<?php // Do not allow remote execution $arr = array_diff_assoc($_SERVER, $_ENV); if (isset($arr["DOCUMENT_ROOT"]) && ($arr["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] != "") ) { header("HTTP/1.1 400"); header("Content-type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8"); echo "400 Not executable\r\n"; exit(1); } require_once('conf.php'); require_once('DB.php'); require_once('install/installInit.php'); require_once ('StoredFile.php'); function printUsage() { global $CC_CONFIG; echo "Usage:\n"; echo " ./CleanStor [OPTION] \n"; echo "\n"; echo "Options:\n"; echo " -c, --clean Removes all broken links from the storage server\n"; echo " and empties all missing file information from the database.\n"; echo "\n"; echo " -e, --empty Removes all files from the storage server \n"; echo " and empties all relevant information from the database.\n\n"; echo "Storage server: ". $CC_CONFIG["storageDir"] ."\n\n\n"; } function camp_clean_files($p_path) { if (!empty($p_path) && (strlen($p_path) > 4)) { list($dirList,$fileList) = File_Find::maptree($p_path); $array_mus; foreach ($fileList as $filepath) { if (@substr($filepath, strlen($filepath) - 3) != "xml") { $array_mus[] = $filepath; } } foreach ($array_mus as $audio_file) { if (@is_link($audio_file) && !@stat($audio_file)) { //filesystem clean up. @unlink($audio_file); echo "unlinked $audio_file\n"; @unlink($audio_file . ".xml"); echo "unlinked " . $audio_file . ".xml\n"; @rmdir(@dirname($audio_file)); echo "removed dir " . @dirname($audio_file) . "\n"; //database clean up. $stored_audio_file = StoredFile::RecallByGunid(@basename($audio_file)); $stored_audio_file->delete(); } } } } function camp_remove_files($p_path) { if (!empty($p_path) && (strlen($p_path) > 4)) { list($dirList,$fileList) = File_Find::maptree($p_path); foreach ($fileList as $filepath) { echo " * Removing $filepath\n"; @unlink($filepath); echo "done.\n"; } foreach ($dirList as $dirpath) { echo " * Removing $dirpath\n"; @rmdir($dirpath); echo "done.\n"; } } } function camp_empty_db($db) { global $CC_CONFIG; if (!PEAR::isError($db)) { if (camp_db_table_exists($CC_CONFIG['filesTable'])) { echo " * Deleting from database table ".$CC_CONFIG['filesTable']."\n"; $sql = "DELETE FROM ".$CC_CONFIG['filesTable']; camp_install_query($sql, false); } else { echo " * Skipping: database table ".$CC_CONFIG['prefTable']."\n"; } if (camp_db_table_exists($CC_CONFIG['mdataTable'])) { echo " * Deleting from database table ".$CC_CONFIG['mdataTable']."\n"; $sql = "DELETE FROM ".$CC_CONFIG['mdataTable']; camp_install_query($sql, false); } else { echo " * Skipping: database table ".$CC_CONFIG['mdataTable']."\n"; } } } global $CC_CONFIG; $CC_DBC = DB::connect($CC_CONFIG['dsn'], TRUE); $CC_DBC->setFetchMode(DB_FETCHMODE_ASSOC); switch($argv[1]){ case '-e': case '--empty': camp_empty_db($CC_DBC); camp_remove_files($CC_CONFIG['storageDir']); break; case '-c': case '--clean': camp_clean_files($CC_CONFIG['storageDir']); break; default: printUsage(); } ?>