diff --git a/airtime_mvc/application/controllers/LibraryController.php b/airtime_mvc/application/controllers/LibraryController.php
index 2e00a4208..df2dd5419 100644
--- a/airtime_mvc/application/controllers/LibraryController.php
+++ b/airtime_mvc/application/controllers/LibraryController.php
@@ -343,6 +343,7 @@ class LibraryController extends Zend_Controller_Action
         $params = $this->getRequest()->getParams();
+        # terrible name for the method below. it does not only search files.
         $r = Application_Model_StoredFile::searchLibraryFiles($params);
         //TODO move this to the datatables row callback.
diff --git a/airtime_mvc/application/controllers/PreferenceController.php b/airtime_mvc/application/controllers/PreferenceController.php
index 73856775a..5ed298d0f 100644
--- a/airtime_mvc/application/controllers/PreferenceController.php
+++ b/airtime_mvc/application/controllers/PreferenceController.php
@@ -387,11 +387,12 @@ class PreferenceController extends Zend_Controller_Action
     public function rescanWatchDirectoryAction()
-        $dir = Application_Model_MusicDir::getDirByPath(
-            $this->getRequest()->getParam("dir"));
+        $dir_path = $this->getRequest()->getParam('dir');
+        $dir = Application_Model_MusicDir::getDirByPath($dir_path);
         $data = array( 'directory' => $dir->getDirectory(),
                               'id' => $dir->getId());
         Application_Model_RabbitMq::SendMessageToMediaMonitor('rescan_watch', $data);
+        Logging::info("Unhiding all files belonging to:: $dir_path");
         die(); # Get rid of this ugliness later
diff --git a/airtime_mvc/application/models/MusicDir.php b/airtime_mvc/application/models/MusicDir.php
index 6ace56550..3607efd4d 100644
--- a/airtime_mvc/application/models/MusicDir.php
+++ b/airtime_mvc/application/models/MusicDir.php
@@ -448,8 +448,12 @@ SQL;
     public function unhideFiles() 
         $files = $this->_dir->getCcFiless();
+        $hid = 0;
         foreach ($files as $file) {
+            $hid++;
+            $file->save();
+        Logging::info("unhide '$hid' files");
diff --git a/airtime_mvc/application/models/Preference.php b/airtime_mvc/application/models/Preference.php
index f95280063..e695c404c 100644
--- a/airtime_mvc/application/models/Preference.php
+++ b/airtime_mvc/application/models/Preference.php
@@ -1116,7 +1116,6 @@ class Application_Model_Preference
             } else {
                 /*For now we just have this hack for debugging. We should not
                     rely on this crappy behaviour in case of failure*/
-                Logging::info("Pref: $pref_param");
                 Logging::warn("Index $x does not exist preferences");
                 Logging::warn("Defaulting to identity and printing preferences");
diff --git a/airtime_mvc/application/models/Schedule.php b/airtime_mvc/application/models/Schedule.php
index fa2a6c79b..f46bfedde 100644
--- a/airtime_mvc/application/models/Schedule.php
+++ b/airtime_mvc/application/models/Schedule.php
@@ -321,7 +321,7 @@ SQL;
                 ws.description AS file_album_title,
                 ws.length AS file_length,
                 't'::BOOL AS file_exists,
-                NULL as file_mime
+                ws.mime as file_mime
         $streamJoin = <<<SQL
       cc_schedule AS sched
diff --git a/airtime_mvc/application/models/StoredFile.php b/airtime_mvc/application/models/StoredFile.php
index 8be6cd639..074896269 100644
--- a/airtime_mvc/application/models/StoredFile.php
+++ b/airtime_mvc/application/models/StoredFile.php
@@ -360,7 +360,7 @@ SQL;
-        // set hidden falg to true
+        // set hidden flag to true
@@ -726,7 +726,7 @@ SQL;
         $plTable = "({$plSelect} FROM cc_playlist AS PL LEFT JOIN cc_subjs AS sub ON (sub.id = PL.creator_id))";
         $blTable = "({$blSelect} FROM cc_block AS BL LEFT JOIN cc_subjs AS sub ON (sub.id = BL.creator_id))";
-        $fileTable = "({$fileSelect} FROM cc_files AS FILES LEFT JOIN cc_subjs AS sub ON (sub.id = FILES.owner_id) WHERE file_exists = 'TRUE')";
+        $fileTable = "({$fileSelect} FROM cc_files AS FILES LEFT JOIN cc_subjs AS sub ON (sub.id = FILES.owner_id) WHERE file_exists = 'TRUE' AND hidden='FALSE')";
         //$fileTable = "({$fileSelect} FROM cc_files AS FILES WHERE file_exists = 'TRUE')";
         $streamTable = "({$streamSelect} FROM cc_webstream AS ws LEFT JOIN cc_subjs AS sub ON (sub.id = ws.creator_id))";
         $unionTable = "({$plTable} UNION {$blTable} UNION {$fileTable} UNION {$streamTable}) AS RESULTS";
diff --git a/airtime_mvc/public/js/airtime/library/spl.js b/airtime_mvc/public/js/airtime/library/spl.js
index b5a808986..181268983 100644
--- a/airtime_mvc/public/js/airtime/library/spl.js
+++ b/airtime_mvc/public/js/airtime/library/spl.js
@@ -655,6 +655,7 @@ var AIRTIME = (function(AIRTIME){
+    	        setTimeout(removeSuccessMsg, 5000);
diff --git a/airtime_mvc/public/js/airtime/playlist/smart_blockbuilder.js b/airtime_mvc/public/js/airtime/playlist/smart_blockbuilder.js
index c472448aa..e487c44e3 100644
--- a/airtime_mvc/public/js/airtime/playlist/smart_blockbuilder.js
+++ b/airtime_mvc/public/js/airtime/playlist/smart_blockbuilder.js
@@ -402,8 +402,9 @@ function setupUI() {
         content: {
-            text: "If your criteria is too strict, Airtime may not be able to fill up the desired smart block length." +
-                  " Hence, if you check this option, tracks will be used more than once."
+            text: "The desired block length will not be reached if Airtime cannot find " +
+            "enough unique tracks to match your criteria. Enable this option if you wish to allow " +
+            "tracks to be added multiple times to the smart block."
         hide: {
             delay: 500,
diff --git a/install_full/ubuntu/airtime-full-install b/install_full/ubuntu/airtime-full-install
index 955ec3ac7..08596a7e9 100755
--- a/install_full/ubuntu/airtime-full-install
+++ b/install_full/ubuntu/airtime-full-install
@@ -25,7 +25,8 @@ echo "----------------------------------------------------"
 dist=`lsb_release -is`
 code=`lsb_release -cs`
-if [ "$dist" = "Debian" ]; then
+#enable squeeze backports to get lame packages
+if [ "$dist" = "Debian" -a "$code" = "squeeze" ]; then
     set +e
     grep -E "deb http://backports.debian.org/debian-backports squeeze-backports main" /etc/apt/sources.list
diff --git a/install_full/ubuntu/airtime-full-install-nginx b/install_full/ubuntu/airtime-full-install-nginx
index 7e38e34cb..de3a5b81e 100755
--- a/install_full/ubuntu/airtime-full-install-nginx
+++ b/install_full/ubuntu/airtime-full-install-nginx
@@ -28,7 +28,8 @@ echo "----------------------------------------------------"
 dist=`lsb_release -is`
 code=`lsb_release -cs`
-if [ "$dist" -eq "Debian" ]; then
+#enable squeeze backports to get lame packages
+if [ "$dist" = "Debian" -a "$code" = "squeeze" ]; then
     grep "deb http://backports.debian.org/debian-backports squeeze-backports main" /etc/apt/sources.list
     if [ "$?" -ne "0" ]; then
         echo "deb http://backports.debian.org/debian-backports squeeze-backports main" >> /etc/apt/sources.list
diff --git a/python_apps/media-monitor2/media/monitor/airtime.py b/python_apps/media-monitor2/media/monitor/airtime.py
index 11436009a..19659ed21 100644
--- a/python_apps/media-monitor2/media/monitor/airtime.py
+++ b/python_apps/media-monitor2/media/monitor/airtime.py
@@ -13,9 +13,8 @@ from media.monitor.log        import Loggable
 from media.monitor.syncdb     import AirtimeDB
 from media.monitor.exceptions import DirectoryIsNotListed
 from media.monitor.bootstrap  import Bootstrapper
-from media.monitor.listeners  import FileMediator
-from media.saas.thread import apc
+from media.saas.thread import apc, user
 class AirtimeNotifier(Loggable):
@@ -192,7 +191,7 @@ class AirtimeMessageReceiver(Loggable):
                 # request that we'd normally get form pyinotify. But right
                 # now event contractor would take care of this sort of
                 # thing anyway so this might not be necessary after all
-                FileMediator.ignore(msg['filepath'])
+                #user().file_mediator.ignore(msg['filepath'])
                 # Verify deletion:
                 if not os.path.exists(msg['filepath']):
diff --git a/python_apps/media-monitor2/media/monitor/events.py b/python_apps/media-monitor2/media/monitor/events.py
index ac16b3746..4389bf27e 100644
--- a/python_apps/media-monitor2/media/monitor/events.py
+++ b/python_apps/media-monitor2/media/monitor/events.py
@@ -3,18 +3,15 @@ import os
 import abc
 import re
 import media.monitor.pure   as mmp
-import media.monitor.owners as owners
 from media.monitor.pure       import LazyProperty
 from media.monitor.metadata   import Metadata
 from media.monitor.log        import Loggable
 from media.monitor.exceptions import BadSongFile
-from media.saas.thread        import getsig
+from media.saas.thread        import getsig, user
 class PathChannel(object):
-    """
-    Simple struct to hold a 'signal' string and a related 'path'. Basically
-    used as a named tuple
-    """
+    """ Simple struct to hold a 'signal' string and a related 'path'.
+    Basically used as a named tuple """
     def __init__(self, signal, path):
         self.signal = getsig(signal)
         self.path   = path
@@ -22,34 +19,24 @@ class PathChannel(object):
 # TODO : Move this to it's file. Also possible unsingleton and use it as a
 # simple module just like m.m.owners
 class EventRegistry(object):
-    """
-    This class's main use is to keep track all events with a cookie attribute.
-    This is done mainly because some events must be 'morphed' into other events
-    because we later detect that they are move events instead of delete events.
-    """
-    registry = {}
-    @staticmethod
-    def register(evt): EventRegistry.registry[evt.cookie] = evt
-    @staticmethod
-    def unregister(evt): del EventRegistry.registry[evt.cookie]
-    @staticmethod
-    def registered(evt): return evt.cookie in EventRegistry.registry
-    @staticmethod
-    def matching(evt):
-        event = EventRegistry.registry[evt.cookie]
+    """ This class's main use is to keep track all events with a cookie
+    attribute. This is done mainly because some events must be 'morphed'
+    into other events because we later detect that they are move events
+    instead of delete events. """
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.registry = {}
+    def register(self,evt): self.registry[evt.cookie] = evt
+    def unregister(self,evt): del self.registry[evt.cookie]
+    def registered(self,evt): return evt.cookie in self.registry
+    def matching(self,evt):
+        event = self.registry[evt.cookie]
         # Want to disallow accessing the same event twice
-        EventRegistry.unregister(event)
+        self.unregister(event)
         return event
-    def __init__(self,*args,**kwargs):
-        raise Exception("You can instantiate this class. Must only use class \
-                         methods")
 class EventProxy(Loggable):
-    """
-    A container object for instances of BaseEvent (or it's subclasses) used for
-    event contractor
-    """
+    """ A container object for instances of BaseEvent (or it's
+    subclasses) used for event contractor """
     def __init__(self, orig_evt):
         self.orig_evt   = orig_evt
         self.evt        = orig_evt
@@ -82,12 +69,10 @@ class EventProxy(Loggable):
 class HasMetaData(object):
-    """
-    Any class that inherits from this class gains the metadata attribute that
-    loads metadata from the class's 'path' attribute. This is done lazily so
-    there is no performance penalty to inheriting from this and subsequent
-    calls to metadata are cached
-    """
+    """ Any class that inherits from this class gains the metadata
+    attribute that loads metadata from the class's 'path' attribute.
+    This is done lazily so there is no performance penalty to inheriting
+    from this and subsequent calls to metadata are cached """
     __metaclass__ = abc.ABCMeta
     def metadata(self): return Metadata(self.path)
@@ -102,7 +87,7 @@ class BaseEvent(Loggable):
             self._raw_event = raw_event
             self.path = os.path.normpath(raw_event.pathname)
         else: self.path = raw_event
-        self.owner = owners.get_owner(self.path)
+        self.owner = user().owner.get_owner(self.path)
         owner_re = re.search('stor/imported/(?P<owner>\d+)/', self.path)
         if owner_re: 
             self.logger.info("matched path: %s" % self.path)
@@ -114,11 +99,9 @@ class BaseEvent(Loggable):
     # TODO : delete this method later
     def reset_hook(self):
-        """
-        Resets the hook that is called after an event is packed. Before
-        resetting the hook we execute it to make sure that whatever cleanup
-        operations were queued are executed.
-        """
+        """ Resets the hook that is called after an event is packed.
+        Before resetting the hook we execute it to make sure that
+        whatever cleanup operations were queued are executed. """
         self._pack_hook = lambda: None
@@ -132,10 +115,8 @@ class BaseEvent(Loggable):
     # TODO : delete this method later
     def add_safe_pack_hook(self,k):
-        """
-        adds a callable object (function) that will be called after the event
-        has been "safe_packed"
-        """
+        """ adds a callable object (function) that will be called after
+        the event has been "safe_packed" """
         self._pack_hook = k
     def proxify(self):
@@ -143,17 +124,15 @@ class BaseEvent(Loggable):
     # As opposed to unsafe_pack...
     def safe_pack(self):
-        """
-        returns exceptions instead of throwing them to be consistent with
-        events that must catch their own BadSongFile exceptions since generate
-        a set of exceptions instead of a single one
-        """
+        """ returns exceptions instead of throwing them to be consistent
+        with events that must catch their own BadSongFile exceptions
+        since generate a set of exceptions instead of a single one """
             ret = self.pack()
             # Remove owner of this file only after packing. Otherwise packing
             # will not serialize the owner correctly into the airtime request
-            owners.remove_file_owner(self.path)
+            user().owner.remove_file_owner(self.path)
             return ret
         except BadSongFile as e: return [e]
         except Exception as e:
@@ -172,42 +151,33 @@ class BaseEvent(Loggable):
         return self
     def assign_owner(self,req):
-        """
-        Packs self.owner to req if the owner is valid. I.e. it's not -1. This
-        method is used by various events that would like to pass owner as a
-        parameter. NewFile for example.
-        """
+        """ Packs self.owner to req if the owner is valid. I.e. it's not
+        -1. This method is used by various events that would like to
+        pass owner as a parameter. NewFile for example. """
         if self.owner != -1: req['MDATA_KEY_OWNER_ID'] = self.owner
 class FakePyinotify(object):
-    """
-    sometimes we must create our own pyinotify like objects to
+    """ sometimes we must create our own pyinotify like objects to
     instantiate objects from the classes below whenever we want to turn
-    a single event into multiple events
-    """
+    a single event into multiple events """
     def __init__(self, path): self.pathname = path
 class OrganizeFile(BaseEvent, HasMetaData):
-    """
-    The only kind of event that does support the pack protocol. It's used
-    internally with mediamonitor to move files in the organize directory.
-    """
+    """ The only kind of event that does support the pack protocol. It's
+    used internally with mediamonitor to move files in the organize
+    directory. """
     def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
         super(OrganizeFile, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
     def pack(self):
         raise AttributeError("You can't send organize events to airtime!!!")
 class NewFile(BaseEvent, HasMetaData):
-    """
-    NewFile events are the only events that contain MDATA_KEY_OWNER_ID metadata
-    in them.
-    """
+    """ NewFile events are the only events that contain
+    MDATA_KEY_OWNER_ID metadata in them. """
     def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
         super(NewFile, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
     def pack(self):
-        """
-        packs turns an event into a media monitor request
-        """
+        """ packs turns an event into a media monitor request """
         req_dict = self.metadata.extract()
         req_dict['mode'] = u'create'
         req_dict['is_record'] = self.metadata.is_recorded()
@@ -216,11 +186,9 @@ class NewFile(BaseEvent, HasMetaData):
         return [req_dict]
 class DeleteFile(BaseEvent):
-    """
-    DeleteFile event only contains the path to be deleted. No other metadata
-    can be or is included.  (This is because this event is fired after the
-    deletion occurs).
-    """
+    """ DeleteFile event only contains the path to be deleted. No other
+    metadata can be or is included. (This is because this event is fired
+    after the deletion occurs). """
     def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
         super(DeleteFile, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
     def pack(self):
@@ -230,9 +198,7 @@ class DeleteFile(BaseEvent):
         return [req_dict]
 class MoveFile(BaseEvent, HasMetaData):
-    """
-    Path argument should be the new path of the file that was moved
-    """
+    """ Path argument should be the new path of the file that was moved """
     def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
         super(MoveFile, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
     def old_path(self):
@@ -256,10 +222,8 @@ class ModifyFile(BaseEvent, HasMetaData):
         return [req_dict]
 def map_events(directory, constructor):
-    """
-    Walks 'directory' and creates an event using 'constructor'. Returns a list
-    of the constructed events.
-    """
+    """ Walks 'directory' and creates an event using 'constructor'.
+    Returns a list of the constructed events. """
     # -unknown-path should not appear in the path here but more testing
     # might be necessary
     for f in mmp.walk_supported(directory, clean_empties=False):
@@ -268,30 +232,25 @@ def map_events(directory, constructor):
         except BadSongFile as e: yield e
 class DeleteDir(BaseEvent):
-    """
-    A DeleteDir event unfolds itself into a list of DeleteFile events for every
-    file in the directory.
-    """
+    """ A DeleteDir event unfolds itself into a list of DeleteFile
+    events for every file in the directory. """
     def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
         super(DeleteDir, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
     def pack(self):
         return map_events( self.path, DeleteFile )
 class MoveDir(BaseEvent):
-    """
-    A MoveDir event unfolds itself into a list of MoveFile events for every
-    file in the directory.
-    """
+    """ A MoveDir event unfolds itself into a list of MoveFile events
+    for every file in the directory. """
     def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
         super(MoveDir, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
     def pack(self):
         return map_events( self.path, MoveFile )
 class DeleteDirWatch(BaseEvent):
-    """
-    Deleting a watched directory is different from deleting any other
-    directory.  Hence we must have a separate event to handle this case
-    """
+    """ Deleting a watched directory is different from deleting any
+    other directory. Hence we must have a separate event to handle this
+    case """
     def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
         super(DeleteDirWatch, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
     def pack(self):
diff --git a/python_apps/media-monitor2/media/monitor/listeners.py b/python_apps/media-monitor2/media/monitor/listeners.py
index 081d0c4a4..86b74bcea 100644
--- a/python_apps/media-monitor2/media/monitor/listeners.py
+++ b/python_apps/media-monitor2/media/monitor/listeners.py
@@ -6,38 +6,33 @@ from functools import wraps
 import media.monitor.pure as mmp
 from media.monitor.pure import IncludeOnly
 from media.monitor.events import OrganizeFile, NewFile, MoveFile, DeleteFile, \
-                                 DeleteDir, EventRegistry, MoveDir,\
+                                 DeleteDir, MoveDir,\
-from media.monitor.log import Loggable, get_logger
-from media.saas.thread import getsig
+from media.monitor.log import Loggable
+from media.saas.thread import getsig, user
 # Note: Because of the way classes that inherit from pyinotify.ProcessEvent
 # interact with constructors. you should only instantiate objects from them
 # using keyword arguments. For example:
 # OrganizeListener('watch_signal') <= wrong
 # OrganizeListener(signal='watch_signal') <= right
-class FileMediator(object):
-    """
-    FileMediator is used an intermediate mechanism that filters out certain
-    events.
-    """
-    ignored_set = set([]) # for paths only
-    logger = get_logger()
-    @staticmethod
-    def is_ignored(path): return path in FileMediator.ignored_set
-    @staticmethod
-    def ignore(path): FileMediator.ignored_set.add(path)
-    @staticmethod
-    def unignore(path): FileMediator.ignored_set.remove(path)
+class FileMediator(Loggable):
+    # TODO : this class is not actually used. remove all references to it 
+    # everywhere (including tests).
+    """ FileMediator is used an intermediate mechanism that filters out
+    certain events. """
+    def __init__(self)        : self.ignored_set = set([]) # for paths only
+    def is_ignored(self,path) : return path in self.ignored_set
+    def ignore(self, path)    : self.ignored_set.add(path)
+    def unignore(self, path)  : self.ignored_set.remove(path)
 def mediate_ignored(fn):
     def wrapped(self, event, *args,**kwargs):
         event.pathname = unicode(event.pathname, "utf-8")
-        if FileMediator.is_ignored(event.pathname):
-            FileMediator.logger.info("Ignoring: '%s' (once)" % event.pathname)
-            FileMediator.unignore(event.pathname)
+        if user().file_mediator.is_ignored(event.pathname):
+            user().file_mediator.logger.info("Ignoring: '%s' (once)" % event.pathname)
+            user().file_mediator.unignore(event.pathname)
         else: return fn(self, event, *args, **kwargs)
     return wrapped
@@ -80,11 +75,11 @@ class StoreWatchListener(BaseListener, Loggable, pyinotify.ProcessEvent):
     def process_IN_CLOSE_WRITE(self, event):
     def process_IN_MOVED_TO(self, event):
-        if EventRegistry.registered(event):
+        if user().event_registry.registered(event):
             # We need this trick because we don't how to "expand" dir events
             # into file events until we know for sure if we deleted or moved
             morph = MoveDir(event) if event.dir else MoveFile(event)
-            EventRegistry.matching(event).morph_into(morph)
+            user().event_registry.matching(event).morph_into(morph)
         else: self.process_create(event)
     def process_IN_MOVED_FROM(self, event):
         # Is either delete dir or delete file
@@ -92,7 +87,7 @@ class StoreWatchListener(BaseListener, Loggable, pyinotify.ProcessEvent):
         # evt can be none whenever event points that a file that would be
         # ignored by @IncludeOnly
         if hasattr(event,'cookie') and (evt != None):
-            EventRegistry.register(evt)
+            user().event_registry.register(evt)
     def process_IN_DELETE(self,event): self.process_delete(event)
     def process_IN_MOVE_SELF(self, event):
         if '-unknown-path' in event.pathname:
diff --git a/python_apps/media-monitor2/media/monitor/organizer.py b/python_apps/media-monitor2/media/monitor/organizer.py
index 6d72bee4b..17f46054c 100644
--- a/python_apps/media-monitor2/media/monitor/organizer.py
+++ b/python_apps/media-monitor2/media/monitor/organizer.py
@@ -1,13 +1,12 @@
 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
 import media.monitor.pure   as mmp
-import media.monitor.owners as owners
 from media.monitor.handler    import ReportHandler
 from media.monitor.log        import Loggable
 from media.monitor.exceptions import BadSongFile
 from media.monitor.events     import OrganizeFile
 from pydispatch               import dispatcher
 from os.path                  import dirname
-from media.saas.thread        import getsig
+from media.saas.thread        import getsig, user
 import os.path
 class Organizer(ReportHandler,Loggable):
@@ -75,7 +74,7 @@ class Organizer(ReportHandler,Loggable):
             # backwards way is bewcause we are unable to encode the owner id
             # into the file itself so that the StoreWatchListener listener can
             # detect it from the file
-            owners.add_file_owner(new_path, owner_id )
+            user().owner.add_file_owner(new_path, owner_id )
             self.logger.info('Organized: "%s" into "%s"' %
                     (event.path, new_path))
diff --git a/python_apps/media-monitor2/media/monitor/owners.py b/python_apps/media-monitor2/media/monitor/owners.py
index 2d6c4be44..48898c9aa 100644
--- a/python_apps/media-monitor2/media/monitor/owners.py
+++ b/python_apps/media-monitor2/media/monitor/owners.py
@@ -1,44 +1,40 @@
 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-from media.monitor.log import get_logger
-log = get_logger()
-# hash: 'filepath' => owner_id
-owners = {}
+from media.monitor.log import Loggable
-def reset_owners():
-    """ Wipes out all file => owner associations """
-    global owners
-    owners = {}
+class Owner(Loggable):
+    def __init__(self):
+        # hash: 'filepath' => owner_id
+        self.owners = {}
+    def get_owner(self,f):
+        """ Get the owner id of the file 'f' """
+        o = self.owners[f] if f in self.owners else -1
+        self.logger.info("Received owner for %s. Owner: %s" % (f, o))
+        return o
-def get_owner(f):
-    """ Get the owner id of the file 'f' """
-    o = owners[f] if f in owners else -1
-    log.info("Received owner for %s. Owner: %s" % (f, o))
-    return o
-def add_file_owner(f,owner):
-    """ Associate file f with owner. If owner is -1 then do we will not record
-    it because -1 means there is no owner. Returns True if f is being stored
-    after the function. False otherwise.  """
-    if owner == -1: return False
-    if f in owners:
-        if owner != owners[f]: # check for fishiness
-            log.info("Warning ownership of file '%s' changed from '%d' to '%d'"
-                    % (f, owners[f], owner))
-        else: return True
-    owners[f] = owner
-    return True
-def has_owner(f):
-    """ True if f is owned by somebody. False otherwise. """
-    return f in owners
-def remove_file_owner(f):
-    """ Try and delete any association made with file f. Returns true if
-    the the association was actually deleted. False otherwise. """
-    if f in owners:
-        del owners[f]
+    def add_file_owner(self,f,owner):
+        """ Associate file f with owner. If owner is -1 then do we will not record
+        it because -1 means there is no owner. Returns True if f is being stored
+        after the function. False otherwise.  """
+        if owner == -1: return False
+        if f in self.owners:
+            if owner != self.owners[f]: # check for fishiness
+                self.logger.info("Warning ownership of file '%s' changed from '%d' to '%d'"
+                        % (f, self.owners[f], owner))
+            else: return True
+        self.owners[f] = owner
         return True
-    else: return False
+    def has_owner(self,f):
+        """ True if f is owned by somebody. False otherwise. """
+        return f in self.owners
+    def remove_file_owner(self,f):
+        """ Try and delete any association made with file f. Returns true if
+        the the association was actually deleted. False otherwise. """
+        if f in self.owners:
+            del self.owners[f]
+            return True
+        else: return False
diff --git a/python_apps/media-monitor2/media/monitor/toucher.py b/python_apps/media-monitor2/media/monitor/toucher.py
index cd20a21f0..d94fd34f8 100644
--- a/python_apps/media-monitor2/media/monitor/toucher.py
+++ b/python_apps/media-monitor2/media/monitor/toucher.py
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ import media.monitor.pure as mmp
 import os
 from media.monitor.log        import Loggable
 from media.monitor.exceptions import CouldNotCreateIndexFile
+from media.saas.thread        import InstanceInheritingThread
 class Toucher(Loggable):
@@ -17,56 +18,23 @@ class Toucher(Loggable):
-from datetime import datetime
+import time
-import threading
-class RepeatTimer(threading.Thread):
-    def __init__(self, interval, callable, args=[], kwargs={}):
-        threading.Thread.__init__(self)
-        # interval_current shows number of milliseconds in currently triggered
-        # <tick>
-        self.interval_current = interval
-        # interval_new shows number of milliseconds for next <tick>
-        self.interval_new = interval
+class RepeatTimer(InstanceInheritingThread):
+    def __init__(self, interval, callable, *args, **kwargs):
+        super(RepeatTimer, self).__init__()
+        self.interval = interval
         self.callable = callable
         self.args = args
         self.kwargs = kwargs
-        self.event = threading.Event()
-        self.event.set()
-        self.activation_dt = None
-        self.__timer = None
     def run(self):
-        while self.event.is_set():
-            self.activation_dt = datetime.utcnow()
-            self.__timer = threading.Timer(self.interval_new,
-                    self.callable,
-                    self.args,
-                    self.kwargs)
-            self.interval_current = self.interval_new
-            self.__timer.start()
-            self.__timer.join()
-    def cancel(self):
-        self.event.clear()
-        if self.__timer is not None:
-            self.__timer.cancel()
-    def trigger(self):
-        self.callable(*self.args, **self.kwargs)
-        if self.__timer is not None:
-            self.__timer.cancel()
-    def change_interval(self, value):
-        self.interval_new = value
+        while True:
+            time.sleep(self.interval)
+            self.callable(*self.args, **self.kwargs)
 class ToucherThread(Loggable):
-    """
-    Creates a thread that touches a file 'path' every 'interval' seconds
-    """
+    """ Creates a thread that touches a file 'path' every 'interval'
+    seconds """
     def __init__(self, path, interval=5):
         if not os.path.exists(path):
diff --git a/python_apps/media-monitor2/media/saas/airtimeinstance.py b/python_apps/media-monitor2/media/saas/airtimeinstance.py
index fb701b432..5d02cd8e4 100644
--- a/python_apps/media-monitor2/media/saas/airtimeinstance.py
+++ b/python_apps/media-monitor2/media/saas/airtimeinstance.py
@@ -4,6 +4,9 @@ from os.path import join
 from media.monitor.exceptions import NoConfigFile
 from media.monitor.pure import LazyProperty
 from media.monitor.config import MMConfig
+from media.monitor.owners import Owner
+from media.monitor.events import EventRegistry
+from media.monitor.listeners import FileMediator
 from api_clients.api_client import AirtimeApiClient
 # poor man's phantom types...
@@ -46,3 +49,20 @@ class AirtimeInstance(object):
     def mm_config(self):
         return MMConfig(self.config_paths['media_monitor'])
+    # NOTE to future code monkeys:
+    # I'm well aware that I'm using the shitty service locator pattern
+    # instead of normal constructor injection as I should be. The reason
+    # for this is that I found these issues a little too close to the
+    # end of my tenure. It's highly recommended to rewrite this crap
+    # using proper constructor injection if you ever have the time
+    @LazyProperty
+    def owner(self): return Owner()
+    @LazyProperty
+    def event_registry(self): return EventRegistry()
+    @LazyProperty
+    def file_mediator(self): return FileMediator()
diff --git a/python_apps/media-monitor2/media/saas/thread.py b/python_apps/media-monitor2/media/saas/thread.py
index 49a3acd6f..e2e6be158 100644
--- a/python_apps/media-monitor2/media/saas/thread.py
+++ b/python_apps/media-monitor2/media/saas/thread.py
@@ -1,12 +1,13 @@
 import threading
 class UserlessThread(Exception):
-    def __str__():
+    def __str__(self):
         return "Current thread: %s is not an instance of InstanceThread \
                 of InstanceInheritingThread" % str(threading.current_thread())
 class HasUser(object):
     def user(self): return self._user
+    def assign_user(self): self._user = threading.current_thread().user()
 class InstanceThread(threading.Thread, HasUser):
     def __init__(self,user, *args, **kwargs):
@@ -15,7 +16,7 @@ class InstanceThread(threading.Thread, HasUser):
 class InstanceInheritingThread(threading.Thread, HasUser):
     def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
-        self._user = threading.current_thread().user()
+        self.assign_user()
         super(InstanceInheritingThread, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
 def user():
diff --git a/python_apps/pypo/liquidsoap_scripts/ls_lib.liq b/python_apps/pypo/liquidsoap_scripts/ls_lib.liq
index 5c5919e2e..1a18fd00a 100644
--- a/python_apps/pypo/liquidsoap_scripts/ls_lib.liq
+++ b/python_apps/pypo/liquidsoap_scripts/ls_lib.liq
@@ -254,29 +254,15 @@ def output_to(output_type, type, bitrate, host, port, pass, mount_point, url, de
         if user == "" then
             user_ref := "source"
-        description_ref = ref description
-        if description == "" then
-            description_ref := "N/A"
-        end
-        genre_ref = ref genre
-        if genre == "" then
-            genre_ref := "N/A"
-        end
-        url_ref = ref url
-        if url == "" then
-            url_ref := "N/A"
-        end
         output.shoutcast_mono = output.shoutcast(id = "shoutcast_stream_#{stream}",
                     host = host,
                     port = port,
                     password = pass,
                     fallible = true,
-                    url = !url_ref,
-                    genre = !genre_ref,
-                    name = !description_ref,
+                    url = url,
+                    genre = genre,
+                    name = description,
                     user = !user_ref,
                     on_error = on_error,
                     on_connect = on_connect)
@@ -286,9 +272,9 @@ def output_to(output_type, type, bitrate, host, port, pass, mount_point, url, de
                     port = port,
                     password = pass,
                     fallible = true,
-                    url = !url_ref,
-                    genre = !genre_ref,
-                    name = !description_ref,
+                    url = url,
+                    genre = genre,
+                    name = description,
                     user = !user_ref,
                     on_error = on_error,
                     on_connect = on_connect)
@@ -390,13 +376,6 @@ def add_skip_command(s)
                  "skip",fun(s) -> begin log("source.skip") skip(s) end)
-dyn_out = output.icecast(%wav,
-                     host="localhost",
-                     port=8999,
-                     password=stream_harbor_pass,
-                     mount="test-harbor",
-                     fallible=true)
 def set_dynamic_source_id(id) =
     current_dyn_id := id 
@@ -406,123 +385,159 @@ def get_dynamic_source_id() =
-# Function to create a playlist source and output it.
-def create_dynamic_source(uri) =
-    # The playlist source 
-    s = audio_to_stereo(input.http(buffer=2., max=12., uri))
-    # The output
-    active_dyn_out = dyn_out(s)
+# A few values are hardcoded and may be dependent:
+#  - the delay in gracetime is linked with the buffer duration of input.http
+#    (delay should be a bit less than buffer)
+#  - crossing duration should be less than buffer length
+#    (at best, a higher duration will be ineffective)
-    # We register both source and output 
-    # in the list of sources
-    dyn_sources := 
-      list.append([(!current_dyn_id, s),(!current_dyn_id, active_dyn_out)], !dyn_sources)
+# HTTP input with "restart" command that waits for "stop" to be effected
+# before "start" command is issued. Optionally it takes a new URL to play,
+# which makes it a convenient replacement for "url".
+# In the future, this may become a core feature of the HTTP input.
+# TODO If we stop and restart quickly several times in a row,
+#   the data bursts accumulate and create buffer overflow.
+#   Flushing the buffer on restart could be a good idea, but
+#   it would also create an interruptions while the buffer is
+#   refilling... on the other hand, this would avoid having to
+#   fade using both cross() and switch().
+def input.http_restart(~id,~initial_url="http://dummy/url")
+  source = input.http(buffer=5.,max=15.,id=id,autostart=false,initial_url)
+  def stopped()
+    "stopped" == list.hd(server.execute("#{id}.status"))
+  end
+  server.register(namespace=id,
+                  "restart",
+                  usage="restart [url]",
+                  fun (url) -> begin
+                    if url != "" then
+                      log(string_of(server.execute("#{id}.url #{url}")))
+                    end
+                    log(string_of(server.execute("#{id}.stop")))
+                    add_timeout(0.5,
+                      { if stopped() then
+                          log(string_of(server.execute("#{id}.start"))) ;
+                          (-1.)
+                        else 0.5 end})
+                    "OK"
+                  end)
+  # Dummy output should be useless if HTTP stream is meant
+  # to be listened to immediately. Otherwise, apply it.
+  #
+  # output.dummy(fallible=true,source)
+  source
-    notify([("schedule_table_id", !current_dyn_id)])
-    "Done!"
+# Transitions between URL changes in HTTP streams.
+def cross_http(~debug=true,~http_input_id,source)
-# A function to destroy a dynamic source
-def destroy_dynamic_source(id) = 
-  # We need to find the source in the list,
-  # remove it and destroy it. Currently, the language
-  # lacks some nice operators for that so we do it
-  # the functional way
+  id = http_input_id
+  last_url = ref ""
+  change = ref false
-  # This function is executed on every item in the list
-  # of dynamic sources
-  def parse_list(ret, current_element) = 
-    # ret is of the form: (matching_sources, remaining_sources)
-    # We extract those two:
-    matching_sources = fst(ret)
-    remaining_sources = snd(ret)
-    # current_element is of the form: ("uri", source) so 
-    # we check the first element
-    current_id = fst(current_element)
-    if current_id == id then
-      # In this case, we add the source to the list of
-      # matched sources
-      (list.append( [snd(current_element)], 
-                     matching_sources),
-       remaining_sources)
-    else
-       # In this case, we put the element in the list of remaining
-       # sources
-      (matching_sources,
-       list.append([current_element], 
-                    remaining_sources))
+  def on_m(m)
+    notify_stream(m)
+    changed = m["source_url"] != !last_url
+    log("URL now #{m['source_url']} (change: #{changed})")
+    if changed then
+      if !last_url != "" then change := true end
+      last_url := m["source_url"]
-  # Now we execute the function:
-  result = list.fold(parse_list, ([], []), !dyn_sources)
-  matching_sources = fst(result)
-  remaining_sources = snd(result)
-  # We store the remaining sources in dyn_sources
-  dyn_sources := remaining_sources
+  # We use both metadata and status to know about the current URL.
+  # Using only metadata may be more precise is crazy corner cases,
+  # but it's also asking too much: the metadata may not pass through
+  # before the crosser is instantiated.
+  # Using only status in crosser misses some info, eg. on first URL.
+  source = on_metadata(on_m,source)
-  # If no source matched, we return an error
-  if list.length(matching_sources) == 0 then
-    "Error: no matching sources!"
-  else
-    # We stop all sources
-    list.iter(source.shutdown, matching_sources)
-    # And return
-    "Done!"
+  cross_d = 3.
+  def crosser(a,b)
+    url = list.hd(server.execute('#{id}.url'))
+    status = list.hd(server.execute('#{id}.status'))
+    on_m([("source_url",url)])
+    if debug then
+      log("New track inside HTTP stream")
+      log("  status: #{status}")
+      log("  need to cross: #{!change}")
+      log("  remaining #{source.remaining(a)} sec before, \
+             #{source.remaining(b)} sec after")
+    end
+    if !change then
+      change := false
+      # In principle one should avoid crossing on a live stream
+      # it'd be okay to do it here (eg. use add instead of sequence)
+      # because it's only once per URL, but be cautious.
+      sequence([fade.out(duration=cross_d,a),fade.in(b)])
+    else
+      # This is done on tracks inside a single stream.
+      # Do NOT cross here or you'll gradually empty the buffer!
+      sequence([a,b])
+    end
+  # Setting conservative=true would mess with the delayed switch below
+  cross(duration=cross_d,conservative=false,crosser,source)
+# Custom fallback between http and default source with fading of
+# beginning and end of HTTP stream.
+# It does not take potential URL changes into account, as long as
+# they do not interrupt streaming (thanks to the HTTP buffer).
+def http_fallback(~http_input_id,~http,~default)
+  id = http_input_id
+  # We use a custom switching predicate to trigger switching (and thus,
+  # transitions) before the end of a track (rather, end of HTTP stream).
+  # It is complexified because we don't want to trigger switching when
+  # HTTP disconnects for just an instant, when changing URL: for that
+  # we use gracetime below.
-# A function to destroy a dynamic source
-def destroy_dynamic_source_all() = 
-  # We need to find the source in the list,
-  # remove it and destroy it. Currently, the language
-  # lacks some nice operators for that so we do it
-  # the functional way
-  # This function is executed on every item in the list
-  # of dynamic sources
-  def parse_list(ret, current_element) = 
-    # ret is of the form: (matching_sources, remaining_sources)
-    # We extract those two:
-    matching_sources = fst(ret)
-    remaining_sources = snd(ret)
-    # current_element is of the form: ("uri", source) so 
-    # we check the first element
-    current_uri = fst(current_element)
-    # in this case, we add the source to the list of
-    # matched sources
-    (list.append( [snd(current_element)], 
-                    matching_sources),
-    remaining_sources)
+  def gracetime(~delay=3.,f)
+    last_true = ref 0.
+    { if f() then
+        last_true := gettimeofday()
+        true
+      else
+        gettimeofday() < !last_true+delay
+      end }
-  # now we execute the function:
-  result = list.fold(parse_list, ([], []), !dyn_sources)
-  matching_sources = fst(result)
-  remaining_sources = snd(result)
-  # we store the remaining sources in dyn_sources
-  dyn_sources := remaining_sources
-  # if no source matched, we return an error
-  if list.length(matching_sources) == 0 then
-    "error: no matching sources!"
-  else
-    # we stop all sources
-    list.iter(source.shutdown, matching_sources)
-    # And return
-    "Done!"
+  def connected()
+    status = list.hd(server.execute("#{id}.status"))
+    not(list.mem(status,["polling","stopped"]))
+  connected = gracetime(connected)
+  def to_live(a,b) =
+    log("TRANSITION to live")
+    add(normalize=false,
+        [fade.initial(b),fade.final(a)])
+  end
+  def to_static(a,b) =
+    log("TRANSITION to static")
+    sequence([fade.out(a),fade.initial(b)])
+  end
+  switch(
+    track_sensitive=false,
+    transitions=[to_live,to_static],
+    [(# make sure it is connected, and not buffering
+      {connected() and source.is_ready(http) and !webstream_enabled}, http),
+     ({true},default)])
diff --git a/python_apps/pypo/liquidsoap_scripts/ls_script.liq b/python_apps/pypo/liquidsoap_scripts/ls_script.liq
index 34e56786e..962b20b2c 100644
--- a/python_apps/pypo/liquidsoap_scripts/ls_script.liq
+++ b/python_apps/pypo/liquidsoap_scripts/ls_script.liq
@@ -7,11 +7,11 @@ set("server.telnet", true)
 set("server.telnet.port", 1234)
 #Dynamic source list
-dyn_sources = ref []
+#dyn_sources = ref []
 webstream_enabled = ref false
 time = ref string_of(gettimeofday())
-queue = audio_to_stereo(id="queue_src", request.equeue(id="queue", length=0.5))
+queue = audio_to_stereo(id="queue_src", mksafe(request.equeue(id="queue", length=0.5)))
 queue = cue_cut(queue)
 queue = amplify(1., override="replay_gain", queue)
@@ -35,15 +35,19 @@ s2_namespace = ref ''
 s3_namespace = ref ''
 just_switched = ref false
-stream_harbor_pass = list.hd(get_process_lines('pwgen -s -N 1 -n 20'))
+#stream_harbor_pass = list.hd(get_process_lines('pwgen -s -N 1 -n 20'))
 %include "ls_lib.liq"
-web_stream = input.harbor("test-harbor", port=8999, password=stream_harbor_pass)
-web_stream = on_metadata(notify_stream, web_stream)
-output.dummy(fallible=true, web_stream)
+#web_stream = input.harbor("test-harbor", port=8999, password=stream_harbor_pass)
+#web_stream = on_metadata(notify_stream, web_stream)
+#output.dummy(fallible=true, web_stream)
+http = input.http_restart(id="http")
+http = cross_http(http_input_id="http",http)
+stream_queue = http_fallback(http_input_id="http",http=http,default=queue)
 # the crossfade function controls fade in/out
 queue = crossfade_airtime(queue)
 queue = on_metadata(notify, queue)
@@ -51,10 +55,10 @@ queue = map_metadata(update=false, append_title, queue)
 output.dummy(fallible=true, queue)
-stream_queue = switch(id="stream_queue_switch", track_sensitive=false,
-    transitions=[transition, transition],
-    [({!webstream_enabled},web_stream),
-    ({true}, queue)])
+#stream_queue = switch(id="stream_queue_switch", track_sensitive=false,
+#    transitions=[transition, transition],
+#    [({!webstream_enabled},web_stream),
+#    ({true}, queue)])
 ignore(output.dummy(stream_queue, fallible=true))
@@ -92,32 +96,33 @@ server.register(namespace="dynamic_source",
                 fun (s) -> begin log("dynamic_source.output_stop") webstream_enabled := false "disabled" end)
-                description="Set the cc_schedule row id",
+                description="Set the streams cc_schedule row id",
                 usage="id <id>",
                 fun (s) -> begin log("dynamic_source.id") set_dynamic_source_id(s) end)
-                description="Get the cc_schedule row id",
+                description="Get the streams cc_schedule row id",
                 fun (s) -> begin log("dynamic_source.get_id") get_dynamic_source_id() end)
-                description="Start a new dynamic source.",
-                usage="start <uri>",
-                "read_start",
-                fun (uri) -> begin log("dynamic_source.read_start") create_dynamic_source(uri) end)
-                description="Stop a dynamic source.",
-                usage="stop <id>",
-                "read_stop",
-                fun (s) -> begin log("dynamic_source.read_stop") destroy_dynamic_source(s) end)
-                description="Stop a dynamic source.",
-                usage="stop <id>",
-                "read_stop_all",
-                fun (s) -> begin log("dynamic_source.read_stop") destroy_dynamic_source_all() end)
+#                description="Start a new dynamic source.",
+#                usage="start <uri>",
+#                "read_start",
+#                fun (uri) -> begin log("dynamic_source.read_start") begin_stream_read(uri) end)
+#                description="Stop a dynamic source.",
+#                usage="stop <id>",
+#                "read_stop",
+#                fun (s) -> begin log("dynamic_source.read_stop") stop_stream_read(s) end)
+#                description="Stop a dynamic source.",
+#                usage="stop <id>",
+#                "read_stop_all",
+#                fun (s) -> begin log("dynamic_source.read_stop") destroy_dynamic_source_all() end)
 default = amplify(id="silence_src", 0.00001, noise())
 default = rewrite_metadata([("artist","Airtime"), ("title", "offline")], default)
diff --git a/python_apps/pypo/pypopush.py b/python_apps/pypo/pypopush.py
index 0382b5e06..c0bb36ff9 100644
--- a/python_apps/pypo/pypopush.py
+++ b/python_apps/pypo/pypopush.py
@@ -478,8 +478,8 @@ class PypoPush(Thread):
-            #example: dynamic_source.read_start
-            msg = 'dynamic_source.read_start %s\n' % media_item['uri'].encode('latin-1')
+            #msg = 'dynamic_source.read_start %s\n' % media_item['uri'].encode('latin-1')
+            msg = 'http.restart %s\n' % media_item['uri'].encode('latin-1')
@@ -520,7 +520,8 @@ class PypoPush(Thread):
             tn = telnetlib.Telnet(LS_HOST, LS_PORT)
-            msg = 'dynamic_source.read_stop_all xxx\n'
+            #msg = 'dynamic_source.read_stop_all xxx\n'
+            msg = 'http.stop\n'
@@ -546,7 +547,8 @@ class PypoPush(Thread):
             tn = telnetlib.Telnet(LS_HOST, LS_PORT)
-            msg = 'dynamic_source.read_stop %s\n' % media_item['row_id']
+            #msg = 'dynamic_source.read_stop %s\n' % media_item['row_id']
+            msg = 'http.stop\n'
diff --git a/utils/airtime-test-stream.py b/utils/airtime-test-stream.py
index b7d887c0d..a2ab06982 100644
--- a/utils/airtime-test-stream.py
+++ b/utils/airtime-test-stream.py
@@ -27,14 +27,14 @@ def printUsage():
     print "     -m mount (default: test) "
     print "     -h show help menu"
 def find_liquidsoap_binary():
     Starting with Airtime 2.0, we don't know the exact location of the Liquidsoap
     binary because it may have been installed through a debian package. Let's find
     the location of this binary.
     rv = subprocess.call("which airtime-liquidsoap > /dev/null", shell=True)
     if rv == 0:
         return "airtime-liquidsoap"
@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ for o, a in optlist:
         mount = a
     print "Protocol: %s " % stream_type
     print "Host: %s" % host
     print "Port: %s" % port
@@ -86,35 +86,35 @@ try:
     print "Password: %s" % password
     if stream_type == "icecast":
         print "Mount: %s\n" % mount
     url = "http://%s:%s/%s" % (host, port, mount)
     print "Outputting to %s streaming server. You should be able to hear a monotonous tone on '%s'. Press ctrl-c to quit." % (stream_type, url)
     liquidsoap_exe = find_liquidsoap_binary()
     if liquidsoap_exe is None:
         raise Exception("Liquidsoap not found!")
     if stream_type == "icecast":
         command = "%s 'output.icecast(%%vorbis, host = \"%s\", port = %s, user= \"%s\", password = \"%s\", mount=\"%s\", sine())'" % (liquidsoap_exe, host, port, user, password, mount)
         command = "%s /usr/lib/airtime/pypo/bin/liquidsoap_scripts/library/pervasives.liq 'output.shoutcast(%%mp3, host=\"%s\", port = %s, user= \"%s\", password = \"%s\", sine())'" \
         % (liquidsoap_exe, host, port, user, password)
     if not verbose:
         command += " 2>/dev/null | grep \"failed\""
         print command
     #print command
     rv = subprocess.call(command, shell=True)
     #if we reach this point, it means that our subprocess exited without the user
-    #doing a keyboard interrupt. This means there was a problem outputting to the 
+    #doing a keyboard interrupt. This means there was a problem outputting to the
     #stream server. Print appropriate message.
     print "There was an error with your stream configuration. Please review your configuration " + \
         "and run this program again. Use the -h option for help"
 except KeyboardInterrupt, ki:
     print "\nExiting"
 except Exception, e: