- removed "Allow override" checkbox from show live stream section.
- removed "auto enable live stream" checkbox from stream setting page.
- implemented authentication functionality of live dj source connection.
removing columns that no longer should be in cc_schedule.
changing cc_files length column to be of type interval.
adding length formatter to showbuilder.
- using mtab(previous and current) files to figure out directories to be
added or removed
- adding index to cc_files
- see the tickets and media monitor design page for more info
- Files are marked deleted(file_exists to false) on deletion.
- Dirs are marked removed(removed flag to true) on removal of watched
folder in a usual way. If dir is unmounted, without being removed from
watched list first, it will be marked as not exists(exist flag to false)
- Manage Media Folders will show if dirs exist or not( mounted or not)
- Playlist builder will show if files exists or not
This happens because we use same field in the db to store whether stream is disabled, and which
type is it (Icecast/Shoutcast). Thus when we disable a stream, we forget about the fact that
it was set to Shoutcast before.
Fixed by separating out the enable/disable state from stream type.
Whether a stream is enabled/disabled is stored in new fields sx_enable.
Stream type is stored in the old fields, sx_output.
- codes for conserving user's liquidsoap.cfg and porting into new stream
setting config.
- extra fix: fixed a bug with shoutcast(default value has to be set for
some variables)
- adding "User" field on stream setting form
- change key name from "output_s1" to "s1_output" format to be consistent
- changed order of inserting in default.sql file
- hiding username field on shoutcast selection
- liquidsoap and pypo takes care of user field input
- Modified "Descriptioin" to "Name/Description"
- mount point is not append with extension anymore
- fix on auto generated stream url
- name is used in shoutcast
- created table cc_stream_setting and it's initial entries
- pypo installation will generate liquidsoap.cfg on install time
based on information on cc_stream_setting table
- Fixed the bug where it didn't populate country dropdown box
This was due to default sql not popuplate country table correctly
- Changed 180*180 min log text to 200*200
- Changed text are size in support settings
- Client now sends base64encoded image to server.