diff --git a/airtime_mvc/application/controllers/ApiController.php b/airtime_mvc/application/controllers/ApiController.php
index 1684e9b1d..4925d7ab5 100644
--- a/airtime_mvc/application/controllers/ApiController.php
+++ b/airtime_mvc/application/controllers/ApiController.php
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ class ApiController extends Zend_Controller_Action
->addActionContext('get-bootstrap-info', 'json')
->addActionContext('get-files-without-replay-gain', 'json')
->addActionContext('reload-metadata-group', 'json')
+ ->addActionContext('notify-webstream-data', 'json')
@@ -349,12 +350,15 @@ class ApiController extends Zend_Controller_Action
//set a 'last played' timestamp for media item
//needed for smart playlists
- try{
+ try {
$file_id = Application_Model_Schedule::GetFileId($media_id);
- $file = Application_Model_StoredFile::Recall($file_id);
- $now = new DateTime("now", new DateTimeZone("UTC"));
- $file->setLastPlayedTime($now);
- }catch(Exception $e){
+ if (!is_null($file_id)) {
+ //we are dealing with a file not a stream
+ $file = Application_Model_StoredFile::Recall($file_id);
+ $now = new DateTime("now", new DateTimeZone("UTC"));
+ $file->setLastPlayedTime($now);
+ }
+ } catch (Exception $e) {
@@ -368,9 +372,11 @@ class ApiController extends Zend_Controller_Action
$end_timestamp = $now->add(new DateInterval("PT2H"));
$end_timestamp = $end_timestamp->format("Y-m-d H:i:s");
- $this->view->shows = Application_Model_Show::getShows(Application_Common_DateHelper::ConvertToUtcDateTime($today_timestamp, date_default_timezone_get()),
- Application_Common_DateHelper::ConvertToUtcDateTime($end_timestamp, date_default_timezone_get()),
- $excludeInstance=NULL, $onlyRecord=TRUE);
+ $this->view->shows =
+ Application_Model_Show::getShows(
+ Application_Common_DateHelper::ConvertToUtcDateTime($today_timestamp, date_default_timezone_get()),
+ Application_Common_DateHelper::ConvertToUtcDateTime($end_timestamp, date_default_timezone_get()),
+ $excludeInstance = null, $onlyRecord = true);
$this->view->is_recording = false;
@@ -394,11 +400,12 @@ class ApiController extends Zend_Controller_Action
$result = Application_Model_StoredFile::copyFileToStor($upload_dir, $fileName, $tempFileName);
if (!is_null($result)) {
- die('{"jsonrpc" : "2.0", "error" : {"code": '.$result[code].', "message" : "'.$result[message].'"}}');
+ die('{"jsonrpc" : "2.0", "error" : {"code": '.$result['code'].', "message" : "'.$result['message'].'"}}');
- public function uploadRecordedAction() {
+ public function uploadRecordedAction()
+ {
$show_instance_id = $this->_getParam('showinstanceid');
$file_id = $this->_getParam('fileid');
$this->view->fileid = $file_id;
@@ -422,7 +429,7 @@ class ApiController extends Zend_Controller_Action
$show_genre = $show_inst->getGenre();
$show_start_time = Application_Common_DateHelper::ConvertToLocalDateTimeString($show_inst->getShowInstanceStart());
- } catch (Exception $e) {
+ } catch (Exception $e) {
//we've reached here probably because the show was
//cancelled, and therefore the show instance does not
//exist anymore (ShowInstance constructor threw this error).
@@ -1015,4 +1022,34 @@ class ApiController extends Zend_Controller_Action
+ public function notifyWebstreamDataAction()
+ {
+ $request = $this->getRequest();
+ $data = $request->getParam("data");
+ $media_id = $request->getParam("media_id");
+ $schedule = CcScheduleQuery::create()->findPK($media_id);
+ $stream_id = $schedule->getDbStreamId();
+ if (!is_null($stream_id)) {
+ $webstream = CcWebstreamQuery::create()->findPK($stream_id);
+ if (strlen($data) <= 1024) {
+ $data_arr = json_decode($data);
+ if (isset($data_arr->title)) {
+ $webstream->setDbLiquidsoapData($data_arr->title);
+ } else {
+ $webstream->setDbLiquidsoapData('');
+ }
+ $webstream->save();
+ }
+ } else {
+ throw new Error("Unexpected error. media_id $media_id has a null stream value in cc_schedule!");
+ }
+ Logging::log(json_decode($data));
+ $this->view->response = $data;
+ $this->view->media_id = $media_id;
+ }
diff --git a/airtime_mvc/application/models/Schedule.php b/airtime_mvc/application/models/Schedule.php
index c09eef089..863417751 100644
--- a/airtime_mvc/application/models/Schedule.php
+++ b/airtime_mvc/application/models/Schedule.php
@@ -80,12 +80,10 @@ class Application_Model_Schedule
%%tables%% WHERE ";
$fileColumns = "ft.artist_name, ft.track_title, ";
- //$fileJoin = "cc_files ft ON st.file_id = ft.id";
$fileJoin = "FROM cc_schedule st JOIN cc_files ft ON st.file_id = ft.id
LEFT JOIN cc_show_instances si ON st.instance_id = si.id";
- $streamColumns = "sub.login as artist_name, ws.name as track_title, ";
- //$streamJoin = "cc_webstream ws ON st.stream_id = ws.id";
+ $streamColumns = "ws.name as artist_name, ws.liquidsoap_data as track_title, ";
$streamJoin = "FROM cc_schedule st JOIN cc_webstream ws ON st.stream_id = ws.id
LEFT JOIN cc_show_instances si ON st.instance_id = si.id
LEFT JOIN cc_subjs as sub on sub.id = ws.creator_id";
diff --git a/airtime_mvc/application/models/airtime/map/CcWebstreamTableMap.php b/airtime_mvc/application/models/airtime/map/CcWebstreamTableMap.php
index 5121aa39b..d48953ae6 100644
--- a/airtime_mvc/application/models/airtime/map/CcWebstreamTableMap.php
+++ b/airtime_mvc/application/models/airtime/map/CcWebstreamTableMap.php
@@ -47,6 +47,7 @@ class CcWebstreamTableMap extends TableMap {
$this->addColumn('MTIME', 'DbMtime', 'TIMESTAMP', true, 6, null);
$this->addColumn('UTIME', 'DbUtime', 'TIMESTAMP', true, 6, null);
$this->addColumn('MIME', 'DbMime', 'VARCHAR', false, 255, null);
+ $this->addColumn('LIQUIDSOAP_DATA', 'DbLiquidsoapData', 'VARCHAR', false, 1024, null);
// validators
} // initialize()
diff --git a/airtime_mvc/application/models/airtime/om/BaseCcWebstream.php b/airtime_mvc/application/models/airtime/om/BaseCcWebstream.php
index e5faf12fd..c8a8e8be9 100644
--- a/airtime_mvc/application/models/airtime/om/BaseCcWebstream.php
+++ b/airtime_mvc/application/models/airtime/om/BaseCcWebstream.php
@@ -79,6 +79,12 @@ abstract class BaseCcWebstream extends BaseObject implements Persistent
protected $mime;
+ /**
+ * The value for the liquidsoap_data field.
+ * @var string
+ */
+ protected $liquidsoap_data;
* @var array CcSchedule[] Collection to store aggregation of CcSchedule objects.
@@ -255,6 +261,16 @@ abstract class BaseCcWebstream extends BaseObject implements Persistent
return $this->mime;
+ /**
+ * Get the [liquidsoap_data] column value.
+ *
+ * @return string
+ */
+ public function getDbLiquidsoapData()
+ {
+ return $this->liquidsoap_data;
+ }
* Set the value of [id] column.
@@ -493,6 +509,26 @@ abstract class BaseCcWebstream extends BaseObject implements Persistent
return $this;
} // setDbMime()
+ /**
+ * Set the value of [liquidsoap_data] column.
+ *
+ * @param string $v new value
+ * @return CcWebstream The current object (for fluent API support)
+ */
+ public function setDbLiquidsoapData($v)
+ {
+ if ($v !== null) {
+ $v = (string) $v;
+ }
+ if ($this->liquidsoap_data !== $v) {
+ $this->liquidsoap_data = $v;
+ $this->modifiedColumns[] = CcWebstreamPeer::LIQUIDSOAP_DATA;
+ }
+ return $this;
+ } // setDbLiquidsoapData()
* Indicates whether the columns in this object are only set to default values.
@@ -538,6 +574,7 @@ abstract class BaseCcWebstream extends BaseObject implements Persistent
$this->mtime = ($row[$startcol + 6] !== null) ? (string) $row[$startcol + 6] : null;
$this->utime = ($row[$startcol + 7] !== null) ? (string) $row[$startcol + 7] : null;
$this->mime = ($row[$startcol + 8] !== null) ? (string) $row[$startcol + 8] : null;
+ $this->liquidsoap_data = ($row[$startcol + 9] !== null) ? (string) $row[$startcol + 9] : null;
@@ -546,7 +583,7 @@ abstract class BaseCcWebstream extends BaseObject implements Persistent
- return $startcol + 9; // 9 = CcWebstreamPeer::NUM_COLUMNS - CcWebstreamPeer::NUM_LAZY_LOAD_COLUMNS).
+ return $startcol + 10; // 10 = CcWebstreamPeer::NUM_COLUMNS - CcWebstreamPeer::NUM_LAZY_LOAD_COLUMNS).
} catch (Exception $e) {
throw new PropelException("Error populating CcWebstream object", $e);
@@ -890,6 +927,9 @@ abstract class BaseCcWebstream extends BaseObject implements Persistent
case 8:
return $this->getDbMime();
+ case 9:
+ return $this->getDbLiquidsoapData();
+ break;
return null;
@@ -922,6 +962,7 @@ abstract class BaseCcWebstream extends BaseObject implements Persistent
$keys[6] => $this->getDbMtime(),
$keys[7] => $this->getDbUtime(),
$keys[8] => $this->getDbMime(),
+ $keys[9] => $this->getDbLiquidsoapData(),
return $result;
@@ -980,6 +1021,9 @@ abstract class BaseCcWebstream extends BaseObject implements Persistent
case 8:
+ case 9:
+ $this->setDbLiquidsoapData($value);
+ break;
} // switch()
@@ -1013,6 +1057,7 @@ abstract class BaseCcWebstream extends BaseObject implements Persistent
if (array_key_exists($keys[6], $arr)) $this->setDbMtime($arr[$keys[6]]);
if (array_key_exists($keys[7], $arr)) $this->setDbUtime($arr[$keys[7]]);
if (array_key_exists($keys[8], $arr)) $this->setDbMime($arr[$keys[8]]);
+ if (array_key_exists($keys[9], $arr)) $this->setDbLiquidsoapData($arr[$keys[9]]);
@@ -1033,6 +1078,7 @@ abstract class BaseCcWebstream extends BaseObject implements Persistent
if ($this->isColumnModified(CcWebstreamPeer::MTIME)) $criteria->add(CcWebstreamPeer::MTIME, $this->mtime);
if ($this->isColumnModified(CcWebstreamPeer::UTIME)) $criteria->add(CcWebstreamPeer::UTIME, $this->utime);
if ($this->isColumnModified(CcWebstreamPeer::MIME)) $criteria->add(CcWebstreamPeer::MIME, $this->mime);
+ if ($this->isColumnModified(CcWebstreamPeer::LIQUIDSOAP_DATA)) $criteria->add(CcWebstreamPeer::LIQUIDSOAP_DATA, $this->liquidsoap_data);
return $criteria;
@@ -1102,6 +1148,7 @@ abstract class BaseCcWebstream extends BaseObject implements Persistent
+ $copyObj->setDbLiquidsoapData($this->liquidsoap_data);
if ($deepCopy) {
// important: temporarily setNew(false) because this affects the behavior of
@@ -1332,6 +1379,7 @@ abstract class BaseCcWebstream extends BaseObject implements Persistent
$this->mtime = null;
$this->utime = null;
$this->mime = null;
+ $this->liquidsoap_data = null;
$this->alreadyInSave = false;
$this->alreadyInValidation = false;
diff --git a/airtime_mvc/application/models/airtime/om/BaseCcWebstreamPeer.php b/airtime_mvc/application/models/airtime/om/BaseCcWebstreamPeer.php
index 4ec74befd..abf506bdd 100644
--- a/airtime_mvc/application/models/airtime/om/BaseCcWebstreamPeer.php
+++ b/airtime_mvc/application/models/airtime/om/BaseCcWebstreamPeer.php
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ abstract class BaseCcWebstreamPeer {
const TM_CLASS = 'CcWebstreamTableMap';
/** The total number of columns. */
- const NUM_COLUMNS = 9;
+ const NUM_COLUMNS = 10;
/** The number of lazy-loaded columns. */
@@ -58,6 +58,9 @@ abstract class BaseCcWebstreamPeer {
/** the column name for the MIME field */
const MIME = 'cc_webstream.MIME';
+ /** the column name for the LIQUIDSOAP_DATA field */
+ const LIQUIDSOAP_DATA = 'cc_webstream.LIQUIDSOAP_DATA';
* An identiy map to hold any loaded instances of CcWebstream objects.
* This must be public so that other peer classes can access this when hydrating from JOIN
@@ -74,12 +77,12 @@ abstract class BaseCcWebstreamPeer {
* e.g. self::$fieldNames[self::TYPE_PHPNAME][0] = 'Id'
private static $fieldNames = array (
- BasePeer::TYPE_PHPNAME => array ('DbId', 'DbName', 'DbDescription', 'DbUrl', 'DbLength', 'DbCreatorId', 'DbMtime', 'DbUtime', 'DbMime', ),
- BasePeer::TYPE_STUDLYPHPNAME => array ('dbId', 'dbName', 'dbDescription', 'dbUrl', 'dbLength', 'dbCreatorId', 'dbMtime', 'dbUtime', 'dbMime', ),
- BasePeer::TYPE_COLNAME => array (self::ID, self::NAME, self::DESCRIPTION, self::URL, self::LENGTH, self::CREATOR_ID, self::MTIME, self::UTIME, self::MIME, ),
- BasePeer::TYPE_FIELDNAME => array ('id', 'name', 'description', 'url', 'length', 'creator_id', 'mtime', 'utime', 'mime', ),
- BasePeer::TYPE_NUM => array (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, )
+ BasePeer::TYPE_PHPNAME => array ('DbId', 'DbName', 'DbDescription', 'DbUrl', 'DbLength', 'DbCreatorId', 'DbMtime', 'DbUtime', 'DbMime', 'DbLiquidsoapData', ),
+ BasePeer::TYPE_STUDLYPHPNAME => array ('dbId', 'dbName', 'dbDescription', 'dbUrl', 'dbLength', 'dbCreatorId', 'dbMtime', 'dbUtime', 'dbMime', 'dbLiquidsoapData', ),
+ BasePeer::TYPE_COLNAME => array (self::ID, self::NAME, self::DESCRIPTION, self::URL, self::LENGTH, self::CREATOR_ID, self::MTIME, self::UTIME, self::MIME, self::LIQUIDSOAP_DATA, ),
+ BasePeer::TYPE_FIELDNAME => array ('id', 'name', 'description', 'url', 'length', 'creator_id', 'mtime', 'utime', 'mime', 'liquidsoap_data', ),
+ BasePeer::TYPE_NUM => array (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, )
@@ -89,12 +92,12 @@ abstract class BaseCcWebstreamPeer {
* e.g. self::$fieldNames[BasePeer::TYPE_PHPNAME]['Id'] = 0
private static $fieldKeys = array (
- BasePeer::TYPE_PHPNAME => array ('DbId' => 0, 'DbName' => 1, 'DbDescription' => 2, 'DbUrl' => 3, 'DbLength' => 4, 'DbCreatorId' => 5, 'DbMtime' => 6, 'DbUtime' => 7, 'DbMime' => 8, ),
- BasePeer::TYPE_STUDLYPHPNAME => array ('dbId' => 0, 'dbName' => 1, 'dbDescription' => 2, 'dbUrl' => 3, 'dbLength' => 4, 'dbCreatorId' => 5, 'dbMtime' => 6, 'dbUtime' => 7, 'dbMime' => 8, ),
- BasePeer::TYPE_COLNAME => array (self::ID => 0, self::NAME => 1, self::DESCRIPTION => 2, self::URL => 3, self::LENGTH => 4, self::CREATOR_ID => 5, self::MTIME => 6, self::UTIME => 7, self::MIME => 8, ),
- BasePeer::TYPE_RAW_COLNAME => array ('ID' => 0, 'NAME' => 1, 'DESCRIPTION' => 2, 'URL' => 3, 'LENGTH' => 4, 'CREATOR_ID' => 5, 'MTIME' => 6, 'UTIME' => 7, 'MIME' => 8, ),
- BasePeer::TYPE_FIELDNAME => array ('id' => 0, 'name' => 1, 'description' => 2, 'url' => 3, 'length' => 4, 'creator_id' => 5, 'mtime' => 6, 'utime' => 7, 'mime' => 8, ),
- BasePeer::TYPE_NUM => array (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, )
+ BasePeer::TYPE_PHPNAME => array ('DbId' => 0, 'DbName' => 1, 'DbDescription' => 2, 'DbUrl' => 3, 'DbLength' => 4, 'DbCreatorId' => 5, 'DbMtime' => 6, 'DbUtime' => 7, 'DbMime' => 8, 'DbLiquidsoapData' => 9, ),
+ BasePeer::TYPE_STUDLYPHPNAME => array ('dbId' => 0, 'dbName' => 1, 'dbDescription' => 2, 'dbUrl' => 3, 'dbLength' => 4, 'dbCreatorId' => 5, 'dbMtime' => 6, 'dbUtime' => 7, 'dbMime' => 8, 'dbLiquidsoapData' => 9, ),
+ BasePeer::TYPE_COLNAME => array (self::ID => 0, self::NAME => 1, self::DESCRIPTION => 2, self::URL => 3, self::LENGTH => 4, self::CREATOR_ID => 5, self::MTIME => 6, self::UTIME => 7, self::MIME => 8, self::LIQUIDSOAP_DATA => 9, ),
+ BasePeer::TYPE_RAW_COLNAME => array ('ID' => 0, 'NAME' => 1, 'DESCRIPTION' => 2, 'URL' => 3, 'LENGTH' => 4, 'CREATOR_ID' => 5, 'MTIME' => 6, 'UTIME' => 7, 'MIME' => 8, 'LIQUIDSOAP_DATA' => 9, ),
+ BasePeer::TYPE_FIELDNAME => array ('id' => 0, 'name' => 1, 'description' => 2, 'url' => 3, 'length' => 4, 'creator_id' => 5, 'mtime' => 6, 'utime' => 7, 'mime' => 8, 'liquidsoap_data' => 9, ),
+ BasePeer::TYPE_NUM => array (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, )
@@ -175,6 +178,7 @@ abstract class BaseCcWebstreamPeer {
+ $criteria->addSelectColumn(CcWebstreamPeer::LIQUIDSOAP_DATA);
} else {
$criteria->addSelectColumn($alias . '.ID');
$criteria->addSelectColumn($alias . '.NAME');
@@ -185,6 +189,7 @@ abstract class BaseCcWebstreamPeer {
$criteria->addSelectColumn($alias . '.MTIME');
$criteria->addSelectColumn($alias . '.UTIME');
$criteria->addSelectColumn($alias . '.MIME');
+ $criteria->addSelectColumn($alias . '.LIQUIDSOAP_DATA');
diff --git a/airtime_mvc/application/models/airtime/om/BaseCcWebstreamQuery.php b/airtime_mvc/application/models/airtime/om/BaseCcWebstreamQuery.php
index 101bbfbd1..3cc30c03f 100644
--- a/airtime_mvc/application/models/airtime/om/BaseCcWebstreamQuery.php
+++ b/airtime_mvc/application/models/airtime/om/BaseCcWebstreamQuery.php
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
* @method CcWebstreamQuery orderByDbMtime($order = Criteria::ASC) Order by the mtime column
* @method CcWebstreamQuery orderByDbUtime($order = Criteria::ASC) Order by the utime column
* @method CcWebstreamQuery orderByDbMime($order = Criteria::ASC) Order by the mime column
+ * @method CcWebstreamQuery orderByDbLiquidsoapData($order = Criteria::ASC) Order by the liquidsoap_data column
* @method CcWebstreamQuery groupByDbId() Group by the id column
* @method CcWebstreamQuery groupByDbName() Group by the name column
@@ -25,6 +26,7 @@
* @method CcWebstreamQuery groupByDbMtime() Group by the mtime column
* @method CcWebstreamQuery groupByDbUtime() Group by the utime column
* @method CcWebstreamQuery groupByDbMime() Group by the mime column
+ * @method CcWebstreamQuery groupByDbLiquidsoapData() Group by the liquidsoap_data column
* @method CcWebstreamQuery leftJoin($relation) Adds a LEFT JOIN clause to the query
* @method CcWebstreamQuery rightJoin($relation) Adds a RIGHT JOIN clause to the query
@@ -46,6 +48,7 @@
* @method CcWebstream findOneByDbMtime(string $mtime) Return the first CcWebstream filtered by the mtime column
* @method CcWebstream findOneByDbUtime(string $utime) Return the first CcWebstream filtered by the utime column
* @method CcWebstream findOneByDbMime(string $mime) Return the first CcWebstream filtered by the mime column
+ * @method CcWebstream findOneByDbLiquidsoapData(string $liquidsoap_data) Return the first CcWebstream filtered by the liquidsoap_data column
* @method array findByDbId(int $id) Return CcWebstream objects filtered by the id column
* @method array findByDbName(string $name) Return CcWebstream objects filtered by the name column
@@ -56,6 +59,7 @@
* @method array findByDbMtime(string $mtime) Return CcWebstream objects filtered by the mtime column
* @method array findByDbUtime(string $utime) Return CcWebstream objects filtered by the utime column
* @method array findByDbMime(string $mime) Return CcWebstream objects filtered by the mime column
+ * @method array findByDbLiquidsoapData(string $liquidsoap_data) Return CcWebstream objects filtered by the liquidsoap_data column
* @package propel.generator.airtime.om
@@ -385,6 +389,28 @@ abstract class BaseCcWebstreamQuery extends ModelCriteria
return $this->addUsingAlias(CcWebstreamPeer::MIME, $dbMime, $comparison);
+ /**
+ * Filter the query on the liquidsoap_data column
+ *
+ * @param string $dbLiquidsoapData The value to use as filter.
+ * Accepts wildcards (* and % trigger a LIKE)
+ * @param string $comparison Operator to use for the column comparison, defaults to Criteria::EQUAL
+ *
+ * @return CcWebstreamQuery The current query, for fluid interface
+ */
+ public function filterByDbLiquidsoapData($dbLiquidsoapData = null, $comparison = null)
+ {
+ if (null === $comparison) {
+ if (is_array($dbLiquidsoapData)) {
+ $comparison = Criteria::IN;
+ } elseif (preg_match('/[\%\*]/', $dbLiquidsoapData)) {
+ $dbLiquidsoapData = str_replace('*', '%', $dbLiquidsoapData);
+ $comparison = Criteria::LIKE;
+ }
+ }
+ return $this->addUsingAlias(CcWebstreamPeer::LIQUIDSOAP_DATA, $dbLiquidsoapData, $comparison);
+ }
* Filter the query by a related CcSchedule object
diff --git a/airtime_mvc/build/schema.xml b/airtime_mvc/build/schema.xml
index 0773a2675..6486208ed 100644
--- a/airtime_mvc/build/schema.xml
+++ b/airtime_mvc/build/schema.xml
@@ -423,5 +423,6 @@
diff --git a/airtime_mvc/build/sql/schema.sql b/airtime_mvc/build/sql/schema.sql
index 6fe02acf3..421b4cff4 100644
--- a/airtime_mvc/build/sql/schema.sql
+++ b/airtime_mvc/build/sql/schema.sql
@@ -639,6 +639,7 @@ CREATE TABLE "cc_webstream"
"mime" VARCHAR(255),
+ "liquidsoap_data" VARCHAR(1024),
diff --git a/python_apps/api_clients/api_client.cfg b/python_apps/api_clients/api_client.cfg
index 83ebb9210..2e0e938e8 100644
--- a/python_apps/api_clients/api_client.cfg
+++ b/python_apps/api_clients/api_client.cfg
@@ -115,3 +115,5 @@ get_bootstrap_info = 'get-bootstrap-info/format/json/api_key/%%api_key%%'
get_files_without_replay_gain = 'get-files-without-replay-gain/api_key/%%api_key%%/dir_id/%%dir_id%%'
update_replay_gain_value = 'update-replay-gain-value/api_key/%%api_key%%'
+notify_webstream_data = 'notify-webstream-data/api_key/%%api_key%%/media_id/%%media_id%%/format/json'
diff --git a/python_apps/api_clients/api_client.py b/python_apps/api_clients/api_client.py
index a4088062b..268898973 100644
--- a/python_apps/api_clients/api_client.py
+++ b/python_apps/api_clients/api_client.py
@@ -81,9 +81,17 @@ class AirtimeApiClient():
successful_response = True
except IOError, e:
logger.error('Error Authenticating with remote server: %s', e)
+ if isinstance(url, urllib2.Request):
+ logger.debug(url.get_full_url())
+ else:
+ logger.debug(url)
except Exception, e:
logger.error('Couldn\'t connect to remote server. Is it running?')
logger.error("%s" % e)
+ if isinstance(url, urllib2.Request):
+ logger.debug(url.get_full_url())
+ else:
+ logger.debug(url)
if not successful_response:
logger.error("Error connecting to server, waiting 5 seconds and trying again.")
@@ -684,7 +692,25 @@ class AirtimeApiClient():
data = urllib.urlencode({'data': json.dumps(pairs)})
request = urllib2.Request(url, data)
- self.get_response_from_server(request)
+ self.logger.debug(self.get_response_from_server(request))
except Exception, e:
self.logger.error("Exception: %s", e)
+ def notify_webstream_data(self, data, media_id):
+ """
+ Update the server with the latest metadata we've received from the
+ external webstream
+ """
+ try:
+ url = "http://%(base_url)s:%(base_port)s/%(api_base)s/%(notify_webstream_data)s/" % (self.config)
+ url = url.replace("%%media_id%%", str(media_id))
+ url = url.replace("%%api_key%%", self.config["api_key"])
+ data = urllib.urlencode({'data': data})
+ self.logger.debug(url)
+ request = urllib2.Request(url, data)
+ self.logger.info(self.get_response_from_server(request))
+ except Exception, e:
+ self.logger.error("Exception: %s", e)
diff --git a/python_apps/pypo/liquidsoap_scripts/ls_lib.liq b/python_apps/pypo/liquidsoap_scripts/ls_lib.liq
index c007cd504..ed5085e12 100644
--- a/python_apps/pypo/liquidsoap_scripts/ls_lib.liq
+++ b/python_apps/pypo/liquidsoap_scripts/ls_lib.liq
@@ -1,11 +1,15 @@
def notify(m)
- log("/usr/lib/airtime/pypo/bin/liquidsoap_scripts/notify.sh --data='#{!pypo_data}' --media-id=#{m['schedule_table_id']} &")
- system("/usr/lib/airtime/pypo/bin/liquidsoap_scripts/notify.sh --data='#{!pypo_data}' --media-id=#{m['schedule_table_id']} &")
+ current_media_id := string_of(m['schedule_table_id'])
+ command = "/usr/lib/airtime/pypo/bin/liquidsoap_scripts/notify.sh --data='#{!pypo_data}' --media-id=#{m['schedule_table_id']} &"
+ log(command)
+ system(command)
def notify_stream(m)
- log("/usr/lib/airtime/pypo/bin/liquidsoap_scripts/notify.sh --stream --uri=#{base64.encode(m['uri'])} --title=#{base64.encode(m['title'])} &")
- #system("/usr/lib/airtime/pypo/bin/liquidsoap_scripts/notify.sh --stream --uri=#{base64.encode(m['uri'])} --title=#{base64.encode(m['title'])} &")
+ json_str = string.replace(pattern="\n",(fun (s) -> ""), json_of(m))
+ command = "/usr/lib/airtime/pypo/bin/liquidsoap_scripts/notify.sh --webstream='#{json_str}' --media-id=#{!current_media_id} &"
+ log(command)
+ system(command)
# A function applied to each metadata chunk
diff --git a/python_apps/pypo/liquidsoap_scripts/ls_script.liq b/python_apps/pypo/liquidsoap_scripts/ls_script.liq
index 2009d62bf..540bd29fa 100644
--- a/python_apps/pypo/liquidsoap_scripts/ls_script.liq
+++ b/python_apps/pypo/liquidsoap_scripts/ls_script.liq
@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ stream_metadata_type = ref 0
default_dj_fade = ref 0.
station_name = ref ''
show_name = ref ''
+current_media_id = ref ''
s1_connected = ref ''
s2_connected = ref ''
diff --git a/python_apps/pypo/pyponotify.py b/python_apps/pypo/pyponotify.py
index e0cb835ba..7b1d5ffd2 100644
--- a/python_apps/pypo/pyponotify.py
+++ b/python_apps/pypo/pyponotify.py
@@ -6,10 +6,10 @@ Python part of radio playout (pypo)
This function acts as a gateway between liquidsoap and the server API.
Mainly used to tell the platform what pypo/liquidsoap does.
-Main case:
+Main case:
- whenever LS starts playing a new track, its on_metadata callback calls
a function in ls (notify(m)) which then calls the python script here
- with the currently starting filename as parameter
+ with the currently starting filename as parameter
- this python script takes this parameter, tries to extract the actual
media id from it, and then calls back to the API to tell about it about it.
@@ -33,14 +33,15 @@ usage = "%prog [options]" + " - notification gateway"
parser = OptionParser(usage=usage)
# Options
-parser.add_option("-d", "--data", help="Pass JSON data from liquidsoap into this script.", metavar="data")
+parser.add_option("-d", "--data", help="Pass JSON data from Liquidsoap into this script.", metavar="data")
parser.add_option("-m", "--media-id", help="ID of the file that is currently playing.", metavar="media_id")
-parser.add_option("-e", "--error", action="store", dest="error", type="string", help="liquidsoap error msg.", metavar="error_msg")
+parser.add_option("-e", "--error", action="store", dest="error", type="string", help="Liquidsoap error msg.", metavar="error_msg")
parser.add_option("-s", "--stream-id", help="ID stream", metavar="stream_id")
-parser.add_option("-c", "--connect", help="liquidsoap connected", action="store_true", metavar="connect")
-parser.add_option("-t", "--time", help="liquidsoap boot up time", action="store", dest="time", metavar="time", type="string")
+parser.add_option("-c", "--connect", help="Liquidsoap connected", action="store_true", metavar="connect")
+parser.add_option("-t", "--time", help="Liquidsoap boot up time", action="store", dest="time", metavar="time", type="string")
parser.add_option("-x", "--source-name", help="source connection name", metavar="source_name")
-parser.add_option("-y", "--source-status", help="source connection stauts", metavar="source_status")
+parser.add_option("-y", "--source-status", help="source connection status", metavar="source_status")
+parser.add_option("-w", "--webstream", help="JSON metadata associated with webstream", metavar="json_data")
# parse options
(options, args) = parser.parse_args()
@@ -97,6 +98,15 @@ class Notify:
response = self.api_client.notify_source_status(source_name, status)
logger.debug("Response: " + json.dumps(response))
+ def notify_webstream_data(self, data, media_id):
+ logger = logging.getLogger("notify")
+ logger.debug('#################################################')
+ logger.debug('# Calling server to update webstream data #')
+ logger.debug('#################################################')
+ response = self.api_client.notify_webstream_data(data, media_id)
+ pass
if __name__ == '__main__':
print '#########################################'
@@ -124,6 +134,12 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
n.notify_source_status(options.source_name, options.source_status)
except Exception, e:
print e
+ elif options.webstream:
+ try:
+ n = Notify()
+ n.notify_webstream_data(options.webstream, options.media_id)
+ except Exception, e:
+ print e
if not options.data:
print "NOTICE: 'data' command-line argument not given."