CC-5802: Upgrade application.ini file

Execute raw sql upgrade file at the end in case errors occured during the upgrade before it gets executed
This commit is contained in:
drigato 2014-04-25 14:16:18 -04:00
parent 1009719e1c
commit f432ea9f75
1 changed files with 21 additions and 16 deletions

View File

@ -27,19 +27,10 @@ class UpgradeController extends Zend_Controller_Action
$maintenanceFile = '/tmp/maintenance.txt';
$file = fopen($maintenanceFile, 'w');
//Begin upgrade
$filename = isset($_SERVER['AIRTIME_CONF']) ? $_SERVER['AIRTIME_CONF'] : "/etc/airtime/airtime.conf";
$values = parse_ini_file($filename, true);
$username = $values['database']['dbuser'];
$password = $values['database']['dbpass'];
$host = $values['database']['host'];
$database = $values['database']['dbname'];
$dir = __DIR__;
passthru("export PGPASSWORD=$password && psql -h $host -U $username -q -f $dir/upgrade_sql/airtime_$airtime_upgrade_version/upgrade.sql $database 2>&1 | grep -v \"will create implicit index\"");
//Update disk_usage value in cc_pref
$musicDir = CcMusicDirsQuery::create()
@ -50,14 +41,14 @@ class UpgradeController extends Zend_Controller_Action
$totalSpace = disk_total_space($storPath);
Application_Model_Preference::setDiskUsage($totalSpace - $freeSpace);
$iniFile = isset($_SERVER['AIRTIME_BASE']) ? $_SERVER['AIRTIME_BASE']."application.ini" : "/usr/share/airtime/application/configs/application.ini";
//update application.ini
$newLines = "resources.frontController.moduleDirectory = APPLICATION_PATH '/modules'\n".
"resources.frontController.plugins.putHandler = 'Zend_Controller_Plugin_PutHandler'\n".
$newLines = "resources.frontController.moduleDirectory = APPLICATION_PATH \"/modules\"\n".
"resources.frontController.plugins.putHandler = \"Zend_Controller_Plugin_PutHandler\"\n".
";load everything in the modules directory including models\n".
"resources.modules[] = ''\n";
"resources.modules[] = \"\"\n";
$currentIniFile = file_get_contents($iniFile);
@ -79,7 +70,8 @@ class UpgradeController extends Zend_Controller_Action
$file = new SplFileObject($iniFile, "w");
//delete maintenance.txt to give users access back to Airtime
@ -87,6 +79,19 @@ class UpgradeController extends Zend_Controller_Action
$airtimeConf = isset($_SERVER['AIRTIME_CONF']) ? $_SERVER['AIRTIME_CONF'] : "/etc/airtime/airtime.conf";
$values = parse_ini_file($airtimeConf, true);
//update system_version in cc_pref and change some columns in cc_files
$username = $values['database']['dbuser'];
$password = $values['database']['dbpass'];
$host = $values['database']['host'];
$database = $values['database']['dbname'];
$dir = __DIR__;
passthru("export PGPASSWORD=$password && psql -h $host -U $username -q -f $dir/upgrade_sql/airtime_$airtime_upgrade_version/upgrade.sql $database 2>&1 | grep -v \"will create implicit index\"");
->appendBody("Upgrade to Airtime 2.5.3 OK");