When Libretime streams a webstream, the ID3 data is put into a single title field, leaving the artist field blank. When processing the ID3 data, Libretime concatenates the blank 'artist' field with the title, leaving '- title'. ShoutCAST rejects title updates that begin with punctuation for stylistic reasons (thanks guys) and so effectively ignores all ID3 data coming with the stream, falling back to the 'Station off-air' message. This PR uses the title field alone if the artist field is blank, but both when the artist data is available e.g. when streaming an MP3.
Config file getting is allowed to fail. I didn't realize that it
would not just use the default instead of excepting and getting
caught. Sorry for that.
1st- Changes the file permissions of cache files from 444 to 644
2nd- Put the host variables into a single array, this way we can pass the full variable to the report_file_size_and_md5_to_airtime function.
This adds TLS support to pypo when downloading files from the REST
API. I previously fixed some similar issues in the api_client and
wasn't aware that pypo isn't using it for every URL..
I think the code was bundled into legacy upstream before it was
readily available in liquidsoap proper. These snippets are now
maintained at https://github.com/savonet/liquidsoap/tree/master/scripts.
On all distros I checked these scripts are installed to /usr/bin/liquidsoap
by the corresponding package. Liquidsoap loads them from there by
By not bundling this we will be ready to profit from new features and
bugfixes in liquidsoap that is expected to land on opam soon. We'll
need to figure out how to get debian and others updated when that
This is part 2 of fixing ecasound recordings from line-in. Part 1 restored the User-Interface, part 2 takes care of getting to the point where ecasound gets started, records something and uploads it through rest when done. Part 3 will take care of making sure that the recorded file is mapped to the show and not just stored as a new track.
I refactored api_clients to not use urllib2 for posting multipart data since I was loosing my sanity over it and requests seems to have a modern approach to doing this compared to what api_clients was previously doing.
It took me way too long to figure this one out it wasn't logging nicely. With this ecasound actually gets called again. It's still failing on my install but I'm not yet sure why exactly.
The quite ugly hack with std_err_override seems to have been made for python < 2.7. Since all major distros
have al least python 2.7 installed we can stop using the std_err_override hack.
This removes it from pypo, media-monitor still uses the module and we can completely delete it when we have
remove media-monitor after having maybe backported the watched folders feature to analyzer.
Lines 399 and 400. Changed the values of s3_name and s3_description places.
(Because of this error, the Icecast confused the name and description of the flow)
Строки 399 и 400. Поменял значения s3_name и s3_description местами. (Из-за этой ошибки Icecast путал название и описание потока)
Sorry for my clumsy translation, I'm from Russia
This is the workaround for <https://github.com/savonet/liquidsoap/issues/390>.
I still need to do proper testing on it and maybe we should figure out the proper "formula" for getting to the 0.04 value.