Removed commented out code.
Renamed fillNewLinkedInstances to fillLinkedInstances.
Streamline show instance content if a show goes from unlinked to linked.
Create and fill show instances when pypo requests the schedule
Changed getCcShowInstancess function to return all instances
Changed some function calls to retrieve only show instances scheduled in the future
Disabled scheduled content into instances that have already played out
Removed setting the show's start date to the first repeating instance's start date
because we already fixed that in CC-5697
The show content was getting recalculated twice sometimes.
So if the difference between the original and now show start
date-time and was 2 hours, the scheduled content would have
a difference of 4 hours
The problem was that we weren't updating the first show's start time if deleting
a repeat show day changes it. This affected the difference between the original
show start time and the new one.
Fixed a problem where we can't store the original cc_show_day data
because none can exist at some points. If the user changes the only
repeat day, the cc_show_day rule is deleted first then recreated
When a user edits a show and changes the repeat day, we are really deleting the instances from the original
repeat day and creating new instances. Therefore, we don't need to update the show content's start/end time
in this case.
Was checking if the start time was in the past, but we should check if the
end time is in the past. This way you can extend or shrink shows that are currently playing.
* Fixed two underlying causes of zero or negative length shows
that could be created over DST time changes:
- Fixed incorrect end time arithmetic which did not preserve the
show duration.
- Fixed a desynchronization issue due to FullCalendar handling
events over DST differently from Airtime.
Disabled linked checkbox field in show form while the show is playing
Added a warning message if the user attempts to change this value
Update .po and .mo files with the warning message string
The show start and end time need to be in the show's local timezone when adding
or subtracting time to the start and end time (in case of DST crossings). In this
case the end time was already converted to UTC when we tried to change the time.