groupId = $p_groupId; } /** * Return true if the schedule group exists in the DB. * @return boolean */ public function exists() { global $CC_CONFIG, $CC_DBC; $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ".$CC_CONFIG['scheduleTable'] ." WHERE group_id=".$this->groupId; $result = $CC_DBC->GetOne($sql); if (PEAR::isError($result)) { return $result; } return $result != "0"; } /** * Add a music clip or playlist to the schedule. * * @param int $p_showInstance * ID of the show. * @param $p_datetime * In the format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.mmmmmm * @param $p_audioFileId * (optional, either this or $p_playlistId must be set) DB ID of the audio file * @param $p_playlistId * (optional, either this of $p_audioFileId must be set) DB ID of the playlist * @param $p_options * Does nothing at the moment. * * @return int|PEAR_Error * Return PEAR_Error if the item could not be added. * Error code 555 is a scheduling conflict. */ public function add($p_showInstance, $p_datetime, $p_audioFileId = null, $p_playlistId = null, $p_options = null) { global $CC_CONFIG, $CC_DBC; if (!is_null($p_audioFileId)) { // Schedule a single audio track // Load existing track $track = StoredFile::Recall($p_audioFileId); if (is_null($track)) { return new PEAR_Error("Could not find audio track."); } // Check if there are any conflicts with existing entries $metadata = $track->getMetadata(); $length = trim($metadata["length"]); if (empty($length)) { return new PEAR_Error("Length is empty."); } // Insert into the table $this->groupId = $CC_DBC->GetOne("SELECT nextval('schedule_group_id_seq')"); $sql = "INSERT INTO ".$CC_CONFIG["scheduleTable"] ." (instance_id, starts, ends, clip_length, group_id, file_id, cue_out)" ." VALUES ($p_showInstance, TIMESTAMP '$p_datetime', " ." (TIMESTAMP '$p_datetime' + INTERVAL '$length')," ." '$length'," ." {$this->groupId}, $p_audioFileId, '$length')"; $result = $CC_DBC->query($sql); if (PEAR::isError($result)) { //var_dump($sql); return $result; } } elseif (!is_null($p_playlistId)){ // Schedule a whole playlist // Load existing playlist $playlist = Playlist::Recall($p_playlistId); if (is_null($playlist)) { return new PEAR_Error("Could not find playlist."); } // Check if there are any conflicts with existing entries $length = trim($playlist->getLength()); //var_dump($length); if (empty($length)) { return new PEAR_Error("Length is empty."); } // Insert all items into the schedule $this->groupId = $CC_DBC->GetOne("SELECT nextval('schedule_group_id_seq')"); $itemStartTime = $p_datetime; $plItems = $playlist->getContents(); //var_dump($plItems); foreach ($plItems as $row) { $trackLength = $row["cliplength"]; //var_dump($trackLength); $sql = "INSERT INTO ".$CC_CONFIG["scheduleTable"] ." (instance_id, playlist_id, starts, ends, group_id, file_id," ." clip_length, cue_in, cue_out, fade_in, fade_out)" ." VALUES ($p_showInstance, $p_playlistId, TIMESTAMP '$itemStartTime', " ." (TIMESTAMP '$itemStartTime' + INTERVAL '$trackLength')," ." '{$this->groupId}', '{$row['file_id']}', '$trackLength', '{$row['cuein']}'," ." '{$row['cueout']}', '{$row['fadein']}','{$row['fadeout']}')"; $result = $CC_DBC->query($sql); if (PEAR::isError($result)) { //var_dump($sql); return $result; } $itemStartTime = $CC_DBC->getOne("SELECT TIMESTAMP '$itemStartTime' + INTERVAL '$trackLength'"); } } RabbitMq::PushSchedule(); return $this->groupId; } public function addFileAfter($show_instance, $p_groupId, $p_audioFileId) { global $CC_CONFIG, $CC_DBC; // Get the end time for the given entry $sql = "SELECT MAX(ends) FROM ".$CC_CONFIG["scheduleTable"] ." WHERE group_id=$p_groupId"; $startTime = $CC_DBC->GetOne($sql); return $this->add($show_instance, $startTime, $p_audioFileId); } public function addPlaylistAfter($show_instance, $p_groupId, $p_playlistId) { global $CC_CONFIG, $CC_DBC; // Get the end time for the given entry $sql = "SELECT MAX(ends) FROM ".$CC_CONFIG["scheduleTable"] ." WHERE group_id=$p_groupId"; $startTime = $CC_DBC->GetOne($sql); return $this->add($show_instance, $startTime, null, $p_playlistId); } /** * Remove the group from the schedule. * Note: does not check if it is in the past, you can remove anything. * * @return boolean * TRUE on success, false if there is no group ID defined. */ public function remove() { global $CC_CONFIG, $CC_DBC; if (is_null($this->groupId) || !is_numeric($this->groupId)) { return false; } $sql = "DELETE FROM ".$CC_CONFIG["scheduleTable"] ." WHERE group_id = ".$this->groupId; //echo $sql; $retVal = $CC_DBC->query($sql); RabbitMq::PushSchedule(); return $retVal; } /** * Return the number of items in this group. * @return string */ public function count() { global $CC_CONFIG, $CC_DBC; $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {$CC_CONFIG['scheduleTable']}" ." WHERE group_id={$this->groupId}"; return $CC_DBC->GetOne($sql); } /* * Return the list of items in this group as a 2D array. * @return array */ public function getItems() { global $CC_CONFIG, $CC_DBC; $sql = "SELECT " ."," ." st.file_id," ." st.cue_in," ." st.cue_out," ." st.clip_length," ." st.fade_in," ." st.fade_out" ." FROM $CC_CONFIG[scheduleTable] as st" ." LEFT JOIN $CC_CONFIG[showInstances] as si" ." ON st.instance_id =" ." WHERE st.group_id=$this->groupId" ." AND st.starts < si.ends" ." ORDER BY st.starts"; return $CC_DBC->GetAll($sql); } public function notifyGroupStartPlay() { global $CC_CONFIG, $CC_DBC; $sql = "UPDATE ".$CC_CONFIG['scheduleTable'] ." SET schedule_group_played=TRUE" ." WHERE group_id=".$this->groupId; $retVal = $CC_DBC->query($sql); return $retVal; } public function notifyMediaItemStartPlay($p_fileId) { global $CC_CONFIG, $CC_DBC; $sql = "UPDATE ".$CC_CONFIG['scheduleTable'] ." SET media_item_played=TRUE" ." WHERE group_id=".$this->groupId ." AND file_id=".pg_escape_string($p_fileId); $retVal = $CC_DBC->query($sql); return $retVal; } } class Schedule { function __construct() { } /** * Return true if there is nothing in the schedule for the given start time * up to the length of time after that. * * @param string $p_datetime * In the format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.mmmmmm * @param string $p_length * In the format HH:MM:SS.mmmmmm * @return boolean|PEAR_Error */ public static function isScheduleEmptyInRange($p_datetime, $p_length) { global $CC_CONFIG, $CC_DBC; if (empty($p_length)) { return new PEAR_Error("Schedule::isSchedulerEmptyInRange: param p_length is empty."); } $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ".$CC_CONFIG["scheduleTable"] ." WHERE (starts >= '$p_datetime') " ." AND (ends <= (TIMESTAMP '$p_datetime' + INTERVAL '$p_length'))"; //$_SESSION["debug"] = $sql; //echo $sql; $count = $CC_DBC->GetOne($sql); //var_dump($count); return ($count == '0'); } /** * Return TRUE if file is going to be played in the future. * * @param string $p_fileId */ public function IsFileScheduledInTheFuture($p_fileId) { global $CC_CONFIG, $CC_DBC; $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ".$CC_CONFIG["scheduleTable"] ." WHERE file_id = {$p_fileId} AND starts > NOW()"; $count = $CC_DBC->GetOne($sql); if (is_numeric($count) && ($count != '0')) { return TRUE; } else { return FALSE; } } /** * Returns array indexed by: * "playlistId"/"playlist_id" (aliases to the same thing) * "start"/"starts" (aliases to the same thing) as YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.nnnnnn * "end"/"ends" (aliases to the same thing) as YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.nnnnnn * "group_id"/"id" (aliases to the same thing) * "clip_length" (for audio clips this is the length of the audio clip, * for playlists this is the length of the entire playlist) * "name" (playlist only) * "creator" (playlist only) * "file_id" (audioclip only) * "count" (number of items in the playlist, always 1 for audioclips. * Note that playlists with one item will also have count = 1. * * @param string $p_fromDateTime * In the format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.nnnnnn * @param string $p_toDateTime * In the format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.nnnnnn * @param boolean $p_playlistsOnly * Retrieve playlists as a single item. * @return array * Returns empty array if nothing found */ public static function GetItems($p_currentDateTime, $p_toDateTime, $p_playlistsOnly = true) { global $CC_CONFIG, $CC_DBC; $rows = array(); if (!$p_playlistsOnly) { $sql = "SELECT * FROM ".$CC_CONFIG["scheduleTable"] ." WHERE (starts >= TIMESTAMP '$p_currentDateTime') " ." AND (ends <= TIMESTAMP '$p_toDateTime')"; $rows = $CC_DBC->GetAll($sql); foreach ($rows as &$row) { $row["count"] = "1"; $row["playlistId"] = $row["playlist_id"]; $row["start"] = $row["starts"]; $row["end"] = $row["ends"]; $row["id"] = $row["group_id"]; } } else { $sql = "SELECT MIN( AS name," ." MIN(pt.creator) AS creator," ." st.group_id, " ." SUM(st.clip_length) AS clip_length," ." MIN(st.file_id) AS file_id," ." COUNT(*) as count," ." MIN(st.playlist_id) AS playlist_id," ." MIN(st.starts) AS starts," ." MAX(st.ends) AS ends," ." MIN( AS show_name," ." MIN(si.starts) AS show_start," ." MAX(si.ends) AS show_end" ." FROM $CC_CONFIG[scheduleTable] as st" ." LEFT JOIN $CC_CONFIG[playListTable] as pt" ." ON st.playlist_id =" ." LEFT JOIN $CC_CONFIG[showInstances] as si" ." ON st.instance_id =" ." LEFT JOIN $CC_CONFIG[showTable] as sh" ." ON si.show_id =" ." WHERE (st.ends >= TIMESTAMP '$p_currentDateTime')" ." AND (st.ends <= TIMESTAMP '$p_toDateTime')" //next line makes sure that we aren't returning items that //are past the show's scheduled timeslot. ." AND (st.starts < si.ends)" ." GROUP BY st.group_id" ." ORDER BY starts"; $rows = $CC_DBC->GetAll($sql); if (!PEAR::isError($rows)) { foreach ($rows as &$row) { $row["playlistId"] = $row["playlist_id"]; $row["start"] = $row["starts"]; $row["end"] = $row["ends"]; $row["id"] = $row["group_id"]; } } } return $rows; } /** * Returns data related to the scheduled items. * * @param int $prev * @param int $next * @return date */ public static function GetPlayOrderRange($prev = 1, $next = 1) { if (!is_int($prev) || !is_int($next)){ //must enter integers to specify ranges return array(); } global $CC_CONFIG; $date = new DateHelper; $timeNow = $date->getTimestamp(); return array("env"=>APPLICATION_ENV, "schedulerTime"=>gmdate("Y-m-d H:i:s"), "previous"=>Schedule::GetScheduledItemData($timeNow, -1, $prev, "24 hours"), "current"=>Schedule::GetScheduledItemData($timeNow, 0), "next"=>Schedule::GetScheduledItemData($timeNow, 1, $next, "48 hours"), "currentShow"=>Show_DAL::GetCurrentShow($timeNow), "nextShow"=>Show_DAL::GetNextShows($timeNow, 1), "timezone"=> date("T"), "timezoneOffset"=> date("Z"), "apiKey"=>$CC_CONFIG['apiKey'][0]); } /** * Builds an SQL Query for accessing scheduled item information from * the database. * * @param int $timeNow * @param int $timePeriod * @param int $count * @param String $interval * @return date * * $timeNow is the the currentTime in the format "Y-m-d H:i:s". * For example: 2011-02-02 22:00:54 * * $timePeriod can be either negative, zero or positive. This is used * to indicate whether we want items from the past, present or future. * * $count indicates how many results we want to limit ourselves to. * * $interval is used to indicate how far into the past or future we * want to search the database. For example "5 days", "18 hours", "60 minutes", * "30 seconds" etc. */ public static function GetScheduledItemData($timeStamp, $timePeriod=0, $count = 0, $interval="0 hours") { global $CC_CONFIG, $CC_DBC; $sql = "SELECT DISTINCT" ."," ." ft.track_title," ." ft.artist_name," ." ft.album_title," ." st.starts," ." st.ends," ." st.clip_length," ." st.media_item_played," ." st.group_id," ." as show_name," ." st.instance_id" ." FROM $CC_CONFIG[scheduleTable] st" ." LEFT JOIN $CC_CONFIG[filesTable] ft" ." ON st.file_id =" ." LEFT JOIN $CC_CONFIG[playListTable] pt" ." ON st.playlist_id =" ." LEFT JOIN $CC_CONFIG[showInstances] si" ." ON st.instance_id =" ." LEFT JOIN $CC_CONFIG[showTable] show" ." ON si.show_id =" ." WHERE st.starts < si.ends"; /* $sql = "SELECT DISTINCT, ft.track_title, ft.artist_name, ft.album_title, st.starts, st.ends, st.clip_length, st.media_item_played, st.group_id, as show_name, st.instance_id" ." FROM $CC_CONFIG[scheduleTable] st, $CC_CONFIG[filesTable] ft, $CC_CONFIG[playListTable] pt, $CC_CONFIG[showInstances] si, $CC_CONFIG[showTable] show" ." WHERE st.playlist_id =" ." AND st.file_id =" ." AND st.instance_id =" ." AND si.show_id =" ." AND st.starts < si.ends"; */ if ($timePeriod < 0){ $sql .= " AND st.ends < TIMESTAMP '$timeStamp'" ." AND st.ends > (TIMESTAMP '$timeStamp' - INTERVAL '$interval')" ." ORDER BY st.starts DESC" ." LIMIT $count"; } else if ($timePeriod == 0){ $sql .= " AND st.starts <= TIMESTAMP '$timeStamp'" ." AND st.ends >= TIMESTAMP '$timeStamp'"; } else if ($timePeriod > 0){ $sql .= " AND st.starts > TIMESTAMP '$timeStamp'" ." AND st.starts < (TIMESTAMP '$timeStamp' + INTERVAL '$interval')" ." ORDER BY st.starts" ." LIMIT $count"; } $rows = $CC_DBC->GetAll($sql); return $rows; } public static function GetShowInstanceItems($instance_id) { global $CC_CONFIG, $CC_DBC; $sql = "SELECT DISTINCT, ft.track_title, ft.artist_name, ft.album_title, st.starts, st.ends, st.clip_length, st.media_item_played, st.group_id, as show_name, st.instance_id" ." FROM $CC_CONFIG[scheduleTable] st, $CC_CONFIG[filesTable] ft, $CC_CONFIG[playListTable] pt, $CC_CONFIG[showInstances] si, $CC_CONFIG[showTable] show" ." WHERE st.playlist_id =" ." AND st.file_id =" ." AND st.instance_id =" ." AND si.show_id =" ." AND instance_id = $instance_id" ." ORDER BY st.starts"; $rows = $CC_DBC->GetAll($sql); return $rows; } public static function UpdateMediaPlayedStatus($p_id) { global $CC_CONFIG, $CC_DBC; $sql = "UPDATE ".$CC_CONFIG['scheduleTable'] ." SET media_item_played=TRUE" ." WHERE id=$p_id"; $retVal = $CC_DBC->query($sql); return $retVal; } /** * Convert a time string in the format "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:SS" * to "YYYY-MM-DD-HH-mm-SS". * * @param string $p_time * @return string */ private static function AirtimeTimeToPypoTime($p_time) { $p_time = substr($p_time, 0, 19); $p_time = str_replace(" ", "-", $p_time); $p_time = str_replace(":", "-", $p_time); return $p_time; } /** * Convert a time string in the format "YYYY-MM-DD-HH-mm-SS" to * "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:SS". * * @param string $p_time * @return string */ private static function PypoTimeToAirtimeTime($p_time) { $t = explode("-", $p_time); return $t[0]."-".$t[1]."-".$t[2]." ".$t[3].":".$t[4].":00"; } /** * Return true if the input string is in the format YYYY-MM-DD-HH-mm * * @param string $p_time * @return boolean */ public static function ValidPypoTimeFormat($p_time) { $t = explode("-", $p_time); if (count($t) != 5) { return false; } foreach ($t as $part) { if (!is_numeric($part)) { return false; } } return true; } /** * Converts a time value as a string (with format HH:MM:SS.mmmmmm) to * millisecs. * * @param string $p_time * @return int */ public static function WallTimeToMillisecs($p_time) { $t = explode(":", $p_time); $millisecs = 0; if (strpos($t[2], ".")) { $secParts = explode(".", $t[2]); $millisecs = $secParts[1]; $millisecs = substr($millisecs, 0, 3); $millisecs = intval($millisecs); $seconds = intval($secParts[0]); } else { $seconds = intval($t[2]); } $ret = $millisecs + ($seconds * 1000) + ($t[1] * 60 * 1000) + ($t[0] * 60 * 60 * 1000); return $ret; } /** * Compute the difference between two times in the format "HH:MM:SS.mmmmmm". * Note: currently only supports calculating millisec differences. * * @param string $p_time1 * @param string $p_time2 * @return double */ private static function TimeDiff($p_time1, $p_time2) { $parts1 = explode(".", $p_time1); $parts2 = explode(".", $p_time2); $diff = 0; if ( (count($parts1) > 1) && (count($parts2) > 1) ) { $millisec1 = substr($parts1[1], 0, 3); $millisec1 = str_pad($millisec1, 3, "0"); $millisec1 = intval($millisec1); $millisec2 = substr($parts2[1], 0, 3); $millisec2 = str_pad($millisec2, 3, "0"); $millisec2 = intval($millisec2); $diff = abs($millisec1 - $millisec2)/1000; } return $diff; } /** * Export the schedule in json formatted for pypo (the liquidsoap scheduler) * * @param string $p_fromDateTime * In the format "YYYY-MM-DD-HH-mm-SS" * @param string $p_toDateTime * In the format "YYYY-MM-DD-HH-mm-SS" */ public static function GetScheduledPlaylists($p_fromDateTime = null, $p_toDateTime = null) { global $CC_CONFIG, $CC_DBC; if (is_null($p_fromDateTime)) { $t1 = new DateTime(); $range_start = $t1->format("Y-m-d H:i:s"); } else { $range_start = Schedule::PypoTimeToAirtimeTime($p_fromDateTime); } if (is_null($p_fromDateTime)) { $t2 = new DateTime(); $t2->add(new DateInterval("PT24H")); $range_end = $t2->format("Y-m-d H:i:s"); } else { $range_end = Schedule::PypoTimeToAirtimeTime($p_toDateTime); } // Scheduler wants everything in a playlist $data = Schedule::GetItems($range_start, $range_end, true); $playlists = array(); if (is_array($data)){ foreach ($data as $dx){ $start = $dx['start']; //chop off subseconds $start = substr($start, 0, 19); //Start time is the array key, needs to be in the format "YYYY-MM-DD-HH-mm-ss" $pkey = Schedule::AirtimeTimeToPypoTime($start); $timestamp = strtotime($start); $playlists[$pkey]['source'] = "PLAYLIST"; $playlists[$pkey]['x_ident'] = $dx['group_id']; $playlists[$pkey]['subtype'] = '1'; // Just needs to be between 1 and 4 inclusive $playlists[$pkey]['timestamp'] = $timestamp; $playlists[$pkey]['duration'] = $dx['clip_length']; $playlists[$pkey]['played'] = '0'; $playlists[$pkey]['schedule_id'] = $dx['group_id']; $playlists[$pkey]['show_name'] = $dx['show_name']; $playlists[$pkey]['show_start'] = Schedule::AirtimeTimeToPypoTime($dx['show_start']); $playlists[$pkey]['show_end'] = Schedule::AirtimeTimeToPypoTime($dx['show_end']); $playlists[$pkey]['user_id'] = 0; $playlists[$pkey]['id'] = $dx['group_id']; $playlists[$pkey]['start'] = Schedule::AirtimeTimeToPypoTime($dx["start"]); $playlists[$pkey]['end'] = Schedule::AirtimeTimeToPypoTime($dx["end"]); } } foreach ($playlists as &$playlist) { $scheduleGroup = new ScheduleGroup($playlist["schedule_id"]); $items = $scheduleGroup->getItems(); $medias = array(); $playlist['subtype'] = '1'; foreach ($items as $item) { $storedFile = StoredFile::Recall($item["file_id"]); $uri = $storedFile->getFileUrl(); // For pypo, a cueout of zero means no cueout $cueOut = "0"; if (Schedule::TimeDiff($item["cue_out"], $item["clip_length"]) > 0.001) { $cueOut = Schedule::WallTimeToMillisecs($item["cue_out"]); } $medias[] = array( 'row_id' => $item["id"], 'id' => $storedFile->getGunid(), 'uri' => $uri, 'fade_in' => Schedule::WallTimeToMillisecs($item["fade_in"]), 'fade_out' => Schedule::WallTimeToMillisecs($item["fade_out"]), 'fade_cross' => 0, 'cue_in' => Schedule::WallTimeToMillisecs($item["cue_in"]), 'cue_out' => $cueOut, 'export_source' => 'scheduler' ); } $playlist['medias'] = $medias; } $result = array(); $result['status'] = array('range' => array('start' => $range_start, 'end' => $range_end), 'version' => AIRTIME_REST_VERSION); $result['playlists'] = $playlists; $result['check'] = 1; $result['stream_metadata'] = array(); $result['stream_metadata']['format'] = Application_Model_Preference::GetStreamLabelFormat(); $result['stream_metadata']['station_name'] = Application_Model_Preference::GetStationName(); $result['server_timezone'] = date('O'); return $result; } }