======================================================================= *** Ecasound - AUTHORS file *** ======================================================================= Note about author information in version control (git) ------------------------------------------------------ For recent development history (since August 2008), the Ecasound git repository (see: - http://ecasound.git.sourceforge.net/git/gitweb.cgi?p=ecasound ) ... contains accurate author information. For earlier commits, the git repository does not provide an accurate view, as all of these pre-2008/Aug patches were committed by the release manager. However, even in the older commits, the original author (if different from commit author), is identified in the patch description (e.g. "Patch from.." or "Patch by.."). Main author, coordination of development ======================================== Kai Vehmanen [kaiv] (kvehmanen -at- eca -dot- cx) New functionality, refactoring old code ======================================= Allie, Stuart [allies] (stuart -dot- allie -at- hydro -dot- com -dot- au) Added EIAM command set for controller parameters (ctrlp-*), bugfixes. Bowman, Brad [bowman] Perl ECI binding, bug hunting. Chappell, Jesse [jesse] (jesse -at- essej -dot- net) Improvements to libsndfile support, various bugfixes. Coker, Rob [rcs] (rcs -at- birch -dot- net) Pulse gate (-eemp) code. Cunningham, Jeffrey [jeffrey] (jeffrey -at- cunningham -dot- net) Various improvements to ecasignalview. Dobson, Julian [juliand] Improved mechanism for mp3 header parsing. Ewe, Michael [mewe] Signal handling bugfixes to ecasignalview and the ECI C impl. Fendt, Stefan (stefan -at- lionfish -dot- ping -dot- de) Original code for reverb (-ete) and RC-lowpass filter (-ef4). Hall, Jeremy [jhall] (jhall -at- maoz -dot- com) Extensive testing, ALSA 0.6.x support, many design ideas. Halttunen, Janne [jhalttun] Helped in developing the EIAM, and specifically the new ECI concept. Wrote the native Python ECI implementation. Hamara, Arto [artham] (artham -at- utu -dot- fi) Ecasound logo(s), preset params, general linear envelope support, various bug fixes! Jeanneau, Aymeric [ajeanneau] (ajeanneau -at- cvf -dot- fr) Reentrant libecasoundc (C ECI) implementation. Lang, Mario [mlang] Ecasound.el, the ecasound emacs module. Leake, Tony [tonyleake] PHP ECI extension. Lees, Andrew [andrewl] Reopen functionality to threshold gate (-ge). Linson, Adam [alinson] Adding the cop-get command Lopez-Cabanillas, Pedro [pedrolc] (pedro -dot- lopez-cabanillas -at- gmail -dot -com) ALSA sequencer interface support. Massy, S. [smassy] Ecalength utility, extensive testing and debugging. Poelstra, Remco [rjpoelstra] ECI C API bug hunting. Polton, Richard [rpolton] The 250k gcc3.x patch. :) Tiedemann, Eric S. [est] Wrote the eci.py interface. Uekawa, Junichi [juekawa] Maintainer for Ecasound's Debian package. Improvements to build system and numerous bugfixes. Weil, Jan [janweil] (Jan -dot- Weil -at- web -dot- de) Wrote the Ruby ECI implementation. Contributions ============== Anarcat [anarcat] Work on Ecasound's FreeBSD port. Amundsen, Eric [amundsen] Bug hunting. Beaupre, Antoine [beaupran] Patches for FreeBSD compatibility. Berndtgen, Manfred [mb] Bugfix to ecasignalview. Bolton, Sean [smbolton] Patches for Mac OS X compability. Brulebois, Cyril [cyrilbrulebois] Patches for issues reported by GCC 3.4. Campbell, Ross [rcampbel] Tips concerning Solaris compatibility. Carmack, Michael [karmak] Tips concerning Solaris. Claassen, Julien [julien] Ideas for interface development, marketing work. Darilek, Nolan [nolan_d] Ogg vorbis fixes. Dye, Rob [rob] OSS compilation fixes. Eure, Ian [ieure] Work on the Ecasound debian packages. Fischer, Hans-Georg [hgfischer] Bug fix that solved edi-1. Grabner Markus [grabner] Updated RPM spec-file for x86_64 platforms. Groffen, Fabian [grobian] (grobian -at- gentoo -dot- org) OS X build fixes. Head, Chris [hawk777] Patches fixing ecasignalview build errors. Heller, Aaron [aheller] Fixes to big-endian support. Harris, Steve [swharris] gcc 2.96 (RH7.0) testing and fixes. Hughes, Jeremy [jedahu] Bugfix for JACK port muting Lavallée, Marc Rpm-spec for Mandrake. Merino, Pedro Antonio Fructuoso [pfructuoso] Various bugfix patches. Morris, Steve [smorris] Ewf-handling fixes. O'Toole David [dto] Patches to ecasound.el. Petit, Bertrand Helped with POSIX-compatibility issues. Poulton, Ron [thok] Helped to track down the mysterious chain-bug. Rzewnicki, Eric Dantan [ericdr] Lots of typo fixes and corrections to Ecasound docs. Sacré, Dominic [dsacre] Fixes to 'jack_generic'. Sassmannshausen, Ruediger [rsassman] Mp3 filename parsing fixes. Shchepin, Alexey [alexey] Bugfix to time crop gate operator (-gc). Sijrier, Remon [remon] Fix to a bug in setting -eca initial values. Smith, Richard A. Helped in solving the "gcc 2.95" bug. Sousa, Rui OSS bug fixes. Stradling, Rob [robstr] MIDI-MMC bug fixes. Tkachenko, Vadim - Helped to get started with autoconf. Yee-king, Matt [yeeking] Helped debugging big-endian troubles on PowerPC. Westbrook, Tim [iondiode] Autoconf 2.5x fixes. Wever, Mark de [koraq] Bugs in libecasoundc-config. Wróblewski, Artur [wrobell] PLD-Linux RPM-specfile, readline and destdir patches. Contributions - Patches, Bug Hunting and Feature Proposals ========================================================== Starting from 2.2.1 release (in Feb/2003), contributors have been listed in the release notes. For all past releases notes, see: - http://eca.cx/relnotes/ Below is a list of all contributors to 2.2.1 and beyond, collected from the published releases notes, and listed in the order they appear in the release notes: Junichi Uekawa Kai Vehmanen Janne Halttunen Antti Boman William Goldsmith Oliver Thuns Mario Lang Michael Hellwig Janno Liivak Raoul Megelas Jan Stary Daniel Kruszyna Jeremy Hall Vegard Lima Carsten Bauer Ismail Donmez Lars Henrik Mai Stephan Niemz Al Oemens Tommi Uimonen Hirendra Hindocha Stefan Bundt Dave Phillips Jan Weil Mark de Wever Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano Michael Ewe Eric Dantan Rzewnicki Pierre Lorenzon Jesse Chappell Sean Bolton Adam Linson Paul Winkler Didier Bellamy Manfred Berndtgen Stéphane Letz Paul Marquardt kito -at- gentoo-org jcwjcw -at- qwest-net Vitaly Belostotsky Steve Harris Tim Blechmann Aaron Heller Kamil Wencel Julien Claassen Erik de Castro Lopo Frederik Eaton Philippe Schelté aka Dubphil Julian Dobson Alexey Shchepin Brad Fuller Peter Lutek Stuart Allie Jeffrey Cunningham Kyle Kirkland Olivier Guilyardi Jack O'Quin Pierre Lorenzon Pedro Lopez-Cabanillas Pedro Antonio Fructuoso Merino Arieh Skliarouk Tom Rosenfeld Valery -at- vslash -dot com Markus Grabner Michael Willoughby Rocco Dave Serls Stephen Stocker Aaron Heller Chris Head Zrajm Akfohg Florian Ladstaedter Koen Kurt Konolige Brad Bowman Joel Roth Martin Michlmayr Joe Planisky Rémi Rouaud Etienne Deleflie Klaus Schulz Keith Creasy Cyril Brulebois Fabian Groffen Andrew Lees Sergei Steshenko Alexis Ballier Avuton Olrich Dominic Sacré Erik Nomitch Code from other projects ======================== Davis Paul pthread_mutex_spinlock() from libpbd. Dyson, John S. The original advanced compressor (-eca) code. Furse, Richard W.E. Sine tone generation code from Computer Music Toolkit LADSPA plugin set is used in AUDIO_IO_TONE. Harris, Steve and Tim Blechmann Denormal handling code from swh-plugins package. Laydier, Antoine [SMF] Mp3 header parsing (layer.cpp). Note! The developer tags (for example [kaiv] is one) are used throughout Ecasound docs: NEWS, TODO-list, edi-list.txt, ChangeLog files and so on.