chore: generate changelog for 3.0.0-beta.0

This commit is contained in:
jo 2022-09-16 16:58:13 +02:00 committed by Kyle Robbertze
parent 0e7fe43f29
commit c73a7d75ef
1 changed files with 151 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -1,3 +1,154 @@
<a name="3.0.0-beta.0"></a>
## [3.0.0-beta.0]( (2022-09-16)
- [Release note](
### Features
- **playout:** use liquidsoap version functions
- **playout:** replace pytz with zoneinfo ([#1969](
- **installer:** remove allow-restart flag ([#1970](
- rename AirtimeApiClient to ApiClient
- **playout:** use single clients instance ([#1980](
- **api:** don't use trailing slashes ([#1982](
- **api:** cast StreamSetting raw_value to value ([#1991](
- **worker:** load callback details from config ([#1994](
- **analyzer:** load callback details from config and file_id ([#1993](
- **api-client:** rewrite api-client v2
- **playout:** integrate api-client v2 calls
- **api:** don't use hyperlinked serializers ([#1984](
- **shared:** load env config using jsonschema
- **installer:** use ed for config update ([#2013](
- move off_air_meta stream setting to pref table ([#2023](
- move stream liquisoap status to pref table
- move stream stats status to pref table
- **analyzer:** override paths using env variables
- **playout:** rewrite stats collector ([#2028](
- **legacy:** setup config schema validation
- **legacy:** add config dot notation access
- **shared:** pass config data via init ([#2042](
- **playout:** create liquidsoap client
- **playout:** integrate new liquisoap client
- **worker:** rename service and package to libretime-worker ([#2065](
- **playout:** improve generate\_\*\_events ([#2088](
- **api:** remove set passwords command
- remove cc_stream_setting models
- **installer:** deploy stream config
- **legacy:** read stream config from file
- **api:** add /info and /stream/\* endpoints
- **shared:** create stream config models
- **playout:** build liquidsoap entrypoint with stream config
- **playout:** stats collector using stream config
- **playout:** allow updating message_offline value
- **playout:** remove stream_setting update handler
- **playout:** liquidsoap bootstrap using new api endpoints
- **playout:** allow liquidsoap listen address configuration
- **api:** move /api-auth to /api/browser ([#2094](
- add container setup
- move timezone preference to config file ([#2096](
- **playout:** move message handling to main thread
### Bug Fixes
- **api-client:** get status_code from response
- **analyzer:** remove outdated urllib3 workaround
- **api-client:** fix base_url joining for client v2 ([#1998](
- **api:** update set_icecast_passwords StreamSetting fields ([#2001](
- **legacy:** get local logo file ([#1999](
- **installer:** clean legacy files before copying ([#2002](
- **legacy:** sanitize track_type_id when updating file ([#2003](
- **shared:** validator value type can be wrong
- **shared:** remove unused field from rabbitmq config ([#2012](
- **playout:** replace deprecated harbor.bind_addr ([#2025](
- **legacy:** do not rely on undefined SERVER_NAME ([#2031](
- **api-client:** remove unused v1 methods
- **playout:** use stream download when fetching files ([#2048](
- **playout:** add thread names ([#2056](
- **legacy:** args comma syntax error
- **legacy:** 404 on listeners stats
- **deps:** update dependency mdx-mermaid to v1.3.0 [security]
- **playout:** py36 compatibility broken typings
- **playout:** py39 compatibility zoneinfo import
- **api:** install gunicorn from pip for bionic
- **installer:** only upgrade pip packages if needed
- **installer:** fix compatibility with bionic
- **legacy:** look in /legacy for a VERSION file
- **playout:** missing live show events ([#2087](
- **legacy:** config default values are not sanitized
- **installer:** add liquidsoap config section
- **installer:** move non reusable fields from default output
- **legacy:** consistent with docs in outputs public_url generation
- **playout:** also shutdown on SIGTERM ([#2104](
- **installer:** simplify distro support notice ([#2106](
- **shared:** install tzdata distribution package ([#2105](
- **installer:** config dir should be read only
- **installer:** config should not be world readable
- **legacy:** track_type_id should cast to int not text ([#2112](
- **worker:** rewrite podcast download task
- **shared:** load env from oneOf union schema
- **deps:** update dependency friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer to <3.11.1
- nginx depends on legacy in docker-compose ([#2147](
- **playout:** remove shutdown_handler
### Documentation
- remove empty section in release note
- fix missing release date
- create development section
- add releases distributions support
- add release instructions ([#1995](
- use dedicated backup procedure for airtime
- add out of date warning to custom auth setup
- edit timezone during setup
- check system time config before installing ([#2019](
- add ubuntu bionic deprecation notice
- add debian buster deprecation notice
- add restore procedure ([#2071](
- improve config comments
- add missing storage configuration
- use brackets to refer to another field in the config
- file based stream configuration
- single restart notice for config changes ([#2098](
- add warning about icecast sources limit ([#2133](
- missing fields from stream config ([#2146](
- add docker-compose ps command ([#2150](
- add tip to use yq for configuration upgrade
### Tests
- **api:** ignore mypy missing imports
- **api:** always print logs while testing ([#1988](
- **api:** create api_client pytest fixture ([#1990](
- enable logs when running pytest ([#2008](
- **shared:** move config tests
- **api:** conftest at top level for global fixture access ([#2038](
- **legacy:** enable stdout logs
- **analyzer:** analyze large audio files ([#2050](
- **worker:** setup testing
- **playout:** use snapshot testing tool ([#2115](
- **worker:** allow pylint and bandit to fail
### CI
- website-preview use single comment ([#1996](
- add custom user for dev containers
- add missing gid when running dev container
- **legacy:** catch syntax errors on older php versions
- add pre-commit python cache
- add check-shell python cache
- add check-shell tools cache
- add docs lint tools cache
- add housekeeping lychee cache
- build test images for debian bookworm ([#2097](
- fix docusaurus monorepo config ([#2101](
- add shared packages to dev container
- add containers build job
- don't run all workflows in unrelated workflows changes ([#2142](
- enable containers concurrency group
- improve containers build caching
- add container tags
<a name="3.0.0-alpha.13"></a>
## [3.0.0-alpha.13]( (2022-07-15)