This commit is contained in:
fgerlits 2006-11-06 17:37:58 +00:00
parent 959c465bb0
commit b286b9048d
3 changed files with 117 additions and 98 deletions

View File

@ -180,7 +180,15 @@ SimplePlaylistManagementWindow :: SimplePlaylistManagementWindow (
&SimplePlaylistManagementWindow::onLockFadesCheckButtonClicked ));
// construct the "total time" display
Gtk::Label * lengthTextLabel = Gtk::manage(new Gtk::Label(
*getResourceUstring("lengthLabel") ));
lengthValueLabel = Gtk::manage(new Gtk::Label("00:00:00"));
Gtk::HBox * lengthBox = Gtk::manage(new Gtk::HBox());
lengthBox->pack_start(*lengthTextLabel, Gtk::PACK_SHRINK, 5);
lengthBox->pack_start(*lengthValueLabel, Gtk::PACK_SHRINK, 5);
// set up the layout
Gtk::VBox * mainBox = Gtk::manage(new Gtk::VBox);
@ -191,23 +199,23 @@ SimplePlaylistManagementWindow :: SimplePlaylistManagementWindow (
0.7)); // take up 70% of available room
nameBox->pack_start(*nameEntryAlignment, Gtk::PACK_EXPAND_WIDGET, 5);
mainBox->pack_start(*nameBox, Gtk::PACK_SHRINK, 5);
mainBox->pack_start(*entriesScrolledWindow, Gtk::PACK_EXPAND_WIDGET, 5);
mainBox->pack_start(*lockFadesCheckButton, Gtk::PACK_SHRINK, 5);
Gtk::ButtonBox * buttonBox = Gtk::manage(new Gtk::HButtonBox(
mainBox->pack_start(*buttonBox, Gtk::PACK_SHRINK, 0);
Gtk::Alignment * statusBarAlignment = Gtk::manage(new Gtk::Alignment(
0.0)); // do not expand the label
mainBox->pack_start(*statusBarAlignment, Gtk::PACK_SHRINK, 5);
mainBox->pack_start(*nameBox, Gtk::PACK_SHRINK, 5);
mainBox->pack_start(*entriesScrolledWindow, Gtk::PACK_EXPAND_WIDGET, 5);
mainBox->pack_start(*lengthBox, Gtk::PACK_SHRINK, 5);
mainBox->pack_start(*lockFadesCheckButton, Gtk::PACK_SHRINK, 5);
mainBox->pack_start(*buttonBox, Gtk::PACK_SHRINK, 0);
mainBox->pack_start(*statusBarAlignment, Gtk::PACK_SHRINK, 5);
@ -399,6 +407,12 @@ SimplePlaylistManagementWindow :: showContents(void) throw ()
if (playlist) {
Ptr<const std::string>::Ref
lengthStr = TimeConversion::timeDurationToHhMmSsString(
for (it = playlist->begin(); it != playlist->end(); ++it) {
Ptr<PlaylistElement>::Ref playlistElement

View File

@ -119,50 +119,59 @@ class SimplePlaylistManagementWindow : public GuiWindow
Gtk::TreeIter currentItem;
* Signal handler for the title being edited.
* The label for the name entry.
onTitleEdited(void) throw();
Gtk::Label * nameLabel;
* Signal handler for the fade info being edited.
* @path the path representing the row in the tree model
* @columnId the ID of the row which was passed to appendColumn()
* @newText the new fade value
* The test input entry for the name of the playlist.
onFadeInfoEdited(const Glib::ustring & path,
int columnId,
const Glib::ustring & newText) throw();
EntryBin * nameEntry;
* Signal handler for the playlist being modified outside the window.
* A scrolled window, so that the entry list can be scrolled.
onPlaylistModified(void) throw();
Gtk::ScrolledWindow * entriesScrolledWindow;
* Signal handler for the mouse clicked on one of the entries.
* This is used to pop up the right-click context menu.
* @param event the button event recieved
* The entry tree view, now only showing rows.
onEntryClicked(GdkEventButton * event) throw ();
ZebraTreeView * entriesView;
* Signal handler for a key pressed at one of the entries.
* The keys can be customized by the keyboardShortcutContainer
* element in the gLiveSupport configuration file.
* The actions handled are: moveItemUp, moveItemDown and removeItem.
* @param event the button event received
* @return true if the key press was fully handled, false if not
* The entry tree model, as a GTK reference.
onKeyPressed(GdkEventKey * event) throw ();
Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::ListStore> entriesModel;
* The label containing the length of the playlist.
Gtk::Label * lengthValueLabel;
* The save button.
Button * saveButton;
* The close button.
Button * closeButton;
* The status bar.
Gtk::Label * statusBar;
* The "are you sure you want to exit?" dialog window.
Ptr<DialogWindow>::Ref dialogWindow;
* The right-click context menu that comes up when right-clicking
* a playlist element.
Gtk::Menu * rightClickMenu;
* Find (an iterator pointing to) the currently selected row.
@ -182,43 +191,6 @@ class SimplePlaylistManagementWindow : public GuiWindow
selectRow(int rowNumber) throw ();
* Signal handler for a click on the save button.
onSaveButtonClicked(void) throw ();
* Signal handler for a click on the close button at the bottom
* right corner.
* This cancels the edited playlist; the normal close button (X)
* at the upper right corner hides the window only.
* If the playlist has been modified, a confirmation message will
* be displayed.
onBottomCloseButtonClicked(void) throw ();
* Signal handler for the "lock fades" check button toggled.
onLockFadesCheckButtonClicked(void) throw ();
* Signal handler for the "up" menu item selected from
* the right-click context menu.
onUpItem(void) throw ();
* Signal handler for the "down" menu item selected from
* the right-click context menu.
onDownItem(void) throw ();
* Swap two playlist elements in the edited playlist.
* This is used by onUpItem() and onDownItem().
@ -347,55 +319,87 @@ class SimplePlaylistManagementWindow : public GuiWindow
ModelColumns modelColumns;
* The label for the name entry.
* Signal handler for the title being edited.
Gtk::Label * nameLabel;
onTitleEdited(void) throw();
* The test input entry for the name of the playlist.
* Signal handler for the fade info being edited.
* @path the path representing the row in the tree model
* @columnId the ID of the row which was passed to appendColumn()
* @newText the new fade value
EntryBin * nameEntry;
onFadeInfoEdited(const Glib::ustring & path,
int columnId,
const Glib::ustring & newText) throw();
* A scrolled window, so that the entry list can be scrolled.
* Signal handler for the playlist being modified outside the window.
Gtk::ScrolledWindow * entriesScrolledWindow;
onPlaylistModified(void) throw();
* The entry tree view, now only showing rows.
* Signal handler for the mouse clicked on one of the entries.
* This is used to pop up the right-click context menu.
* @param event the button event recieved
ZebraTreeView * entriesView;
onEntryClicked(GdkEventButton * event) throw ();
* The entry tree model, as a GTK reference.
* Signal handler for a key pressed at one of the entries.
* The keys can be customized by the keyboardShortcutContainer
* element in the gLiveSupport configuration file.
* The actions handled are: moveItemUp, moveItemDown and removeItem.
* @param event the button event received
* @return true if the key press was fully handled, false if not
Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::ListStore> entriesModel;
onKeyPressed(GdkEventKey * event) throw ();
* The save button.
* Signal handler for a click on the save button.
Button * saveButton;
onSaveButtonClicked(void) throw ();
* The close button.
* Signal handler for a click on the close button at the bottom
* right corner.
* This cancels the edited playlist; the normal close button (X)
* at the upper right corner hides the window only.
* If the playlist has been modified, a confirmation message will
* be displayed.
Button * closeButton;
onBottomCloseButtonClicked(void) throw ();
* The status bar.
* Signal handler for the "lock fades" check button toggled.
Gtk::Label * statusBar;
onLockFadesCheckButtonClicked(void) throw ();
* The "are you sure you want to exit?" dialog window.
* Signal handler for the "up" menu item selected from
* the right-click context menu.
Ptr<DialogWindow>::Ref dialogWindow;
onUpItem(void) throw ();
* The right-click context menu that comes up when right-clicking
* a playlist element.
* Signal handler for the "down" menu item selected from
* the right-click context menu.
Gtk::Menu * rightClickMenu;
onDownItem(void) throw ();

View File

@ -139,6 +139,7 @@ root:table
fadeInColumnLabel:string { "Fade in" }
fadeOutColumnLabel:string { "Fade out" }
nameLabel:string { "Name" }
lengthLabel:string { "Duration:" }
saveButtonLabel:string { "Save" }
closeButtonLabel:string { "Close" }