--- title: Install using docker sidebar_position: 10 --- import Tabs from '@theme/Tabs'; import TabItem from '@theme/TabItem'; import CodeBlock from '@theme/CodeBlock'; import vars from '@site/vars'; This guide walk you though the steps required to install LibreTime on your system using docker. ## Before installing Before installing LibreTime, you need to make sure that [Docker](https://docs.docker.com/engine/) is installed on your operating system and **up-to-date**. ## Download First, set the version you want to install: echo LIBRETIME_VERSION="{vars.version}" > .env Download the docker compose files from the repository: ```bash # Load LIBRETIME_VERSION variable source .env wget "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/libretime/libretime/$LIBRETIME_VERSION/docker-compose.yml" wget "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/libretime/libretime/$LIBRETIME_VERSION/docker/nginx.conf" wget "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/libretime/libretime/$LIBRETIME_VERSION/docker/config.template.yml" ``` :::info The `config.template.yml` configuration file you downloaded already contains specific values required by the container setup, you shouldn't change them: ```yaml database: host: "postgres" password: ${POSTGRES_PASSWORD} # The value will be substituted rabbitmq: host: "rabbitmq" password: ${RABBITMQ_DEFAULT_PASS} # The value will be substituted playout: liquidsoap_host: "liquidsoap" liquidsoap: server_listen_address: "" stream: outputs: .default_icecast_output: host: "icecast" source_password: ${ICECAST_SOURCE_PASSWORD} # The value will be substituted admin_password: ${ICECAST_ADMIN_PASSWORD} # The value will be substituted ``` ::: ## Setup LibreTime Once the files are downloaded, generate a set of random passwords for the different docker services used by LibreTime: ```bash echo "# Postgres POSTGRES_PASSWORD=$(openssl rand -hex 16) # RabbitMQ RABBITMQ_DEFAULT_PASS=$(openssl rand -hex 16) # Icecast ICECAST_SOURCE_PASSWORD=$(openssl rand -hex 16) ICECAST_ADMIN_PASSWORD=$(openssl rand -hex 16) ICECAST_RELAY_PASSWORD=$(openssl rand -hex 16)" >> .env ``` Generate a [configuration file](../configuration.md) from the `./config.template.yml` template with the previously generated passwords: ```bash bash -a -c "source .env; envsubst < config.template.yml > config.yml" ``` :::note On Debian based systems, if the `envsubst` command isn't found you can install it with: ```bash sudo apt install gettext-base ``` ::: Next, edit the [configuration file](../configuration.md) at `./config.yml` to fill required information and to match your needs. :::info You can find more details in the `docker-compose.yml` file or on the external services docker specific documentation: - [Postgres](https://hub.docker.com/_/postgres) - [RabbitMQ](https://hub.docker.com/_/rabbitmq) - [Icecast](https://github.com/libretime/icecast-docker#readme) ::: Next, run the following commands to setup the database: ```bash docker compose run --rm api libretime-api migrate ``` Finally, start the services, and check that they're running using the following commands: ```bash docker compose up -d docker compose ps docker compose logs -f ``` ## Securing LibreTime Once LibreTime is running, it's recommended to [install a reverse proxy](./reverse-proxy.md) to setup SSL termination and secure your installation. ## First login Once the setup is completed, log in the interface (with the default user `admin` and password `admin`), and edit the project settings (go to **Settings** > **General**) to match your needs. :::warning Remember to change your password. :::