view->layout()->disableLayout(); // Remove reliance on .phtml files to render requests $this->_helper->viewRenderer->setNoRender(true); } /** * headAction is needed as it is defined as an abstract function in the base controller. */ public function headAction() { Logging::info('HEAD action received'); } public function indexAction() { Logging::info('INDEX action received'); } public function getAction() { Logging::info('GET action received'); } public function putAction() { Logging::info('PUT action received'); } /** * RESTful POST endpoint; used when uploading show images. */ public function postAction() { $showId = $this->getShowId(); if (!$showId) { $this->getResponse() ->setHttpResponseCode(400) ->appendBody('No show ID provided'); return; } try { $path = $this->processUploadedImage($showId, $_FILES['file']['tmp_name']); } catch (Exception $e) { $this->getResponse() ->setHttpResponseCode(500) ->appendBody('Error processing image: ' . $e->getMessage()); return; } $show = CcShowQuery::create()->findPk($showId); $con = Propel::getConnection(); try { $con->beginTransaction(); $show->setDbImagePath($path); $show->save(); $con->commit(); } catch (Exception $e) { $con->rollBack(); $this->getResponse() ->setHttpResponseCode(500) ->appendBody("Couldn't add show image: " . $e->getMessage()); } $this->getResponse() ->setHttpResponseCode(201); } /** * RESTful DELETE endpoint; used when deleting show images. */ public function deleteAction() { $showId = $this->getShowId(); if (!$showId) { $this->getResponse() ->setHttpResponseCode(400) ->appendBody('No show ID provided'); return; } try { self::deleteShowImagesFromStor($showId); } catch (Exception $e) { $this->getResponse() ->setHttpResponseCode(500) ->appendBody('Error processing image: ' . $e->getMessage()); } $show = CcShowQuery::create()->findPk($showId); $con = Propel::getConnection(); try { $con->beginTransaction(); $show->setDbImagePath(null); $show->save(); $con->commit(); } catch (Exception $e) { $con->rollBack(); $this->getResponse() ->setHttpResponseCode(500) ->appendBody("Couldn't remove show image: " . $e->getMessage()); } $this->getResponse() ->setHttpResponseCode(201); } /** * Verify and process an uploaded image file, copying it into * .../stor/imported/:owner-id/show-images/:show-id/ to differentiate between * individual users and shows. * * @param int $showId the ID of the show we're adding the image to * @param string $tempFilePath temporary filepath assigned to the upload generally of the form /tmp/:tmp_name * * @return string the path to the new location for the file * * @throws Exception * - when a file with an unsupported file extension is uploaded or an * error occurs in copyFileToStor */ private function processUploadedImage($showId, $tempFilePath) { $ownerId = RestAuth::getOwnerId(); // Only accept files with a file extension that we support. $fileExtension = $this->getFileExtension($tempFilePath); if (!in_array(strtolower($fileExtension), explode(',', 'jpg,png,gif,jpeg'))) { @unlink($tempFilePath); throw new Exception('Bad file extension.'); } $importedStorageDirectory = Config::getStoragePath() . 'imported/' . $ownerId . '/show-images/' . $showId; try { $importedStorageDirectory = $this->copyFileToStor($tempFilePath, $importedStorageDirectory, $fileExtension); } catch (Exception $e) { @unlink($tempFilePath); throw new Exception('Failed to copy file: ' . $e->getMessage()); } return $importedStorageDirectory; } /** * Check the MIME type of an uploaded file to determine what extension it should have. * * @param $tempFilePath the file path to the uploaded file in /tmp * * @return string the file extension for the new file based on its MIME type */ private function getFileExtension($tempFilePath) { // Don't trust the extension - get the MIME-type instead $fileInfo = finfo_open(); $mime = finfo_file($fileInfo, $tempFilePath, FILEINFO_MIME_TYPE); return $this->getExtensionFromMime($mime); } /** * Use a hardcoded list of accepted MIME types to return a file extension. * * @param $mime the MIME type of the file * * @return string the file extension based on the given MIME type */ private function getExtensionFromMime($mime) { $extensions = [ 'image/jpeg' => 'jpg', 'image/png' => 'png', 'image/gif' => 'gif', ]; return $extensions[$mime]; } /** * Copy a given file in /tmp to the user's stor directory. * * @param string $tempFilePath the path to the file in /tmp * @param string $importedStorageDirectory the path to the new location for the file * @param string $fileExtension the file's extension based on its MIME type * * @return string the new full path to the file in stor * * @throws Exception if either the storage directory does not exist and cannot be * created, the storage directory does not have write permissions * enabled, or the user's hard drive does not have enough space to * store the file */ private function copyFileToStor($tempFilePath, $importedStorageDirectory, $fileExtension) { $image_file = $tempFilePath; // check if show image dir exists and if not, create one if (!file_exists($importedStorageDirectory)) { if (!mkdir($importedStorageDirectory, 0777, true)) { throw new Exception('Failed to create storage directory.'); } } if (chmod($image_file, 0644) === false) { Logging::info("Warning: couldn't change permissions of {$image_file} to 0644"); } $newFileName = substr($tempFilePath, strrpos($tempFilePath, '/')) . '.' . $fileExtension; // Did all the checks for real, now trying to copy $image_stor = Application_Common_OsPath::join($importedStorageDirectory, $newFileName); Logging::info('Adding image: ' . $image_stor); Logging::info("copyFileToStor: moving file {$image_file} to {$image_stor}"); if (@rename($image_file, $image_stor) === false) { // something went wrong likely there wasn't enough space in . // the audio_stor to move the file too warn the user that . // the file wasn't uploaded and they should check if there . // is enough disk space . unlink($image_file); // remove the file after failed rename throw new Exception('The file was not uploaded, this error can occur if the computer ' . 'hard drive does not have enough disk space or the stor ' . 'directory does not have correct write permissions.'); } return $image_stor; } // Should this be an endpoint instead? /** * Delete any images belonging to the show with the given ID. * * @param int $showId the ID of the show we're deleting images from * * @return bool true if the images were successfully deleted, otherwise false */ public static function deleteShowImagesFromStor($showId) { $ownerId = RestAuth::getOwnerId(); $importedStorageDirectory = Config::getStoragePath() . 'imported/' . $ownerId . '/show-images/' . $showId; Logging::info('Deleting images from ' . $importedStorageDirectory); // to be safe in case image uploading functionality is extended later if (!file_exists($importedStorageDirectory)) { Logging::info('No uploaded images for show with id ' . $showId); return true; } return self::delTree($importedStorageDirectory); } // from a note @ private static function delTree($dir) { $files = array_diff(scandir($dir), ['.', '..']); foreach ($files as $file) { (is_dir("{$dir}/{$file}")) ? self::delTree("{$dir}/{$file}") : unlink("{$dir}/{$file}"); } return rmdir($dir); } /** * Fetch the id parameter from the request. * * @return bool|int false if the show id wasn't * provided, otherwise returns the id */ private function getShowId() { if (!($id = $this->_getParam('id', false))) { $resp = $this->getResponse(); $resp->setHttpResponseCode(400); $resp->appendBody('ERROR: No show ID specified.'); return false; } $id = filter_var($id, FILTER_VALIDATE_INT); if ($id === false) { $resp = $this->getResponse(); $resp->setHttpResponseCode(400); $resp->appendBody('ERROR: Invalid show ID specified.'); return false; } return $id; } }