CC-4090: Make code style PSR compliant

-removed all trailing whitespace
This commit is contained in:
Martin Konecny 2012-07-10 18:51:32 -04:00
parent 3d243468a7
commit ee3447f903
30 changed files with 1057 additions and 1037 deletions

View File

@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ class Bootstrap extends Zend_Application_Bootstrap_Bootstrap
$user = Application_Model_User::GetCurrentUser();
$user = Application_Model_User::getCurrentUser();
if (!is_null($user)){
$userType = $user->getType();
} else {

View File

@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ class LibraryController extends Zend_Controller_Action
//array containing id and type of media to delete.
$mediaItems = $this->_getParam('media', null);
$user = Application_Model_User::GetCurrentUser();
$user = Application_Model_User::getCurrentUser();
$isAdminOrPM = $user->isUserType(array(UTYPE_ADMIN, UTYPE_PROGRAM_MANAGER));
$files = array();
@ -204,7 +204,7 @@ class LibraryController extends Zend_Controller_Action
public function editFileMdAction()
$user = Application_Model_User::GetCurrentUser();
$user = Application_Model_User::getCurrentUser();
$isAdminOrPM = $user->isUserType(array(UTYPE_ADMIN, UTYPE_PROGRAM_MANAGER));

View File

@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ class ScheduleController extends Zend_Controller_Action
$user = Application_Model_User::GetCurrentUser();
$user = Application_Model_User::getCurrentUser();
if($user->isUserType(array(UTYPE_ADMIN, UTYPE_PROGRAM_MANAGER))){
$this->view->preloadShowForm = true;
@ -689,7 +689,7 @@ class ScheduleController extends Zend_Controller_Action
public function getFormAction() {
$user = Application_Model_User::GetCurrentUser();
$user = Application_Model_User::getCurrentUser();
if($user->isUserType(array(UTYPE_ADMIN, UTYPE_PROGRAM_MANAGER))){
@ -822,7 +822,7 @@ class ScheduleController extends Zend_Controller_Action
public function cancelShowAction()
$user = Application_Model_User::GetCurrentUser();
$user = Application_Model_User::getCurrentUser();
if ($user->isUserType(array(UTYPE_ADMIN, UTYPE_PROGRAM_MANAGER))) {
$showInstanceId = $this->_getParam('id');
@ -842,7 +842,7 @@ class ScheduleController extends Zend_Controller_Action
public function cancelCurrentShowAction()
$user = Application_Model_User::GetCurrentUser();
$user = Application_Model_User::getCurrentUser();
if ($user->isUserType(array(UTYPE_ADMIN, UTYPE_PROGRAM_MANAGER))) {
$id = $this->_getParam('id');

View File

@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ class ShowbuilderController extends Zend_Controller_Action
$request = $this->getRequest();
$baseUrl = $request->getBaseUrl();
$user = Application_Model_User::GetCurrentUser();
$user = Application_Model_User::getCurrentUser();
$userType = $user->getType();
$this->view->headScript()->appendScript("localStorage.setItem( 'user-type', '$userType' );");
@ -184,7 +184,7 @@ class ShowbuilderController extends Zend_Controller_Action
$baseUrl = $request->getBaseUrl();
$menu = array();
$user = Application_Model_User::GetCurrentUser();
$user = Application_Model_User::getCurrentUser();
$item = CcScheduleQuery::create()->findPK($id);
$instance = $item->getCcShowInstances();

View File

@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ class Application_Form_ShowBuilder extends Zend_Form_SubForm
public function init()
$user = Application_Model_User::GetCurrentUser();
$user = Application_Model_User::getCurrentUser();
array('ViewScript', array('viewScript' => 'form/showbuilder.phtml'))

View File

@ -1,53 +1,53 @@
class Application_Model_Auth {
const TOKEN_LIFETIME = 'P2D'; // DateInterval syntax
private function generateToken($action, $user_id)
$salt = md5("pro");
$token = self::generateRandomString();
$info = new CcSubjsToken();
$info->setDbCreated(gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s'));
Logging::debug("generated token {$token}");
return $token;
public function sendPasswordRestoreLink($user, $view)
const TOKEN_LIFETIME = 'P2D'; // DateInterval syntax
private function generateToken($action, $user_id)
$salt = md5("pro");
$token = self::generateRandomString();
$info = new CcSubjsToken();
$info->setDbCreated(gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s'));
Logging::debug("generated token {$token}");
return $token;
public function sendPasswordRestoreLink($user, $view)
$token = $this->generateToken('password.restore', $user->getDbId());
$e_link_protocol = empty($_SERVER['HTTPS']) ? "http" : "https";
$e_link_base = $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'];
$e_link_path = $view->url(array('user_id' => $user->getDbId(), 'token' => $token), 'password-change');
$message = "Click this link: {$e_link_protocol}://{$e_link_base}{$e_link_path}";
$success = Application_Model_Email::send('Airtime Password Reset', $message, $user->getDbEmail());
return $success;
public function invalidateTokens($user, $action)
$success = Application_Model_Email::send('Airtime Password Reset', $message, $user->getDbEmail());
return $success;
public function invalidateTokens($user, $action)
public function checkToken($user_id, $token, $action)
$salt = md5("pro");
$salt = md5("pro");
$token_info = CcSubjsTokenQuery::create()
@ -61,10 +61,10 @@ class Application_Model_Auth {
$now = new DateTime();
$token_life = new DateInterval(self::TOKEN_LIFETIME);
$token_created = new DateTime($token_info->getDbCreated(), new DateTimeZone("UTC"));
return $now->sub($token_life)->getTimestamp() < $token_created->getTimestamp();
* Gets the adapter for authentication against a database table
@ -79,10 +79,10 @@ class Application_Model_Auth {
return $authAdapter;
* Get random string

View File

@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ class Application_Model_Dashboard
} else {
//return the one that starts sooner.
if ($row[0]["starts"] <= $showInstance->getShowInstanceStart()){
return array("name"=>$row[0]["artist_name"]." - ".$row[0]["track_title"],

View File

@ -1,104 +1,104 @@
class Application_Model_Datatables {
* query used to return data for a paginated/searchable datatable.
public static function findEntries($con, $displayColumns, $fromTable, $data, $dataProp = "aaData")
$where = array();
if ($data["sSearch"] !== "") {
$searchTerms = explode(" ", $data["sSearch"]);
$selectorCount = "SELECT COUNT(*) ";
$selectorRows = "SELECT ".join(",", $displayColumns)." ";
$sql = $selectorCount." FROM ".$fromTable;
$sqlTotalRows = $sql;
if (isset($searchTerms)) {
$searchCols = array();
for ($i = 0; $i < $data["iColumns"]; $i++) {
if ($data["bSearchable_".$i] == "true") {
$searchCols[] = $data["mDataProp_{$i}"];
$outerCond = array();
foreach ($searchTerms as $term) {
$innerCond = array();
foreach ($searchCols as $col) {
$escapedTerm = pg_escape_string($term);
$innerCond[] = "{$col}::text ILIKE '%{$escapedTerm}%'";
$outerCond[] = "(".join(" OR ", $innerCond).")";
$where[] = "(".join(" AND ", $outerCond).")";
// End Where clause
// Order By clause
$orderby = array();
for ($i = 0; $i < $data["iSortingCols"]; $i++){
$num = $data["iSortCol_".$i];
$orderby[] = $data["mDataProp_{$num}"]." ".$data["sSortDir_".$i];
$orderby[] = "id";
$orderby = join("," , $orderby);
// End Order By clause
$displayLength = intval($data["iDisplayLength"]);
if (count($where) > 0) {
$where = join(" AND ", $where);
$sql = $selectorCount." FROM ".$fromTable." WHERE ".$where;
$sqlTotalDisplayRows = $sql;
$sql = $selectorRows." FROM ".$fromTable." WHERE ".$where." ORDER BY ".$orderby;
//limit the results returned.
if ($displayLength !== -1) {
$sql .= " OFFSET ".$data["iDisplayStart"]." LIMIT ".$displayLength;
else {
$sql = $selectorRows." FROM ".$fromTable." ORDER BY ".$orderby;
//limit the results returned.
if ($displayLength !== -1) {
$sql .= " OFFSET ".$data["iDisplayStart"]." LIMIT ".$displayLength;
try {
$r = $con->query($sqlTotalRows);
$totalRows = $r->fetchColumn(0);
if (isset($sqlTotalDisplayRows)) {
$r = $con->query($sqlTotalDisplayRows);
$totalDisplayRows = $r->fetchColumn(0);
else {
$totalDisplayRows = $totalRows;
$r = $con->query($sql);
$results = $r->fetchAll();
catch (Exception $e) {
return array(
"sEcho" => intval($data["sEcho"]),
"iTotalDisplayRecords" => intval($totalDisplayRows),
"iTotalRecords" => intval($totalRows),
$dataProp => $results
* query used to return data for a paginated/searchable datatable.
public static function findEntries($con, $displayColumns, $fromTable, $data, $dataProp = "aaData")
$where = array();
if ($data["sSearch"] !== "") {
$searchTerms = explode(" ", $data["sSearch"]);
$selectorCount = "SELECT COUNT(*) ";
$selectorRows = "SELECT ".join(",", $displayColumns)." ";
$sql = $selectorCount." FROM ".$fromTable;
$sqlTotalRows = $sql;
if (isset($searchTerms)) {
$searchCols = array();
for ($i = 0; $i < $data["iColumns"]; $i++) {
if ($data["bSearchable_".$i] == "true") {
$searchCols[] = $data["mDataProp_{$i}"];
$outerCond = array();
foreach ($searchTerms as $term) {
$innerCond = array();
foreach ($searchCols as $col) {
$escapedTerm = pg_escape_string($term);
$innerCond[] = "{$col}::text ILIKE '%{$escapedTerm}%'";
$outerCond[] = "(".join(" OR ", $innerCond).")";
$where[] = "(".join(" AND ", $outerCond).")";
// End Where clause
// Order By clause
$orderby = array();
for ($i = 0; $i < $data["iSortingCols"]; $i++){
$num = $data["iSortCol_".$i];
$orderby[] = $data["mDataProp_{$num}"]." ".$data["sSortDir_".$i];
$orderby[] = "id";
$orderby = join("," , $orderby);
// End Order By clause
$displayLength = intval($data["iDisplayLength"]);
if (count($where) > 0) {
$where = join(" AND ", $where);
$sql = $selectorCount." FROM ".$fromTable." WHERE ".$where;
$sqlTotalDisplayRows = $sql;
$sql = $selectorRows." FROM ".$fromTable." WHERE ".$where." ORDER BY ".$orderby;
//limit the results returned.
if ($displayLength !== -1) {
$sql .= " OFFSET ".$data["iDisplayStart"]." LIMIT ".$displayLength;
else {
$sql = $selectorRows." FROM ".$fromTable." ORDER BY ".$orderby;
//limit the results returned.
if ($displayLength !== -1) {
$sql .= " OFFSET ".$data["iDisplayStart"]." LIMIT ".$displayLength;
try {
$r = $con->query($sqlTotalRows);
$totalRows = $r->fetchColumn(0);
if (isset($sqlTotalDisplayRows)) {
$r = $con->query($sqlTotalDisplayRows);
$totalDisplayRows = $r->fetchColumn(0);
else {
$totalDisplayRows = $totalRows;
$r = $con->query($sql);
$results = $r->fetchAll();
catch (Exception $e) {
return array(
"sEcho" => intval($data["sEcho"]),
"iTotalDisplayRecords" => intval($totalDisplayRows),
"iTotalRecords" => intval($totalRows),
$dataProp => $results

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
class Application_Model_Email {
* Send email
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ class Application_Model_Email {
$mailServerConfigured = Application_Model_Preference::GetMailServerConfigured() == true ? true : false;
$success = true;
if ($mailServerConfigured) {
$username = Application_Model_Preference::GetMailServerEmailAddress();
$password = Application_Model_Preference::GetMailServerPassword();
@ -23,25 +23,25 @@ class Application_Model_Email {
if (!empty($mailServerPort)) {
$port = Application_Model_Preference::GetMailServerPort();
$config = array(
'auth' => 'login',
'ssl' => 'ssl',
'username' => $username,
'password' => $password
if (isset($port)) {
$config['port'] = $port;
$transport = new Zend_Mail_Transport_Smtp($mailServer, $config);
$transport = new Zend_Mail_Transport_Smtp($mailServer, $config);
$mail = new Zend_Mail('utf-8');
foreach ((array) $tos as $to) {
@ -60,8 +60,8 @@ class Application_Model_Email {
} catch (Exception $e) {
$success = false;
return $success;

View File

@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ class Application_Model_LiveLog
." WHERE state = 'L'"
." ORDER BY id";
$rows = $con->query($sql)->fetchAll();
if ($rows != null) {
$last_row = self::UpdateLastLogEndTime(array_pop($rows));
array_push($rows, $last_row);
@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ class Application_Model_LiveLog
$skip = true;
$skip = true;
$hours = 0;
@ -55,13 +55,13 @@ class Application_Model_LiveLog
$intervals[$i] = 0;
// Trim milliseconds (DateInterval does not support)
$sec = explode(".", $intervals[2]);
if (isset($sec[0])) {
$intervals[2] = $sec[0];
$seconds += $intervals[2];
if ($seconds / 60 >= 1) {
$minutes += 1;
@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ class Application_Model_LiveLog
$minutes = (double)(($hours*60)+$minutes . "." . $seconds[0]);
else {
$minutes = (double)(($hours*60)+$minutes);
$minutes = (double)(($hours*60)+$minutes);
return $minutes;
@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ class Application_Model_LiveLog
public static function GetScheduledDuration($p_keepData=false)
public static function GetScheduledDuration($p_keepData=false)
try {
$con = Propel::getConnection();
@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ class Application_Model_LiveLog
." WHERE state = 'S'"
." ORDER BY id";
$rows = $con->query($sql)->fetchAll();
if ($rows != null) {
$last_row = self::UpdateLastLogEndTime(array_pop($rows));
array_push($rows, $last_row);
@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ class Application_Model_LiveLog
$skip = true;
$skip = true;
$hours = 0;
@ -173,7 +173,7 @@ class Application_Model_LiveLog
$clip_length_seconds = $clip_length_intervals[0]*3600 + $clip_length_intervals[1]*60 + $clip_length_intervals[2];
$extra_time = $extra_time->format("%H:%i:%s");
//Convert extra_time into seconds;
$extra_time_intervals = explode(":", $extra_time);
@ -185,7 +185,7 @@ class Application_Model_LiveLog
$extra_time_seconds = $extra_time_intervals[0]*3600 + $extra_time_intervals[1]*60 + $extra_time_intervals[2];
$clip_length_seconds -= $extra_time_seconds;
//Convert new clip_length into "H-i-s" format
$clip_length_arr = array();
if ($clip_length_seconds / 3600 >= 1) {
@ -276,7 +276,7 @@ class Application_Model_LiveLog
public static function SetNewLogTime($state, $dateTime){
try {
$con = Propel::getConnection();
$scheduled = Application_Model_Preference::GetSourceSwitchStatus('scheduled_play');
if ($state == 'L' && $scheduled == 'on') {
self::SetEndTime('S', $dateTime);

View File

@ -44,35 +44,35 @@ class Application_Model_MusicDir {
public function setWatchedFlag($flag){
public function getWatchedFlag(){
return $this->_dir->getWatched();
public function getExistsFlag(){
return $this->_dir->getExists();
* There are 2 cases where this function can be called.
* 1. When watched dir was removed
* 2. When some dir was watched, but it was unmounted
* In case of 1, $userAddedWatchedDir should be true
* In case of 2, $userAddedWatchedDir should be false
* When $userAddedWatchedDir is true, it will set "Watched" flag to false
* otherwise, it will set "Exists" flag to true
public function remove($userAddedWatchedDir=true)
$con = Propel::getConnection();
$music_dir_id = $this->getId();
$sql = "SELECT DISTINCT s.instance_id from cc_music_dirs as md "
@ -80,12 +80,12 @@ class Application_Model_MusicDir {
." RIGHT JOIN cc_schedule as s on s.file_id = WHERE = $music_dir_id";
$show_instances = $con->query($sql)->fetchAll();
// get all the files on this dir
$sql = "UPDATE cc_files SET file_exists = 'f' WHERE id IN (SELECT FROM cc_music_dirs as md "
." LEFT JOIN cc_files as f on = WHERE = $music_dir_id)";
$affected = $con->exec($sql);
// set RemovedFlag to true
if ($userAddedWatchedDir) {
@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ class Application_Model_MusicDir {
//$res = $this->_dir->delete();
foreach ($show_instances as $show_instance_row) {
$temp_show = new Application_Model_ShowInstance($show_instance_row["instance_id"]);
@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ class Application_Model_MusicDir {
public static function isPathValid($p_path){
$dirs = self::getWatchedDirs();
$dirs[] = self::getStorDir();
foreach ($dirs as $dirObj){
$dir = $dirObj->getDirectory();
$diff = strlen($dir) - strlen($p_path);
@ -156,15 +156,15 @@ class Application_Model_MusicDir {
/** There are 2 cases where this function can be called.
* 1. When watched dir was added
* 2. When some dir was watched, but it was unmounted somehow, but gets mounted again
* In case of 1, $userAddedWatchedDir should be true
* In case of 2, $userAddedWatchedDir should be false
* When $userAddedWatchedDir is true, it will set "Removed" flag to false
* otherwise, it will set "Exists" flag to true
* @param $nestedWatch - if true, bypass path check, and Watched to false
public static function addDir($p_path, $p_type, $userAddedWatchedDir=true, $nestedWatch=false)
@ -174,16 +174,16 @@ class Application_Model_MusicDir {
if($real_path != "/"){
$p_path = $real_path;
$exist_dir = self::getDirByPath($p_path);
if( $exist_dir == NULL ){
$temp_dir = new CcMusicDirs();
$dir = new Application_Model_MusicDir($temp_dir);
$dir = $exist_dir;
$p_path = Application_Common_OsPath::normpath($p_path)."/";
@ -203,7 +203,7 @@ class Application_Model_MusicDir {
return array("code"=>0);
} catch (NestedDirectoryException $nde){
$msg = $nde->getMessage();
@ -217,17 +217,17 @@ class Application_Model_MusicDir {
/** There are 2 cases where this function can be called.
* 1. When watched dir was added
* 2. When some dir was watched, but it was unmounted somehow, but gets mounted again
* In case of 1, $userAddedWatchedDir should be true
* In case of 2, $userAddedWatchedDir should be false
* When $userAddedWatchedDir is true, it will set "Watched" flag to true
* otherwise, it will set "Exists" flag to true
public static function addWatchedDir($p_path, $userAddedWatchedDir=true, $nestedWatch=false)
$res = self::addDir($p_path, "watched", $userAddedWatchedDir, $nestedWatch);
if ($res['code'] == 0){
//convert "linked" files (Airtime <= 1.8.2) to watched files.
@ -296,10 +296,10 @@ class Application_Model_MusicDir {
return $mus_dir;
* Search and returns watched dirs
* @param $exists search condition with exists flag
* @param $watched search condition with watched flag
@ -383,16 +383,16 @@ class Application_Model_MusicDir {
/** There are 2 cases where this function can be called.
* 1. When watched dir was removed
* 2. When some dir was watched, but it was unmounted
* In case of 1, $userAddedWatchedDir should be true
* In case of 2, $userAddedWatchedDir should be false
* When $userAddedWatchedDir is true, it will set "Watched" flag to false
* otherwise, it will set "Exists" flag to true
public static function removeWatchedDir($p_dir, $userAddedWatchedDir=true){
//make sure that $p_dir has a trailing "/"
//make sure that $p_dir has a trailing "/"
$real_path = Application_Common_OsPath::normpath($p_dir)."/";
if($real_path != "/"){
$p_dir = $real_path;
@ -412,7 +412,7 @@ class Application_Model_MusicDir {
public static function splitFilePath($p_filepath)
$mus_dir = self::getWatchedDirFromFilepath($p_filepath);
if(is_null($mus_dir)) {
return null;

View File

@ -20,17 +20,17 @@ class Application_Model_Playlist {
private $id;
* propel object for this playlist.
private $pl;
private $pl;
* info needed to insert a new playlist element.
private $plItem = array(
private $plItem = array(
"id" => "",
"pos" => "",
"pos" => "",
"cliplength" => "",
"cuein" => "00:00:00",
"cueout" => "00:00:00",
@ -38,13 +38,13 @@ class Application_Model_Playlist {
"fadeout" => "0.0",
//using propel's phpNames.
private $categories = array(
"dc:title" => "Name",
"dc:creator" => "Creator",
"dc:description" => "Description",
"dcterms:extent" => "Length"
//using propel's phpNames.
private $categories = array(
"dc:title" => "Name",
"dc:creator" => "Creator",
"dc:description" => "Description",
"dcterms:extent" => "Length"
public function __construct($id=null, $con=null)
@ -90,12 +90,12 @@ class Application_Model_Playlist {
public function setName($p_newname)
$this->pl->setDbMtime(new DateTime("now", new DateTimeZone("UTC")));
$this->pl->setDbMtime(new DateTime("now", new DateTimeZone("UTC")));
* Get mnemonic playlist name
* @return string
@ -107,9 +107,9 @@ class Application_Model_Playlist {
public function setDescription($p_description)
$this->pl->setDbMtime(new DateTime("now", new DateTimeZone("UTC")));
$this->pl->setDbMtime(new DateTime("now", new DateTimeZone("UTC")));
public function getDescription()
@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ class Application_Model_Playlist {
return $this->pl->getCcSubjs()->getDbLogin();
public function getCreatorId() {
return $this->pl->getCcSubjs()->getDbId();
@ -145,7 +145,7 @@ class Application_Model_Playlist {
* Get the entire playlist as a two dimentional array, sorted in order of play.
* @param boolean $filterFiles if this is true, it will only return files that has
* file_exists flag set to true
* file_exists flag set to true
* @return array
public function getContents($filterFiles=false) {
@ -155,7 +155,7 @@ class Application_Model_Playlist {
$files = array();
$query = CcPlaylistcontentsQuery::create()
@ -416,7 +416,7 @@ class Application_Model_Playlist {
* Remove audioClip from playlist
* @param array $p_items
* array of unique item ids to remove from the playlist..
* array of unique item ids to remove from the playlist..
public function delAudioClips($p_items)
@ -452,11 +452,11 @@ class Application_Model_Playlist {
public function getFadeInfo($pos) {
public function getFadeInfo($pos) {
Logging::log("Getting fade info for pos {$pos}");
Logging::log("Getting fade info for pos {$pos}");
$row = CcPlaylistcontentsQuery::create()
$row = CcPlaylistcontentsQuery::create()
@ -466,24 +466,24 @@ class Application_Model_Playlist {
$fadeIn = $row->getDbFadein();
$fadeOut = $row->getDbFadeout();
return array($fadeIn, $fadeOut);
* Change fadeIn and fadeOut values for playlist Element
* @param int $pos
* position of audioclip in playlist
* position of audioclip in playlist
* @param string $fadeIn
* new value in ss.ssssss or extent format
* new value in ss.ssssss or extent format
* @param string $fadeOut
* new value in ss.ssssss or extent format
* new value in ss.ssssss or extent format
* @return boolean
public function changeFadeInfo($id, $fadeIn, $fadeOut)
//See issue CC-2065, pad the fadeIn and fadeOut so that it is TIME compatable with the DB schema
//For the top level PlayList either fadeIn or fadeOut will sometimes be Null so need a gaurd against
//setting it to nonNull for checks down below
//setting it to nonNull for checks down below
$fadeIn = $fadeIn?'00:00:'.$fadeIn:$fadeIn;
$fadeOut = $fadeOut?'00:00:'.$fadeOut:$fadeOut;
@ -502,8 +502,8 @@ class Application_Model_Playlist {
if (!is_null($fadeIn)) {
$sql = "SELECT INTERVAL '{$fadeIn}' > INTERVAL '{$clipLength}'";
$r = $this->con->query($sql);
$sql = "SELECT INTERVAL '{$fadeIn}' > INTERVAL '{$clipLength}'";
$r = $this->con->query($sql);
if ($r->fetchColumn(0)) {
//"Fade In can't be larger than overall playlength.";
$fadeIn = $clipLength;
@ -512,8 +512,8 @@ class Application_Model_Playlist {
if (!is_null($fadeOut)){
$sql = "SELECT INTERVAL '{$fadeOut}' > INTERVAL '{$clipLength}'";
$r = $this->con->query($sql);
$sql = "SELECT INTERVAL '{$fadeOut}' > INTERVAL '{$clipLength}'";
$r = $this->con->query($sql);
if ($r->fetchColumn(0)) {
//Fade Out can't be larger than overall playlength.";
$fadeOut = $clipLength;
@ -562,11 +562,11 @@ class Application_Model_Playlist {
* Change cueIn/cueOut values for playlist element
* @param int $pos
* position of audioclip in playlist
* position of audioclip in playlist
* @param string $cueIn
* new value in ss.ssssss or extent format
* new value in ss.ssssss or extent format
* @param string $cueOut
* new value in ss.ssssss or extent format
* new value in ss.ssssss or extent format
* @return boolean or pear error object
public function changeClipLength($id, $cueIn, $cueOut)
@ -604,23 +604,23 @@ class Application_Model_Playlist {
$cueOut = $origLength;
$sql = "SELECT INTERVAL '{$cueIn}' > INTERVAL '{$cueOut}'";
$r = $this->con->query($sql);
$sql = "SELECT INTERVAL '{$cueIn}' > INTERVAL '{$cueOut}'";
$r = $this->con->query($sql);
if ($r->fetchColumn(0)) {
$errArray["error"] = "Can't set cue in to be larger than cue out.";
return $errArray;
$sql = "SELECT INTERVAL '{$cueOut}' > INTERVAL '{$origLength}'";
$r = $this->con->query($sql);
$sql = "SELECT INTERVAL '{$cueOut}' > INTERVAL '{$origLength}'";
$r = $this->con->query($sql);
if ($r->fetchColumn(0)){
$errArray["error"] = "Can't set cue out to be greater than file length.";
return $errArray;
$sql = "SELECT INTERVAL '{$cueOut}' - INTERVAL '{$cueIn}'";
$r = $this->con->query($sql);
$cliplength = $r->fetchColumn(0);
$sql = "SELECT INTERVAL '{$cueOut}' - INTERVAL '{$cueIn}'";
$r = $this->con->query($sql);
$cliplength = $r->fetchColumn(0);
@ -629,16 +629,16 @@ class Application_Model_Playlist {
else if (!is_null($cueIn)) {
$sql = "SELECT INTERVAL '{$cueIn}' > INTERVAL '{$oldCueOut}'";
$r = $this->con->query($sql);
$sql = "SELECT INTERVAL '{$cueIn}' > INTERVAL '{$oldCueOut}'";
$r = $this->con->query($sql);
if ($r->fetchColumn(0)) {
$errArray["error"] = "Can't set cue in to be larger than cue out.";
return $errArray;
$sql = "SELECT INTERVAL '{$oldCueOut}' - INTERVAL '{$cueIn}'";
$r = $this->con->query($sql);
$cliplength = $r->fetchColumn(0);
$r = $this->con->query($sql);
$cliplength = $r->fetchColumn(0);
@ -649,23 +649,23 @@ class Application_Model_Playlist {
$cueOut = $origLength;
$sql = "SELECT INTERVAL '{$cueOut}' < INTERVAL '{$oldCueIn}'";
$r = $this->con->query($sql);
$sql = "SELECT INTERVAL '{$cueOut}' < INTERVAL '{$oldCueIn}'";
$r = $this->con->query($sql);
if ($r->fetchColumn(0)) {
$errArray["error"] = "Can't set cue out to be smaller than cue in.";
return $errArray;
$sql = "SELECT INTERVAL '{$cueOut}' > INTERVAL '{$origLength}'";
$r = $this->con->query($sql);
$sql = "SELECT INTERVAL '{$cueOut}' > INTERVAL '{$origLength}'";
$r = $this->con->query($sql);
if ($r->fetchColumn(0)){
$errArray["error"] = "Can't set cue out to be greater than file length.";
return $errArray;
$sql = "SELECT INTERVAL '{$cueOut}' - INTERVAL '{$oldCueIn}'";
$r = $this->con->query($sql);
$cliplength = $r->fetchColumn(0);
$r = $this->con->query($sql);
$cliplength = $r->fetchColumn(0);
@ -673,15 +673,15 @@ class Application_Model_Playlist {
$cliplength = $row->getDbCliplength();
$sql = "SELECT INTERVAL '{$fadeIn}' > INTERVAL '{$cliplength}'";
$r = $this->con->query($sql);
$sql = "SELECT INTERVAL '{$fadeIn}' > INTERVAL '{$cliplength}'";
$r = $this->con->query($sql);
if ($r->fetchColumn(0)){
$fadeIn = $cliplength;
$sql = "SELECT INTERVAL '{$fadeOut}' > INTERVAL '{$cliplength}'";
$r = $this->con->query($sql);
$sql = "SELECT INTERVAL '{$fadeOut}' > INTERVAL '{$cliplength}'";
$r = $this->con->query($sql);
if ($r->fetchColumn(0)){
$fadeOut = $cliplength;

View File

@ -4,80 +4,80 @@ require_once 'formatters/LengthFormatter.php';
class Application_Model_PlayoutHistory {
private $con;
private $timezone;
//in UTC timezone
private $startDT;
//in UTC timezone
private $endDT;
private $epoch_now;
private $opts;
private $mDataPropMap = array(
"artist" => "file.artist_name",
"title" => "file.track_title",
"played" => "playout.played",
"length" => "file.length",
"composer" => "file.composer",
"copyright" => "file.copyright",
public function __construct($p_startDT, $p_endDT, $p_opts) {
$this->con = Propel::getConnection(CcSchedulePeer::DATABASE_NAME);
$this->startDT = $p_startDT;
$this->endDT = $p_endDT;
$this->timezone = date_default_timezone_get();
$this->epoch_now = time();
$this->opts = $p_opts;
* map front end mDataProp labels to proper column names for searching etc.
private function translateColumns() {
for ($i = 0; $i < $this->opts["iColumns"]; $i++){
$this->opts["mDataProp_{$i}"] = $this->mDataPropMap[$this->opts["mDataProp_{$i}"]];
public function getItems() {
$select = array(
"file.track_title as title",
"file.artist_name as artist",
$start = $this->startDT->format("Y-m-d H:i:s");
$end = $this->endDT->format("Y-m-d H:i:s");
$historyTable = "(
select count(schedule.file_id) as played, schedule.file_id as file_id
from cc_schedule as schedule
where schedule.starts >= '{$start}' and schedule.starts < '{$end}'
and schedule.playout_status > 0 and schedule.media_item_played != FALSE and schedule.broadcasted = 1
group by schedule.file_id
AS playout left join cc_files as file on ( = playout.file_id)";
private $con;
private $timezone;
//in UTC timezone
private $startDT;
//in UTC timezone
private $endDT;
private $epoch_now;
private $opts;
$results = Application_Model_Datatables::findEntries($this->con, $select, $historyTable, $this->opts, "history");
foreach ($results["history"] as &$row) {
$formatter = new LengthFormatter($row['length']);
$row['length'] = $formatter->format();
return $results;
private $mDataPropMap = array(
"artist" => "file.artist_name",
"title" => "file.track_title",
"played" => "playout.played",
"length" => "file.length",
"composer" => "file.composer",
"copyright" => "file.copyright",
public function __construct($p_startDT, $p_endDT, $p_opts) {
$this->con = Propel::getConnection(CcSchedulePeer::DATABASE_NAME);
$this->startDT = $p_startDT;
$this->endDT = $p_endDT;
$this->timezone = date_default_timezone_get();
$this->epoch_now = time();
$this->opts = $p_opts;
* map front end mDataProp labels to proper column names for searching etc.
private function translateColumns() {
for ($i = 0; $i < $this->opts["iColumns"]; $i++){
$this->opts["mDataProp_{$i}"] = $this->mDataPropMap[$this->opts["mDataProp_{$i}"]];
public function getItems() {
$select = array(
"file.track_title as title",
"file.artist_name as artist",
$start = $this->startDT->format("Y-m-d H:i:s");
$end = $this->endDT->format("Y-m-d H:i:s");
$historyTable = "(
select count(schedule.file_id) as played, schedule.file_id as file_id
from cc_schedule as schedule
where schedule.starts >= '{$start}' and schedule.starts < '{$end}'
and schedule.playout_status > 0 and schedule.media_item_played != FALSE and schedule.broadcasted = 1
group by schedule.file_id
AS playout left join cc_files as file on ( = playout.file_id)";
$results = Application_Model_Datatables::findEntries($this->con, $select, $historyTable, $this->opts, "history");
foreach ($results["history"] as &$row) {
$formatter = new LengthFormatter($row['length']);
$row['length'] = $formatter->format();
return $results;

View File

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
class Application_Model_Preference
public static function setValue($key, $value, $isUserValue = false){
public static function setValue($key, $value, $isUserValue = false){
try {
$con = Propel::getConnection();
@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ class Application_Model_Preference
if($isUserValue) {
$sql .= " AND subjid = '$id'";
$result = $con->query($sql)->fetchColumn(0);
if($value == "") {
@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ class Application_Model_Preference
}else {
$value = "'$value'";
if($result == 1) {
// result found
if(is_null($id) || !$isUserValue) {
@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ class Application_Model_Preference
} catch (Exception $e){
header('HTTP/1.0 503 Service Unavailable');
Logging::log("Could not connect to database: ".$e->getMessage());
@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ class Application_Model_Preference
public static function getValue($key, $isUserValue = false){
public static function getValue($key, $isUserValue = false){
try {
$con = Propel::getConnection();
@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ class Application_Model_Preference
} catch (Exception $e) {
header('HTTP/1.0 503 Service Unavailable');
Logging::log("Could not connect to database: ".$e->getMessage());
@ -171,12 +171,12 @@ class Application_Model_Preference
public static function GetDefaultFade() {
$fade = self::getValue("default_fade");
if ($fade === "") {
// the default value of the fade is 00.500000
return "00.500000";
// we need this function to work with 2.0 version on default_fade value in cc_pref
// it has 00:00:00.000000 format where in 2.1 we have 00.000000 format
if(preg_match("/([0-9]{2}):([0-9]{2}):([0-9]{2}).([0-9]{6})/", $fade, $matches) == 1 && count($matches) == 5){
@ -187,7 +187,7 @@ class Application_Model_Preference
$out .= ".$matches[4]";
$fade = $out;
$fade = number_format($fade, 6);
//fades need 2 leading zeros for DateTime conversion
$fade = str_pad($fade, 9, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT);
@ -298,75 +298,75 @@ class Application_Model_Preference
public static function SetPhone($phone){
self::setValue("phone", $phone);
self::setValue("phone", $phone);
public static function GetPhone(){
return self::getValue("phone");
return self::getValue("phone");
public static function SetEmail($email){
self::setValue("email", $email);
public static function SetEmail($email){
self::setValue("email", $email);
public static function GetEmail(){
return self::getValue("email");
return self::getValue("email");
public static function SetStationWebSite($site){
self::setValue("station_website", $site);
public static function SetStationWebSite($site){
self::setValue("station_website", $site);
public static function GetStationWebSite(){
return self::getValue("station_website");
return self::getValue("station_website");
public static function SetSupportFeedback($feedback){
self::setValue("support_feedback", $feedback);
public static function SetSupportFeedback($feedback){
self::setValue("support_feedback", $feedback);
public static function GetSupportFeedback(){
return self::getValue("support_feedback");
return self::getValue("support_feedback");
public static function SetPublicise($publicise){
self::setValue("publicise", $publicise);
public static function SetPublicise($publicise){
self::setValue("publicise", $publicise);
public static function GetPublicise(){
return self::getValue("publicise");
return self::getValue("publicise");
public static function SetRegistered($registered){
self::setValue("registered", $registered);
public static function SetRegistered($registered){
self::setValue("registered", $registered);
public static function GetRegistered(){
return self::getValue("registered");
return self::getValue("registered");
public static function SetStationCountry($country){
self::setValue("country", $country);
public static function SetStationCountry($country){
self::setValue("country", $country);
public static function GetStationCountry(){
return self::getValue("country");
return self::getValue("country");
public static function SetStationCity($city){
self::setValue("city", $city);
public static function SetStationCity($city){
self::setValue("city", $city);
public static function GetStationCity(){
return self::getValue("city");
public static function GetStationCity(){
return self::getValue("city");
public static function SetStationDescription($description){
self::setValue("description", $description);
public static function SetStationDescription($description){
self::setValue("description", $description);
public static function GetStationDescription(){
return self::getValue("description");
public static function GetStationDescription(){
return self::getValue("description");
public static function SetTimezone($timezone){
@ -380,139 +380,139 @@ class Application_Model_Preference
public static function SetStationLogo($imagePath){
$image = @file_get_contents($imagePath);
$image = base64_encode($image);
self::setValue("logoImage", $image);
$image = @file_get_contents($imagePath);
$image = base64_encode($image);
self::setValue("logoImage", $image);
public static function GetStationLogo(){
return self::getValue("logoImage");
public static function GetStationLogo(){
return self::getValue("logoImage");
public static function GetUniqueId(){
return self::getValue("uniqueId");
return self::getValue("uniqueId");
public static function GetCountryList()
$con = Propel::getConnection();
$sql = "SELECT * FROM cc_country";
$res = $con->query($sql)->fetchAll();
$out = array();
$out[""] = "Select Country";
foreach($res as $r){
$out[$r["isocode"]] = $r["name"];
return $out;
$con = Propel::getConnection();
$sql = "SELECT * FROM cc_country";
$res = $con->query($sql)->fetchAll();
$out = array();
$out[""] = "Select Country";
foreach($res as $r){
$out[$r["isocode"]] = $r["name"];
return $out;
public static function GetSystemInfo($returnArray=false, $p_testing=false)
exec('/usr/bin/airtime-check-system --no-color', $output);
$output = preg_replace('/\s+/', ' ', $output);
exec('/usr/bin/airtime-check-system --no-color', $output);
$output = preg_replace('/\s+/', ' ', $output);
$systemInfoArray = array();
foreach( $output as $key => &$out){
$info = explode('=', $out);
$key = str_replace(' ', '_', trim($info[0]));
$key = strtoupper($key);
if ($key == 'WEB_SERVER' || $key == 'CPU' || $key == 'OS' || $key == 'TOTAL_RAM' ||
$key == 'FREE_RAM' || $key == 'AIRTIME_VERSION' || $key == 'KERNAL_VERSION' ||
if($key == 'AIRTIME_VERSION'){
// remove hash tag on the version string
$version = explode('+', $info[1]);
$systemInfoArray[$key] = $version[0];
$systemInfoArray[$key] = $info[1];
$outputArray = array();
$systemInfoArray = array();
foreach( $output as $key => &$out){
$info = explode('=', $out);
$key = str_replace(' ', '_', trim($info[0]));
$key = strtoupper($key);
if ($key == 'WEB_SERVER' || $key == 'CPU' || $key == 'OS' || $key == 'TOTAL_RAM' ||
$key == 'FREE_RAM' || $key == 'AIRTIME_VERSION' || $key == 'KERNAL_VERSION' ||
if($key == 'AIRTIME_VERSION'){
// remove hash tag on the version string
$version = explode('+', $info[1]);
$systemInfoArray[$key] = $version[0];
$systemInfoArray[$key] = $info[1];
$outputArray['LIVE_DURATION'] = Application_Model_LiveLog::GetLiveShowDuration($p_testing);
$outputArray['SCHEDULED_DURATION'] = Application_Model_LiveLog::GetScheduledDuration($p_testing);
$outputArray['SOUNDCLOUD_ENABLED'] = self::GetUploadToSoundcloudOption();
$outputArray = array();
$outputArray['LIVE_DURATION'] = Application_Model_LiveLog::GetLiveShowDuration($p_testing);
$outputArray['SCHEDULED_DURATION'] = Application_Model_LiveLog::GetScheduledDuration($p_testing);
$outputArray['SOUNDCLOUD_ENABLED'] = self::GetUploadToSoundcloudOption();
if ($outputArray['SOUNDCLOUD_ENABLED']) {
$outputArray['NUM_SOUNDCLOUD_TRACKS_UPLOADED'] = Application_Model_StoredFile::getSoundCloudUploads();
$outputArray['NUM_SOUNDCLOUD_TRACKS_UPLOADED'] = Application_Model_StoredFile::getSoundCloudUploads();
} else {
$outputArray['STATION_NAME'] = self::GetStationName();
$outputArray['PHONE'] = self::GetPhone();
$outputArray['EMAIL'] = self::GetEmail();
$outputArray['STATION_WEB_SITE'] = self::GetStationWebSite();
$outputArray['STATION_COUNTRY'] = self::GetStationCountry();
$outputArray['STATION_CITY'] = self::GetStationCity();
$outputArray['STATION_DESCRIPTION'] = self::GetStationDescription();
$outputArray['STATION_NAME'] = self::GetStationName();
$outputArray['PHONE'] = self::GetPhone();
$outputArray['EMAIL'] = self::GetEmail();
$outputArray['STATION_WEB_SITE'] = self::GetStationWebSite();
$outputArray['STATION_COUNTRY'] = self::GetStationCountry();
$outputArray['STATION_CITY'] = self::GetStationCity();
$outputArray['STATION_DESCRIPTION'] = self::GetStationDescription();
// get web server info
$url = $systemInfoArray["AIRTIME_VERSION_URL"];
// get web server info
$url = $systemInfoArray["AIRTIME_VERSION_URL"];
$index = strpos($url,'/api/');
$url = substr($url, 0, $index);
$headerInfo = get_headers(trim($url),1);
$outputArray['WEB_SERVER'] = $headerInfo['Server'][0];
$outputArray['NUM_OF_USERS'] = Application_Model_User::getUserCount();
$outputArray['NUM_OF_SONGS'] = Application_Model_StoredFile::getFileCount();
$outputArray['NUM_OF_PLAYLISTS'] = Application_Model_Playlist::getPlaylistCount();
$outputArray['NUM_OF_SCHEDULED_PLAYLISTS'] = Application_Model_Schedule::getSchduledPlaylistCount();
$outputArray['NUM_OF_PAST_SHOWS'] = Application_Model_ShowInstance::GetShowInstanceCount(gmdate("Y-m-d H:i:s"));
$outputArray['UNIQUE_ID'] = self::GetUniqueId();
$outputArray['SAAS'] = self::GetPlanLevel();
if ($outputArray['SAAS'] != 'disabled') {
$outputArray['TRIAL_END_DATE'] = self::GetTrialEndingDate();
} else {
$outputArray['NUM_OF_USERS'] = Application_Model_User::getUserCount();
$outputArray['NUM_OF_SONGS'] = Application_Model_StoredFile::getFileCount();
$outputArray['NUM_OF_PLAYLISTS'] = Application_Model_Playlist::getPlaylistCount();
$outputArray['NUM_OF_SCHEDULED_PLAYLISTS'] = Application_Model_Schedule::getSchduledPlaylistCount();
$outputArray['NUM_OF_PAST_SHOWS'] = Application_Model_ShowInstance::GetShowInstanceCount(gmdate("Y-m-d H:i:s"));
$outputArray['UNIQUE_ID'] = self::GetUniqueId();
$outputArray['SAAS'] = self::GetPlanLevel();
if ($outputArray['SAAS'] != 'disabled') {
$outputArray['TRIAL_END_DATE'] = self::GetTrialEndingDate();
} else {
$outputArray['TRIAL_END_DATE'] = NULL;
$outputArray['INSTALL_METHOD'] = self::GetInstallMethod();
$outputArray['NUM_OF_STREAMS'] = self::GetNumOfStreams();
$outputArray['STREAM_INFO'] = Application_Model_StreamSetting::getStreamInfoForDataCollection();
$outputArray['INSTALL_METHOD'] = self::GetInstallMethod();
$outputArray['NUM_OF_STREAMS'] = self::GetNumOfStreams();
$outputArray['STREAM_INFO'] = Application_Model_StreamSetting::getStreamInfoForDataCollection();
$outputArray = array_merge($systemInfoArray, $outputArray);
$outputArray = array_merge($systemInfoArray, $outputArray);
$outputString = "\n";
foreach($outputArray as $key => $out){
if($key == 'TRIAL_END_DATE' && ($out != '' || $out != 'NULL')){
if($key == "STREAM_INFO"){
$outputString .= $key." :\n";
foreach($out as $s_info){
foreach($s_info as $k => $v){
$outputString .= "\t".strtoupper($k)." : ".$v."\n";
}else if ($key == "SOUNDCLOUD_ENABLED") {
if ($out) {
$outputString .= $key." : TRUE\n";
} else if (!$out) {
$outputString .= $key." : FALSE\n";
}else if ($key == "SAAS") {
$outputString = "\n";
foreach($outputArray as $key => $out){
if($key == 'TRIAL_END_DATE' && ($out != '' || $out != 'NULL')){
if($key == "STREAM_INFO"){
$outputString .= $key." :\n";
foreach($out as $s_info){
foreach($s_info as $k => $v){
$outputString .= "\t".strtoupper($k)." : ".$v."\n";
}else if ($key == "SOUNDCLOUD_ENABLED") {
if ($out) {
$outputString .= $key." : TRUE\n";
} else if (!$out) {
$outputString .= $key." : FALSE\n";
}else if ($key == "SAAS") {
if (strcmp($out, 'disabled')!=0) {
$outputString .= $key.' : '.$out."\n";
$outputString .= $key.' : '.$out."\n";
$outputArray['PROMOTE'] = self::GetPublicise();
$outputArray['LOGOIMG'] = self::GetStationLogo();
return $outputArray;
return $outputString;
$outputString .= $key.' : '.$out."\n";
$outputArray['PROMOTE'] = self::GetPublicise();
$outputArray['LOGOIMG'] = self::GetStationLogo();
return $outputArray;
return $outputString;
public static function GetInstallMethod(){
@ -530,8 +530,8 @@ class Application_Model_Preference
public static function SetRemindMeDate(){
$weekAfter = mktime(0, 0, 0, gmdate("m"), gmdate("d")+7, gmdate("Y"));
self::setValue("remindme", $weekAfter);
$weekAfter = mktime(0, 0, 0, gmdate("m"), gmdate("d")+7, gmdate("Y"));
self::setValue("remindme", $weekAfter);
public static function GetRemindMeDate(){
@ -679,7 +679,7 @@ class Application_Model_Preference
public static function GetWeekStartDay() {
$val = self::getValue("week_start_day");
$val = self::getValue("week_start_day");
if (strlen($val) == 0){
return "0";
} else {
@ -721,7 +721,7 @@ class Application_Model_Preference
* Sets the time scale preference (agendaDay/agendaWeek/month) in Calendar.
* @param $timeScale new time scale
* @param $timeScale new time scale
public static function SetCalendarTimeScale($timeScale) {
self::setValue("calendar_time_scale", $timeScale, true /* user specific */);
@ -736,16 +736,16 @@ class Application_Model_Preference
if(strlen($val) == 0) {
$val = "month";
return $val;
return $val;
* Sets the number of entries to show preference in library under Playlist Builder.
* @param $numEntries new number of entries to show
* @param $numEntries new number of entries to show
public static function SetLibraryNumEntries($numEntries) {
self::setValue("library_num_entries", $numEntries, true /* user specific */);
self::setValue("library_num_entries", $numEntries, true /* user specific */);
@ -753,7 +753,7 @@ class Application_Model_Preference
* Defaults to 10 if no entry exists
public static function GetLibraryNumEntries() {
$val = self::getValue("library_num_entries", true /* user specific */);
$val = self::getValue("library_num_entries", true /* user specific */);
if(strlen($val) == 0) {
$val = "10";
@ -763,7 +763,7 @@ class Application_Model_Preference
* Sets the time interval preference in Calendar.
* @param $timeInterval new time interval
* @param $timeInterval new time interval
public static function SetCalendarTimeInterval($timeInterval) {
self::setValue("calendar_time_interval", $timeInterval, true /* user specific */);
@ -774,7 +774,7 @@ class Application_Model_Preference
* Defaults to 30 min if no entry exists
public static function GetCalendarTimeInterval() {
$val = self::getValue("calendar_time_interval", true /* user specific */);
$val = self::getValue("calendar_time_interval", true /* user specific */);
if(strlen($val) == 0) {
$val = "30";
@ -842,7 +842,7 @@ class Application_Model_Preference
public static function GetMasterDJSourceConnectionURL(){
return self::getValue("master_dj_source_connection_url");
public static function SetLiveDJSourceConnectionURL($value){
self::setValue("live_dj_source_connection_url", $value, false);
@ -850,55 +850,55 @@ class Application_Model_Preference
public static function GetLiveDJSourceConnectionURL(){
return self::getValue("live_dj_source_connection_url");
/* Source Connection URL override status starts */
public static function GetLiveDjConnectionUrlOverride(){
return self::getValue("live_dj_connection_url_override");
public static function SetLiveDjConnectionUrlOverride($value){
self::setValue("live_dj_connection_url_override", $value, false);
public static function GetMasterDjConnectionUrlOverride(){
return self::getValue("master_dj_connection_url_override");
public static function SetMasterDjConnectionUrlOverride($value){
self::setValue("master_dj_connection_url_override", $value, false);
/* Source Connection URL override status ends */
public static function SetAutoTransition($value){
self::setValue("auto_transition", $value, false);
public static function GetAutoTransition(){
return self::getValue("auto_transition");
public static function SetAutoSwitch($value){
self::setValue("auto_switch", $value, false);
public static function GetAutoSwitch(){
return self::getValue("auto_switch");
public static function SetEnableSystemEmail($upload) {
self::setValue("enable_system_email", $upload);
public static function GetEnableSystemEmail() {
$v = self::getValue("enable_system_email");
if ($v === "") {
return 0;
return $v;
public static function SetSystemEmail($value) {
self::setValue("system_email", $value, false);
@ -906,46 +906,46 @@ class Application_Model_Preference
public static function GetSystemEmail() {
return self::getValue("system_email");
public static function SetMailServerConfigured($value) {
self::setValue("mail_server_configured", $value, false);
public static function GetMailServerConfigured() {
return self::getValue("mail_server_configured");
public static function SetMailServer($value) {
self::setValue("mail_server", $value, false);
public static function GetMailServer() {
return self::getValue("mail_server");
public static function SetMailServerEmailAddress($value) {
self::setValue("mail_server_email_address", $value, false);
public static function GetMailServerEmailAddress() {
return self::getValue("mail_server_email_address");
public static function SetMailServerPassword($value) {
self::setValue("mail_server_password", $value, false);
public static function GetMailServerPassword() {
return self::getValue("mail_server_password");
public static function SetMailServerPort($value) {
self::setValue("mail_server_port", $value, false);
public static function GetMailServerPort() {
return self::getValue("mail_server_port");
self::setValue("mail_server_configured", $value, false);
public static function GetMailServerConfigured() {
return self::getValue("mail_server_configured");
public static function SetMailServer($value) {
self::setValue("mail_server", $value, false);
public static function GetMailServer() {
return self::getValue("mail_server");
public static function SetMailServerEmailAddress($value) {
self::setValue("mail_server_email_address", $value, false);
public static function GetMailServerEmailAddress() {
return self::getValue("mail_server_email_address");
public static function SetMailServerPassword($value) {
self::setValue("mail_server_password", $value, false);
public static function GetMailServerPassword() {
return self::getValue("mail_server_password");
public static function SetMailServerPort($value) {
self::setValue("mail_server_port", $value, false);
public static function GetMailServerPort() {
return self::getValue("mail_server_port");
/* User specific preferences end */
public static function ShouldShowPopUp(){

View File

@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ class Application_Model_RabbitMq
public static function SendMessageToShowRecorder($event_type)
global $CC_CONFIG;
@ -73,10 +73,10 @@ class Application_Model_RabbitMq
$channel = $conn->channel();
$channel->access_request($CC_CONFIG["rabbitmq"]["vhost"], false, false, true, true);
$EXCHANGE = 'airtime-pypo';
$channel->exchange_declare($EXCHANGE, 'direct', false, true);
$now = new DateTime("@".time()); //in UTC timezone
$end_timestamp = new DateTime("@".(time() + 3600*2)); //in UTC timezone
@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ class Application_Model_RabbitMq
$data = json_encode($temp);
$msg = new AMQPMessage($data, array('content_type' => 'text/plain'));
$channel->basic_publish($msg, $EXCHANGE);

View File

@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ class Application_Model_Schedule {
/* Alternate SQL...merge conflict and I'm not sure which on is right.... -MK
$sql = 'Select ft.artist_name, ft.track_title, st.starts as starts, st.ends as ends, st.media_item_played as media_item_played, si.ends as show_ends
FROM cc_schedule st LEFT JOIN cc_files ft ON st.file_id =
FROM cc_schedule st LEFT JOIN cc_files ft ON st.file_id =
@ -231,15 +231,15 @@ class Application_Model_Schedule {
return $row;
* @param DateTime $p_startDateTime
* @param DateTime $p_endDateTime
* @return array $scheduledItems
* @param DateTime $p_startDateTime
* @param DateTime $p_endDateTime
* @return array $scheduledItems
public static function GetScheduleDetailItems($p_start, $p_end, $p_shows)
global $CC_CONFIG;
@ -279,7 +279,7 @@ class Application_Model_Schedule {
$sql .= " ORDER BY si.starts, sched.starts;";
$rows = $con->query($sql)->fetchAll();
@ -297,17 +297,17 @@ class Application_Model_Schedule {
$live_dj = Application_Model_Preference::GetSourceSwitchStatus('live_dj') == 'on'?true:false;
$master_dj = Application_Model_Preference::GetSourceSwitchStatus('master_dj') == 'on'?true:false;
$scheduled_play = Application_Model_Preference::GetSourceSwitchStatus('scheduled_play') == 'on'?true:false;
if(!$live_dj && !$master_dj && $scheduled_play){
$sql .= ", broadcasted=1";
$sql .= " WHERE id=$p_id";
$retVal = $con->exec($sql);
return $retVal;
public static function UpdateBrodcastedStatus($dateTime, $value){
global $CC_CONFIG;
$con = Propel::getConnection();
@ -551,7 +551,7 @@ class Application_Model_Schedule {
$data["media"][$kick_start]['end'] = $kick_start;
$data["media"][$kick_start]['event_type'] = "kick_out";
$data["media"][$kick_start]['type'] = "event";
if($kick_time !== $switch_off_time){
$switch_start = Application_Model_Schedule::AirtimeTimeToPypoTime($switch_off_time);
$data["media"][$switch_start]['start'] = $switch_start;
@ -562,16 +562,16 @@ class Application_Model_Schedule {
foreach ($items as $item){
$showInstance = CcShowInstancesQuery::create()->findPK($item["instance_id"]);
$showId = $showInstance->getDbShowId();
$show = CcShowQuery::create()->findPK($showId);
$showName = $show->getDbName();
$showEndDateTime = new DateTime($item["show_end"], $utcTimeZone);
$trackStartDateTime = new DateTime($item["start"], $utcTimeZone);
$trackEndDateTime = new DateTime($item["end"], $utcTimeZone);
if ($trackStartDateTime->getTimestamp() > $showEndDateTime->getTimestamp()){
@ -584,10 +584,10 @@ class Application_Model_Schedule {
$item["cue_out"] = $di->format("%H:%i:%s").".000";
$item["end"] = $showEndDateTime->format("Y-m-d H:i:s");
$storedFile = Application_Model_StoredFile::Recall($item["file_id"]);
$uri = $storedFile->getFilePath();
$start = Application_Model_Schedule::AirtimeTimeToPypoTime($item["start"]);
$data["media"][$start] = array(
'id' => $storedFile->getGunid(),
@ -614,7 +614,7 @@ class Application_Model_Schedule {
$con = Propel::getConnection();
$con->exec("TRUNCATE TABLE ".$CC_CONFIG["scheduleTable"]);
public static function deleteWithFileId($fileId){
global $CC_CONFIG;
$con = Propel::getConnection();
@ -626,18 +626,18 @@ class Application_Model_Schedule {
$isSaas = Application_Model_Preference::GetPlanLevel() == 'disabled'?false:true;
$formWhat = new Application_Form_AddShowWhat();
$formWho = new Application_Form_AddShowWho();
$formWhen = new Application_Form_AddShowWhen();
$formRepeats = new Application_Form_AddShowRepeats();
$formStyle = new Application_Form_AddShowStyle();
$formLive = new Application_Form_AddShowLiveStream();
$formWho = new Application_Form_AddShowWho();
$formWhen = new Application_Form_AddShowWhen();
$formRepeats = new Application_Form_AddShowRepeats();
$formStyle = new Application_Form_AddShowStyle();
$formLive = new Application_Form_AddShowLiveStream();
$p_view->what = $formWhat;
$p_view->when = $formWhen;
@ -646,7 +646,7 @@ class Application_Model_Schedule {
$p_view->style = $formStyle;
$p_view->live = $formLive;
$formWhat->populate(array('add_show_id' => '-1',
$formWhat->populate(array('add_show_id' => '-1',
'add_show_instance_id' => '-1'));
$formWhen->populate(array('add_show_start_date' => date("Y-m-d"),
'add_show_start_time' => '00:00',
@ -671,29 +671,29 @@ class Application_Model_Schedule {
$p_view->addNewShow = true;
/* This function is responsible for handling the case where an individual
/* This function is responsible for handling the case where an individual
* show instance in a repeating show was edited (via the context menu in the Calendar).
* There is still lots of clean-up to do. For example we shouldn't be passing $controller into
* this method to manipulate the view (this should be done inside the controller function). With
* 2.1 deadline looming, this is OK for now. -Martin */
public static function updateShowInstance($data, $controller){
$isSaas = (Application_Model_Preference::GetPlanLevel() != 'disabled');
$formWhat = new Application_Form_AddShowWhat();
$formWhen = new Application_Form_AddShowWhen();
$formRepeats = new Application_Form_AddShowRepeats();
$formWho = new Application_Form_AddShowWho();
$formStyle = new Application_Form_AddShowStyle();
$formLive = new Application_Form_AddShowLiveStream();
$formWhat = new Application_Form_AddShowWhat();
$formWhen = new Application_Form_AddShowWhen();
$formRepeats = new Application_Form_AddShowRepeats();
$formWho = new Application_Form_AddShowWho();
$formStyle = new Application_Form_AddShowStyle();
$formLive = new Application_Form_AddShowLiveStream();
$formRecord = new Application_Form_AddShowRR();
$formAbsoluteRebroadcast = new Application_Form_AddShowAbsoluteRebroadcastDates();
@ -704,21 +704,21 @@ class Application_Model_Schedule {
$when = $formWhen->isValid($data);
if($when && $formWhen->checkReliantFields($data, true, null, true)) {
if($when && $formWhen->checkReliantFields($data, true, null, true)) {
$start_dt = new DateTime($data['add_show_start_date']." ".$data['add_show_start_time'], new DateTimeZone(date_default_timezone_get()));
$start_dt->setTimezone(new DateTimeZone('UTC'));
$end_dt = new DateTime($data['add_show_end_date_no_repeat']." ".$data['add_show_end_time'], new DateTimeZone(date_default_timezone_get()));
$end_dt->setTimezone(new DateTimeZone('UTC'));
$ccShowInstance = CcShowInstancesQuery::create()->findPK($data["add_show_instance_id"]);
return true;
} else {
@ -727,36 +727,36 @@ class Application_Model_Schedule {
$controller->view->what = $formWhat;
$controller->view->when = $formWhen;
$controller->view->repeats = $formRepeats;
$controller->view->who = $formWho;
$controller->view->style = $formStyle;
$controller->view->live = $formLive;
$controller->view->live = $formLive;
$controller->view->rr = $formRecord;
$controller->view->absoluteRebroadcast = $formAbsoluteRebroadcast;
$controller->view->rebroadcast = $formRebroadcast;
return false;
/* This function is responsible for handling the case where the entire show (not a single show instance)
/* This function is responsible for handling the case where the entire show (not a single show instance)
* was edited (via the context menu in the Calendar).
* There is still lots of clean-up to do. For example we shouldn't be passing $controller into
* this method to manipulate the view (this should be done inside the controller function). With
* 2.1 deadline looming, this is OK for now.
* Another clean-up is to move all the form manipulation to the proper form class.....
* -Martin
* -Martin
public static function addUpdateShow($data, $controller, $validateStartDate, $originalStartDate=null, $update=false, $instanceId=null){
$userInfo = Zend_Auth::getInstance()->getStorage()->read();
$user = new Application_Model_User($userInfo->id);
$isAdminOrPM = $user->isUserType(array(UTYPE_ADMIN, UTYPE_PROGRAM_MANAGER));
@ -765,22 +765,22 @@ class Application_Model_Schedule {
$record = false;
$formWhat = new Application_Form_AddShowWhat();
$formWho = new Application_Form_AddShowWho();
$formWhen = new Application_Form_AddShowWhen();
$formRepeats = new Application_Form_AddShowRepeats();
$formStyle = new Application_Form_AddShowStyle();
$formLive = new Application_Form_AddShowLiveStream();
$formWho = new Application_Form_AddShowWho();
$formWhen = new Application_Form_AddShowWhen();
$formRepeats = new Application_Form_AddShowRepeats();
$formStyle = new Application_Form_AddShowStyle();
$formLive = new Application_Form_AddShowLiveStream();
$what = $formWhat->isValid($data);
$when = $formWhen->isValid($data);
$live = $formLive->isValid($data);
$what = $formWhat->isValid($data);
$when = $formWhen->isValid($data);
$live = $formLive->isValid($data);
if($when) {
$when = $formWhen->checkReliantFields($data, $validateStartDate, $originalStartDate, $update, $instanceId);
@ -798,11 +798,11 @@ class Application_Model_Schedule {
$mValue = 0;
if($hPos !== false){
$hValue = trim(substr($data["add_show_duration"], 0, $hPos));
$hValue = trim(substr($data["add_show_duration"], 0, $hPos));
if($mPos !== false){
$hPos = $hPos === FALSE ? 0 : $hPos+1;
$mValue = trim(substr($data["add_show_duration"], $hPos, -1 ));
$mValue = trim(substr($data["add_show_duration"], $hPos, -1 ));
$data["add_show_duration"] = $hValue.":".$mValue;
@ -821,7 +821,7 @@ class Application_Model_Schedule {
if($data["add_show_repeats"]) {
$repeats = $formRepeats->isValid($data);
$repeats = $formRepeats->isValid($data);
if($repeats) {
$repeats = $formRepeats->checkReliantFields($data);
@ -857,8 +857,8 @@ class Application_Model_Schedule {
$who = $formWho->isValid($data);
$style = $formStyle->isValid($data);
$who = $formWho->isValid($data);
$style = $formStyle->isValid($data);
if ($what && $when && $repeats && $who && $style && $live) {
if($record && $rebroadAb && $rebroad){
@ -882,7 +882,7 @@ class Application_Model_Schedule {
$controller->view->rebroadcast = $formRebroadcast;
$controller->view->live = $formLive;
//$controller->view->addNewShow = !$editShow;
//$controller->view->form = $controller->view->render('schedule/add-show-form.phtml');
return false;
@ -898,14 +898,14 @@ class Application_Model_Schedule {
//$controller->view->newForm = $controller->view->render('schedule/add-show-form.phtml');
return true;
} else {
} else {
$controller->view->what = $formWhat;
$controller->view->when = $formWhen;
$controller->view->repeats = $formRepeats;
$controller->view->who = $formWho;
$controller->view->style = $formStyle;
$controller->view->live = $formLive;
$controller->view->rr = $formRecord;
$controller->view->absoluteRebroadcast = $formAbsoluteRebroadcast;
@ -916,14 +916,14 @@ class Application_Model_Schedule {
return false;
public static function checkOverlappingShows($show_start, $show_end, $update=false, $instanceId=null) {
public static function checkOverlappingShows($show_start, $show_end, $update=false, $instanceId=null) {
global $CC_CONFIG;
$overlapping = false;
$con = Propel::getConnection();
if ($update) {
$sql = "SELECT id, starts, ends FROM ".$CC_CONFIG["showInstances"]."
where ends <= '{$show_end->format('Y-m-d H:i:s')}'
@ -933,12 +933,12 @@ class Application_Model_Schedule {
where ends <= '{$show_end->format('Y-m-d H:i:s')}' order by ends";
$rows = $con->query($sql);
foreach($rows as $row) {
$start = new DateTime($row["starts"], new DateTimeZone('UTC'));
$end = new DateTime($row["ends"], new DateTimeZone('UTC'));
if ($show_start->getTimestamp() < $end->getTimestamp() &&
if ($show_start->getTimestamp() < $end->getTimestamp() &&
$show_end->getTimestamp() > $start->getTimestamp()) {
$overlapping = true;

View File

@ -12,46 +12,46 @@ class Application_Model_Scheduler {
"fadeout" => "00:00:00",
"sched_id" => null,
private $epochNow;
private $nowDT;
private $user;
private $checkUserPermissions = true;
public function __construct() {
$this->con = Propel::getConnection(CcSchedulePeer::DATABASE_NAME);
$this->epochNow = microtime(true);
$this->nowDT = DateTime::createFromFormat("U.u", $this->epochNow, new DateTimeZone("UTC"));
if ($this->nowDT === false){
// DateTime::createFromFormat does not support millisecond string formatting in PHP 5.3.2 (Ubuntu 10.04).
// In PHP 5.3.3 (Ubuntu 10.10), this has been fixed.
$this->nowDT = DateTime::createFromFormat("U", time(), new DateTimeZone("UTC"));
$this->user = Application_Model_User::GetCurrentUser();
$this->user = Application_Model_User::getCurrentUser();
public function setCheckUserPermissions($value) {
$this->checkUserPermissions = $value;
* make sure any incoming requests for scheduling are ligit.
* @param array $items, an array containing pks of cc_schedule items.
private function validateRequest($items) {
$nowEpoch = floatval($this->nowDT->format("U.u"));
for ($i = 0; $i < count($items); $i++) {
$id = $items[$i]["id"];
//could be added to the beginning of a show, which sends id = 0;
if ($id > 0) {
$schedInfo[$id] = $items[$i]["instance"];
@ -59,11 +59,11 @@ class Application_Model_Scheduler {
$instanceInfo[$items[$i]["instance"]] = $items[$i]["timestamp"];
if (count($instanceInfo) === 0) {
throw new Exception("Invalid Request.");
$schedIds = array();
if (isset($schedInfo)) {
$schedIds = array_keys($schedInfo);
@ -71,41 +71,41 @@ class Application_Model_Scheduler {
$schedItems = CcScheduleQuery::create()->findPKs($schedIds, $this->con);
$instanceIds = array_keys($instanceInfo);
$showInstances = CcShowInstancesQuery::create()->findPKs($instanceIds, $this->con);
//an item has been deleted
if (count($schedIds) !== count($schedItems)) {
throw new OutDatedScheduleException("The schedule you're viewing is out of date! (sched mismatch)");
//a show has been deleted
if (count($instanceIds) !== count($showInstances)) {
throw new OutDatedScheduleException("The schedule you're viewing is out of date! (instance mismatch)");
foreach ($schedItems as $schedItem) {
$id = $schedItem->getDbId();
$instance = $schedItem->getCcShowInstances($this->con);
if (intval($schedInfo[$id]) !== $instance->getDbId()) {
throw new OutDatedScheduleException("The schedule you're viewing is out of date!");
foreach ($showInstances as $instance) {
$id = $instance->getDbId();
$show = $instance->getCcShow($this->con);
if ($this->checkUserPermissions && $this->user->canSchedule($show->getDbId()) === false) {
throw new Exception("You are not allowed to schedule show {$show->getDbName()}.");
$showEndEpoch = floatval($instance->getDbEnds("U.u"));
if ($showEndEpoch < $nowEpoch) {
throw new OutDatedScheduleException("The show {$show->getDbName()} is over and cannot be scheduled.");
$ts = intval($instanceInfo[$id]);
$lastSchedTs = intval($instance->getDbLastScheduled("U")) ? : 0;
if ($ts < $lastSchedTs) {
@ -196,17 +196,17 @@ class Application_Model_Scheduler {
$endEpoch = bcadd($startEpoch , (string) $durationSeconds, 6);
$dt = DateTime::createFromFormat("U.u", $endEpoch, new DateTimeZone("UTC"));
if ($dt === false) {
//PHP 5.3.2 problem
$dt = DateTime::createFromFormat("U", intval($endEpoch), new DateTimeZone("UTC"));
return $dt;
private function findNextStartTime($DT, $instance) {
$sEpoch = $DT->format("U.u");
$nEpoch = $this->epochNow;
@ -215,7 +215,7 @@ class Application_Model_Scheduler {
//need some kind of placeholder for cc_schedule.
//playout_status will be -1.
$nextDT = $this->nowDT;
$length = bcsub($nEpoch , $sEpoch , 6);
$cliplength = Application_Model_Playlist::secondsToPlaylistTime($length);
@ -231,10 +231,10 @@ class Application_Model_Scheduler {
else {
$nextDT = $DT;
return $nextDT;
* @param int $showInstance
* @param array $exclude
@ -267,7 +267,7 @@ class Application_Model_Scheduler {
$itemStartDT = $itemEndDT;
@ -291,20 +291,20 @@ class Application_Model_Scheduler {
$startProfile = microtime(true);
foreach ($scheduleItems as $schedule) {
$id = intval($schedule["id"]);
if ($id !== 0) {
$schedItem = CcScheduleQuery::create()->findPK($id, $this->con);
$instance = $schedItem->getCcShowInstances($this->con);
$schedItemEndDT = $schedItem->getDbEnds(null);
$nextStartDT = $this->findNextStartTime($schedItemEndDT, $instance);
//selected empty row to add after
else {
$instance = CcShowInstancesQuery::create()->findPK($schedule["instance"], $this->con);
$showStartDT = $instance->getDbStarts(null);
@ -316,16 +316,16 @@ class Application_Model_Scheduler {
if ($adjustSched === true) {
$pstart = microtime(true);
$followingSchedItems = CcScheduleQuery::create()
->filterByDBStarts($nextStartDT->format("Y-m-d H:i:s.u"), Criteria::GREATER_EQUAL)
->filterByDbId($excludeIds, Criteria::NOT_IN)
$pend = microtime(true);
Logging::debug("finding all following items.");
Logging::debug(floatval($pend) - floatval($pstart));
@ -359,26 +359,26 @@ class Application_Model_Scheduler {
if ($adjustSched === true) {
$pstart = microtime(true);
//recalculate the start/end times after the inserted items.
foreach ($followingSchedItems as $item) {
$endTimeDT = $this->findEndTime($nextStartDT, $item->getDbClipLength());
$nextStartDT = $endTimeDT;
$nextStartDT = $endTimeDT;
$pend = microtime(true);
Logging::debug("adjusting all following items.");
Logging::debug(floatval($pend) - floatval($pstart));
$endProfile = microtime(true);
Logging::debug("finished adding scheduled items.");
Logging::debug(floatval($endProfile) - floatval($startProfile));
@ -389,22 +389,22 @@ class Application_Model_Scheduler {
$startProfile = microtime(true);
foreach ($instances as $instance) {
$endProfile = microtime(true);
Logging::debug("updating show instances status.");
Logging::debug(floatval($endProfile) - floatval($startProfile));
$startProfile = microtime(true);
//update the last scheduled timestamp.
->update(array('DbLastScheduled' => new DateTime("now", new DateTimeZone("UTC"))), $this->con);
$endProfile = microtime(true);
Logging::debug("updating last scheduled timestamp.");
Logging::debug(floatval($endProfile) - floatval($startProfile));
@ -426,7 +426,7 @@ class Application_Model_Scheduler {
$schedFiles = array();
try {
foreach ($mediaItems as $media) {
@ -451,31 +451,31 @@ class Application_Model_Scheduler {
public function moveItem($selectedItems, $afterItems, $adjustSched = true) {
$startProfile = microtime(true);
try {
$endProfile = microtime(true);
Logging::debug("validating move request took:");
Logging::debug(floatval($endProfile) - floatval($startProfile));
$afterInstance = CcShowInstancesQuery::create()->findPK($afterItems[0]["instance"], $this->con);
//map show instances to cc_schedule primary keys.
$modifiedMap = array();
$movedData = array();
//prepare each of the selected items.
for ($i = 0; $i < count($selectedItems); $i++) {
$selected = CcScheduleQuery::create()->findPk($selectedItems[$i]["id"], $this->con);
$selectedInstance = $selected->getCcShowInstances($this->con);
$data = $this->fileInfo;
$data["id"] = $selected->getDbFileId();
$data["cliplength"] = $selected->getDbClipLength();
@ -484,48 +484,48 @@ class Application_Model_Scheduler {
$data["fadein"] = $selected->getDbFadeIn();
$data["fadeout"] = $selected->getDbFadeOut();
$data["sched_id"] = $selected->getDbId();
$movedData[] = $data;
//figure out which items must be removed from calculated show times.
$showInstanceId = $selectedInstance->getDbId();
$schedId = $selected->getDbId();
if (isset($modifiedMap[$showInstanceId])) {
array_push($modifiedMap[$showInstanceId], $schedId);
array_push($modifiedMap[$showInstanceId], $schedId);
else {
$modifiedMap[$showInstanceId] = array($schedId);
//calculate times excluding the to be moved items.
foreach ($modifiedMap as $instance => $schedIds) {
$startProfile = microtime(true);
$this->removeGaps($instance, $schedIds);
$endProfile = microtime(true);
Logging::debug("removing gaps from instance $instance:");
Logging::debug(floatval($endProfile) - floatval($startProfile));
$startProfile = microtime(true);
$this->insertAfter($afterItems, $movedData, $adjustSched);
$endProfile = microtime(true);
Logging::debug("inserting after removing gaps.");
Logging::debug(floatval($endProfile) - floatval($startProfile));
$afterInstanceId = $afterInstance->getDbId();
$modified = array_keys($modifiedMap);
//need to adjust shows we have moved items from.
foreach($modified as $instanceId) {
$instance = CcShowInstancesQuery::create()->findPK($instanceId, $this->con);
@ -543,9 +543,9 @@ class Application_Model_Scheduler {
try {
$scheduledIds = array();
foreach ($scheduledItems as $item) {
$scheduledIds[] = $item["id"];
@ -555,25 +555,25 @@ class Application_Model_Scheduler {
//check to make sure all items selected are up to date
foreach ($removedItems as $removedItem) {
$instance = $removedItem->getCcShowInstances($this->con);
//check to truncate the currently playing item instead of deleting it.
if ($removedItem->isCurrentItem($this->epochNow)) {
$nEpoch = $this->epochNow;
$sEpoch = $removedItem->getDbStarts('U.u');
$length = bcsub($nEpoch , $sEpoch , 6);
$cliplength = Application_Model_Playlist::secondsToPlaylistTime($length);
$cueinSec = Application_Model_Playlist::playlistTimeToSeconds($removedItem->getDbCueIn());
$cueOutSec = bcadd($cueinSec , $length, 6);
$cueout = Application_Model_Playlist::secondsToPlaylistTime($cueOutSec);
else {
@ -619,27 +619,27 @@ class Application_Model_Scheduler {
throw $e;
* Used for cancelling the current show instance.
* @param $p_id id of the show instance to cancel.
public function cancelShow($p_id) {
try {
$instance = CcShowInstancesQuery::create()->findPK($p_id);
if (!$instance->getDbRecord()) {
$items = CcScheduleQuery::create()
->filterByDbEnds($this->nowDT, Criteria::GREATER_THAN)
if (count($items) > 0) {
$remove = array();
$ts = $this->nowDT->format('U');
@ -657,12 +657,12 @@ class Application_Model_Scheduler {
$rebroadcasts = $instance->getCcShowInstancessRelatedByDbId(null, $this->con);
if ($instance->getDbRecord()) {
@ -670,7 +670,7 @@ class Application_Model_Scheduler {
catch (Exception $e) {
throw $e;

View File

@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ class Application_Model_ServiceRegister {
if ($p_ipAddress == "::1"){
$p_ipAddress = "";

View File

@ -21,25 +21,25 @@ class Application_Model_Show {
public function setAirtimeAuthFlag($flag){
$show = CcShowQuery::create()->findPK($this->_showId);
public function setCustomAuthFlag($flag){
$show = CcShowQuery::create()->findPK($this->_showId);
public function setCustomUsername($username){
$show = CcShowQuery::create()->findPK($this->_showId);
public function setCustomPassword($password){
$show = CcShowQuery::create()->findPK($this->_showId);
@ -303,8 +303,6 @@ class Application_Model_Show {
." AND starts > TIMESTAMP '$timestamp'"
." AND show_id = $showId";
@ -557,7 +555,7 @@ class Application_Model_Show {
* Get the start date of the current show in UTC timezone.
@ -594,8 +592,8 @@ class Application_Model_Show {
* The start date in the format YYYY-MM-DD
public function getStartDate(){
list($date,) = explode(" ", $this->getStartDateAndTime());
return $date;
list($date,) = explode(" ", $this->getStartDateAndTime());
return $date;
@ -606,8 +604,8 @@ class Application_Model_Show {
public function getStartTime(){
list(,$time) = explode(" ", $this->getStartDateAndTime());
return $time;
list(,$time) = explode(" ", $this->getStartDateAndTime());
return $time;
@ -1251,8 +1249,8 @@ class Application_Model_Show {
$rebroadcasts = $con->query($sql)->fetchAll();
if ($showInstance->isRecorded()){
self::createRebroadcastInstances($rebroadcasts, $currentUtcTimestamp, $show_id, $show_instance_id, $start, $duration, $timezone);
self::createRebroadcastInstances($rebroadcasts, $currentUtcTimestamp, $show_id, $show_instance_id, $start, $duration, $timezone);
@ -1307,13 +1305,13 @@ class Application_Model_Show {
if ($show->hasInstanceOnDate($utcStartDateTime)){
$ccShowInstance = $show->getInstanceOnDate($utcStartDateTime);
if ($ccShowInstance->getDbModifiedInstance()){
//show instance on this date has been deleted.
list($start, $utcStartDateTime) = self::advanceRepeatingDate($p_interval, $start, $timezone);
$newInstance = false;
} else {
$ccShowInstance = new CcShowInstances();
@ -1349,7 +1347,7 @@ class Application_Model_Show {
Application_Model_Show::setNextPop($start, $show_id, $day);
private static function advanceRepeatingDate($p_interval, $start, $timezone){
$startDt = new DateTime($start, new DateTimeZone($timezone));
if ($p_interval == 'P1M'){
@ -1369,19 +1367,19 @@ class Application_Model_Show {
do {
$dt->add(new DateInterval($p_interval));
} while(!checkdate($dt->format("m"), $startDt->format("d"), $dt->format("Y")));
$dt->setDate($dt->format("Y"), $dt->format("m"), $startDt->format("d"));
} else {
$dt = new DateTime($start, new DateTimeZone($timezone));
$dt->add(new DateInterval($p_interval));
$start = $dt->format("Y-m-d H:i:s");
$dt->setTimezone(new DateTimeZone('UTC'));
$utcStartDateTime = $dt;
return array($start, $utcStartDateTime);
@ -1585,7 +1583,7 @@ class Application_Model_Show {
$days = $interval->format('%a');
$shows = Application_Model_Show::getShows($p_start, $p_end);
$nowEpoch = time();
foreach ($shows as $show) {
$options = array();
@ -1594,14 +1592,14 @@ class Application_Model_Show {
if (intval($days) <= 7) {
$options["percent"] = Application_Model_Show::getPercentScheduled($show["starts"], $show["ends"], $show["time_filled"]);
if (isset($show["parent_starts"])) {
$parentStartsDT = new DateTime($show["parent_starts"], new DateTimeZone("UTC"));
$parentStartsEpoch = intval($parentStartsDT->format("U"));
$startsDT = new DateTime($show["starts"], new DateTimeZone("UTC"));
$endsDT = new DateTime($show["ends"], new DateTimeZone("UTC"));
$startsEpoch = intval($startsDT->format("U"));
$endsEpoch = intval($endsDT->format("U"));
@ -1689,7 +1687,7 @@ class Application_Model_Show {
$showDay = CcShowDaysQuery::create()
@ -1730,7 +1728,7 @@ class Application_Model_Show {
$con = Propel::getConnection();
if($timeNow == null){
$date = new Application_Common_DateHelper;
$timeNow = $date->getUtcTimestamp();
$timeNow = $date->getUtcTimestamp();
//TODO, returning starts + ends twice (once with an alias). Unify this after the 2.0 release. --Martin
$sql = "SELECT si.starts as start_timestamp, si.ends as end_timestamp,,"
@ -1763,7 +1761,7 @@ class Application_Model_Show {
." AND si.ends < TIMESTAMP '$p_timeNow' + INTERVAL '2 days'"
." AND modified_instance != TRUE"
." ORDER BY si.starts";
$rows = $con->query($sql)->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
$numberOfRows = count($rows);
@ -1775,7 +1773,7 @@ class Application_Model_Show {
for ($i = 0; $i < $numberOfRows; ++$i) {
//Find the show that is within the current time.
if ((strtotime($rows[$i]['starts']) <= $timeNowAsMillis)
if ((strtotime($rows[$i]['starts']) <= $timeNowAsMillis)
&& (strtotime($rows[$i]['ends']) > $timeNowAsMillis)) {
if ($i-1 >= 0) {
$results['previousShow'][0] = array(
@ -1842,7 +1840,7 @@ class Application_Model_Show {
return $results;

View File

@ -14,14 +14,14 @@ class Application_Model_ShowBuilder {
private $user;
private $opts;
private $pos;
private $contentDT;
private $epoch_now;
private $currentShow;
private $showInstances = array();
private $defaultRowArray = array(
"header" => false,
"footer" => false,
@ -54,16 +54,16 @@ class Application_Model_ShowBuilder {
$this->startDT = $p_startDT;
$this->endDT = $p_endDT;
$this->timezone = date_default_timezone_get();
$this->user = Application_Model_User::GetCurrentUser();
$this->user = Application_Model_User::getCurrentUser();
$this->opts = $p_opts;
$this->epoch_now = floatval(microtime(true));
$this->currentShow = false;
private function getUsersShows() {
$shows = array();
$host_shows = CcShowHostsQuery::create()
@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ class Application_Model_ShowBuilder {
foreach ($host_shows as $host_show) {
$shows[] = $host_show->getDbShow();
return $shows;
@ -84,15 +84,15 @@ class Application_Model_ShowBuilder {
if ($this->user->canSchedule($p_item["show_id"]) == true) {
if ($this->user->canSchedule($p_item["show_id"]) == true) {
$row["allowed"] = true;
private function getItemColor($p_item, &$row) {
$defaultColor = "ffffff";
$defaultBackground = "3366cc";
$color = $p_item["show_color"];
if ($color === '') {
$color = $defaultColor;
@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ class Application_Model_ShowBuilder {
if ($backgroundColor === '') {
$backgroundColor = $defaultBackground;
$row["color"] = $color;
$row["backgroundColor"] = $backgroundColor;
@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ class Application_Model_ShowBuilder {
$row["timestamp"] = $ts;
* marks a row's status.
* 0 = past
@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ class Application_Model_ShowBuilder {
* 2 = future
private function getScheduledStatus($p_epochItemStart, $p_epochItemEnd, &$row) {
if ($row["footer"] === true && $this->epoch_now > $p_epochItemStart && $this->epoch_now > $p_epochItemEnd) {
$row["scheduled"] = 0;
@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ class Application_Model_ShowBuilder {
else if ($row["header"] === true && $this->epoch_now < $p_epochItemEnd) {
$row["scheduled"] = 2;
//item is in the past.
else if ($this->epoch_now > $p_epochItemEnd) {
$row["scheduled"] = 0;
@ -156,7 +156,7 @@ class Application_Model_ShowBuilder {
//how many seconds the view should wait to redraw itself.
$row["refresh"] = $p_epochItemEnd - $this->epoch_now;
//item is in the future.
else if ($this->epoch_now < $p_epochItemStart) {
$row["scheduled"] = 2;
@ -176,31 +176,31 @@ class Application_Model_ShowBuilder {
$showEndDT = new DateTime($p_item["si_ends"], new DateTimeZone("UTC"));
$showEndDT->setTimezone(new DateTimeZone($this->timezone));
$endsEpoch = floatval($showEndDT->format("U.u"));
//is a rebroadcast show
if (intval($p_item["si_rebroadcast"]) === 1) {
$row["rebroadcast"] = true;
$parentInstance = CcShowInstancesQuery::create()->findPk($p_item["parent_show"]);
$name = $parentInstance->getCcShow()->getDbName();
$dt = $parentInstance->getDbStarts(null);
$dt->setTimezone(new DateTimeZone($this->timezone));
$time = $dt->format("Y-m-d H:i");
$row["rebroadcast_title"] = "Rebroadcast of {$name} from {$time}";
else if (intval($p_item["si_record"]) === 1) {
$row["record"] = true;
if (Application_Model_Preference::GetUploadToSoundcloudOption()) {
$file = Application_Model_StoredFile::Recall($p_item["si_file_id"]);
if (isset($file)) {
$sid = $file->getSoundCloudId();
$row["soundcloud_id"] = $sid;
if ($startsEpoch < $this->epoch_now && $endsEpoch > $this->epoch_now) {
$row["currentShow"] = true;
$this->currentShow = true;
@ -221,7 +221,7 @@ class Application_Model_ShowBuilder {
$row["title"] = $p_item["show_name"];
$row["instance"] = intval($p_item["si_id"]);
$row["image"] = '';
$this->getScheduledStatus($startsEpoch, $endsEpoch, $row);
$this->contentDT = $showStartDT;
@ -254,7 +254,7 @@ class Application_Model_ShowBuilder {
$row["instance"] = intval($p_item["si_id"]);
$row["starts"] = $schedStartDT->format("H:i:s");
$row["ends"] = $schedEndDT->format("H:i:s");
$formatter = new LengthFormatter($p_item['file_length']);
$row['runtime'] = $formatter->format();
@ -266,7 +266,7 @@ class Application_Model_ShowBuilder {
$row["cueout"] = $p_item["cue_out"];
$row["fadein"] = round(substr($p_item["fade_in"], 6), 6);
$row["fadeout"] = round(substr($p_item["fade_out"], 6), 6);
$row["pos"] = $this->pos++;
$this->contentDT = $schedEndDT;
@ -275,10 +275,10 @@ class Application_Model_ShowBuilder {
else if (intval($p_item["si_record"]) === 1) {
$row["record"] = true;
$row["instance"] = intval($p_item["si_id"]);
$showStartDT = new DateTime($p_item["si_starts"], new DateTimeZone("UTC"));
$showEndDT = new DateTime($p_item["si_ends"], new DateTimeZone("UTC"));
$startsEpoch = floatval($showStartDT->format("U.u"));
$endsEpoch = floatval($showEndDT->format("U.u"));
@ -289,7 +289,7 @@ class Application_Model_ShowBuilder {
$row["id"] = 0 ;
$row["instance"] = intval($p_item["si_id"]);
if (intval($p_item["si_rebroadcast"]) === 1) {
$row["rebroadcast"] = true;
@ -320,23 +320,23 @@ class Application_Model_ShowBuilder {
$timeFilled = new TimeFilledFormatter($runtime);
$row["fRuntime"] = $timeFilled->format();
$showStartDT = new DateTime($p_item["si_starts"], new DateTimeZone("UTC"));
$showStartDT->setTimezone(new DateTimeZone($this->timezone));
$startsEpoch = floatval($showStartDT->format("U.u"));
$showEndDT = new DateTime($p_item["si_ends"], new DateTimeZone("UTC"));
$showEndDT->setTimezone(new DateTimeZone($this->timezone));
$endsEpoch = floatval($showEndDT->format("U.u"));
$row["refresh"] = floatval($showEndDT->format("U.u")) - $this->epoch_now;
if ($this->currentShow === true) {
$row["currentShow"] = true;
$this->getScheduledStatus($startsEpoch, $endsEpoch, $row);
$this->isAllowed($p_item, $row);
return $row;
@ -349,7 +349,7 @@ class Application_Model_ShowBuilder {
public function hasBeenUpdatedSince($timestamp, $instances) {
$outdated = false;
$shows = Application_Model_Show::getShows($this->startDT, $this->endDT);
if ($this->opts["showFilter"] !== 0) {
$include[] = $this->opts["showFilter"];
@ -357,22 +357,22 @@ class Application_Model_ShowBuilder {
$include = $this->getUsersShows();
$currentInstances = array();
foreach ($shows as $show) {
if (empty($include) || in_array($show["show_id"], $include)) {
$currentInstances[] = $show["instance_id"];
if (isset($show["last_scheduled"])) {
$dt = new DateTime($show["last_scheduled"], new DateTimeZone("UTC"));
else {
$dt = new DateTime($show["created"], new DateTimeZone("UTC"));
//check if any of the shows have a more recent timestamp.
$showTimeStamp = intval($dt->format("U"));
if ($timestamp < $showTimeStamp) {
@ -411,7 +411,7 @@ class Application_Model_ShowBuilder {
for ($i = 0, $rows = count($scheduled_items); $i < $rows; $i++) {
$item = $scheduled_items[$i];
//don't send back data for filler rows.
if (isset($item["playout_status"]) && $item["playout_status"] < 0) {
@ -425,11 +425,11 @@ class Application_Model_ShowBuilder {
//pass in the previous row as it's the last row for the previous show.
$display_items[] = $this->makeFooterRow($scheduled_items[$i-1]);
$display_items[] = $this->makeHeaderRow($item);
$current_id = $item["si_id"];
$this->pos = 1;
@ -449,7 +449,7 @@ class Application_Model_ShowBuilder {
if (count($scheduled_items) > 0) {
$display_items[] = $this->makeFooterRow($scheduled_items[count($scheduled_items)-1]);
return array("schedule" => $display_items, "showInstances" => $this->showInstances);

View File

@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ class Application_Model_ShowInstance {
public function getShow(){
return new Application_Model_Show($this->getShowId());
public function deleteRebroadcasts(){
$con = Propel::getConnection();
@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ class Application_Model_ShowInstance {
." AND instance_id = $instance_id"
." AND rebroadcast = 1";
/* This function is weird. It should return a boolean, but instead returns
@ -256,11 +256,11 @@ class Application_Model_ShowInstance {
if ($today_timestamp > $newStartsDateTime->getTimestamp()) {
return "Can't move show into past";
//check if show is overlapping
$overlapping = Application_Model_Schedule::checkOverlappingShows($newStartsDateTime, $newEndsDateTime, true, $this->getShowInstanceId());
if ($overlapping) {
return "Cannot schedule overlapping shows";
return "Cannot schedule overlapping shows";
if ($this->isRecorded()) {
@ -579,7 +579,7 @@ class Application_Model_ShowInstance {
public function getTimeScheduled()
$time = $this->_showInstance->getDbTimeFilled();
if ($time != "00:00:00" && !empty($time)) {
$time_arr = explode(".", $time);
if (count($time_arr) > 1) {
@ -593,7 +593,7 @@ class Application_Model_ShowInstance {
} else {
$time = "00:00:00.00";
return $time;
@ -637,7 +637,7 @@ class Application_Model_ShowInstance {
} else {
$returnStr = $hours . ":" . $interval->format("%I:%S") . ".00";
return $returnStr;
@ -670,30 +670,30 @@ class Application_Model_ShowInstance {
public function getLastAudioItemEnd()
$con = Propel::getConnection();
$con = Propel::getConnection();
$sql = "SELECT ends FROM cc_schedule "
."WHERE instance_id = {$this->_instanceId} "
."ORDER BY ends DESC "
."LIMIT 1";
$sql = "SELECT ends FROM cc_schedule "
."WHERE instance_id = {$this->_instanceId} "
."ORDER BY ends DESC "
."LIMIT 1";
$query = $con->query($sql)->fetchColumn(0);
$query = $con->query($sql)->fetchColumn(0);
return ($query !== false) ? $query : NULL;
public function getShowEndGapTime(){
$showEnd = $this->getShowInstanceEnd();
$lastItemEnd = $this->getLastAudioItemEnd();
$showEnd = $this->getShowInstanceEnd();
$lastItemEnd = $this->getLastAudioItemEnd();
if (is_null($lastItemEnd)){
$lastItemEnd = $this->getShowInstanceStart();
if (is_null($lastItemEnd)){
$lastItemEnd = $this->getShowInstanceStart();
$diff = strtotime($showEnd) - strtotime($lastItemEnd);
$diff = strtotime($showEnd) - strtotime($lastItemEnd);
return ($diff < 0) ? 0 : $diff;
return ($diff < 0) ? 0 : $diff;
public static function GetLastShowInstance($p_timeNow){
global $CC_CONFIG;
@ -777,14 +777,14 @@ class Application_Model_ShowInstance {
$con = Propel::getConnection();
$sql = "SELECT ends
FROM cc_show_instances as si
FROM cc_show_instances as si
JOIN cc_show as sh ON si.show_id =
WHERE si.ends > '$p_startTime' and si.ends < '$p_endTime' and (sh.live_stream_using_airtime_auth or live_stream_using_custom_auth)
ORDER BY si.ends";
WHERE si.ends > '$p_startTime' and si.ends < '$p_endTime' and (sh.live_stream_using_airtime_auth or live_stream_using_custom_auth)
ORDER BY si.ends";
return $con->query($sql)->fetchAll();
function isRepeating(){
if ($this->getShow()->isRepeating()){
return true;

View File

@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ class Application_Model_Soundcloud {
private $_soundcloud;
public function __construct()
public function __construct()
global $CC_CONFIG;
@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ class Application_Model_Soundcloud {
$downloadable = Application_Model_Preference::GetSoundCloudDownloadbleOption() == '1'?true:false;
$track_data = array(
'track[sharing]' => 'private',
'track[title]' => $filename,
@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ class Application_Model_Soundcloud {
if ($license != "") {
$track_data['track[license]'] = $license;
$response = json_decode(
$this->_soundcloud->post('tracks', $track_data),

View File

@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ class Application_Model_StoredFile {
else {
$dbMd = array();
if (isset($p_md["MDATA_KEY_YEAR"])){
// We need to make sure to clean this value before inserting into database.
// If value is outside of range [-2^31, 2^31-1] then postgresl will throw error
@ -100,9 +100,9 @@ class Application_Model_StoredFile {
// new garbage value won't cause errors). If the value is 2012-01-01, then substring to
// first 4 digits is an OK result.
// CC-3771
$year = $p_md["MDATA_KEY_YEAR"];
if (strlen($year) > 4){
$year = substr($year, 0, 4);
@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ class Application_Model_StoredFile {
$p_md["MDATA_KEY_YEAR"] = $year;
foreach ($p_md as $mdConst => $mdValue) {
if (defined($mdConst)){
$dbMd[constant($mdConst)] = $mdValue;
@ -161,9 +161,9 @@ class Application_Model_StoredFile {
* Set metadata element value
* @param string $category
* Metadata element by metadata constant
* Metadata element by metadata constant
* @param string $value
* value to store, if NULL then delete record
* value to store, if NULL then delete record
public function setMetadataValue($p_category, $p_value)
@ -176,9 +176,9 @@ class Application_Model_StoredFile {
* Set metadata element value
* @param string $category
* Metadata element by db column
* Metadata element by db column
* @param string $value
* value to store, if NULL then delete record
* value to store, if NULL then delete record
public function setDbColMetadataValue($p_category, $p_value)
@ -245,12 +245,12 @@ class Application_Model_StoredFile {
$c = get_defined_constants(true);
$md = array();
/* Create a copy of dbMD here and create a "filepath" key inside of
/* Create a copy of dbMD here and create a "filepath" key inside of
* it. The reason we do this here, instead of creating this key inside
* dbMD is because "filepath" isn't really metadata, and we don't want
* dbMD is because "filepath" isn't really metadata, and we don't want
* filepath updated everytime the metadata changes. Also it needs extra
* processing before we can write it to the database (needs to be split
* processing before we can write it to the database (needs to be split
* into base and relative path)
* */
$dbmd_copy = $this->_dbMD;
@ -273,9 +273,9 @@ class Application_Model_StoredFile {
* Set state of virtual file
* @param string $p_state
* 'empty'|'incomplete'|'ready'|'edited'
* 'empty'|'incomplete'|'ready'|'edited'
* @param int $p_editedby
* user id | 'NULL' for clear editedBy field
* user id | 'NULL' for clear editedBy field
* @return TRUE
public function setState($p_state, $p_editedby=NULL)
@ -330,7 +330,7 @@ class Application_Model_StoredFile {
$music_dir = Application_Model_MusicDir::getDirByPK($this->_file->getDbDirectory());
$type = $music_dir->getType();
if (file_exists($filepath) && $type == "stor") {
$data = array("filepath" => $filepath, "delete" => 1);
Application_Model_RabbitMq::SendMessageToMediaMonitor("file_delete", $data);
@ -343,7 +343,7 @@ class Application_Model_StoredFile {
* This function is for when media monitor detects deletion of file
* and trying to update airtime side
@ -367,7 +367,7 @@ class Application_Model_StoredFile {
* Return suitable extension.
* @return string
* file extension without a dot
* file extension without a dot
public function getFileExtension()
@ -395,7 +395,7 @@ class Application_Model_StoredFile {
return $directory.$filepath;
* Set real filename of raw media data
@ -500,9 +500,9 @@ Logging::log("getting media! - 2");
* be NULL.
* @param int $p_id
* local id
* local id
* @param string $p_gunid
* global unique id of file
* global unique id of file
* @param string $p_md5sum
* MD5 sum of the file
* @param boolean $exist
@ -570,7 +570,7 @@ Logging::log("getting media! - 2");
* by gunid.
* @param string $p_gunid
* global unique id of file
* global unique id of file
* @return Application_Model_StoredFile|NULL
public static function RecallByGunid($p_gunid)
@ -624,7 +624,7 @@ Logging::log("getting media! - 2");
public static function searchLibraryFiles($datatables) {
$con = Propel::getConnection(CcFilesPeer::DATABASE_NAME);
$con = Propel::getConnection(CcFilesPeer::DATABASE_NAME);
$displayColumns = array("id", "track_title", "artist_name", "album_title", "genre", "length",
"year", "utime", "mtime", "ftype", "track_number", "mood", "bpm", "composer", "info_url",
@ -871,26 +871,26 @@ Logging::log("getting media! - 2");
return $result;
if (chmod($audio_file, 0644) === false){
Logging::log("Warning: couldn't change permissions of $audio_file to 0644");
//check to see if there is enough space in $stor to continue.
if (self::isEnoughDiskSpaceToCopy($stor, $audio_file)){
$audio_stor = Application_Common_OsPath::join($stor, "organize", $fileName);
if (self::liquidsoapFilePlayabilityTest($audio_file)){
Logging::log("copyFileToStor: moving file $audio_file to $audio_stor");
//Martin K.: changed to rename: Much less load + quicker since this is an atomic operation
if (@rename($audio_file, $audio_stor) === false) {
#something went wrong likely there wasn't enough space in the audio_stor to move the file too.
#warn the user that the file wasn't uploaded and they should check if there is enough disk space.
unlink($audio_file);//remove the file after failed rename
$result = array("code" => 108, "message" => "The file was not uploaded, this error can occur if the computer hard drive does not have enough disk space.");
} else {
$result = array("code" => 110, "message" => "This file appears to be corrupted and will not be added to media library.");
@ -901,23 +901,23 @@ Logging::log("getting media! - 2");
return $result;
* Pass the file through Liquidsoap and test if it is readable. Return True if readable, and False otherwise.
public static function liquidsoapFilePlayabilityTest($audio_file){
$LIQUIDSOAP_ERRORS = array('TagLib: MPEG::Properties::read() -- Could not find a valid last MPEG frame in the stream.');
// Ask Liquidsoap if file is playable
$command = sprintf("/usr/bin/airtime-liquidsoap -c 'output.dummy(audio_to_stereo(single(\"%s\")))' 2>&1", $audio_file);
exec($command, $output, $rv);
$isError = count($output) > 0 && in_array($output[0], $LIQUIDSOAP_ERRORS);
return ($rv == 0 && !$isError);
return ($rv == 0 && !$isError);
public static function getFileCount()
global $CC_CONFIG;
@ -960,28 +960,28 @@ Logging::log("getting media! - 2");
return $results;
/* Gets number of tracks uploaded to
* Soundcloud in the last 24 hours
public static function getSoundCloudUploads()
try {
$con = Propel::getConnection();
$sql = "SELECT soundcloud_id as id, soundcloud_upload_time"
$con = Propel::getConnection();
$sql = "SELECT soundcloud_id as id, soundcloud_upload_time"
." WHERE (id != -2 and id != -3) and"
." (soundcloud_upload_time >= (now() - (INTERVAL '1 day')))";
$rows = $con->query($sql)->fetchAll();
return count($rows);
} catch (Exception $e) {
header('HTTP/1.0 503 Service Unavailable');
Logging::log("Could not connect to database.");
public function setSoundCloudLinkToFile($link_to_file)
@ -1021,10 +1021,10 @@ Logging::log("getting media! - 2");
public function getSoundCloudErrorMsg(){
return $this->_file->getDbSoundCloudErrorMsg();
public function getDirectory(){
return $this->_file->getDbDirectory();
return $this->_file->getDbDirectory();
public function setFileExistsFlag($flag){
@ -1032,7 +1032,7 @@ Logging::log("getting media! - 2");
public function setSoundCloudUploadTime($time){
public function getFileExistsFlag(){

View File

@ -130,23 +130,23 @@ class Application_Model_StreamSetting {
if (!isset($exists["master_live_stream_port"])) {
$rows[] = array("keyname" =>"master_live_stream_port",
$rows[] = array("keyname" =>"master_live_stream_port",
if (!isset($exists["master_live_stream_mp"])) {
$rows[] = array("keyname" =>"master_live_stream_mp",
$rows[] = array("keyname" =>"master_live_stream_mp",
if (!isset($exists["dj_live_stream_port"])) {
$rows[] = array("keyname" =>"dj_live_stream_port",
$rows[] = array("keyname" =>"dj_live_stream_port",
if (!isset($exists["dj_live_stream_mp"])) {
$rows[] = array("keyname" =>"dj_live_stream_mp",
$rows[] = array("keyname" =>"dj_live_stream_mp",
return $rows;
@ -180,7 +180,7 @@ class Application_Model_StreamSetting {
$v = $d['enable'] == 1 ? 'true' : 'false';
$v = trim($v);
#escape double single quotes CC-3926
$v = str_replace("'", "''", $v);
$sql = "UPDATE cc_stream_setting SET value='$v' WHERE keyname='$keyname'";

View File

@ -9,15 +9,15 @@ class Application_Model_Systemstatus
$monit_password = $CC_CONFIG['monit_password'];
$url = "http://$p_ip:2812/_status?format=xml";
$ch = curl_init();
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
$ch = curl_init();
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERPWD, "$monit_user:$monit_password");
//wait a max of 3 seconds before aborting connection attempt
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 3);
$result = curl_exec($ch);
$info = curl_getinfo($ch);
@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ class Application_Model_Systemstatus
return $docRoot;
public static function ExtractServiceInformation($p_docRoot, $p_serviceName){
$starting = array(
@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ class Application_Model_Systemstatus
$notMonitored = array(
"process_id"=>"NOT MONITORED",
@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ class Application_Model_Systemstatus
$notRunning = array(
@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ class Application_Model_Systemstatus
$data = $notRunning;
if (!is_null($p_docRoot)){
foreach ($p_docRoot->getElementsByTagName("service") AS $item)
@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ class Application_Model_Systemstatus
if ($process_id->length > 0){
$data["name"] = $process_id->item(0)->nodeValue;
$process_id = $item->getElementsByTagName("pid");
if ($process_id->length > 0){
$data["process_id"] = $process_id->item(0)->nodeValue;
@ -104,13 +104,13 @@ class Application_Model_Systemstatus
if ($uptime->length > 0){
$data["uptime_seconds"] = $uptime->item(0)->nodeValue;
$memory = $item->getElementsByTagName("memory");
if ($memory->length > 0){
$data["memory_perc"] = $memory->item(0)->getElementsByTagName("percenttotal")->item(0)->nodeValue."%";
$data["memory_kb"] = $memory->item(0)->getElementsByTagName("kilobytetotal")->item(0)->nodeValue;
$cpu = $item->getElementsByTagName("cpu");
if ($cpu->length > 0){
$data["cpu_perc"] = $cpu->item(0)->getElementsByTagName("percent")->item(0)->nodeValue."%";
@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ class Application_Model_Systemstatus
foreach($keys as $key) {
$data[$key] = "UNKNOWN";
$docRoot = self::GetMonitStatus("localhost");
if (!is_null($docRoot)){
foreach ($docRoot->getElementsByTagName("platform") AS $item)
@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ class Application_Model_Systemstatus
return $data;
@ -151,14 +151,14 @@ class Application_Model_Systemstatus
return null;
} else {
$ip = $component->getDbIp();
$docRoot = self::GetMonitStatus($ip);
$data = self::ExtractServiceInformation($docRoot, "airtime-playout");
return $data;
public static function GetLiquidsoapStatus(){
$component = CcServiceRegisterQuery::create()->findOneByDbName("pypo");
@ -166,14 +166,14 @@ class Application_Model_Systemstatus
return null;
} else {
$ip = $component->getDbIp();
$docRoot = self::GetMonitStatus($ip);
$data = self::ExtractServiceInformation($docRoot, "airtime-liquidsoap");
return $data;
public static function GetMediaMonitorStatus(){
$component = CcServiceRegisterQuery::create()->findOneByDbName("media-monitor");
@ -181,15 +181,15 @@ class Application_Model_Systemstatus
return null;
} else {
$ip = $component->getDbIp();
$docRoot = self::GetMonitStatus($ip);
$data = self::ExtractServiceInformation($docRoot, "airtime-media-monitor");
return $data;
public static function GetIcecastStatus(){
public static function GetIcecastStatus(){
$docRoot = self::GetMonitStatus("localhost");
$data = self::ExtractServiceInformation($docRoot, "icecast2");
@ -197,7 +197,7 @@ class Application_Model_Systemstatus
public static function GetRabbitMqStatus(){
if (isset($_SERVER["RABBITMQ_HOST"])){
$rabbitmq_host = $_SERVER["RABBITMQ_HOST"];
} else {
@ -208,18 +208,18 @@ class Application_Model_Systemstatus
return $data;
public static function GetDiskInfo(){
$partions = array();
if (isset($_SERVER['AIRTIME_SRV'])){
//connect to DB and find how much total space user has allocated.
$totalSpace = Application_Model_Preference::GetDiskQuota();
$storPath = Application_Model_MusicDir::getStorDir()->getDirectory();
list($usedSpace,) = preg_split("/[\s]+/", exec("du -bs $storPath"));
$partitions[$totalSpace]->totalSpace = $totalSpace;
$partitions[$totalSpace]->totalFreeSpace = $totalSpace - $usedSpace;
@ -228,7 +228,7 @@ class Application_Model_Systemstatus
* into the same partitions by comparing the partition sizes. */
$musicDirs = Application_Model_MusicDir::getWatchedDirs();
$musicDirs[] = Application_Model_MusicDir::getStorDir();
foreach($musicDirs as $md){
$totalSpace = disk_total_space($md->getDirectory());
@ -238,7 +238,7 @@ class Application_Model_Systemstatus
$partitions[$totalSpace]->totalFreeSpace = disk_free_space($md->getDirectory());
$partitions[$totalSpace]->dirs[] = $md->getDirectory();

View File

@ -11,191 +11,220 @@ class Application_Model_User {
public function __construct($userId)
if (empty($userId)){
if (empty($userId)) {
$this->_userInstance = $this->createUser();
else {
} else {
$this->_userInstance = CcSubjsQuery::create()->findPK($userId);
if (is_null($this->_userInstance)){
if (is_null($this->_userInstance)) {
throw new Exception();
public function getId() {
public function getId()
return $this->_userInstance->getDbId();
public function isGuest() {
public function isGuest()
return $this->getType() == UTYPE_GUEST;
public function isHost($showId) {
return $this->isUserType(UTYPE_HOST, $showId);
public function isHost($showId)
return $this->isUserType(UTYPE_HOST, $showId);
public function isPM() {
public function isPM()
return $this->isUserType(UTYPE_PROGRAM_MANAGER);
public function isAdmin() {
public function isAdmin()
return $this->isUserType(UTYPE_ADMIN);
public function canSchedule($p_showId) {
$type = $this->getType();
$result = false;
public function canSchedule($p_showId)
$type = $this->getType();
$result = false;
if ( $type === UTYPE_ADMIN ||
if ($type === UTYPE_ADMIN ||
CcShowHostsQuery::create()->filterByDbShow($p_showId)->filterByDbHost($this->getId())->count() > 0 )
$result = true;
CcShowHostsQuery::create()->filterByDbShow($p_showId)->filterByDbHost($this->getId())->count() > 0) {
$result = true;
return $result;
return $result;
public function isUserType($type, $showId=''){
$result = false;
foreach($type as $t){
$result = $this->_userInstance->getDbType() === 'A';
$userId = $this->_userInstance->getDbId();
$result = CcShowHostsQuery::create()->filterByDbShow($showId)->filterByDbHost($userId)->count() > 0;
$result = $this->_userInstance->getDbType() === 'P';
return $result;
return $this->_userInstance->getDbType() === 'A';
$userId = $this->_userInstance->getDbId();
return CcShowHostsQuery::create()->filterByDbShow($showId)->filterByDbHost($userId)->count() > 0;
return $this->_userInstance->getDbType() === 'P';
public function isUserType($type, $showId='')
if (is_array($type)) {
$result = false;
foreach ($type as $t) {
$result = $this->_userInstance->getDbType() === 'A';
$userId = $this->_userInstance->getDbId();
$result = CcShowHostsQuery::create()
->filterByDbHost($userId)->count() > 0;
$result = $this->_userInstance->getDbType() === 'P';
if ($result) {
return $result;
} else {
switch($type) {
return $this->_userInstance->getDbType() === 'A';
$userId = $this->_userInstance->getDbId();
return CcShowHostsQuery::create()->filterByDbShow($showId)->filterByDbHost($userId)->count() > 0;
return $this->_userInstance->getDbType() === 'P';
public function setLogin($login){
public function setLogin($login)
$user = $this->_userInstance;
public function setPassword($password){
public function setPassword($password)
$user = $this->_userInstance;
public function setFirstName($firstName){
public function setFirstName($firstName)
$user = $this->_userInstance;
public function setLastName($lastName){
public function setLastName($lastName)
$user = $this->_userInstance;
public function setType($type){
public function setType($type)
$user = $this->_userInstance;
public function setEmail($email){
public function setEmail($email)
$user = $this->_userInstance;
public function setCellPhone($cellPhone){
public function setCellPhone($cellPhone)
$user = $this->_userInstance;
public function setSkype($skype){
public function setSkype($skype)
$user = $this->_userInstance;
public function setJabber($jabber){
public function setJabber($jabber)
$user = $this->_userInstance;
public function getLogin(){
public function getLogin()
$user = $this->_userInstance;
return $user->getDbLogin();
public function getPassword(){
public function getPassword()
$user = $this->_userInstance;
return $user->getDbPass();
public function getFirstName(){
public function getFirstName()
$user = $this->_userInstance;
return $user->getDbFirstName();
public function getLastName(){
public function getLastName()
$user = $this->_userInstance;
return $user->getDbLastName();
public function getType(){
public function getType()
$user = $this->_userInstance;
return $user->getDbType();
public function getEmail(){
public function getEmail()
$user = $this->_userInstance;
return $user->getDbEmail();
public function getCellPhone(){
public function getCellPhone()
$user = $this->_userInstance;
return $user->getDbCellPhone();
public function getSkype(){
public function getSkype()
$user = $this->_userInstance;
return $user->getDbSkypeContact();
public function getJabber(){
public function getJabber()
$user = $this->_userInstance;
return $user->getDbJabberContact();
public function save(){
public function save()
public function delete(){
if (!$this->_userInstance->isDeleted())
public function delete()
if (!$this->_userInstance->isDeleted()) {
private function createUser() {
private function createUser()
$user = new CcSubjs();
return $user;
public static function getUsers($type, $search=NULL)
public static function getUsers($type, $search=null)
$con = Propel::getConnection();
@ -203,12 +232,11 @@ class Application_Model_User {
$sql = $sql_gen;
if (is_array($type)) {
for($i=0; $i<count($type); $i++) {
for ($i=0; $i<count($type); $i++) {
$type[$i] = "type = '{$type[$i]}'";
$sql_type = join(" OR ", $type);
else {
} else {
$sql_type = "type = {$type}";
@ -225,39 +253,40 @@ class Application_Model_User {
return $con->query($sql)->fetchAll();;
public static function getUserCount($type=NULL){
public static function getUserCount($type=null)
$con = Propel::getConnection();
$sql = '';
$sql_gen = "SELECT count(*) AS cnt FROM cc_subjs ";
if (!isset($type)) {
$sql = $sql_gen;
if (is_array($type)) {
for ($i=0; $i<count($type); $i++) {
$type[$i] = "type = '{$type[$i]}'";
$sql_type = join(" OR ", $type);
else {
$sql_type = "type = {$type}";
$sql = $sql_gen;
} else {
if (is_array($type)) {
for ($i=0; $i<count($type); $i++) {
$type[$i] = "type = '{$type[$i]}'";
$sql_type = join(" OR ", $type);
} else {
$sql_type = "type = {$type}";
$sql = $sql_gen ." WHERE (". $sql_type.") ";
$sql = $sql_gen ." WHERE (". $sql_type.") ";
$query = $con->query($sql)->fetchColumn(0);
return ($query !== false) ? $query : NULL;
return ($query !== false) ? $query : null;
public static function getHosts($search=NULL) {
public static function getHosts($search=null)
return Application_Model_User::getUsers(array('H'), $search);
public static function getUsersDataTablesInfo($datatables) {
public static function getUsersDataTablesInfo($datatables)
$con = Propel::getConnection(CcSubjsPeer::DATABASE_NAME);
$con = Propel::getConnection(CcSubjsPeer::DATABASE_NAME);
$displayColumns = array("id", "login", "first_name", "last_name", "type");
$fromTable = "cc_subjs";
@ -273,8 +302,8 @@ class Application_Model_User {
$res = Application_Model_Datatables::findEntries($con, $displayColumns, $fromTable, $datatables);
// mark record which is for the current user
foreach($res['aaData'] as &$record){
if($record['login'] == $username){
foreach ($res['aaData'] as &$record) {
if ($record['login'] == $username) {
$record['delete'] = "self";
} else {
$record['delete'] = "";
@ -284,7 +313,8 @@ class Application_Model_User {
return $res;
public static function getUserData($id){
public static function getUserData($id)
$con = Propel::getConnection();
$sql = "SELECT login, first_name, last_name, type, id, email, cell_phone, skype_contact, jabber_contact"
@ -294,26 +324,18 @@ class Application_Model_User {
return $con->query($sql)->fetch();
public static function GetUserID($login){
$user = CcSubjsQuery::create()->findOneByDbLogin($login);
if (is_null($user)){
return -1;
} else {
return $user->getDbId();
public static function GetCurrentUser() {
public static function getCurrentUser()
$userinfo = Zend_Auth::getInstance()->getStorage()->read();
if (is_null($userinfo)){
if (is_null($userinfo)) {
return null;
} else {
try {
return new self($userinfo->id);
} catch (Exception $e){
} catch (Exception $e) {
//we get here if $userinfo->id is defined, but doesn't exist
//in the database anymore.
//in the database anymore.
return null;

View File

@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
class CcFiles extends BaseCcFiles {
public function getDbLength($format = "H:i:s.u")
public function getDbLength($format = "H:i:s.u")
return parent::getDbLength($format);

View File

@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
class Common {
public static function setTimeInSub($row, $col, $time)
class Common {
public static function setTimeInSub($row, $col, $time)
$class = get_class($row).'Peer';
$class = get_class($row).'Peer';
$con = Propel::getConnection($class::DATABASE_NAME);

View File

@ -17,8 +17,8 @@ class StoredFileTest extends PHPUnit_TestCase {
|| ($metadata["audio"]["dataformat"] != "mp3")
|| ($metadata["dc:type"] != "Speech")) {
$str = " [dc:description] = " . $metadata["dc:description"] ."\n"
. " [audio][dataformat] = " . $metadata["audio"]["dataformat"]."\n"
. " [dc:type] = ".$metadata["dc:type"]."\n";
. " [audio][dataformat] = " . $metadata["audio"]["dataformat"]."\n"
. " [dc:type] = ".$metadata["dc:type"]."\n";
$this->fail("Metadata has unexpected values:\n".$str);

@ -1 +1 @@
Subproject commit 492242f4bb7367afebbf2f096067cb5a5d3c0449
Subproject commit 0653ec0b89362921f075af96ee8772538b801a7c