* Added MetadataAnalyzer unit tests and test data
* Improved debug logging and squashed pika logging
* Implemented file moving
* Extract the track number/total
* Fixed mapping of mutagen to Airtime fields in a few spots. The mapping
matches the DB column names now.
* Fixed the bin/airtime_analyzer binary
* Started work on PluploadController to make it work with the new File
* Added StatusReporter class to make HTTP requests back to Airtime
* Handle even more errors now
* Added proper logging and log rotation
* Added --debug flag for increased logging.
* Finished the skeleton of the airtime_analyzer service.
* Basic round-robin, reliable AMQP messaging works.
* Using multiprocess arch so the daemon survives analyzer crashes and
avoids failures propagating to other nodes.
* Basic metadata extractor using Mutagen is done.
* HTTP requests to the File API to are next to come...