updated the Studio localization files

This commit is contained in:
fgerlits 2006-11-21 13:54:48 +00:00
parent cbc02ff0e2
commit df75695233
7 changed files with 1811 additions and 504 deletions

View File

@ -1,23 +1,41 @@
windowTitle:string { "Panel maestro de Campcaster" }
notLoggedInMsg:string { "No ha ingresado al sistema" }
loggedInMsg:string { "Ingresó al sistema como {0}" }
loginButtonLabel:string { "Accesar" }
logoutButtonLabel:string { "Salir" }
notLoggedInMsg:string { "No ha ingresado al sistema" }
loggedInMsg:string { "Ingresó al sistema como {0}" }
loginButtonLabel:string { "Accesar" }
logoutButtonLabel:string { "Salir" }
liveModeButtonLabel:string { "Modo en vivo" }
uploadFileButtonLabel:string { "Cargar archivo" }
scratchpadButtonLabel:string { "Scratchpad" }
simplePlaylistMgmtButtonLabel:string { "Editar lista de repr." }
schedulerButtonLabel:string { "Programador" }
searchButtonLabel:string { "Búsqueda" }
optionsButtonLabel:string { "Options" }
localeNotAvailableMsg:string { "Ubicación {0} no disponible" }
schedulerNotReachableMsg:string { "El servidor del programador no está disponible" }
storageNotReachableMsg:string { "El servidor de almacenamiento no está disponible" }
cancelButtonLabel:string { "Cancel" }
noButtonLabel:string { "No" }
yesButtonLabel:string { "Yes" }
okButtonLabel:string { "OK" }
elapsedTimeLabel:string { "elapsed" }
remainingTimeLabel:string { "remaining" }
localeNotAvailableMsg:string { "Ubicación {0} no disponible" }
schedulerNotReachableMsg:string { "El servidor del programador no está disponible" }
storageNotReachableMsg:string { "El servidor de almacenamiento no está disponible" }
{ "El servidor de autenticación no está disponible" }
audioErrorMsg { "Error del reproductor de audio: " }
{ "El servidor de autenticación no está "
"Would you like to edit the server "
"settings?" }
audioErrorMsg { "Error del reproductor de audio: " }
sureToExitMsg:string { "Are you sure you want to exit?" }
windowTitle:string { "Panel maestro" }
@ -27,11 +45,13 @@ es:table
passwordLabel:string { "Clave de acceso" }
okButtonLabel:string { "OK" }
cancelButtonLabel:string { "Cancelar" }
pleaseWaitMsg:string { "Logging in, please wait." }
windowTitle:string { "Ventana de audio clip de Campcaster" }
windowTitle:string { "Audio clip" }
idColumnLabel:string { "id" }
lengthColumnLabel:string { "duración" }
@ -43,26 +63,30 @@ es:table
windowTitle:string { "Scratchpad de Campcaster " }
windowTitle:string { "Scratchpad" }
typeColumnLabel:string { "Tipo" }
titleColumnLabel:string { "Título" }
addToPlaylistButtonLabel:string { "Añadir a lista de reproducción" }
clearListButtonLabel:string { "Limpiar la lista" }
removeButtonLabel:string { "Eliminar elemento(s)" }
typeColumnLabel:string { "Tipo" }
titleColumnLabel:string { "Título" }
addToPlaylistButtonLabel:string { "Añadir a lista de reproducción" }
clearListButtonLabel:string { "Limpiar la lista" }
removeButtonLabel:string { "Eliminar elemento(s)" }
upMenuItem:string { "Desplazar hacia arriba" }
downMenuItem:string { "Desplazar hacia abajo" }
removeMenuItem:string { "Eliminar" }
addToPlaylistMenuItem:string { "Añadir a lista de reproducción" }
schedulePlaylistMenuItem:string { "Programar lista de reproducción" }
cueMenuItem:string { "Previsualizar" }
addToLiveModeMenuItem:string { "Añadir a modo en vivo" }
cueMenuItem:string { "Previsualizar" }
addToLiveModeMenuItem:string { "Añadir a modo en vivo" }
addToPlaylistMenuItem:string { "Añadir a lista de reproducción" }
removeMenuItem:string { "Eliminar" }
editPlaylistMenuItem:string { "_Edit Playlist" }
schedulePlaylistMenuItem:string { "Programar lista de reproducción" }
exportPlaylistMenuItem:string { "E_xport Playlist" }
uploadToHubMenuItem:string { "Upload to Network Hub" }
{ "Could not open playlist for editing." }
windowTitle:string { "Venta de lista de reproducción de Campcaster" }
windowTitle:string { "Lista de reproducción" }
listBoxLabel { "Listas de reproducción" }
detailBoxLabel { "Detalles de las listas de reproducción" }
@ -77,51 +101,72 @@ es:table
windowTitle:string { "Cargar archivo" }
windowTitle:string { "Cargar archivo" }
chooseFileLabel:string { "Nombre del archivo" }
chooseFileButtonLabel:string { "Navegar" }
chooseFileLabel:string { "Nombre del archivo" }
chooseFileButtonLabel:string { "Navegar" }
mainSectionLabel:string { "Principal" }
titleLabel:string { "Título" }
creatorLabel:string { "Creador" }
genreLabel:string { "Género" }
fileFormatLabel:string { "Tipo de archivo" }
lengthLabel:string { "Duración" }
mainSectionLabel:string { "Principal" }
musicSectionLabel:string { "Music" }
voiceSectionLabel:string { "Voice" }
uploadButtonLabel:string { "Cargar" }
closeButtonLabel:string { "Cancelar" }
lengthLabel:string { "Duración" }
fileChooserDialogTitle:string { "Seleccione un archivo" }
clipUploadedMsg:string { "Clip ''{0}'' cargado." }
couldNotOpenFileMsg:string { "*** translate me ***" }
missingTitleMsg:string { "*** translate me ***" }
uploadButtonLabel:string { "Cargar" }
closeButtonLabel:string { "Cancelar" }
fileChooserDialogTitle:string { "Seleccione un archivo" }
fileUploadedMsg:string { "File ''{0}'' cargado." }
couldNotOpenFileMsg:string { "The file could not be opened." }
couldNotReadLengthMsg:string { "Could not determine audio clip "
"length." }
unsupportedFileTypeMsg:string { "Unsupported file type." }
missingTitleMsg:string { "Please enter a title." }
badMetadataMsg:string { "Invalid data for {0}." }
windowTitle:string { "Ventana del módulo administrativo de las listas de reproducción simples de Campcaster" }
windowTitle:string { "Lista de reproducción" }
startColumnLabel:string { "inicio" }
titleColumnLabel:string { "título" }
lengthColumnLabel:string { "duración" }
nameLabel:string { "nombre" }
saveButtonLabel:string { "guardar" }
closeButtonLabel:string { "cerrar" }
statusBar:string { "barra de estatus" }
playlistSavedMsg:string { "lista de reproducción guardada {0}" }
savePlaylistDialogMsg:string { "*** translate me ***" }
emptyTitleErrorMsg:string { "*** translate me ***" }
startColumnLabel:string { "inicio" }
titleColumnLabel:string { "título" }
lengthColumnLabel:string { "duración" }
fadeInColumnLabel:string { "Fade in" }
fadeOutColumnLabel:string { "Fade out" }
nameLabel:string { "nombre" }
lengthLabel:string { "Duration:" }
saveButtonLabel:string { "guardar" }
closeButtonLabel:string { "cerrar" }
{ "Lock fade-out to following fade-in" }
upMenuItem:string { "Move _Up" }
downMenuItem:string { "Move D_own" }
removeMenuItem:string { "_Remove" }
playlistSavedMsg:string { "lista de reproducción guardada {0}" }
savePlaylistDialogMsg:string { "Do you want to save the playlist?" }
emptyTitleErrorMsg:string { "Please enter a title." }
windowTitle:string { "Ventana del programador de Campcaster" }
windowTitle:string { "Programador" }
startColumnLabel:string { "inicio" }
titleColumnLabel:string { "título" }
endColumnLabel:string { "fin" }
deleteMenuItem:string { "eliminar" }
scheduleTab:string { "Schedule" }
statusTab:string { "Status" }
startColumnLabel:string { "inicio" }
titleColumnLabel:string { "título" }
endColumnLabel:string { "fin" }
deleteMenuItem:string { "eliminar" }
{ "Currently playing in scheduler:" }
stopCurrentlyPlayingButtonLabel:string { "Stop" }
stopCurrentlyPlayingDialogMsg:string { "Are you sure?" }
closeButtonLabel:string { "cerrar" }
@ -129,7 +174,7 @@ es:table
windowTitle:string { "Ventana de las listas de reproducción programadas de Campcaster" }
windowTitle:string { "Listas de reproducción programadas" }
hourLabel:string { "hora: " }
minuteLabel:string { "minuto: " }
@ -139,43 +184,212 @@ es:table
windowTitle:string { "Ventana de búsqueda/navegación de Campcaster" }
windowTitle:string { "Búsqueda/Navegación" }
simpleSearchTab:string { "Búsqueda" }
advancedSearchTab:string { "Búsqueda avanzada" }
browseTab:string { "Navegar" }
searchWhereLabel:string { "Search or browse on: " }
searchWhereLocal:string { "local storage" }
searchWhereRemote:string { "network hub" }
searchByTextLabel:string { "Buscar por" }
searchButtonLabel:string { "Buscar" }
simpleSearchTab:string { "Búsqueda" }
advancedSearchTab:string { "Búsqueda avanzada" }
browseTab:string { "Navegar" }
transportsTab:string { "Transfers" }
typeColumnLabel:string { "Tipo" }
titleColumnLabel:string { "Título" }
creatorColumnLabel:string { "Creador" }
lengthColumnLabel:string { "Duración" }
searchButtonLabel:string { "Buscar" }
backwardButtonLabel:string { "⇦ Previous" }
forwardButtonLabel:string { "Next ⇨" }
searchResultsCountLabel:string { "{0}-{1} of {2} results" }
partialOperatorDisplay:string { "contiene" }
prefixOperatorDisplay:string { "empieza con" }
=OperatorDisplay:string { "equivale" }
<=OperatorDisplay:string { "<=" }
>=OperatorDisplay:string { ">=" }
typeColumnLabel:string { "Tipo" }
titleColumnLabel:string { "Título" }
creatorColumnLabel:string { "Creador" }
sourceColumnLabel:string { "Album" }
lengthColumnLabel:string { "Duración" }
allStringForBrowse { "--- todo ---" }
allStringForBrowse { "--- todo ---" }
addToScratchpadMenuItem:string { "_Añadir a Scratchpad" }
addToLiveModeMenuItem:string { "Añadir a Modo en vivo" }
addToScratchpadMenuItem:string { "_Añadir a Scratchpad" }
addToPlaylistMenuItem:string { "_Add to Playlist" }
addToLiveModeMenuItem:string { "Añadir a Modo en vivo" }
editPlaylistMenuItem:string { "_Edit Playlist" }
schedulePlaylistMenuItem:string { "_Schedule Playlist" }
exportPlaylistMenuItem:string { "E_xport Playlist" }
uploadToHubMenuItem:string { "Upload to the network hub" }
downloadFromHubMenuItem:string { "Download from the network hub" }
pleaseWaitMsg:string { "Please wait..." }
shortErrorMsg:string { "Search failed." }
longErrorMsg:string { "Search failed: {0}." }
uploadToHubErrorMsg:string { "Uploading to hub failed: {0}." }
downloadFromHubErrorMsg:string { "Downloading from hub failed: {0}." }
nothingFoundMsg:string { "No files found." }
fileTypeTextLabel:string { "File types" }
allFileType:string { "all" }
audioClipFileType:string { "audio clips" }
playlistFileType:string { "playlists" }
searchByTextLabel:string { "Buscar por" }
partialOperatorDisplay:string { "contiene" }
prefixOperatorDisplay:string { "empieza con" }
=OperatorDisplay:string { "equivale" }
<=OperatorDisplay:string { "<=" }
>=OperatorDisplay:string { ">=" }
windowTitle:string { "Venta Modo en vivo de Campcaster" }
windowTitle:string { "Modo en vivo" }
cueMenuItem:string { "Previsualizar" }
upMenuItem:string { "Desplazar hacia arriba" }
downMenuItem:string { "Desplazar hacia abajo" }
removeMenuItem:string { "Eliminar" }
playMenuItem:string { "Reproduccir" }
playMenuItem:string { "Reproduccir" }
cueMenuItem:string { "Previsualizar" }
addToPlaylistMenuItem:string { "_Add to Playlist" }
removeMenuItem:string { "Eliminar" }
editPlaylistMenuItem:string { "_Edit Playlist" }
schedulePlaylistMenuItem:string { "_Schedule Playlist" }
exportPlaylistMenuItem:string { "E_xport Playlist" }
uploadToHubMenuItem:string { "Upload to Network Hub" }
cuePlayerLabel:string { "Previsualizar" }
cuePlayerLabel:string { "Previsualizar" }
clearListButtonLabel:string { "Clear list" }
removeButtonLabel:string { "Remove item(s)" }
{ "Could not open playlist for editing." }
windowTitle:string { "Options" }
needToRestartMsg:string { "You will need to restart the "
"application\nfor the new settings "
"to take effect." }
errorMsg:string { "Could not save the options: " }
soundSectionLabel:string { "Sound" }
keyBindingsSectionLabel:string { "Keyboard Shortcuts" }
serversSectionLabel:string { "Servers" }
schedulerSectionLabel:string { "Scheduler" }
backupSectionLabel:string { "Backup" }
aboutSectionLabel:string { "About" }
cancelButtonLabel:string { "Cancel" }
applyButtonLabel:string { "Apply" }
okButtonLabel:string { "OK" }
cueDeviceLabel:string { "Cue audio device:" }
outputDeviceLabel:string { "Live Mode audio device:" }
testButtonLabel:string { "Test" }
pressAKeyMsg:string { "Press a key..." }
{ "Double-click on the shortcut you want "
"to change, \n"
"then press the key for the new "
"(or press the Escape key to cancel "
"the operation)." }
authenticationLabel:string { "Authentication server" }
storageLabel:string { "Storage server" }
schedulerLabel:string { "Scheduler server" }
serverLabel:string { "address:" }
portLabel:string { "port:" }
pathLabel:string { "path:" }
schedulerStatusText:string { "The scheduler is" }
schedulerRunningStatus:string { "running." }
schedulerStoppedStatus:string { "stopped." }
schedulerStartButtonLabel:string { "Start" }
schedulerStopButtonLabel:string { "Stop" }
reportBugsToText:string { "Report bugs to: {0}" }
workingStatus:string { "in progress" }
successStatus:string { "ready" }
faultStatus:string { "error: {0}" }
titleColumnLabel:string { "Title" }
dateColumnLabel:string { "Date" }
statusColumnLabel:string { "Status" }
mtimeTextLabel:string { "Modified since:" }
chooseTimeButtonLabel:string { "Choose time" }
resetTimeButtonLabel:string { "Reset" }
backupButtonLabel:string { "Backup" }
deleteButtonLabel:string { "Delete" }
saveButtonLabel:string { "Save" }
backupTitleLabel:string { "Title" }
defaultBackupTitle:string { "new backup" }
fileChooserDialogTitle:string { "Save File" }
backupErrorMsg:string { "Backup error: " }
windowTitle:string { "Select the date and time" }
cancelButtonLabel:string { "Cancel" }
okButtonLabel:string { "OK" }
hourLabel:string { "hour:" }
minuteLabel:string { "minute:" }
windowTitle:string { "Export Playlist" }
playlistTitleLabel:string { "Title:" }
formatLabel:string { "Export as:" }
cancelButtonLabel:string { "Cancel" }
saveButtonLabel:string { "Save" }
internalFormatName:string { "Campcaster archive" }
smilFormatName:string { "tar containing a SMIL" }
fileChooserDialogTitle:string { "Save File" }
createExportErrorMsg:string { "Could not export the playlist:" }
saveExportErrorMsg:string { "Could not save the exported playlist." }
workingStatus:string { "in progress" }
successStatus:string { "ready" }
faultStatus:string { "error: {0}" }
titleColumnLabel:string { "Title" }
dateColumnLabel:string { "Date" }
statusColumnLabel:string { "Status" }
cancelUploadMenuItem:string { "Cancel upload" }
cancelDownloadMenuItem:string { "Cancel download" }
cannotCancelTransportMsg:string { "Canceling failed: {0}." }
windowTitle:string { "Restore Backup" }
errorMessage:string { "Error: {0}" }
pendingMessage:string { "Uploading backup file\n''{0}''.\n"
"Please wait..." }
finishedMessage:string { "Upload finished." }
@ -216,5 +430,21 @@ es:table
catalog_number:string { "número de catálogo" }
original_artist:string { "Artista original" }
copyright:string { "Derechos Reservados" }
report_date_time:string { "Report date/time" }
report_location:string { "Report location" }
report_organizations:string { "Report organizations" }
subject:string { "Subject" }
playAudio:string { Play }
pauseAudio:string { Pause }
stopAudio:string { Stop }
nextTrack:string { Next track }
fadeOut:string { Fade out }
moveItemUp:string { Move item up }
moveItemDown:string { Move item down }
removeItem:string { Remove item }

View File

@ -1,10 +1,9 @@
windowTitle:string { "Campcaster Fő Panel" }
notLoggedInMsg:string { "Nincs bejelentkezve" }
loggedInMsg:string { "Bejelentkezve {0} felhasználóként" }
loginButtonLabel:string { "Bejelentkezés" }
logoutButtonLabel:string { "Kijelentkezés" }
notLoggedInMsg:string { "Nincs bejelentkezve" }
loggedInMsg:string { "Bejelentkezve {0} felhasználóként" }
loginButtonLabel:string { "Bejelentkezés" }
logoutButtonLabel:string { "Kijelentkezés" }
liveModeButtonLabel:string { "Élő adás" }
uploadFileButtonLabel:string { "Filefeltöltés" }
scratchpadButtonLabel:string { "Praktikus csupor" }
@ -18,13 +17,23 @@ hu:table
yesButtonLabel:string { "Igen" }
okButtonLabel:string { "OK" }
elapsedTimeLabel:string { "elapsed" }
remainingTimeLabel:string { "remaining" }
localeNotAvailableMsg:string { "A {0} nyelv nem elérhető" }
schedulerNotReachableMsg:string { "Az időzítő szerver nem elérhető" }
storageNotReachableMsg:string { "A tároló szerver nem elérhető" }
authenticationNotReachableMsg:string { "A beléptető szerver nem elérhető" }
{ "A beléptető szerver nem elérhető.\n"
"Szerver beállítások szerkesztése?" }
audioErrorMsg { "Hiba történt a lejátszáskor: " }
sureToExitMsg:string { "Biztos, hogy ki szeretne lépni?" }
windowTitle:string { "Fő Panel" }
windowTitle:string { "Belépés" }
@ -33,11 +42,13 @@ hu:table
passwordLabel:string { "Jelszó" }
okButtonLabel:string { "Belépés" }
cancelButtonLabel:string { "Mégsem" }
pleaseWaitMsg:string { "Logging in, please wait." }
windowTitle:string { "Campcaster Hanganyag ablak" }
windowTitle:string { "Hanganyag" }
idColumnLabel:string { "azonosító" }
lengthColumnLabel:string { "hossz" }
@ -49,26 +60,30 @@ hu:table
windowTitle:string { "Campcaster Praktikus csupor" }
windowTitle:string { "Scratchpad" }
typeColumnLabel:string { "Típus" }
titleColumnLabel:string { "Cím" }
createPlaylistButtonLabel:string { "Műsorhoz hozzáadni" }
addToPlaylistButtonLabel:string { "Műsorhoz hozzáadni" }
clearListButtonLabel:string { "Lista törlése" }
removeButtonLabel:string { "Kiválasztottak törlése" }
upMenuItem:string { "_Fel" }
downMenuItem:string { "_Le" }
removeMenuItem:string { "_Törölni" }
addToPlaylistMenuItem:string { "Műsorhoz _hozzáadni" }
schedulePlaylistMenuItem:string { "_Műsor időzítése" }
cueMenuItem:string { "_Belehallgatni" }
addToLiveModeMenuItem:string { "Élő _adásba" }
addToPlaylistMenuItem:string { "Műsorhoz _hozzáadni" }
removeMenuItem:string { "_Törölni" }
editPlaylistMenuItem:string { "_Edit Playlist" }
schedulePlaylistMenuItem:string { "_Műsor időzítése" }
exportPlaylistMenuItem:string { "E_xport Playlist" }
uploadToHubMenuItem:string { "Upload to Network Hub" }
{ "Could not open playlist for editing." }
windowTitle:string { "Campcaster Műsorszerkesztő ablak" }
windowTitle:string { "Műsorszerkesztő" }
listBoxLabel { "Műsorok" }
detailBoxLabel { "Műsor adatai" }
@ -83,58 +98,79 @@ hu:table
windowTitle:string { "File feltöltés" }
windowTitle:string { "Filefeltöltés" }
chooseFileLabel:string { "Filenév" }
chooseFileButtonLabel:string { "Tallóz" }
chooseFileLabel:string { "Filenév" }
chooseFileButtonLabel:string { "Tallóz" }
mainSectionLabel:string { "Általános" }
titleLabel:string { "Cím" }
creatorLabel:string { "Szerző" }
genreLabel:string { "Stílus" }
fileFormatLabel:string { "File típusa" }
lengthLabel:string { "Hossz" }
mainSectionLabel:string { "Általános" }
musicSectionLabel:string { "Music" }
voiceSectionLabel:string { "Voice" }
uploadButtonLabel:string { "feltölt" }
closeButtonLabel:string { "bezár" }
lengthLabel:string { "Hossz" }
fileChooserDialogTitle:string { "File Kiválasztása" }
clipUploadedMsg:string { "A ''{0}'' klip feltöltve." }
couldNotOpenFileMsg:string { "A fájl nem olvasható." }
missingTitleMsg:string { "Kérem, adjon meg egy címet." }
uploadButtonLabel:string { "feltölt" }
closeButtonLabel:string { "bezár" }
fileChooserDialogTitle:string { "File Kiválasztása" }
fileUploadedMsg:string { "A ''{0}'' file feltöltve." }
couldNotOpenFileMsg:string { "A fájl nem olvasható." }
couldNotReadLengthMsg:string { "Could not determine audio clip "
"length." }
unsupportedFileTypeMsg:string { "Unsupported file type." }
missingTitleMsg:string { "Kérem, adjon meg egy címet." }
badMetadataMsg:string { "Invalid data for {0}." }
windowTitle:string { "Campcaster Egyszerű műsorszerkesztő ablak" }
windowTitle:string { "Műsorszerkesztő" }
startColumnLabel:string { "kezdet" }
titleColumnLabel:string { "cím" }
lengthColumnLabel:string { "hossz" }
nameLabel:string { "név" }
saveButtonLabel:string { "elment" }
closeButtonLabel:string { "bezár" }
statusBar:string { "állapotsor" }
playlistSavedMessage:string { "a {0} műsor elmentve" }
savePlaylistDialogMsg:string { "El szeretné menteni a műsort?" }
emptyTitleErrorMsg:string { "Kérem, adjon meg egy címet!" }
startColumnLabel:string { "kezdet" }
titleColumnLabel:string { "cím" }
lengthColumnLabel:string { "hossz" }
fadeInColumnLabel:string { "Fade in" }
fadeOutColumnLabel:string { "Fade out" }
nameLabel:string { "név" }
lengthLabel:string { "Duration:" }
saveButtonLabel:string { "elment" }
closeButtonLabel:string { "bezár" }
{ "Lock fade-out to following fade-in" }
upMenuItem:string { "Move _Up" }
downMenuItem:string { "Move D_own" }
removeMenuItem:string { "_Remove" }
playlistSavedMessage:string { "a {0} műsor elmentve" }
savePlaylistDialogMsg:string { "El szeretné menteni a műsort?" }
emptyTitleErrorMsg:string { "Kérem, adjon meg egy címet!" }
windowTitle:string { "Campcaster Időzítő Ablak" }
windowTitle:string { "Időzítő" }
startColumnLabel:string { "kezdet" }
titleColumnLabel:string { "cím" }
endColumnLabel:string { "vég" }
deleteMenuItem:string { "_töröl" }
scheduleTab:string { "Schedule" }
statusTab:string { "Status" }
closeButtonLabel:string { "bezár" }
startColumnLabel:string { "kezdet" }
titleColumnLabel:string { "cím" }
endColumnLabel:string { "vég" }
deleteMenuItem:string { "_töröl" }
{ "Currently playing in scheduler:" }
stopCurrentlyPlayingButtonLabel:string { "Stop" }
stopCurrentlyPlayingDialogMsg:string { "Are you sure?" }
closeButtonLabel:string { "bezár" }
windowTitle:string { "Campcaster Műsoridőzítő ablak" }
windowTitle:string { "Időzítő" }
hourLabel:string { "óra: " }
minuteLabel:string { "perc: " }
@ -144,43 +180,212 @@ hu:table
windowTitle:string { "Campcaster Keresés Ablak" }
windowTitle:string { "Keresés" }
simpleSearchTab:string { "Keresés" }
advancedSearchTab:string { "Összetett keresés" }
browseTab:string { "Böngészés" }
searchWhereLabel:string { "Search or browse on: " }
searchWhereLocal:string { "local storage" }
searchWhereRemote:string { "network hub" }
simpleSearchTab:string { "Keresés" }
advancedSearchTab:string { "Összetett keresés" }
browseTab:string { "Böngészés" }
transportsTab:string { "Transfers" }
searchButtonLabel:string { "Keress!" }
backwardButtonLabel:string { "⇦ Previous" }
forwardButtonLabel:string { "Next ⇨" }
searchResultsCountLabel:string { "{0}-{1} of {2} results" }
typeColumnLabel:string { "Típus" }
titleColumnLabel:string { "Cím" }
creatorColumnLabel:string { "Előadó" }
sourceColumnLabel:string { "Album" }
lengthColumnLabel:string { "Hossz" }
allStringForBrowse { "--- minden ---" }
addToScratchpadMenuItem:string { "Scratchpadbe betenni" }
addToPlaylistMenuItem:string { "_Add to Playlist" }
addToLiveModeMenuItem:string { "Élő _adásba" }
editPlaylistMenuItem:string { "_Edit Playlist" }
schedulePlaylistMenuItem:string { "_Schedule Playlist" }
exportPlaylistMenuItem:string { "E_xport Playlist" }
uploadToHubMenuItem:string { "Upload to the network hub" }
downloadFromHubMenuItem:string { "Download from the network hub" }
pleaseWaitMsg:string { "Please wait..." }
shortErrorMsg:string { "Search failed." }
longErrorMsg:string { "Search failed: {0}." }
uploadToHubErrorMsg:string { "Uploading to hub failed: {0}." }
downloadFromHubErrorMsg:string { "Downloading from hub failed: {0}." }
nothingFoundMsg:string { "No files found." }
fileTypeTextLabel:string { "File types" }
allFileType:string { "all" }
audioClipFileType:string { "audio clips" }
playlistFileType:string { "playlists" }
searchByTextLabel:string { "Keresési feltétel:" }
searchButtonLabel:string { "Keress!" }
typeColumnLabel:string { "Típus" }
titleColumnLabel:string { "Cím" }
creatorColumnLabel:string { "Előadó" }
lengthColumnLabel:string { "Hossz" }
partialOperatorDisplay:string { "része" }
prefixOperatorDisplay:string { "kezdete" }
=OperatorDisplay:string { "=" }
<=OperatorDisplay:string { "<=" }
>=OperatorDisplay:string { ">=" }
allStringForBrowse { "--- minden ---" }
addToScratchpadMenuItem:string { "_Hasznos csuporba betenni" }
addToLiveModeMenuItem:string { "Élő _adásba" }
partialOperatorDisplay:string { "része" }
prefixOperatorDisplay:string { "kezdete" }
=OperatorDisplay:string { "=" }
<=OperatorDisplay:string { "<=" }
>=OperatorDisplay:string { ">=" }
windowTitle:string { "Campcaster Élő adás ablak" }
windowTitle:string { "Élő adás" }
cueMenuItem:string { "_Belehallgatni" }
upMenuItem:string { "_Fel" }
downMenuItem:string { "_Le" }
removeMenuItem:string { "_Eltávolítani" }
playMenuItem:string { "Le_játszani" }
playMenuItem:string { "Le_játszani" }
cueMenuItem:string { "_Belehallgatni" }
addToPlaylistMenuItem:string { "_Add to Playlist" }
removeMenuItem:string { "_Eltávolítani" }
editPlaylistMenuItem:string { "_Edit Playlist" }
schedulePlaylistMenuItem:string { "_Schedule Playlist" }
exportPlaylistMenuItem:string { "E_xport Playlist" }
uploadToHubMenuItem:string { "Upload to Network Hub" }
cuePlayerLabel:string { "Belehallgatni" }
cuePlayerLabel:string { "Belehallgatni" }
clearListButtonLabel:string { "Clear list" }
removeButtonLabel:string { "Remove item(s)" }
{ "Could not open playlist for editing." }
windowTitle:string { "Options" }
needToRestartMsg:string { "You will need to restart the "
"application\nfor the new settings "
"to take effect." }
errorMsg:string { "Could not save the options: " }
soundSectionLabel:string { "Sound" }
keyBindingsSectionLabel:string { "Keyboard Shortcuts" }
serversSectionLabel:string { "Servers" }
schedulerSectionLabel:string { "Scheduler" }
backupSectionLabel:string { "Backup" }
aboutSectionLabel:string { "About" }
cancelButtonLabel:string { "Cancel" }
applyButtonLabel:string { "Apply" }
okButtonLabel:string { "OK" }
cueDeviceLabel:string { "Cue audio device:" }
outputDeviceLabel:string { "Live Mode audio device:" }
testButtonLabel:string { "Test" }
pressAKeyMsg:string { "Press a key..." }
{ "Double-click on the shortcut you want "
"to change, \n"
"then press the key for the new "
"(or press the Escape key to cancel "
"the operation)." }
authenticationLabel:string { "Authentication server" }
storageLabel:string { "Storage server" }
schedulerLabel:string { "Scheduler server" }
serverLabel:string { "address:" }
portLabel:string { "port:" }
pathLabel:string { "path:" }
schedulerStatusText:string { "The scheduler is" }
schedulerRunningStatus:string { "running." }
schedulerStoppedStatus:string { "stopped." }
schedulerStartButtonLabel:string { "Start" }
schedulerStopButtonLabel:string { "Stop" }
reportBugsToText:string { "Report bugs to: {0}" }
workingStatus:string { "in progress" }
successStatus:string { "ready" }
faultStatus:string { "error: {0}" }
titleColumnLabel:string { "Title" }
dateColumnLabel:string { "Date" }
statusColumnLabel:string { "Status" }
mtimeTextLabel:string { "Modified since:" }
chooseTimeButtonLabel:string { "Choose time" }
resetTimeButtonLabel:string { "Reset" }
backupButtonLabel:string { "Backup" }
deleteButtonLabel:string { "Delete" }
saveButtonLabel:string { "Save" }
backupTitleLabel:string { "Title" }
defaultBackupTitle:string { "new backup" }
fileChooserDialogTitle:string { "Save File" }
backupErrorMsg:string { "Backup error: " }
windowTitle:string { "Select the date and time" }
cancelButtonLabel:string { "Cancel" }
okButtonLabel:string { "OK" }
hourLabel:string { "hour:" }
minuteLabel:string { "minute:" }
windowTitle:string { "Export Playlist" }
playlistTitleLabel:string { "Title:" }
formatLabel:string { "Export as:" }
cancelButtonLabel:string { "Cancel" }
saveButtonLabel:string { "Save" }
internalFormatName:string { "Campcaster archive" }
smilFormatName:string { "tar containing a SMIL" }
fileChooserDialogTitle:string { "Save File" }
createExportErrorMsg:string { "Could not export the playlist:" }
saveExportErrorMsg:string { "Could not save the exported playlist." }
workingStatus:string { "in progress" }
successStatus:string { "ready" }
faultStatus:string { "error: {0}" }
titleColumnLabel:string { "Title" }
dateColumnLabel:string { "Date" }
statusColumnLabel:string { "Status" }
cancelUploadMenuItem:string { "Cancel upload" }
cancelDownloadMenuItem:string { "Cancel download" }
cannotCancelTransportMsg:string { "Canceling failed: {0}." }
windowTitle:string { "Restore Backup" }
errorMessage:string { "Error: {0}" }
pendingMessage:string { "Uploading backup file\n''{0}''.\n"
"Please wait..." }
finishedMessage:string { "Upload finished." }
@ -221,6 +426,22 @@ hu:table
catalog_number:string { "Katalógusszám" }
original_artist:string { "Eredeti előadó" }
copyright:string { "Szerzői jog tulajdonosa" }
report_date_time:string { "Report date/time" }
report_location:string { "Report location" }
report_organizations:string { "Report organizations" }
subject:string { "Subject" }
playAudio:string { Play }
pauseAudio:string { Pause }
stopAudio:string { Stop }
nextTrack:string { Next track }
fadeOut:string { Fade out }
moveItemUp:string { Move item up }
moveItemDown:string { Move item down }
removeItem:string { Remove item }

View File

@ -1,23 +1,40 @@
windowTitle:string { "Campcaster Master Panel" }
notLoggedInMsg:string { "Niet aangemeld" }
loggedInMsg:string { "Aangemeld als {0}" }
loginButtonLabel:string { "Aanmelden" }
logoutButtonLabel:string { "Afmelden" }
notLoggedInMsg:string { "Niet aangemeld" }
loggedInMsg:string { "Aangemeld als {0}" }
loginButtonLabel:string { "Aanmelden" }
logoutButtonLabel:string { "Afmelden" }
liveModeButtonLabel:string { "Live mode" }
uploadFileButtonLabel:string { "Bestand toevoegen" }
scratchpadButtonLabel:string { "Scratchpad" }
simplePlaylistMgmtButtonLabel:string { "Edit playlist" }
schedulerButtonLabel:string { "Scheduler" }
searchButtonLabel:string { "Zoeken" }
optionsButtonLabel:string { "Options" }
localeNotAvailableMsg:string { "Locale {0} niet beschikbaar" }
schedulerNotReachableMsg:string { "Scheduler server niet beschikbaar" }
storageNotReachableMsg:string { "Storage server niet beschikbaar" }
cancelButtonLabel:string { "Cancel" }
noButtonLabel:string { "No" }
yesButtonLabel:string { "Yes" }
okButtonLabel:string { "OK" }
elapsedTimeLabel:string { "elapsed" }
remainingTimeLabel:string { "remaining" }
localeNotAvailableMsg:string { "Locale {0} niet beschikbaar" }
schedulerNotReachableMsg:string { "Scheduler server niet beschikbaar" }
storageNotReachableMsg:string { "Storage server niet beschikbaar" }
{ "Authentication server niet beschikbaar" }
audioErrorMsg { "Audio player fout: " }
{ "Authentication server niet "
"Would you like to edit the server "
"settings?" }
audioErrorMsg { "Audio player fout: " }
sureToExitMsg:string { "Are you sure you want to exit?" }
windowTitle:string { "Master Panel" }
@ -27,11 +44,13 @@ nl:table
passwordLabel:string { "Wachtwoord" }
okButtonLabel:string { "OK" }
cancelButtonLabel:string { "Annuleer" }
pleaseWaitMsg:string { "Logging in, please wait." }
windowTitle:string { "Campcaster Audio Clip window" }
windowTitle:string { "Audio Clip" }
idColumnLabel:string { "id" }
lengthColumnLabel:string { "lengte" }
@ -43,7 +62,7 @@ nl:table
windowTitle:string { "Campcaster Scratchpad" }
windowTitle:string { "Scratchpad" }
typeColumnLabel:string { "Type" }
titleColumnLabel:string { "Titel" }
@ -51,18 +70,22 @@ nl:table
clearListButtonLabel:string { "Lijst leeg maken" }
removeButtonLabel:string { "Verwijder item" }
upMenuItem:string { "Naar B_oven" }
downMenuItem:string { "Naar B_eneden" }
removeMenuItem:string { "_Verwijderen" }
addToPlaylistMenuItem:string { "Toevoegen aan _Playlist" }
schedulePlaylistMenuItem:string { "_Schedule Playlist" }
cueMenuItem:string { "_Cue" }
addToLiveModeMenuItem:string { "Toevoegen aan _Live Mode" }
addToPlaylistMenuItem:string { "Toevoegen aan _Playlist" }
removeMenuItem:string { "_Verwijderen" }
editPlaylistMenuItem:string { "_Edit Playlist" }
schedulePlaylistMenuItem:string { "_Schedule Playlist" }
exportPlaylistMenuItem:string { "E_xport Playlist" }
uploadToHubMenuItem:string { "Upload to Network Hub" }
{ "Could not open playlist for editing." }
windowTitle:string { "Campcaster Playlist window" }
windowTitle:string { "Playlist" }
listBoxLabel { "Playlists" }
detailBoxLabel { "Playlist details" }
@ -77,59 +100,79 @@ nl:table
windowTitle:string { "Bestand toevoegen" }
windowTitle:string { "Bestand toevoegen" }
chooseFileLabel:string { "Bestandsnaam" }
chooseFileButtonLabel:string { "Bladeren" }
chooseFileLabel:string { "Bestandsnaam" }
chooseFileButtonLabel:string { "Bladeren" }
mainSectionLabel:string { "Algemeen" }
titleLabel:string { "Titel" }
creatorLabel:string { "Maker" }
genreLabel:string { "Genre" }
fileFormatLabel:string { "Type" }
lengthLabel:string { "Duur" }
mainSectionLabel:string { "Algemeen" }
musicSectionLabel:string { "Music" }
voiceSectionLabel:string { "Voice" }
uploadButtonLabel:string { "Verzenden" }
closeButtonLabel:string { "Annuleer" }
lengthLabel:string { "Duur" }
fileChooserDialogTitle:string { "Kies een bestand" }
clipUploadedMsg:string { "Clip ''{0}'' verzonden." }
couldNotOpenFileMsg:string { "Bestand kan niet geopend worden" }
missingTitleMsg:string { "Voeg de titel omschrijving in" }
uploadButtonLabel:string { "Verzenden" }
closeButtonLabel:string { "Annuleer" }
fileChooserDialogTitle:string { "Kies een bestand" }
fileUploadedMsg:string { "Bestand ''{0}'' verzonden." }
couldNotOpenFileMsg:string { "Bestand kan niet geopend worden" }
couldNotReadLengthMsg:string { "Could not determine audio clip "
"length." }
unsupportedFileTypeMsg:string { "Unsupported file type." }
missingTitleMsg:string { "Voeg de titel omschrijving in" }
badMetadataMsg:string { "Invalid data for {0}." }
windowTitle:string { "Campcaster Playlist beheer window" }
windowTitle:string { "Playlist beheer" }
startColumnLabel:string { "start" }
titleColumnLabel:string { "titel" }
lengthColumnLabel:string { "lengte" }
fadeInColumnLabel:string { "Fade in" }
fadeOutColumnLabel:string { "Fade out" }
nameLabel:string { "naam" }
saveButtonLabel:string { "opslaan" }
closeButtonLabel:string { "sluiten" }
statusBar:string { "status balk" }
playlistSavedMsg:string { "playlist {0} opgeslagen" }
savePlaylistDialogMsg:string { "*** translate me ***" }
emptyTitleErrorMsg:string { "*** translate me ***" }
{ "Lock fade-out to following fade-in" }
upMenuItem:string { "Move _Up" }
downMenuItem:string { "Move D_own" }
removeMenuItem:string { "_Remove" }
playlistSavedMsg:string { "playlist {0} opgeslagen" }
savePlaylistDialogMsg:string { "Do you want to save the playlist?" }
emptyTitleErrorMsg:string { "Please enter a title." }
windowTitle:string { "Campcaster Scheduler window" }
windowTitle:string { "Scheduler" }
startColumnLabel:string { "start" }
titleColumnLabel:string { "titel" }
endColumnLabel:string { "einde" }
deleteMenuItem:string { "_Verwijder" }
scheduleTab:string { "Schedule" }
statusTab:string { "Status" }
closeButtonLabel:string { "sluiten" }
startColumnLabel:string { "start" }
titleColumnLabel:string { "titel" }
endColumnLabel:string { "einde" }
deleteMenuItem:string { "_Verwijder" }
{ "Currently playing in scheduler:" }
stopCurrentlyPlayingButtonLabel:string { "Stop" }
stopCurrentlyPlayingDialogMsg:string { "Are you sure?" }
closeButtonLabel:string { "sluiten" }
windowTitle:string { "Campcaster Schedule Playlist window" }
windowTitle:string { "Schedule Playlist" }
hourLabel:string { "uur: " }
minuteLabel:string { "minuten: " }
@ -139,43 +182,212 @@ nl:table
windowTitle:string { "Campcaster zoeken/bladeren window" }
windowTitle:string { "Zoeken/Bladeren" }
simpleSearchTab:string { "Zoeken" }
advancedSearchTab:string { "Geadvanceerd" }
browseTab:string { "Bladeren" }
searchWhereLabel:string { "Search or browse on: " }
searchWhereLocal:string { "local storage" }
searchWhereRemote:string { "network hub" }
searchByTextLabel:string { "Zoeken met" }
searchButtonLabel:string { "Zoeken" }
simpleSearchTab:string { "Zoeken" }
advancedSearchTab:string { "Geadvanceerd" }
browseTab:string { "Bladeren" }
transportsTab:string { "Transfers" }
typeColumnLabel:string { "Type" }
titleColumnLabel:string { "Titel" }
creatorColumnLabel:string { "Maker" }
lengthColumnLabel:string { "Lengte" }
searchButtonLabel:string { "Zoeken" }
backwardButtonLabel:string { "⇦ Previous" }
forwardButtonLabel:string { "Next ⇨" }
searchResultsCountLabel:string { "{0}-{1} of {2} results" }
partialOperatorDisplay:string { "contains" }
prefixOperatorDisplay:string { "start met" }
=OperatorDisplay:string { "gelijk aan" }
<=OperatorDisplay:string { "<=" }
>=OperatorDisplay:string { ">=" }
typeColumnLabel:string { "Type" }
titleColumnLabel:string { "Titel" }
creatorColumnLabel:string { "Maker" }
sourceColumnLabel:string { "Album" }
lengthColumnLabel:string { "Lengte" }
allStringForBrowse { "--- alle ---" }
allStringForBrowse { "--- alle ---" }
addToScratchpadMenuItem:string { "Toevoegen aan _Scratchpad" }
addToLiveModeMenuItem:string { "Toevoegen aan _Live Mode" }
addToScratchpadMenuItem:string { "Toevoegen aan _Scratchpad" }
addToPlaylistMenuItem:string { "_Add to Playlist" }
addToLiveModeMenuItem:string { "Toevoegen aan _Live Mode" }
editPlaylistMenuItem:string { "_Edit Playlist" }
schedulePlaylistMenuItem:string { "_Schedule Playlist" }
exportPlaylistMenuItem:string { "E_xport Playlist" }
uploadToHubMenuItem:string { "Upload to the network hub" }
downloadFromHubMenuItem:string { "Download from the network hub" }
pleaseWaitMsg:string { "Please wait..." }
shortErrorMsg:string { "Search failed." }
longErrorMsg:string { "Search failed: {0}." }
uploadToHubErrorMsg:string { "Uploading to hub failed: {0}." }
downloadFromHubErrorMsg:string { "Downloading from hub failed: {0}." }
nothingFoundMsg:string { "No files found." }
fileTypeTextLabel:string { "File types" }
allFileType:string { "all" }
audioClipFileType:string { "audio clips" }
playlistFileType:string { "playlists" }
searchByTextLabel:string { "Zoeken met" }
partialOperatorDisplay:string { "contains" }
prefixOperatorDisplay:string { "start met" }
=OperatorDisplay:string { "gelijk aan" }
<=OperatorDisplay:string { "<=" }
>=OperatorDisplay:string { ">=" }
windowTitle:string { "Campcaster Live Mode window" }
windowTitle:string { "Live Mode" }
cueMenuItem:string { "_Cue" }
upMenuItem:string { "Naar B_oven" }
downMenuItem:string { "Naar B_eneden" }
removeMenuItem:string { "_Verwijderen" }
playMenuItem:string { "_Play" }
playMenuItem:string { "_Play" }
cueMenuItem:string { "_Cue" }
addToPlaylistMenuItem:string { "_Add to Playlist" }
removeMenuItem:string { "_Verwijderen" }
editPlaylistMenuItem:string { "_Edit Playlist" }
schedulePlaylistMenuItem:string { "_Schedule Playlist" }
exportPlaylistMenuItem:string { "E_xport Playlist" }
uploadToHubMenuItem:string { "Upload to Network Hub" }
cuePlayerLabel:string { "Cue" }
cuePlayerLabel:string { "Cue" }
clearListButtonLabel:string { "Clear list" }
removeButtonLabel:string { "Remove item(s)" }
{ "Could not open playlist for editing." }
windowTitle:string { "Options" }
needToRestartMsg:string { "You will need to restart the "
"application\nfor the new settings "
"to take effect." }
errorMsg:string { "Could not save the options: " }
soundSectionLabel:string { "Sound" }
keyBindingsSectionLabel:string { "Keyboard Shortcuts" }
serversSectionLabel:string { "Servers" }
schedulerSectionLabel:string { "Scheduler" }
backupSectionLabel:string { "Backup" }
aboutSectionLabel:string { "About" }
cancelButtonLabel:string { "Cancel" }
applyButtonLabel:string { "Apply" }
okButtonLabel:string { "OK" }
cueDeviceLabel:string { "Cue audio device:" }
outputDeviceLabel:string { "Live Mode audio device:" }
testButtonLabel:string { "Test" }
pressAKeyMsg:string { "Press a key..." }
{ "Double-click on the shortcut you want "
"to change, \n"
"then press the key for the new "
"(or press the Escape key to cancel "
"the operation)." }
authenticationLabel:string { "Authentication server" }
storageLabel:string { "Storage server" }
schedulerLabel:string { "Scheduler server" }
serverLabel:string { "address:" }
portLabel:string { "port:" }
pathLabel:string { "path:" }
schedulerStatusText:string { "The scheduler is" }
schedulerRunningStatus:string { "running." }
schedulerStoppedStatus:string { "stopped." }
schedulerStartButtonLabel:string { "Start" }
schedulerStopButtonLabel:string { "Stop" }
reportBugsToText:string { "Report bugs to: {0}" }
workingStatus:string { "in progress" }
successStatus:string { "ready" }
faultStatus:string { "error: {0}" }
titleColumnLabel:string { "Title" }
dateColumnLabel:string { "Date" }
statusColumnLabel:string { "Status" }
mtimeTextLabel:string { "Modified since:" }
chooseTimeButtonLabel:string { "Choose time" }
resetTimeButtonLabel:string { "Reset" }
backupButtonLabel:string { "Backup" }
deleteButtonLabel:string { "Delete" }
saveButtonLabel:string { "Save" }
backupTitleLabel:string { "Title" }
defaultBackupTitle:string { "new backup" }
fileChooserDialogTitle:string { "Save File" }
backupErrorMsg:string { "Backup error: " }
windowTitle:string { "Select the date and time" }
cancelButtonLabel:string { "Cancel" }
okButtonLabel:string { "OK" }
hourLabel:string { "hour:" }
minuteLabel:string { "minute:" }
windowTitle:string { "Export Playlist" }
playlistTitleLabel:string { "Title:" }
formatLabel:string { "Export as:" }
cancelButtonLabel:string { "Cancel" }
saveButtonLabel:string { "Save" }
internalFormatName:string { "Campcaster archive" }
smilFormatName:string { "tar containing a SMIL" }
fileChooserDialogTitle:string { "Save File" }
createExportErrorMsg:string { "Could not export the playlist:" }
saveExportErrorMsg:string { "Could not save the exported playlist." }
workingStatus:string { "in progress" }
successStatus:string { "ready" }
faultStatus:string { "error: {0}" }
titleColumnLabel:string { "Title" }
dateColumnLabel:string { "Date" }
statusColumnLabel:string { "Status" }
cancelUploadMenuItem:string { "Cancel upload" }
cancelDownloadMenuItem:string { "Cancel download" }
cannotCancelTransportMsg:string { "Canceling failed: {0}." }
windowTitle:string { "Restore Backup" }
errorMessage:string { "Error: {0}" }
pendingMessage:string { "Uploading backup file\n''{0}''.\n"
"Please wait..." }
finishedMessage:string { "Upload finished." }
@ -216,6 +428,22 @@ nl:table
catalog_number:string { "Catalogus nummer" }
original_artist:string { "Originele artiest" }
copyright:string { "Copyright" }
report_date_time:string { "Report date/time" }
report_location:string { "Report location" }
report_organizations:string { "Report organizations" }
subject:string { "Subject" }
playAudio:string { Play }
pauseAudio:string { Pause }
stopAudio:string { Stop }
nextTrack:string { Next track }
fadeOut:string { Fade out }
moveItemUp:string { Move item up }
moveItemDown:string { Move item down }
removeItem:string { Remove item }

View File

@ -1,17 +1,16 @@
windowTitle:string { "Campcaster - Okno główne" }
notLoggedInMsg:string { "Nie zalogowany" }
loggedInMsg:string { "Zalogowany jako {0}" }
loginButtonLabel:string { "Zaloguj" }
logoutButtonLabel:string { "wyloguj" }
liveModeButtonLabel:string { "Na żywo" }
uploadFileButtonLabel:string { "Załaduj plik" }
scratchpadButtonLabel:string { "Przybornik" }
{ "Edituj listę utworów" }
schedulerButtonLabel:string { "Programacja" }
searchButtonLabel:string { "Szukaj" }
liveModeButtonLabel:string { "Na żywo" }
uploadFileButtonLabel:string { "Załaduj plik" }
scratchpadButtonLabel:string { "Przybornik" }
simplePlaylistMgmtButtonLabel:string { "Edituj listę utworów" }
schedulerButtonLabel:string { "Programacja" }
searchButtonLabel:string { "Szukaj" }
optionsButtonLabel:string { "Options" }
cancelButtonLabel:string { "Anuluj" }
noButtonLabel:string { "Nie" }
@ -25,10 +24,17 @@ pl:table
schedulerNotReachableMsg:string { "Serwer programacji nie jest dostępny" }
storageNotReachableMsg:string { "Serwer plików nie jest dostępny" }
{ "Serwer logowania nie jest dostępny" }
{ "Serwer logowania nie jest dostępny.\n"
"Would you like to edit the server "
"settings?" }
audioErrorMsg { "Błąd odtwarzacz: " }
sureToExitMsg:string { "Czy na pewno opuścić program ?" }
windowTitle:string { "Okno główne" }
windowTitle:string { "LOGOWANIE" }
@ -37,11 +43,13 @@ pl:table
passwordLabel:string { "Hasło" }
okButtonLabel:string { "OK" }
cancelButtonLabel:string { "Anuluj" }
pleaseWaitMsg:string { "Logging in, please wait." }
windowTitle:string { "Campcaster - Okno utworu" }
windowTitle:string { "Okno utworu" }
idColumnLabel:string { "id" }
lengthColumnLabel:string { "długość" }
@ -53,26 +61,22 @@ pl:table
windowTitle:string { "Campcaster - Przybornik" }
windowTitle:string { "Przybornik" }
typeColumnLabel:string { "Rodzaj" }
titleColumnLabel:string { "Tytuł" }
{ "Dodaj do listy utworów" }
clearListButtonLabel:string { "Wyczyść listę" }
removeButtonLabel:string { "Usuń element(y)" }
typeColumnLabel:string { "Rodzaj" }
titleColumnLabel:string { "Tytuł" }
addToPlaylistButtonLabel:string { "Dodaj do listy utworów" }
clearListButtonLabel:string { "Wyczyść listę" }
removeButtonLabel:string { "Usuń element(y)" }
upMenuItem:string { "Do _Góry" }
downMenuItem:string { "Do D_ołu" }
removeMenuItem:string { "_Usuń" }
editPlaylistMenuItem:string { "_Edytuj" }
{ "_Dodaj do listy utworów" }
{ "_Programacja" }
cueMenuItem:string { "Po_słuchaj" }
{ "Dodaj do _Na żywo" }
cueMenuItem:string { "Po_słuchaj" }
addToLiveModeMenuItem:string { "Dodaj do _Na żywo" }
addToPlaylistMenuItem:string { "_Dodaj do listy utworów" }
removeMenuItem:string { "_Usuń" }
editPlaylistMenuItem:string { "_Edytuj" }
schedulePlaylistMenuItem:string { "_Programacja" }
exportPlaylistMenuItem:string { "E_xport Playlist" }
uploadToHubMenuItem:string { "Upload to Network Hub" }
{ "Nie udało się otworzyć listę do edycji." }
@ -80,7 +84,7 @@ pl:table
windowTitle:string { "Campcaster - Okno listy utworów" }
windowTitle:string { "Okno listy utworów" }
listBoxLabel { "Listy utworów" }
detailBoxLabel { "Szczegóły" }
@ -95,74 +99,80 @@ pl:table
windowTitle:string { "Załaduj plik" }
windowTitle:string { "Załaduj plik" }
chooseFileLabel:string { "Nazwa pliku" }
{ "Przeglądaj" }
chooseFileLabel:string { "Nazwa pliku" }
chooseFileButtonLabel:string { "Przeglądaj" }
mainSectionLabel:string { "Start" }
musicSectionLabel:string { "Muzyka" }
voiceSectionLabel:string { "Audycja" }
mainSectionLabel:string { "Start" }
musicSectionLabel:string { "Muzyka" }
voiceSectionLabel:string { "Audycja" }
lengthLabel:string { "Długość" }
lengthLabel:string { "Długość" }
uploadButtonLabel:string { "Załaduj" }
closeButtonLabel:string { "Anuluj" }
uploadButtonLabel:string { "Załaduj" }
closeButtonLabel:string { "Anuluj" }
{ "Wybierz plik" }
clipUploadedMsg:string { "Plik ''{0}'' został załadowany." }
couldNotOpenFileMsg:string { "Nie udało się otworzyć pliku." }
{ "Nie udało się ustalić długość pliku." }
{ "To rozszerzenie nie jest obsługiwane." }
missingTitleMsg:string { "Proszę wprowadzić tytuł." }
fileChooserDialogTitle:string { "Wybierz plik" }
fileUploadedMsg:string { "Plik ''{0}'' został załadowany." }
couldNotOpenFileMsg:string { "Nie udało się otworzyć pliku." }
couldNotReadLengthMsg:string { "Nie udało się ustalić długość "
"pliku." }
unsupportedFileTypeMsg:string { "To rozszerzenie nie jest obsługiwane." }
missingTitleMsg:string { "Proszę wprowadzić tytuł." }
badMetadataMsg:string { "Invalid data for {0}." }
windowTitle:string { "Campcaster - Zarządzanie listą utworów" }
windowTitle:string { "Zarządzanie listą utworów" }
startColumnLabel:string { "Początek" }
titleColumnLabel:string { "Tytuł" }
lengthColumnLabel:string { "Długość" }
fadeInColumnLabel:string { "Wprowadzenie" }
fadeOutColumnLabel:string { "Zakończenie" }
nameLabel:string { "Nazwa" }
saveButtonLabel:string { "Zapisz" }
closeButtonLabel:string { "Zamknij" }
{ "Zablokuj zakończenie do następnego wprowadzenia" }
statusBar:string { "pasek stanu" }
{ "Zablokuj zakończenie do następnego "
"wprowadzenia" }
upMenuItem:string { "Do _Góry" }
downMenuItem:string { "Do D_ołu" }
removeMenuItem:string { "_Usuń" }
playlistSavedMsg:string { "Zapisano listę utworów ''{0}''." }
{ "Czy chcesz zapisać listę utworów?" }
emptyTitleErrorMsg:string { "Proszę wprowadzić tytuł." }
playlistSavedMsg:string { "Zapisano listę utworów ''{0}''." }
savePlaylistDialogMsg:string { "Czy chcesz zapisać listę utworów?" }
emptyTitleErrorMsg:string { "Proszę wprowadzić tytuł." }
windowTitle:string { "Campcaster - Okno programacji" }
windowTitle:string { "Okno programacji" }
scheduleTab:string { "Schedule" }
statusTab:string { "Status" }
startColumnLabel:string { "Początek" }
titleColumnLabel:string { "tytuł" }
endColumnLabel:string { "koniec" }
deleteMenuItem:string { "_Usuń" }
{ "Currently playing in scheduler:" }
stopCurrentlyPlayingButtonLabel:string { "Stop" }
stopCurrentlyPlayingDialogMsg:string { "Are you sure?" }
closeButtonLabel:string { "zamknij" }
windowTitle:string { "Campcaster - Programacja listy utworów" }
windowTitle:string { "Programacja listy utworów" }
hourLabel:string { "godzina: " }
minuteLabel:string { "minuta: " }
@ -172,47 +182,212 @@ pl:table
windowTitle:string { "Campcaster - Szukaj / Przeglądaj" }
windowTitle:string { "Szukaj/Przeglądaj" }
searchWhereLabel:string { "Search or browse on: " }
searchWhereLocal:string { "local storage" }
searchWhereRemote:string { "network hub" }
simpleSearchTab:string { "Szukaj" }
advancedSearchTab:string { "Szukanie zaawansowane" }
browseTab:string { "Przeglądaj" }
transportsTab:string { "Transfers" }
searchByTextLabel:string { "Szukaj po" }
searchButtonLabel:string { "Szukaj" }
backwardButtonLabel:string { "⇦ Previous" }
forwardButtonLabel:string { "Next ⇨" }
searchResultsCountLabel:string { "{0}-{1} of {2} results" }
typeColumnLabel:string { "Rodzaj" }
titleColumnLabel:string { "Tytuł" }
creatorColumnLabel:string { "Autor" }
sourceColumnLabel:string { "Album" }
lengthColumnLabel:string { "Długość" }
{ "zawiera" }
{ "zaczyna się od" }
=OperatorDisplay:string { "równa się" }
<=OperatorDisplay:string { "<=" }
>=OperatorDisplay:string { ">=" }
allStringForBrowse { "--- wszystko ---" }
{ "_Dodaj do przybornika" }
{ "Dodaj do _Na żywo" }
addToScratchpadMenuItem:string { "_Dodaj do przybornika" }
addToPlaylistMenuItem:string { "_Add to Playlist" }
addToLiveModeMenuItem:string { "Dodaj do _Na żywo" }
editPlaylistMenuItem:string { "_Edit Playlist" }
schedulePlaylistMenuItem:string { "_Schedule Playlist" }
exportPlaylistMenuItem:string { "E_xport Playlist" }
uploadToHubMenuItem:string { "Upload to the network hub" }
downloadFromHubMenuItem:string { "Download from the network hub" }
pleaseWaitMsg:string { "Please wait..." }
shortErrorMsg:string { "Search failed." }
longErrorMsg:string { "Search failed: {0}." }
uploadToHubErrorMsg:string { "Uploading to hub failed: {0}." }
downloadFromHubErrorMsg:string { "Downloading from hub failed: {0}." }
nothingFoundMsg:string { "No files found." }
fileTypeTextLabel:string { "File types" }
allFileType:string { "all" }
audioClipFileType:string { "audio clips" }
playlistFileType:string { "playlists" }
searchByTextLabel:string { "Szukaj po" }
partialOperatorDisplay:string { "zawiera" }
prefixOperatorDisplay:string { "zaczyna się od" }
=OperatorDisplay:string { "równa się" }
<=OperatorDisplay:string { "<=" }
>=OperatorDisplay:string { ">=" }
windowTitle:string { "Campcaster - Na żywo" }
windowTitle:string { "Na żywo" }
cueMenuItem:string { "Po_słuchaj" }
upMenuItem:string { "Do _Góry" }
downMenuItem:string { "Do D_ołu" }
removeMenuItem:string { "_Usuń" }
playMenuItem:string { "_Zagraj" }
playMenuItem:string { "_Zagraj" }
cueMenuItem:string { "Po_słuchaj" }
addToPlaylistMenuItem:string { "_Add to Playlist" }
removeMenuItem:string { "_Usuń" }
editPlaylistMenuItem:string { "_Edit Playlist" }
schedulePlaylistMenuItem:string { "_Schedule Playlist" }
exportPlaylistMenuItem:string { "E_xport Playlist" }
uploadToHubMenuItem:string { "Upload to Network Hub" }
cuePlayerLabel:string { "Podgląd" }
clearListButtonLabel:string { "Clear list" }
removeButtonLabel:string { "Remove item(s)" }
{ "Could not open playlist for editing." }
windowTitle:string { "Options" }
needToRestartMsg:string { "You will need to restart the "
"application\nfor the new settings "
"to take effect." }
errorMsg:string { "Could not save the options: " }
soundSectionLabel:string { "Sound" }
keyBindingsSectionLabel:string { "Keyboard Shortcuts" }
serversSectionLabel:string { "Servers" }
schedulerSectionLabel:string { "Scheduler" }
backupSectionLabel:string { "Backup" }
aboutSectionLabel:string { "About" }
cancelButtonLabel:string { "Cancel" }
applyButtonLabel:string { "Apply" }
okButtonLabel:string { "OK" }
cueDeviceLabel:string { "Cue audio device:" }
outputDeviceLabel:string { "Live Mode audio device:" }
testButtonLabel:string { "Test" }
pressAKeyMsg:string { "Press a key..." }
{ "Double-click on the shortcut you want "
"to change, \n"
"then press the key for the new "
"(or press the Escape key to cancel "
"the operation)." }
authenticationLabel:string { "Authentication server" }
storageLabel:string { "Storage server" }
schedulerLabel:string { "Scheduler server" }
serverLabel:string { "address:" }
portLabel:string { "port:" }
pathLabel:string { "path:" }
schedulerStatusText:string { "The scheduler is" }
schedulerRunningStatus:string { "running." }
schedulerStoppedStatus:string { "stopped." }
schedulerStartButtonLabel:string { "Start" }
schedulerStopButtonLabel:string { "Stop" }
reportBugsToText:string { "Report bugs to: {0}" }
workingStatus:string { "in progress" }
successStatus:string { "ready" }
faultStatus:string { "error: {0}" }
titleColumnLabel:string { "Title" }
dateColumnLabel:string { "Date" }
statusColumnLabel:string { "Status" }
mtimeTextLabel:string { "Modified since:" }
chooseTimeButtonLabel:string { "Choose time" }
resetTimeButtonLabel:string { "Reset" }
backupButtonLabel:string { "Backup" }
deleteButtonLabel:string { "Delete" }
saveButtonLabel:string { "Save" }
backupTitleLabel:string { "Title" }
defaultBackupTitle:string { "new backup" }
fileChooserDialogTitle:string { "Save File" }
backupErrorMsg:string { "Backup error: " }
windowTitle:string { "Select the date and time" }
cancelButtonLabel:string { "Cancel" }
okButtonLabel:string { "OK" }
hourLabel:string { "hour:" }
minuteLabel:string { "minute:" }
windowTitle:string { "Export Playlist" }
playlistTitleLabel:string { "Title:" }
formatLabel:string { "Export as:" }
cancelButtonLabel:string { "Cancel" }
saveButtonLabel:string { "Save" }
internalFormatName:string { "Campcaster archive" }
smilFormatName:string { "tar containing a SMIL" }
fileChooserDialogTitle:string { "Save File" }
createExportErrorMsg:string { "Could not export the playlist:" }
saveExportErrorMsg:string { "Could not save the exported playlist." }
workingStatus:string { "in progress" }
successStatus:string { "ready" }
faultStatus:string { "error: {0}" }
titleColumnLabel:string { "Title" }
dateColumnLabel:string { "Date" }
statusColumnLabel:string { "Status" }
cancelUploadMenuItem:string { "Cancel upload" }
cancelDownloadMenuItem:string { "Cancel download" }
cannotCancelTransportMsg:string { "Canceling failed: {0}." }
windowTitle:string { "Restore Backup" }
errorMessage:string { "Error: {0}" }
pendingMessage:string { "Uploading backup file\n''{0}''.\n"
"Please wait..." }
finishedMessage:string { "Upload finished." }
@ -256,7 +431,19 @@ pl:table
report_date_time:string { "Report date/time" }
report_location:string { "Report location" }
report_organizations:string { "Report organizations" }
subject { "Subject" }
subject:string { "Subject" }
playAudio:string { Play }
pauseAudio:string { Pause }
stopAudio:string { Stop }
nextTrack:string { Next track }
fadeOut:string { Fade out }
moveItemUp:string { Move item up }
moveItemDown:string { Move item down }
removeItem:string { Remove item }

View File

@ -4,14 +4,13 @@ root:table
loggedInMsg:string { "Logged in as {0}" }
loginButtonLabel:string { "Log in" }
logoutButtonLabel:string { "Log out" }
liveModeButtonLabel:string { "Live Mode" }
uploadFileButtonLabel:string { "Upload File" }
scratchpadButtonLabel:string { "Scratchpad" }
{ "Edit Playlist" }
schedulerButtonLabel:string { "Scheduler" }
searchButtonLabel:string { "Search" }
optionsButtonLabel:string { "Options" }
liveModeButtonLabel:string { "Live Mode" }
uploadFileButtonLabel:string { "Upload File" }
scratchpadButtonLabel:string { "Scratchpad" }
simplePlaylistMgmtButtonLabel:string { "Edit Playlist" }
schedulerButtonLabel:string { "Scheduler" }
searchButtonLabel:string { "Search" }
optionsButtonLabel:string { "Options" }
cancelButtonLabel:string { "Cancel" }
noButtonLabel:string { "No" }
@ -63,14 +62,13 @@ root:table
windowTitle:string { "Scratchpad" }
windowTitle:string { "Scratchpad" }
typeColumnLabel:string { "Type" }
titleColumnLabel:string { "Title" }
{ "Add to playlist" }
clearListButtonLabel:string { "Clear list" }
removeButtonLabel:string { "Remove item(s)" }
typeColumnLabel:string { "Type" }
titleColumnLabel:string { "Title" }
addToPlaylistButtonLabel:string { "Add to playlist" }
clearListButtonLabel:string { "Clear list" }
removeButtonLabel:string { "Remove item(s)" }
cueMenuItem:string { "Pre_view" }
addToLiveModeMenuItem:string { "Add to _Live Mode" }
@ -102,31 +100,28 @@ root:table
windowTitle:string { "Upload File" }
windowTitle:string { "Upload File" }
chooseFileLabel:string { "Filename" }
{ "Browse" }
chooseFileLabel:string { "Filename" }
chooseFileButtonLabel:string { "Browse" }
mainSectionLabel:string { "Main" }
musicSectionLabel:string { "Music" }
voiceSectionLabel:string { "Voice" }
mainSectionLabel:string { "Main" }
musicSectionLabel:string { "Music" }
voiceSectionLabel:string { "Voice" }
lengthLabel:string { "Duration" }
lengthLabel:string { "Duration" }
uploadButtonLabel:string { "Upload" }
closeButtonLabel:string { "Cancel" }
uploadButtonLabel:string { "Upload" }
closeButtonLabel:string { "Cancel" }
{ "Open File" }
fileUploadedMsg:string { "Uploaded ''{0}''." }
couldNotOpenFileMsg:string { "The file could not be opened." }
{ "Could not determine audio clip length." }
{ "Unsupported file type." }
missingTitleMsg:string { "Please enter a title." }
badMetadataMsg:string { "Invalid data for {0}." }
fileChooserDialogTitle:string { "Open File" }
fileUploadedMsg:string { "Uploaded ''{0}''." }
couldNotOpenFileMsg:string { "The file could not be opened." }
couldNotReadLengthMsg:string { "Could not determine audio clip "
"length." }
unsupportedFileTypeMsg:string { "Unsupported file type." }
missingTitleMsg:string { "Please enter a title." }
badMetadataMsg:string { "Invalid data for {0}." }
@ -138,6 +133,7 @@ root:table
lengthColumnLabel:string { "Length" }
fadeInColumnLabel:string { "Fade in" }
fadeOutColumnLabel:string { "Fade out" }
nameLabel:string { "Name" }
lengthLabel:string { "Duration:" }
saveButtonLabel:string { "Save" }
@ -149,10 +145,9 @@ root:table
downMenuItem:string { "Move D_own" }
removeMenuItem:string { "_Remove" }
playlistSavedMsg:string { "Saved playlist ''{0}''." }
{ "Do you want to save the playlist?" }
emptyTitleErrorMsg:string { "Please enter a title." }
playlistSavedMsg:string { "Saved playlist ''{0}''." }
savePlaylistDialogMsg:string { "Do you want to save the playlist?" }
emptyTitleErrorMsg:string { "Please enter a title." }
@ -228,7 +223,8 @@ root:table
nothingFoundMsg:string { "No files found." }
advancedSearchEntry:table {
fileTypeTextLabel:string { "File types" }
allFileType:string { "all" }
audioClipFileType:string { "audio clips" }
@ -236,13 +232,11 @@ root:table
searchByTextLabel:string { "Search by" }
{ "contains" }
{ "starts with" }
=OperatorDisplay:string { "equals" }
<=OperatorDisplay:string { "<=" }
>=OperatorDisplay:string { ">=" }
partialOperatorDisplay:string { "contains" }
prefixOperatorDisplay:string { "starts with" }
=OperatorDisplay:string { "equals" }
<=OperatorDisplay:string { "<=" }
>=OperatorDisplay:string { ">=" }
@ -437,7 +431,7 @@ root:table
report_date_time:string { "Report date/time" }
report_location:string { "Report location" }
report_organizations:string { "Report organizations" }
subject { "Subject" }
subject:string { "Subject" }

View File

@ -1,23 +1,39 @@
windowTitle:string { "Campcaster Master Panel" }
notLoggedInMsg:string { "Niste prijavljeni" }
loggedInMsg:string { "Prijavljeni ste kao {0}" }
loginButtonLabel:string { "Prijava" }
logoutButtonLabel:string { "Odjava" }
notLoggedInMsg:string { "Niste prijavljeni" }
loggedInMsg:string { "Prijavljeni ste kao {0}" }
loginButtonLabel:string { "Prijava" }
logoutButtonLabel:string { "Odjava" }
liveModeButtonLabel:string { "Program Uživo" }
uploadFileButtonLabel:string { "Aploud fajla" }
scratchpadButtonLabel:string { "Priprema" }
simplePlaylistMgmtButtonLabel:string { "Obrada plej liste" }
schedulerButtonLabel:string { "Raspored" }
searchButtonLabel:string { "Pretraga" }
optionsButtonLabel:string { "Options" }
localeNotAvailableMsg:string { "Mesto {0} nije dostupno" }
schedulerNotReachableMsg:string { "Server sa rasporedom nije dostupan" }
storageNotReachableMsg:string { "Server nije dostupan" }
cancelButtonLabel:string { "Cancel" }
noButtonLabel:string { "No" }
yesButtonLabel:string { "Yes" }
okButtonLabel:string { "OK" }
elapsedTimeLabel:string { "elapsed" }
remainingTimeLabel:string { "remaining" }
localeNotAvailableMsg:string { "Mesto {0} nije dostupno" }
schedulerNotReachableMsg:string { "Server sa rasporedom nije dostupan" }
storageNotReachableMsg:string { "Server nije dostupan" }
{ "Server za autentizaciju nije dostupan" }
audioErrorMsg { "Greška u audio plejeru: " }
{ "Server za autentizaciju nije dostupan.\n"
"Would you like to edit the server "
"settings?" }
audioErrorMsg { "Greška u audio plejeru: " }
sureToExitMsg:string { "Are you sure you want to exit?" }
windowTitle:string { "Master Panel" }
@ -27,11 +43,13 @@ sr_CS:table
passwordLabel:string { "Lozinka" }
okButtonLabel:string { "U redu" }
cancelButtonLabel:string { "Otkaži" }
pleaseWaitMsg:string { "Logging in, please wait." }
windowTitle:string { "Campcaster Audio Klipovi" }
windowTitle:string { "Audio Klipovi" }
idColumnLabel:string { "id" }
lengthColumnLabel:string { "dužina" }
@ -43,7 +61,7 @@ sr_CS:table
windowTitle:string { "Campcaster Priprema" }
windowTitle:string { "Priprema" }
typeColumnLabel:string { "Tip" }
titleColumnLabel:string { "Naslov" }
@ -51,18 +69,22 @@ sr_CS:table
clearListButtonLabel:string { "Obriši listu" }
removeButtonLabel:string { "Ukloni iz liste" }
upMenuItem:string { "Pomeri gore" }
downMenuItem:string { "Pomeri dole" }
removeMenuItem:string { "Ukloni" }
addToPlaylistMenuItem:string { "Dodaj u plej listu" }
schedulePlaylistMenuItem:string { "programiraj plej listu" }
cueMenuItem:string { "Proba" }
addToLiveModeMenuItem:string { "Dodaj u Program Uživo" }
addToPlaylistMenuItem:string { "Dodaj u plej listu" }
removeMenuItem:string { "Ukloni" }
editPlaylistMenuItem:string { "_Edit Playlist" }
schedulePlaylistMenuItem:string { "programiraj plej listu" }
exportPlaylistMenuItem:string { "E_xport Playlist" }
uploadToHubMenuItem:string { "Upload to Network Hub" }
{ "Could not open playlist for editing." }
windowTitle:string { "Campcaster Plej lista" }
windowTitle:string { "Plej lista" }
listBoxLabel { "Plej liste" }
detailBoxLabel { "Detalji plej liste" }
@ -77,59 +99,75 @@ sr_CS:table
windowTitle:string { "Aploud fajla" }
windowTitle:string { "Aploud fajla" }
chooseFileLabel:string { "Ime fajla" }
chooseFileButtonLabel:string { "Pretraži" }
chooseFileLabel:string { "Ime fajla" }
chooseFileButtonLabel:string { "Pretraži" }
mainSectionLabel:string { "Glavno" }
titleLabel:string { "Naslov" }
creatorLabel:string { "Autor" }
genreLabel:string { "Žanr" }
fileFormatLabel:string { "Tip fajla" }
lengthLabel:string { "Trajanje" }
mainSectionLabel:string { "Glavno" }
musicSectionLabel:string { "Music" }
voiceSectionLabel:string { "Voice" }
uploadButtonLabel:string { "Aploud" }
closeButtonLabel:string { "Otkaži" }
lengthLabel:string { "Trajanje" }
fileChooserDialogTitle:string { "Izaberi fajl" }
clipUploadedMsg:string { "Aploudovan klip ''{0}''." }
couldNotOpenFileMsg:string { "*** translate me ***" }
missingTitleMsg:string { "*** translate me ***" }
uploadButtonLabel:string { "Aploud" }
closeButtonLabel:string { "Otkaži" }
fileChooserDialogTitle:string { "Izaberi fajl" }
fileUploadedMsg:string { "Aploudovan fajl ''{0}''." }
couldNotOpenFileMsg:string { "The file could not be opened." }
couldNotReadLengthMsg:string { "Could not determine audio clip "
"length." }
unsupportedFileTypeMsg:string { "Unsupported file type." }
missingTitleMsg:string { "Please enter a title." }
badMetadataMsg:string { "Invalid data for {0}." }
windowTitle:string { "Campcaster Jednostavno upravljanje plej listom" }
windowTitle:string { "Jednostavno upravljanje plej listom" }
startColumnLabel:string { "počni" }
titleColumnLabel:string { "naslov" }
lengthColumnLabel:string { "dužina" }
nameLabel:string { "ime" }
saveButtonLabel:string { "sačuvaj" }
closeButtonLabel:string { "zatvori" }
statusBar:string { "status bar" }
playlistSavedMsg:string { "sačuvana plej lista {0}" }
savePlaylistDialogMsg:string { "*** translate me ***" }
emptyTitleErrorMsg:string { "*** translate me ***" }
startColumnLabel:string { "počni" }
titleColumnLabel:string { "naslov" }
lengthColumnLabel:string { "dužina" }
fadeInColumnLabel:string { "Fade in" }
fadeOutColumnLabel:string { "Fade out" }
nameLabel:string { "ime" }
saveButtonLabel:string { "sačuvaj" }
closeButtonLabel:string { "zatvori" }
{ "Lock fade-out to following fade-in" }
playlistSavedMsg:string { "sačuvana plej lista {0}" }
savePlaylistDialogMsg:string { "Do you want to save the playlist?" }
emptyTitleErrorMsg:string { "Please enter a title." }
windowTitle:string { "Campcaster Raspored" }
windowTitle:string { "Raspored" }
startColumnLabel:string { "početak" }
titleColumnLabel:string { "naziv" }
endColumnLabel:string { "kraj" }
deleteMenuItem:string { "Obriši" }
scheduleTab:string { "Schedule" }
statusTab:string { "Status" }
closeButtonLabel:string { "zatvori" }
startColumnLabel:string { "početak" }
titleColumnLabel:string { "naziv" }
endColumnLabel:string { "kraj" }
deleteMenuItem:string { "Obriši" }
{ "Currently playing in scheduler:" }
stopCurrentlyPlayingButtonLabel:string { "Stop" }
stopCurrentlyPlayingDialogMsg:string { "Are you sure?" }
closeButtonLabel:string { "zatvori" }
windowTitle:string { "Campcaster Programiranje Plej Liste" }
windowTitle:string { "Programiranje Plej Liste" }
hourLabel:string { "sat: " }
minuteLabel:string { "minut: " }
@ -139,43 +177,212 @@ sr_CS:table
windowTitle:string { "Campcaster Pretraga/Pregled" }
windowTitle:string { "Pretraga/Pregled" }
simpleSearchTab:string { "Pretraga" }
advancedSearchTab:string { "Napredna pretraga" }
browseTab:string { "Pregled" }
searchWhereLabel:string { "Search or browse on: " }
searchWhereLocal:string { "local storage" }
searchWhereRemote:string { "network hub" }
searchByTextLabel:string { "Traži po" }
searchButtonLabel:string { "Pretraži" }
simpleSearchTab:string { "Pretraga" }
advancedSearchTab:string { "Napredna pretraga" }
browseTab:string { "Pregled" }
transportsTab:string { "Transfers" }
typeColumnLabel:string { "Tip" }
titleColumnLabel:string { "Naslov" }
creatorColumnLabel:string { "Autor" }
lengthColumnLabel:string { "Dužina" }
searchButtonLabel:string { "Pretraži" }
backwardButtonLabel:string { "⇦ Previous" }
forwardButtonLabel:string { "Next ⇨" }
searchResultsCountLabel:string { "{0}-{1} of {2} results" }
partialOperatorDisplay:string { "sadrži" }
prefixOperatorDisplay:string { "počinje sa" }
=OperatorDisplay:string { "jednako" }
<=OperatorDisplay:string { "<=" }
>=OperatorDisplay:string { ">=" }
typeColumnLabel:string { "Tip" }
titleColumnLabel:string { "Naslov" }
creatorColumnLabel:string { "Autor" }
sourceColumnLabel:string { "Album" }
lengthColumnLabel:string { "Dužina" }
allStringForBrowse { "--- sve ---" }
allStringForBrowse { "--- sve ---" }
addToScratchpadMenuItem:string { "Dodaj u Pripremu " }
addToLiveModeMenuItem:string { "Dodaj u Program Uživo" }
addToScratchpadMenuItem:string { "Dodaj u Pripremu " }
addToPlaylistMenuItem:string { "_Add to Playlist" }
addToLiveModeMenuItem:string { "Dodaj u Program Uživo" }
editPlaylistMenuItem:string { "_Edit Playlist" }
schedulePlaylistMenuItem:string { "_Schedule Playlist" }
exportPlaylistMenuItem:string { "E_xport Playlist" }
uploadToHubMenuItem:string { "Upload to the network hub" }
downloadFromHubMenuItem:string { "Download from the network hub" }
pleaseWaitMsg:string { "Please wait..." }
shortErrorMsg:string { "Search failed." }
longErrorMsg:string { "Search failed: {0}." }
uploadToHubErrorMsg:string { "Uploading to hub failed: {0}." }
downloadFromHubErrorMsg:string { "Downloading from hub failed: {0}." }
nothingFoundMsg:string { "No files found." }
fileTypeTextLabel:string { "File types" }
allFileType:string { "all" }
audioClipFileType:string { "audio clips" }
playlistFileType:string { "playlists" }
searchByTextLabel:string { "Traži po" }
partialOperatorDisplay:string { "sadrži" }
prefixOperatorDisplay:string { "počinje sa" }
=OperatorDisplay:string { "jednako" }
<=OperatorDisplay:string { "<=" }
>=OperatorDisplay:string { ">=" }
windowTitle:string { "Campcaster Program Uživo" }
windowTitle:string { "Program Uživo" }
cueMenuItem:string { "Proba" }
upMenuItem:string { "Pomeri gore" }
downMenuItem:string { "Pomeri dole" }
removeMenuItem:string { "Ukloni" }
playMenuItem:string { "Pusti" }
playMenuItem:string { "Pusti" }
cueMenuItem:string { "Proba" }
addToPlaylistMenuItem:string { "_Add to Playlist" }
removeMenuItem:string { "Ukloni" }
editPlaylistMenuItem:string { "_Edit Playlist" }
schedulePlaylistMenuItem:string { "_Schedule Playlist" }
exportPlaylistMenuItem:string { "E_xport Playlist" }
uploadToHubMenuItem:string { "Upload to Network Hub" }
cuePlayerLabel:string { "Proba" }
cuePlayerLabel:string { "Proba" }
clearListButtonLabel:string { "Clear list" }
removeButtonLabel:string { "Remove item(s)" }
{ "Could not open playlist for editing." }
windowTitle:string { "Options" }
needToRestartMsg:string { "You will need to restart the "
"application\nfor the new settings "
"to take effect." }
errorMsg:string { "Could not save the options: " }
soundSectionLabel:string { "Sound" }
keyBindingsSectionLabel:string { "Keyboard Shortcuts" }
serversSectionLabel:string { "Servers" }
schedulerSectionLabel:string { "Scheduler" }
backupSectionLabel:string { "Backup" }
aboutSectionLabel:string { "About" }
cancelButtonLabel:string { "Cancel" }
applyButtonLabel:string { "Apply" }
okButtonLabel:string { "OK" }
cueDeviceLabel:string { "Cue audio device:" }
outputDeviceLabel:string { "Live Mode audio device:" }
testButtonLabel:string { "Test" }
pressAKeyMsg:string { "Press a key..." }
{ "Double-click on the shortcut you want "
"to change, \n"
"then press the key for the new "
"(or press the Escape key to cancel "
"the operation)." }
authenticationLabel:string { "Authentication server" }
storageLabel:string { "Storage server" }
schedulerLabel:string { "Scheduler server" }
serverLabel:string { "address:" }
portLabel:string { "port:" }
pathLabel:string { "path:" }
schedulerStatusText:string { "The scheduler is" }
schedulerRunningStatus:string { "running." }
schedulerStoppedStatus:string { "stopped." }
schedulerStartButtonLabel:string { "Start" }
schedulerStopButtonLabel:string { "Stop" }
reportBugsToText:string { "Report bugs to: {0}" }
workingStatus:string { "in progress" }
successStatus:string { "ready" }
faultStatus:string { "error: {0}" }
titleColumnLabel:string { "Title" }
dateColumnLabel:string { "Date" }
statusColumnLabel:string { "Status" }
mtimeTextLabel:string { "Modified since:" }
chooseTimeButtonLabel:string { "Choose time" }
resetTimeButtonLabel:string { "Reset" }
backupButtonLabel:string { "Backup" }
deleteButtonLabel:string { "Delete" }
saveButtonLabel:string { "Save" }
backupTitleLabel:string { "Title" }
defaultBackupTitle:string { "new backup" }
fileChooserDialogTitle:string { "Save File" }
backupErrorMsg:string { "Backup error: " }
windowTitle:string { "Select the date and time" }
cancelButtonLabel:string { "Cancel" }
okButtonLabel:string { "OK" }
hourLabel:string { "hour:" }
minuteLabel:string { "minute:" }
windowTitle:string { "Export Playlist" }
playlistTitleLabel:string { "Title:" }
formatLabel:string { "Export as:" }
cancelButtonLabel:string { "Cancel" }
saveButtonLabel:string { "Save" }
internalFormatName:string { "Campcaster archive" }
smilFormatName:string { "tar containing a SMIL" }
fileChooserDialogTitle:string { "Save File" }
createExportErrorMsg:string { "Could not export the playlist:" }
saveExportErrorMsg:string { "Could not save the exported playlist." }
workingStatus:string { "in progress" }
successStatus:string { "ready" }
faultStatus:string { "error: {0}" }
titleColumnLabel:string { "Title" }
dateColumnLabel:string { "Date" }
statusColumnLabel:string { "Status" }
cancelUploadMenuItem:string { "Cancel upload" }
cancelDownloadMenuItem:string { "Cancel download" }
cannotCancelTransportMsg:string { "Canceling failed: {0}." }
windowTitle:string { "Restore Backup" }
errorMessage:string { "Error: {0}" }
pendingMessage:string { "Uploading backup file\n''{0}''.\n"
"Please wait..." }
finishedMessage:string { "Upload finished." }
@ -216,6 +423,22 @@ sr_CS:table
catalog_number:string { "Kataloški broj" }
original_artist:string { "Originalni izvođač" }
copyright:string { "Autorska prava" }
report_date_time:string { "Report date/time" }
report_location:string { "Report location" }
report_organizations:string { "Report organizations" }
subject:string { "Subject" }
playAudio:string { Play }
pauseAudio:string { Pause }
stopAudio:string { Stop }
nextTrack:string { Next track }
fadeOut:string { Fade out }
moveItemUp:string { Move item up }
moveItemDown:string { Move item down }
removeItem:string { Remove item }

View File

@ -1,23 +1,39 @@
windowTitle:string { "Campcaster Maстер Панел" }
notLoggedInMsg:string { "Нисте пријављени" }
loggedInMsg:string { "Пријављени сте као {0}" }
loginButtonLabel:string { "Пријава" }
logoutButtonLabel:string { "Одјава" }
notLoggedInMsg:string { "Нисте пријављени" }
loggedInMsg:string { "Пријављени сте као {0}" }
loginButtonLabel:string { "Пријава" }
logoutButtonLabel:string { "Одјава" }
liveModeButtonLabel:string { "Програм Уживо" }
uploadFileButtonLabel:string { "Аплоуд фајла" }
scratchpadButtonLabel:string { "Припрема" }
simplePlaylistMgmtButtonLabel:string { "Обрада п.л." }
schedulerButtonLabel:string { "Распоред" }
searchButtonLabel:string { "Претрага" }
optionsButtonLabel:string { "Options" }
localeNotAvailableMsg:string { "Место {0} није доступно " }
schedulerNotReachableMsg:string { "Сервер са распоредом није доступан" }
storageNotReachableMsg:string { "Сервер није доступан" }
cancelButtonLabel:string { "Cancel" }
noButtonLabel:string { "No" }
yesButtonLabel:string { "Yes" }
okButtonLabel:string { "OK" }
elapsedTimeLabel:string { "elapsed" }
remainingTimeLabel:string { "remaining" }
localeNotAvailableMsg:string { "Место {0} није доступно " }
schedulerNotReachableMsg:string { "Сервер са распоредом није доступан" }
storageNotReachableMsg:string { "Сервер није доступан" }
{ "Сервер за аутентизацију није доступан" }
audioErrorMsg { "Грешка у аудио плејеру: " }
{ "Сервер за аутентизацију није доступан."
"Would you like to edit the server "
"settings?" }
audioErrorMsg { "Грешка у аудио плејеру: " }
sureToExitMsg:string { "Are you sure you want to exit?" }
windowTitle:string { "Maстер Панел" }
@ -27,11 +43,13 @@ sr_CS_CYRILLIC:table
passwordLabel:string { "Лозинка" }
okButtonLabel:string { "У реду" }
cancelButtonLabel:string { "Откажи" }
pleaseWaitMsg:string { "Logging in, please wait." }
windowTitle:string { "Campcaster Аудио Клипови" }
windowTitle:string { "Аудио Клипови" }
idColumnLabel:string { "ид" }
lengthColumnLabel:string { "дужина" }
@ -43,7 +61,7 @@ sr_CS_CYRILLIC:table
windowTitle:string { "Campcaster Припрема" }
windowTitle:string { "Припрема" }
typeColumnLabel:string { "Тип" }
titleColumnLabel:string { "Наслов" }
@ -51,18 +69,22 @@ sr_CS_CYRILLIC:table
clearListButtonLabel:string { "Обриши листу" }
removeButtonLabel:string { "Уклони из листе" }
upMenuItem:string { "Помери горе" }
downMenuItem:string { "Помери доле" }
removeMenuItem:string { "Уклони" }
addToPlaylistMenuItem:string { "Додај у плеј листу" }
schedulePlaylistMenuItem:string { "Програмирај плеј листу" }
cueMenuItem:string { "Проба" }
addToLiveModeMenuItem:string { "Додај у Програм Уживо" }
addToPlaylistMenuItem:string { "Додај у плеј листу" }
removeMenuItem:string { "Уклони" }
editPlaylistMenuItem:string { "_Edit Playlist" }
schedulePlaylistMenuItem:string { "Програмирај плеј листу" }
exportPlaylistMenuItem:string { "E_xport Playlist" }
uploadToHubMenuItem:string { "Upload to Network Hub" }
{ "Could not open playlist for editing." }
windowTitle:string { "Campcaster Плеј Листа" }
windowTitle:string { "Плеј Листа" }
listBoxLabel { "Плеј листе" }
detailBoxLabel { "Детаљи плеј листе" }
@ -77,58 +99,75 @@ sr_CS_CYRILLIC:table
windowTitle:string { "Аплоуд фајла" }
windowTitle:string { "Аплоуд фајла" }
chooseFileLabel:string { "Име фајла" }
chooseFileButtonLabel:string { "Претражи" }
chooseFileLabel:string { "Име фајла" }
chooseFileButtonLabel:string { "Претражи" }
mainSectionLabel:string { "Главно" }
titleLabel:string { "Наслов" }
creatorLabel:string { "Жанр" }
fileFormatLabel:string { "Тип фајла" }
lengthLabel:string { "Трајање" }
mainSectionLabel:string { "Главно" }
musicSectionLabel:string { "Music" }
voiceSectionLabel:string { "Voice" }
uploadButtonLabel:string { "Аплоуд" }
closeButtonLabel:string { "Откажи" }
lengthLabel:string { "Трајање" }
fileChooserDialogTitle:string { "Изабери фајл" }
clipUploadedMsg:string { "Аплоудован клип ''{0}''." }
couldNotOpenFileMsg:string { "*** translate me ***" }
missingTitleMsg:string { "*** translate me ***" }
uploadButtonLabel:string { "Аплоуд" }
closeButtonLabel:string { "Откажи" }
fileChooserDialogTitle:string { "Изабери фајл" }
clipUploadedMsg:string { "Аплоудован клип ''{0}''." }
couldNotOpenFileMsg:string { "The file could not be opened." }
couldNotReadLengthMsg:string { "Could not determine audio clip "
"length." }
unsupportedFileTypeMsg:string { "Unsupported file type." }
missingTitleMsg:string { "Please enter a title." }
badMetadataMsg:string { "Invalid data for {0}." }
windowTitle:string { "Campcaster Једноставно управљање плеј листом" }
windowTitle:string { "Једноставно управљање плеј листом" }
startColumnLabel:string { "почни" }
titleColumnLabel:string { "наслов" }
lengthColumnLabel:string { "дужина" }
nameLabel:string { "име" }
saveButtonLabel:string { "сачувај" }
closeButtonLabel:string { "затвори" }
statusBar:string { "статус бар" }
playlistSavedMsg:string { "сачувана плеј листа {0}" }
savePlaylistDialogMsg:string { "*** translate me ***" }
emptyTitleErrorMsg:string { "*** translate me ***" }
startColumnLabel:string { "почни" }
titleColumnLabel:string { "наслов" }
lengthColumnLabel:string { "дужина" }
fadeInColumnLabel:string { "Fade in" }
fadeOutColumnLabel:string { "Fade out" }
nameLabel:string { "име" }
saveButtonLabel:string { "сачувај" }
closeButtonLabel:string { "затвори" }
{ "Lock fade-out to following fade-in" }
playlistSavedMsg:string { "сачувана плеј листа {0}" }
savePlaylistDialogMsg:string { "Do you want to save the playlist?" }
emptyTitleErrorMsg:string { "Please enter a title." }
windowTitle:string { "Campcaster Распоред" }
windowTitle:string { "Распоред" }
startColumnLabel:string { "почетак" }
titleColumnLabel:string { "назив" }
endColumnLabel:string { "крај" }
deleteMenuItem:string { "Обриши" }
scheduleTab:string { "Schedule" }
statusTab:string { "Status" }
closeButtonLabel:string { "затвори" }
startColumnLabel:string { "почетак" }
titleColumnLabel:string { "назив" }
endColumnLabel:string { "крај" }
deleteMenuItem:string { "Обриши" }
{ "Currently playing in scheduler:" }
stopCurrentlyPlayingButtonLabel:string { "Stop" }
stopCurrentlyPlayingDialogMsg:string { "Are you sure?" }
closeButtonLabel:string { "затвори" }
windowTitle:string { "Campcaster Програмирање Плеј листе" }
windowTitle:string { "Програмирање Плеј листе" }
hourLabel:string { "сат: " }
minuteLabel:string { "минут: " }
@ -138,43 +177,212 @@ sr_CS_CYRILLIC:table
windowTitle:string { "Campcaster Претрага/Преглед" }
windowTitle:string { "Претрага/Преглед" }
simpleSearchTab:string { "Претрага" }
advancedSearchTab:string { "Напредна претрага" }
browseTab:string { "Преглед" }
searchWhereLabel:string { "Search or browse on: " }
searchWhereLocal:string { "local storage" }
searchWhereRemote:string { "network hub" }
searchByTextLabel:string { "Тражи по" }
searchButtonLabel:string { "Претражи" }
simpleSearchTab:string { "Претрага" }
advancedSearchTab:string { "Напредна претрага" }
browseTab:string { "Преглед" }
transportsTab:string { "Transfers" }
typeColumnLabel:string { "Тип" }
titleColumnLabel:string { "Наслов" }
creatorColumnLabel:string { "Аутор" }
lengthColumnLabel:string { "Дужина" }
searchButtonLabel:string { "Претражи" }
backwardButtonLabel:string { "⇦ Previous" }
forwardButtonLabel:string { "Next ⇨" }
searchResultsCountLabel:string { "{0}-{1} of {2} results" }
partialOperatorDisplay:string { "садржи" }
prefixOperatorDisplay:string { "почиње са" }
=OperatorDisplay:string { "једнако" }
<=OperatorDisplay:string { "<=" }
>=OperatorDisplay:string { ">=" }
typeColumnLabel:string { "Тип" }
titleColumnLabel:string { "Наслов" }
creatorColumnLabel:string { "Аутор" }
sourceColumnLabel:string { "Album" }
lengthColumnLabel:string { "Дужина" }
allStringForBrowse { "--- све ---" }
allStringForBrowse { "--- све ---" }
addToScratchpadMenuItem:string { "Додај у Припрему " }
addToLiveModeMenuItem:string { "Додај у Програм Уживо" }
addToScratchpadMenuItem:string { "Додај у Припрему " }
addToPlaylistMenuItem:string { "_Add to Playlist" }
addToLiveModeMenuItem:string { "Додај у Програм Уживо" }
editPlaylistMenuItem:string { "_Edit Playlist" }
schedulePlaylistMenuItem:string { "_Schedule Playlist" }
exportPlaylistMenuItem:string { "E_xport Playlist" }
uploadToHubMenuItem:string { "Upload to the network hub" }
downloadFromHubMenuItem:string { "Download from the network hub" }
pleaseWaitMsg:string { "Please wait..." }
shortErrorMsg:string { "Search failed." }
longErrorMsg:string { "Search failed: {0}." }
uploadToHubErrorMsg:string { "Uploading to hub failed: {0}." }
downloadFromHubErrorMsg:string { "Downloading from hub failed: {0}." }
nothingFoundMsg:string { "No files found." }
fileTypeTextLabel:string { "File types" }
allFileType:string { "all" }
audioClipFileType:string { "audio clips" }
playlistFileType:string { "playlists" }
searchByTextLabel:string { "Тражи по" }
partialOperatorDisplay:string { "садржи" }
prefixOperatorDisplay:string { "почиње са" }
=OperatorDisplay:string { "једнако" }
<=OperatorDisplay:string { "<=" }
>=OperatorDisplay:string { ">=" }
windowTitle:string { "Campcaster Програм Уживо" }
windowTitle:string { "Програм Уживо" }
cueMenuItem:string { "Проба" }
upMenuItem:string { "Помери горе" }
downMenuItem:string { "Помери доле" }
removeMenuItem:string { "Уклони" }
playMenuItem:string { "Пусти" }
playMenuItem:string { "Пусти" }
cueMenuItem:string { "Проба" }
addToPlaylistMenuItem:string { "_Add to Playlist" }
removeMenuItem:string { "Уклони" }
editPlaylistMenuItem:string { "_Edit Playlist" }
schedulePlaylistMenuItem:string { "_Schedule Playlist" }
exportPlaylistMenuItem:string { "E_xport Playlist" }
uploadToHubMenuItem:string { "Upload to Network Hub" }
cuePlayerLabel:string { "Проба" }
cuePlayerLabel:string { "Проба" }
clearListButtonLabel:string { "Clear list" }
removeButtonLabel:string { "Remove item(s)" }
{ "Could not open playlist for editing." }
windowTitle:string { "Options" }
needToRestartMsg:string { "You will need to restart the "
"application\nfor the new settings "
"to take effect." }
errorMsg:string { "Could not save the options: " }
soundSectionLabel:string { "Sound" }
keyBindingsSectionLabel:string { "Keyboard Shortcuts" }
serversSectionLabel:string { "Servers" }
schedulerSectionLabel:string { "Scheduler" }
backupSectionLabel:string { "Backup" }
aboutSectionLabel:string { "About" }
cancelButtonLabel:string { "Cancel" }
applyButtonLabel:string { "Apply" }
okButtonLabel:string { "OK" }
cueDeviceLabel:string { "Cue audio device:" }
outputDeviceLabel:string { "Live Mode audio device:" }
testButtonLabel:string { "Test" }
pressAKeyMsg:string { "Press a key..." }
{ "Double-click on the shortcut you want "
"to change, \n"
"then press the key for the new "
"(or press the Escape key to cancel "
"the operation)." }
authenticationLabel:string { "Authentication server" }
storageLabel:string { "Storage server" }
schedulerLabel:string { "Scheduler server" }
serverLabel:string { "address:" }
portLabel:string { "port:" }
pathLabel:string { "path:" }
schedulerStatusText:string { "The scheduler is" }
schedulerRunningStatus:string { "running." }
schedulerStoppedStatus:string { "stopped." }
schedulerStartButtonLabel:string { "Start" }
schedulerStopButtonLabel:string { "Stop" }
reportBugsToText:string { "Report bugs to: {0}" }
workingStatus:string { "in progress" }
successStatus:string { "ready" }
faultStatus:string { "error: {0}" }
titleColumnLabel:string { "Title" }
dateColumnLabel:string { "Date" }
statusColumnLabel:string { "Status" }
mtimeTextLabel:string { "Modified since:" }
chooseTimeButtonLabel:string { "Choose time" }
resetTimeButtonLabel:string { "Reset" }
backupButtonLabel:string { "Backup" }
deleteButtonLabel:string { "Delete" }
saveButtonLabel:string { "Save" }
backupTitleLabel:string { "Title" }
defaultBackupTitle:string { "new backup" }
fileChooserDialogTitle:string { "Save File" }
backupErrorMsg:string { "Backup error: " }
windowTitle:string { "Select the date and time" }
cancelButtonLabel:string { "Cancel" }
okButtonLabel:string { "OK" }
hourLabel:string { "hour:" }
minuteLabel:string { "minute:" }
windowTitle:string { "Export Playlist" }
playlistTitleLabel:string { "Title:" }
formatLabel:string { "Export as:" }
cancelButtonLabel:string { "Cancel" }
saveButtonLabel:string { "Save" }
internalFormatName:string { "Campcaster archive" }
smilFormatName:string { "tar containing a SMIL" }
fileChooserDialogTitle:string { "Save File" }
createExportErrorMsg:string { "Could not export the playlist:" }
saveExportErrorMsg:string { "Could not save the exported playlist." }
workingStatus:string { "in progress" }
successStatus:string { "ready" }
faultStatus:string { "error: {0}" }
titleColumnLabel:string { "Title" }
dateColumnLabel:string { "Date" }
statusColumnLabel:string { "Status" }
cancelUploadMenuItem:string { "Cancel upload" }
cancelDownloadMenuItem:string { "Cancel download" }
cannotCancelTransportMsg:string { "Canceling failed: {0}." }
windowTitle:string { "Restore Backup" }
errorMessage:string { "Error: {0}" }
pendingMessage:string { "Uploading backup file\n''{0}''.\n"
"Please wait..." }
finishedMessage:string { "Upload finished." }
@ -215,6 +423,22 @@ sr_CS_CYRILLIC:table
catalog_number:string { "Каталошки број" }
original_artist:string { "Оригинални извођач" }
copyright:string { "Ауторска права" }
report_date_time:string { "Report date/time" }
report_location:string { "Report location" }
report_organizations:string { "Report organizations" }
subject:string { "Subject" }
playAudio:string { Play }
pauseAudio:string { Pause }
stopAudio:string { Stop }
nextTrack:string { Next track }
fadeOut:string { Fade out }
moveItemUp:string { Move item up }
moveItemDown:string { Move item down }
removeItem:string { Remove item }