- A section where user can setup port and mount point for harbor input in
stream setting page(front-end and back-end)
- updated the part where it rewrites the liquidsoap.cfg file
changed and click save
- done
- liquidsoap_update_error and liquidsoap_update_connection functions are
combined into one function, liquidsoap_update_status, in various place
- created various telnet commands in liquidsoap( connection check for each
stream, connection status for all streams)
- In liquidsoap, shoutcast stream doesn't use default id. It is more
informative by using id with "shoutcast_stream_#{stream_number}
- it compares boot time of liquidsoap and the time user clicks on "Save"
on stream setting page. The status only gets updated if the
"boot_time" > "user update time"
- as soon as a user click on save, status is set to "wating"
- since there is no timing issue, quering interval is reduced to 1 sec
This happens because we use same field in the db to store whether stream is disabled, and which
type is it (Icecast/Shoutcast). Thus when we disable a stream, we forget about the fact that
it was set to Shoutcast before.
Fixed by separating out the enable/disable state from stream type.
Whether a stream is enabled/disabled is stored in new fields sx_enable.
Stream type is stored in the old fields, sx_output.
- adding "User" field on stream setting form
- change key name from "output_s1" to "s1_output" format to be consistent
- changed order of inserting in default.sql file
- hiding username field on shoutcast selection
- liquidsoap and pypo takes care of user field input