-allow install script to be created from any location (no hardcoded paths)
-make python install scripts return 1 on error
-daemon now started automatically on boot using rc.local autostart
-change all prints to logs instead
-create airtime-uninstall shell script (and remove pypo user in here)
-create pypo user in shell script
-fix uninstall scripts
-make daemon script for media-monitor and show-recorder
-create pid file for liquidsoap
-fix airtime-check-system
-make sure all startup scripts are using exec
-check if icecast is running
-added system symlink to run script
-run airtime-check-system at end of install
-display summary message with link to FAQ if failed
Added command line options to the install process to overwrite or
preserve the existing config files.
Added the pypo-start/stop and recorder-start/stop symlinks to /usr/bin.
Renamed pypo-start.py to airtime-pypo-start.
Renamed pypo-stop.py to airtime-pypo-stop.
Renamed recorder-start.py to airtime-show-recorder-start.
Renamed recorder-stop.py to airtime-show-recorder-stop.
Renamed testrecordscript.py to recorder.py
In order to make it work, I made the following changes:
Merged Playlist::Insert() into the create() function, now there
is only one way to create a playlist.
Renamed Show::addShow() to Show::create() to make the API like
the other classes. It returns the created show ID now.
Renamed Show::populateShowUntilLastGeneratedDate() to Show::populateShowUntil(),
allowed it to accept a second parameter for an end date.
Renamed Show::populateShowsUntil() to Show::populateAllShowsInRange().
Added documentation to a number of functions.
Formatted all the install files according to our code formatting standards.
Output more info if something goes wrong during DB create or DB user create.
Got rid of all the stuff related to GUNID hex-to-int conversion.
Commented out lots of functions that are either not in use or will
no longer work.
Pypo: made things more generic and pluggable, added documentation.
Added the PHP scripts to serve the right info back to pypo.
Changed the GUNID to a 32 hex string (MD5 value), there is no more
conversion between hex strings and bigints in the database anymore.
Added added the file extension to the file name.
Stored the complete path to the file in the database. This means that
linking doesnt need to create any files at all. (It used to create a
symlink to the file you were importing)
The structure and file naming should be fine - there are 4096 possibilities
for the first directory level, and even will a million files this is only
244 files per sub-directory. The GUID is fine for the file name
it can work with either OBP or Campcaster. Added the liquidsoap
binary. Started to add the PHP API scripts to send the correct data
to pypo (those these are not pretty - all one-off scripts for each
API command). Added Zend to the default path.