@ -284,7 +284,7 @@ class LocStor extends GreenBox{
'playlistResults' => $resPL['results']
$srchRes = $this->localSearch($criteria, $sessid);
$srchRes = $this->bsLocalSearch($criteria);
$res = array('audioClipResults'=>NULL, 'playlistResults'=>NULL);
@ -356,12 +356,7 @@ class LocStor extends GreenBox{
if(PEAR::isError($ac)) return $ac;
if(($res = $this->_authorize('write', $ac->getId(), $sessid)) !== TRUE)
return $res;
return PEAR::raiseError(
'LocStor.php: deleteAudioClip: is accessed'
$res = $this->deleteFile($ac->getId(), $sessid);
$res = $this->bsDeleteFile($ac->getId());
if(PEAR::isError($res)) return $res;
return TRUE;
@ -392,8 +387,6 @@ class LocStor extends GreenBox{
$rootHD = $this->getObjId('root', $this->storId);
# $this->login('root', $this->config['tmpRootPass']);
# $s = $this->sessid;
$res = array();
foreach($sampleData as $k=>$it){
@ -420,7 +413,6 @@ class LocStor extends GreenBox{
if(PEAR::isError($r)){ return $r; }
$res[] = $this->_gunidFromId($r);
# $this->logout($this->sessid);
return $res;
@ -461,7 +453,7 @@ class LocStor extends GreenBox{
if($fname == ''){
$fname = "newFile.xml";
$res = $this->renameFile($oid, $fname, $sessid);
$res = $this->bsRenameFile($oid, $fname);
if(PEAR::isError($res)) return $res;
$res = $ac->setState('ready');
if(PEAR::isError($res)) return $res;
@ -540,12 +532,7 @@ class LocStor extends GreenBox{
if(PEAR::isError($ac)) return $ac;
if(($res = $this->_authorize('write', $ac->getId(), $sessid)) !== TRUE)
return $res;
return PEAR::raiseError(
'LocStor.php: deletePlaylist: playlist is edited'
$res = $this->deleteFile($ac->getId(), $sessid);
$res = $this->bsDeleteFile($ac->getId());
if(PEAR::isError($res)) return $res;
return TRUE;
@ -626,9 +613,8 @@ class LocStor extends GreenBox{
function _isEdited($playlistId)
$state = StoredFile::_getState($playlistId);
if($state == 'edited'){ return TRUE; }
return FALSE;
$ac =& StoredFile::recallByGunid(&$this, $playlistId);
return $ac->isEdited($playlistId);

View File

@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
Author : $Author: tomas $
Version : $Revision: 1.14 $
Version : $Revision: 1.15 $
Location : $Source: /home/paul/cvs2svn-livesupport/newcvsrepo/livesupport/modules/storageServer/var/StoredFile.php,v $
@ -274,28 +274,16 @@ class StoredFile{
* Increase access counter, create access token, insert access record,
* call access method of RawMediaData
* @param sessid string
* @return array with: access URL, access token
function accessRawMediaData($sessid)
function accessRawMediaData()
$res = $this->dbc->query("
UPDATE {$this->filesTable}
SET currentlyAccessing=currentlyAccessing+1
WHERE gunid=x'{$this->gunid}'::bigint
if(PEAR::isError($res)){ $this->dbc->query("ROLLBACK"); return $res; }
# $token = $this->_createGunid();
$realFname = $this->_getRealRADFname();
$ext = $this->_getExt();
$res = $this->gb->bsAccess($realFname, $ext, $this->gunid, $sessid);
if(PEAR::isError($res)){ $this->dbc->query("ROLLBACK"); return $res; }
$res = $this->gb->bsAccess($realFname, $ext, $this->gunid);
if(PEAR::isError($res)){ return $res; }
$resultArray =
array('url'=>"file://{$res['fname']}", 'token'=>$res['token']);
$res = $this->dbc->query("COMMIT");
if(PEAR::isError($res)){ $this->dbc->query("ROLLBACK"); return $res; }
return $resultArray;
@ -308,16 +296,8 @@ class StoredFile{
function releaseRawMediaData($token)
$res = $this->dbc->query("UPDATE {$this->filesTable}
SET currentlyAccessing=currentlyAccessing-1
WHERE gunid=x'{$this->gunid}'::bigint AND currentlyAccessing>0
if(PEAR::isError($res)){ $this->dbc->query("ROLLBACK"); return $res; }
$res = $this->gb->bsRelease($token);
if(PEAR::isError($res)){ $this->dbc->query("ROLLBACK"); return $res; }
$res = $this->dbc->query("COMMIT");
if(PEAR::isError($res)){ $this->dbc->query("ROLLBACK"); return $res; }
if(PEAR::isError($res)){ return $res; }
return TRUE;
@ -469,10 +449,31 @@ class StoredFile{
function isAccessed($gunid=NULL)
if(is_null($gunid)) $gunid = $this->gunid;
return (0 < $this->dbc->getOne("
$ca = $this->dbc->getOne("
SELECT currentlyAccessing FROM {$this->filesTable}
WHERE gunid=x'$gunid'::bigint
return PEAR::raiseError(
"StoredFile::isAccessed: invalid gunid ($gunid)",
return ($ca > 0);
* Returns true if virtual file is edited
* @param playlistId string, playlist global unique ID
* @return boolean
function isEdited($gunid=NULL)
if(is_null($gunid)) $gunid = $this->gunid;
$state = $this->_getState($gunid);
if($state == 'edited'){ return TRUE; }
return FALSE;