view->layout()->disableLayout(); $this->_helper->viewRenderer->setNoRender(true); if (!$this->verifyAuth()) { return; } $upgraders = array(); array_push($upgraders, new AirtimeUpgrader253()); array_push($upgraders, new AirtimeUpgrader254()); array_push($upgraders, new AirtimeUpgrader255()); $didWePerformAnUpgrade = false; try { for ($i = 0; $i < count($upgraders); $i++) { $upgrader = $upgraders[$i]; if ($upgrader->checkIfUpgradeSupported()) { // pass __DIR__ to the upgrades, since __DIR__ returns parent dir of file, not executor $upgrader->upgrade(__DIR__); //This will throw an exception if the upgrade fails. $didWePerformAnUpgrade = true; $this->getResponse() ->setHttpResponseCode(200) ->appendBody("Upgrade to Airtime " . $upgrader->getNewVersion() . " OK
"); $i = 0; //Start over, in case the upgrade handlers are not in ascending order. } } if (!$didWePerformAnUpgrade) { $this->getResponse() ->setHttpResponseCode(200) ->appendBody("No upgrade was performed. The current Airtime version is " . AirtimeUpgrader::getCurrentVersion() . ".
"); } } catch (Exception $e) { $this->getResponse() ->setHttpResponseCode(400) ->appendBody($e->getMessage()); } } private function verifyAuth() { //The API key is passed in via HTTP "basic authentication": // $CC_CONFIG = Config::getConfig(); //Decode the API key that was passed to us in the HTTP request. $authHeader = $this->getRequest()->getHeader("Authorization"); $encodedRequestApiKey = substr($authHeader, strlen("Basic ")); $encodedStoredApiKey = base64_encode($CC_CONFIG["apiKey"][0] . ":"); if ($encodedRequestApiKey !== $encodedStoredApiKey) { $this->getResponse() ->setHttpResponseCode(401) ->appendBody("Error: Incorrect API key.
"); return false; } return true; } }