CC-5594 : Remove all date_default_timezone_get()
removing now unused old methods
This commit is contained in:
@ -424,55 +424,6 @@ SQL;
return !is_null($showInstancesRow);
* Get start time and absolute start date for a recorded
* shows rebroadcasts. For example start date format would be
* YYYY-MM-DD and time would HH:MM
* @return array
* array of associate arrays containing "start_date" and "start_time"
public function getRebroadcastsAbsolute()
$sql = <<<SQL
SELECT starts
FROM cc_show_instances
WHERE instance_id =
FROM cc_show_instances
WHERE show_id = :showId
ORDER BY starts LIMIT 1)
AND rebroadcast = 1
ORDER BY starts
$rebroadcasts = Application_Common_Database::prepareAndExecute( $sql,
array( 'showId' => $this->getId() ), 'all' );
$rebroadcastsLocal = array();
//get each rebroadcast show in cc_show_instances, convert to current timezone to get start date/time.
/*TODO: refactor the following code to get rid of the $i temporary
variable. -- RG*/
$i = 0;
$utc = new DateTimeZone("UTC");
$dtz = new DateTimeZone( date_default_timezone_get() );
foreach ($rebroadcasts as $show) {
$startDateTime = new DateTime($show["starts"], $utc);
$rebroadcastsLocal[$i]["start_date"] =
$rebroadcastsLocal[$i]["start_time"] =
$i = $i + 1;
return $rebroadcastsLocal;
* Get start time and relative start date for a recorded
* shows rebroadcasts. For example start date format would be
@ -781,67 +732,6 @@ SQL;
':timestamp' => $timestamp), "execute");
private function updateStartDateTime($p_data, $p_endDate)
$date = new Application_Common_DateHelper;
$timestamp = $date->getTimestamp();
//TODO fix this from overwriting info.
$sql = "UPDATE cc_show_days "
."SET start_time = :start_time::time, "
."first_show = :start_date::date, ";
if (strlen ($p_endDate) == 0) {
$sql .= "last_show = NULL ";
} else {
$sql .= "last_show = :end_date::date";
$sql .= "WHERE show_id = :show_id";
$map = array(":start_time" => $p_data['add_show_start_time'],
':start_date' => $p_data['add_show_start_date'],
':end_date' => $p_endDate,
':show_id' => $p_data['add_show_id'],
$res = Application_Common_Database::prepareAndExecute($sql, $map,
$dtOld = new DateTime($this->getStartDate()." ".$this->getStartTime(), new DateTimeZone("UTC"));
$dtNew = new DateTime($p_data['add_show_start_date']." ".$p_data['add_show_start_time'],
new DateTimeZone(date_default_timezone_get()));
$diff = $dtOld->getTimestamp() - $dtNew->getTimestamp();
$sql = "UPDATE cc_show_instances "
."SET starts = starts + :diff1::interval, "
."ends = ends + :diff2::interval "
."WHERE show_id = :show_id "
."AND starts > :timestamp::timestamp";
$map = array(
":diff1"=>"$diff sec",
":diff2"=>"$diff sec",
$res = Application_Common_Database::prepareAndExecute($sql, $map,
$showInstanceIds = $this->getAllFutureInstanceIds();
if (count($showInstanceIds) > 0 && $diff != 0) {
$showIdsImploded = implode(",", $showInstanceIds);
$sql = "UPDATE cc_schedule "
."SET starts = starts + :diff1::interval, "
."ends = ends + :diff2::interval "
."WHERE instance_id IN (:show_ids)";
$map = array(
":diff1"=>"$diff sec",
":diff2"=>"$diff sec",
$res = Application_Common_Database::prepareAndExecute($sql, $map,
public function getDuration($format=false)
$showDay = CcShowDaysQuery::create()->filterByDbShowId($this->getId())->findOne();
@ -1185,47 +1075,6 @@ SQL;
return $percent;
/* Takes in a UTC DateTime object.
* Converts this to local time, since cc_show days
* requires local time. */
public function setShowFirstShow($p_dt)
//clone object since we are modifying it and it was passed by reference.
$dt = clone $p_dt;
$dt->setTimezone(new DateTimeZone(date_default_timezone_get()));
$showDay = CcShowDaysQuery::create()
//Logging::info("setting show's first show.");
/* Takes in a UTC DateTime object
* Converts this to local time, since cc_show days
* requires local time. */
public function setShowLastShow($p_dt)
//clone object since we are modifying it and it was passed by reference.
$dt = clone $p_dt;
$dt->setTimezone(new DateTimeZone(date_default_timezone_get()));
//add one day since the Last Show date in CcShowDays is non-inclusive.
$dt->add(new DateInterval("P1D"));
$showDay = CcShowDaysQuery::create()
* Given time $timeNow, returns the show being played right now.
* Times are all in UTC time.
@ -239,91 +239,6 @@ SQL;
return $newDateTime;
public function moveShow($deltaDay, $deltaMin)
if ($this->getShow()->isRepeating()) {
return _("Can't drag and drop repeating shows");
$today_timestamp = time();
$startsDateTime = new DateTime($this->getShowInstanceStart(), new DateTimeZone("UTC"));
$endsDateTime = new DateTime($this->getShowInstanceEnd(), new DateTimeZone("UTC"));
if ($today_timestamp > $startsDateTime->getTimestamp()) {
return _("Can't move a past show");
//the user is moving the show on the calendar from the perspective of local time.
//incase a show is moved across a time change border offsets should be added to the localtime
//stamp and then converted back to UTC to avoid show time changes!
$startsDateTime->setTimezone(new DateTimeZone(date_default_timezone_get()));
$endsDateTime->setTimezone(new DateTimeZone(date_default_timezone_get()));
$newStartsDateTime = self::addDeltas($startsDateTime, $deltaDay, $deltaMin);
$newEndsDateTime = self::addDeltas($endsDateTime, $deltaDay, $deltaMin);
//convert our new starts/ends to UTC.
$newStartsDateTime->setTimezone(new DateTimeZone("UTC"));
$newEndsDateTime->setTimezone(new DateTimeZone("UTC"));
if ($today_timestamp > $newStartsDateTime->getTimestamp()) {
return _("Can't move show into past");
//check if show is overlapping
$overlapping = Application_Model_Schedule::checkOverlappingShows($newStartsDateTime, $newEndsDateTime, true, $this->getShowInstanceId());
if ($overlapping) {
return _("Cannot schedule overlapping shows");
if ($this->isRecorded()) {
//rebroadcasts should start at max 1 hour after a recorded show has ended.
$minRebroadcastStart = self::addDeltas($newEndsDateTime, 0, 60);
//check if we are moving a recorded show less than 1 hour before any of its own rebroadcasts.
$rebroadcasts = CcShowInstancesQuery::create()
->filterByDbStarts($minRebroadcastStart->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'), Criteria::LESS_THAN)
if (count($rebroadcasts) > 0) {
return _("Can't move a recorded show less than 1 hour before its rebroadcasts.");
if ($this->isRebroadcast()) {
try {
$recordedShow = new Application_Model_ShowInstance($this->_showInstance->getDbOriginalShow());
//recorded show doesn't exist.
catch (Exception $e) {
return _("Show was deleted because recorded show does not exist!");
$recordEndDateTime = new DateTime($recordedShow->getShowInstanceEnd(), new DateTimeZone("UTC"));
$newRecordEndDateTime = self::addDeltas($recordEndDateTime, 0, 60);
if ($newStartsDateTime->getTimestamp() < $newRecordEndDateTime->getTimestamp()) {
return _("Must wait 1 hour to rebroadcast.");
$show = new Application_Model_Show($this->getShowId());
if (!$show->isRepeating() && is_null($this->isRebroadcast())) {
public function resizeShow($deltaDay, $deltaMin)
$con = Propel::getConnection();
@ -340,6 +340,7 @@ class Application_Service_CalendarService
//TODO move the method resizeShow from Application_Model_Show here.
public function resizeShow($deltaDay, $deltaMin)
try {
Reference in New Issue