Gave the table sequences their own config values in $CC_CONFIG.
This allows us to change their names from one single place.
Added PHPUnit to the pear library.
Started adding unit tests in storageServer/var/tests.
hard-coded in everywhere, I didnt detect that this value was used in the app.
I changed the hard-coded values to use the value from the config file instead.
Fixed the Transport.php::xmlrpcCall() function, an object was not being
created before it was used.
Fixed the archive server URLs in the default config files.
Moved all database installation into one file (pulled stuff from scheduler
and classes). Same with uninstallation.
Removed ability to reset the storage through and XMLRPC call. This is
very dangerous to allow.
Disallowed remote execution of CleanStor.php.
Changed database table prefix from "ls_" to "cc_".
Removed all groups.