set("log.file",false) echo = fun (x) -> system("echo "^quote(x)) def test(lbl,f) if f() then echo(lbl) else system("echo fail "^lbl) end end test("1",{ 1==1 }) test("2",{ 1+1==2 }) test("3",{ (-1)+2==1 }) test("4",{ (-1)+2 <= 3*2 }) test("5",{ true }) test("6",{ true and true }) test("7",{ 1==1 and 1==1 }) test("8",{ (1==1) and (1==1) }) test("9",{ true and (-1)+2 <= 3*2 }) l = [ ("bla",""), ("bli","x"), ("blo","xx"), ("blu","xxx"), ("dix","10") ] echo(l["dix"]) test("11",{ 2 == list.length(string.split(separator="",l["blo"])) }) %ifdef foobarbaz if = if is not a well-formed expression, and we do not care... %endif echo("1#{1+1}") echo(string_of(int_of_float(float_of_string(default=13.,"blah")))) f=fun(x)->x # Checking that the following is not recursive: f=fun(x)->f(x) print(f(14))